Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 494 Different ways of cooking the same ingredients: Mustard Duner and Qianlong Cabbage! 【Ple

Chapter 494 Different ways of making the same ingredient - Mustard Duner and Qianlong Cabbage! 【Please subscribe】

"I understand your eagerness to show off as a man, but you can't act... What is this? Duck feet?"

Chen Yan came to the dining table with vague thoughts. When she saw the mustard duck feet placed on it, coupled with the alluring but not overpowering aroma of mustard, her eyes immediately straightened.

"I'll go, my brother-in-law has made mustard duck feet? It's great, I'm craving for this bite."

Mr. Chen wanted to ridicule him just now, but in this situation, the sarcasm has been forgotten. Now she just wants to feel the pleasure of being boiled to tears by mustard.

Shu Yun handed over a pair of chopsticks, and Chen Yan took it and picked up a duck paw and put it into her mouth.

There is a slight cold feeling in the mouth, followed by the aroma of sweet and sour and sesame oil, and then, a light, refreshing spicy taste gradually rises from the mouth.

Take a bite of the cool and crisp duck feet, and the spiciness of the mustard begins to fade.

The more you chew it, the stronger the mustard flavor becomes.

The stronger the taste, the more you want to chew the duck paw and swallow it quickly.

As the mouth chews, the spicy taste of mustard rushes through the mouth, with obvious impact. When the duck paw is eaten, tears flow down in clusters.

I can't tell whether I was crying with joy or bursting into tears, but it was very happy anyway.

"Comfortable, so enjoyable!"

Chen Yan wiped her eyes with a tissue and felt that eating mustard was really comfortable. The pores all over her body seemed to have been opened by the strong smell of mustard.

Lin Xu had never eaten this dish in the past. He tasted it, looked at everyone and asked:

"Did you put too much mustard?"

Shen Jiayue and others immediately said:

"No more, no more, that's how you eat mustard duck feet."

"It's cold, sweet and sour, and has a refreshing texture. It's so satisfying to eat like this."

"Many restaurants deliberately reduce the amount of mustard, and it always tastes like it's hanging in the air. It's not as smooth as the mustard."

Mustard dishes are meant to be refreshing and refreshing. If this function is lost, it will become a sweet and sour cold dish, and the essence of mustard dishes will be lost.

While they were eating, Shen Guofu and his wife also came upstairs.

After tasting the mustard duck feet, the two of them agreed:

"It's delicious. One bite will make your whole body feel refreshed."

"The duck feet are well cooked, chewy and crispy...Xiao Xu's skills are really amazing."

Shen Guofu ate two duck feet and began to look forward to the mustard dumplings.

Mustard duck feet are generally only ordered in restaurants, and duck feet are not cheap. Relatively speaking, mustard dumplings are more homely.

Mustard Duner is a classic Beijing-style snack that originated from the Manchu people. However, because of its low cost and simple preparation, it has been passed down from generation to generation in the capital.

Lin Xu said:

"I'll make it right now. If it's quick, I can have it for lunch."

Shen Guofu said with a smile:

"It's okay, don't be afraid of being late for a good meal. By the way, Xiaoxu, when making mustard dumplings, remember to also make some cucumber dumplings. Just like mustard dumplings, they are also very delicious."

Cucumber Duner?

Lin Xu was stunned for a moment before realizing that this was the Jinmen version of Mustard Duner.

The method is somewhat similar to pickled cucumbers, but the pickled cucumbers are pickled with salt, while the cucumber dumplings are pickled with white sugar.

Use white sugar to remove the moisture from cucumbers, then add mustard sauce to pickle them. The resulting cucumbers are sour, sweet and refreshing, with a rich mustard flavor and a refreshing taste that is no less refreshing than mustard made from cabbage.

Back in the kitchen, Lin Xu started making mustard dumplings.

There are several ways to make mustard dumplings.

The traditional method is to select cabbage that is long and slender and relatively solid. After removing the roots and leaves, the whole cabbage is cut into cabbage piles about an inch high.

Carefully place these pieces of cabbage in a colander and blanch them three times with boiling water in the pot.

Then place them one by one in a deeper pot.

After laying out one layer, apply a layer of freshly mixed yellow mustard, sprinkle another layer of white sugar, and then start to put the second layer, so that all the layers are placed in the basin.

Seal the mouth of the pot and cover it with a small cotton curtain or quilt that was used by everyone in the past when making pickles.

Three or two days later, the mustard cubes in the basin are ready. They are put on the plate one by one, and then some of the pickled mustard stock is poured from the bottom of the basin. Eat it cold, not to mention it is very enjoyable.

The mustard dumplings made this way can be eaten for a long time as long as they are stored well.

But the disadvantage is that you have to wait for many days, and the mustard powder cannot be made in advance. It has to be made at the same time when stewing. If the yellow mustard used is not good, it may cause the dish to overturn.

Therefore, in order to better grasp the taste and to eat it as soon as possible, there is a new way to make the mustard Dun'er delicacy.

For example, what Lin Xu makes now can be eaten on the same day. It is not only fast, but also easier to operate.

He removed the outer layers of the cabbage, cut off the upper leaves, and then broke the cabbage into pieces.

While doing this, boil water on the stove.

When the water is boiling, put the cabbage in piece by piece, blanch it for about 20 seconds, take it out and put it directly into the cold water.

The traditional method is to put the whole cabbage pile on a colander and boil the water, but the pickling process of the cabbage is too slow, so it is much faster to tear off the cabbage pieces and blanch them in water.

Take out the cabbage that has been cooled again and remove as much excess water as possible.

Then put all the cabbage leaves into a basin, add some yellow mustard sauce, a little salt, a little mustard oil, then add a tablespoon of white sugar, more than half a spoon of rice vinegar, and more than half a spoon of mature vinegar.

Stir evenly with the cabbage so that the ingredients hang evenly on the surface of the cabbage.

Then put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate for one hour.

The purpose of pickling is to shrink the water so that the flavor can penetrate into the cabbage.

The snack of Mustard Duner actually relies on the crispiness of cabbage, so use cabbage leaves as much as possible. If there are too many cabbage leaves, it will taste soft and lose the crispiness, and this snack will be lost. the essence of.

So when cooking, it is best to cut off the upper half of the leaves of the cabbage.

As for the cut leaves, they will not be wasted and can be made into another cold dish in Beijing - Qianlong cabbage.

The urban cuisine of Beijing people basically revolves around the two condiments of mustard and sesame sauce, and Qianlong cabbage is a typical representative of sesame sauce dishes.

The method is very simple. Dilute the sesame paste with honey, white sugar, rice vinegar and other condiments, then pour it onto the torn cabbage leaves and stir evenly.

This delicacy is the complete opposite of mustard dumplings.

Mustard Dun'erchong, you can smell the pungent smell of mustard from a long way away.

But Qianlong cabbage is fragrant, and the aroma of sesame sauce is not overpowering at all, but has a subtle fragrance.

In terms of taste, one is crispy and the other is soft and tender, and there are obvious differences.

These two dishes can be regarded as a vivid display of the two major cold dish delicacies in Beijing, but these two dishes use the same ingredients, which feels like two sides of one body.

Lin Xu tore the cut cabbage leaves apart, rinsed them with clean water, and put them in a basket to control the water.

Then use a larger mixing bowl, add some sesame paste into it, then add a tablespoon of light soy sauce, a little dark soy sauce, a tablespoon of soft sugar, a small spoon of honey, and two tablespoons of rice vinegar, stir it, and combine Stir in the sesame paste.

The reason why we use soft white sugar instead of white granulated sugar is because white sugar is difficult to melt and will taste small when mixed with cabbage, so we use soft white sugar that is easy to melt instead.

After the sesame paste is boiled, pour the water-controlled cabbage leaves into a basin, add the prepared sesame paste, and mix well.

This dish is not easy to absorb when stirred with chopsticks. You need to wear gloves to gently stir and let the sesame paste hang evenly on the cabbage leaves.

Mix well and sprinkle with cooked white sesame seeds.

Marinate for a few minutes to allow the salt and sugar in the condiments to remove the moisture from the leaves, which will make them taste softer and more delicious.

After Guo Xinghai finished the work at hand, he saw the Qianlong cabbage mixed by Lin Xu and said with a smile:

"I didn't know about this dish in the past. It was only after the two hosts from Jinmen quarreled that I learned about such a cold dish... Is this really the cold dish that Qianlong had eaten?"

"I've never eaten it before. This dish has only been around for less than 30 years. It is considered the younger brother of Beijing cuisine. It is incomparable to Mustard Dun'er."

Zhuang Yizhou has worked at Yanjing Restaurant for several years and knows this dish quite well.

However, although he is a youngster in Beijing cuisine, Qianlong Baicai is very famous, especially the last time the two hosts had a quarrel, which made everyone on the Internet imitate Qianlong Baicai.

Even some foreign UP owners have carefully studied the methods.

Although there are elements of curiosity and popularity, it has to be said that the word Qianlong makes this dish more topical.

Lin Xu flipped through the "Royal Food Record" at home, which specifically recorded two cold dishes that Emperor Qianlong had eaten, one was bird's nest mixed with chicken, and the other was mixed with tiger vegetables.

There is no Qianlong cabbage at all. Even cabbage appears as a side dish. There is no dish made with cabbage as raw material.

And the two dishes of bird's nest mixed with chicken and tiger vegetables were not served during dinner time.

The "Royal Food Record" records midday meals, which are served on the table other than dinner. The reason is very simple, that is, no noodles are allowed on the cold dishes.

Therefore, Qianlong never tasted Qianlong cabbage, and he did not invent this dish.

Simply because sesame paste is yellow, and high-end cabbage leaves are also yellow, it has gained the reputation of the royal family. In the food circle, the Internet celebrity of the Qing royal family is naturally Qianlong.

Anyway, the emperor already has a lot of dishes that have nothing to do with him, so there is nothing wrong with adding another dish of Qianlong cabbage.

After preparing the Qianlong cabbage, Lin Xu brought over some green cucumbers.

My father-in-law told me to make cucumber dumplings.

But this dish is the same as the mustard dumpling. The traditional method requires pickling for two or three days before eating. In order to satisfy the father-in-law's wish and let him eat more vegetarian food, Lin Xu plans to speed up the pickling process of cucumbers.

The reason for the long pickling time of cucumber dumplings is that cucumbers are not easy to pickle thoroughly, so as long as the pickling is accelerated, in theory, it is the same as the quick method of mustard dumplings, and you can eat it in your mouth on the same day.

In order to pickle them thoroughly, Lin Xu specially used the coir raincoat knife method to make these washed tender cucumbers into coir raincoat cucumbers.

The coir raincoat knife technique is not difficult. Just cut the cucumber vertically and cut it into continuous sections with a gap of two millimeters. If you can't master it, you can put a chopstick on each side of the cucumber when cutting.

No matter how you cut it, the bottom of the cucumber will always be connected.

If your knife skills are decent, you don't need to use chopsticks. Just tilt the knife edge forward and let the tail of the kitchen knife tilt back. In this way, the cucumber will be connected when you cut it.

Cut one side, turn the cucumber half a turn to expose the connected parts, and then cut it again with a diagonal knife.

When cutting, you can't cut all the way to the end, it needs to be connected.

Cut both sides, and a coir raincoat cucumber is made.

Lin Xu pulled the two ends of the cucumber, and the whole cucumber suddenly stretched out like a spring.

Mix the soft sugar and a little salt, sprinkle evenly on the cucumbers, then put it in a bowl on one side, and spread the mustard sauce evenly on it.

Prepare everything, cover it with plastic wrap, and put it in the refrigerator as well.

After doing this, he brought out the prepared Qianlong cabbage for everyone to taste.

Cui Qingyuan, who was idle at school now, also came. Seeing the Qianlong cabbage made by Lin Xu, he smiled and said:

"Fortunately, there is no host from the traffic station here, otherwise there would be a quarrel."

Geng Lele asked curiously:

"Why were they quarreling at that time? I remember that the two hosts were discussing whether Yanjing was a food desert. This was discussed by many people, but why did they quarrel over Qianlong cabbage?"

Lin Xu put down the plate and said:

"Because in the traditional concept, cold dishes are not considered dishes, only hot dishes can be called delicacies."

Shen Jiayue opened her mouth:

"But didn't you win the last cooking competition with a dish of shredded white jade lotus root? Isn't shredded white jade lotus root also a cold dish?"

In the first cooking competition, it was indeed the white jade lotus root that won the championship.

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Because in the face of absolute strength, cold dishes can convince everyone and even eliminate prejudice."

It was a perfect dish created by the master. The knife skills, taste, presentation, fragrance, color, etc. were all excellent.

In this case, winning the championship becomes a matter of course.

At around eleven o'clock, Lin Xu opened the refrigerator, took out the cabbage that had been pickled for an hour, took out a clean plate, and placed two pieces of cabbage that had become obviously soft.

The first layer is on the left with the leaves on the right, and the second layer is on the right with the leaves on the left. The mustard sticks produced in this way are even in thickness and look more beautiful when placed on the plate.

In order to make the core in the middle more outstanding, Lin Xu deliberately placed a few young leaves of cabbage heart on top.

Then roll up the cabbage. Don't push it when rolling. The cabbage should be rolled as firmly as possible. Use a knife after rolling and cut into inch-long pieces while on the plate.

Cut it and place it on a plate, pour some of the cabbage pickled soup over it.

A mustard dumpling that is full of mustard flavor, sour, sweet and refreshing is completed.

The method of making cucumber dumplings is also very simple. Just cut the coir raincoat cucumbers into small sections, place them vertically on a plate, pour the pickled soup over them, and you're done.

"Eat, eat, eat, the first lunch of 2023. I hope everyone is safe and happy in the new year!"

Shen Jiayue held kvass and toasted with everyone.

Today, in order to wait for the mustard dumplings and cucumber dumplings, everyone did not eat with the employees.

As the saying goes, you don't have to worry about being late for a good meal. Now that I have sour and appetizing cabbage and cucumber, I feel that the wait is worth it.

In addition to mustard dumplings and cucumber dumplings, there are also braised duck with young ginger made by Wei Gan, braised pork with old vinegar made by Ma Zhiqiang, braised fish belly made by Zhu Yong and white-cut beef brisket made by Guo Xinghai.

The so-called white-cut beef brisket is to cook beef brisket that is fully soaked in blood over low heat, then slice it into slices and eat it with sauce. It tastes good, and is obviously different from dishes such as tomato beef brisket and beef brisket pot.

Take a few bites of the fragrant meat dishes, and then take a bite with mustard-flavored cabbage or cucumber segments. The sour and appetizing feeling is simply wonderful.

"Huh... it's so enjoyable. No wonder this is a dish served at the New Year's Eve dinner. If you miss someone while eating, you can just take advantage of this dish to have a good cry."

Cui Qingyuan wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes that were smoked by the smell of mustard, and then put the mustard-stained cucumber sticks into his mouth.

Then he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes again.

Geng Lele secretly took a picture of Duan Cui Qingyuan wiping his tears and secretly sent it to Yan Lin:

"My godfather misses you so much that he cries. His tears are like broken pearls. He can't stop them. Where are you, godmother?"

As soon as she sent it, Yan Lin replied with two words:



Geng Lele was sitting right next to the window. She got up and looked downstairs, and saw the Toyota Alfa that Yan Lin often sat in parked downstairs.

It’s really here.

Geng Lele turned around and asked as if nothing had happened:

"Godfather, if I were to give you a chance right now and let the person you most want to see appear here, who would you like it to be?"

Cui Qingyuan thought for a while and said:

"Probably my supervisor when I studied abroad at MIT. At that time, he was not optimistic about my development in the field of artificial intelligence and wanted me to go to other fields... Now I just want him to see that I have tried my best to let Our country’s artificial intelligence is at the forefront of the world!”

Geng Lele:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

I gave you a chance to meet a beautiful woman, but you actually thought of a bad old man.

Are all men in science and engineering so straightforward?

She hinted again:

"What about the opposite sex?"

Cui Qingyuan thought about it seriously and then said:

"As for the opposite sex, it would be a British classmate of mine when I was studying abroad. At that time, she strongly invited me to go to the UK for development, and promised to apply for a knighthood for me as long as I achieved certain results in research and development. However, I refused. If I had the opportunity to meet her, I can……"

At this point, he sniffed and turned his face in surprise, only to realize that Yan Lin was already standing behind him:

"Why is the smell of perfume so familiar? Linlin, when did you come? Sit down quickly, sit down quickly, and I will help you get the chopsticks."

Yan Lin looked at him with a half-smile:

"Don't be too busy. Just follow the female classmates first. I'm more interested in these."

Cui Qingyuan opened his mouth. No matter how low his emotional intelligence was, he noticed something was wrong with his tone. He turned his face and glared at Geng Lele, and then said:

"If I have the chance to meet her, I will seriously tell her that I have had the love of my life since I was four years old. No matter how powerful the sugar-coated bullets of capitalism are, it will be difficult to shake Linlin's position in my heart..."


I'm not very interested in mustard dumplings, but I do like Qianlong cabbage. It's sour, sweet, and very satisfying. This chapter has 5,000 words. Please vote for me, brothers!

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