Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 478 A delicious roasted whole pig head cooked by a monk! 【Please subscribe】

Chapter 478 A delicious dish cooked by a monk - grilled whole pig head! 【Please subscribe】

"It seems that not only people like to eat foie gras, but cats also like it."

Lin Xu went upstairs and cut a few slices for Dundun. The little guy lowered his head and slurped for a while, then squatted on the service table and licked his paws happily.

Shu Yun asked curiously:

"If I had taken a photo just now, netizens would have liked it very much."

Shen Jiayue shook her head:

"It's easy for people to accuse her of showing off her wealth if she takes pictures, and Dundun doesn't like being photographed while eating. Let's take pictures of something else. I don't want Dundun to bear anything, I just want her to be happy."

On the Internet, Pi Zha’s videos are very popular.

Because not only the Yinzhou area has this kind of delicacy, but even the towns around Yinzhou have similar delicacies.

In the barrage, people are constantly explaining the feelings of people in their hometown towards Pi Zha.

There were also some netizens from the Yinzhou area who thanked Lin Xu for promoting his hometown delicacies.

The specialty delicacies in many places in China are only popular in the local area and are unheard of in other places due to problems such as publicity, appearance, and presentation.

Lin Xu took the initiative to promote the food in his hometown, which attracted many fans' praise.

Many people are even commenting on the delicious food in their hometown of Amway.

But at the same time as Amway, he also said that he would go to Linji to taste the taste of the skin and taste the delicious hometown delicacies that Boss Lin has always missed when he came to the capital.

In view of the enthusiasm of these netizens, Lin Xu was worried that it would be too late to make Pi Zha tomorrow.

After washing Dundun's plates, he walked into the kitchen and boiled a large pot of yellow gardenia water. Then he took out a lot of vermicelli and eggs from the warehouse, and made several large trays of rice noodles.

The next morning, when Lin Xu got up, he found that his mother had already started making breakfast.

Dig the top of the Beibei pumpkin, take out the pumpkin pulp inside, and then fill it with the eight-treasure filling made from soaked glutinous rice, red beans, mung beans, peanuts, chestnuts and other ingredients, and prepare to put it into the pot for steaming.

"Yueyue was watching videos with me last night. I saw people eating like this and wanted to try it, so I made some... By the way, son, it's almost New Year's Day, can't you go back?"

Chen Meijuan was busy in the kitchen. When she saw her son coming in, she took the initiative to ask.

There is a three-day holiday on New Year's Day, but this has little to do with Lin Xu, because he is the boss, not an employee, and holidays are just a cloud.

Even employees cannot take vacations because holidays are often the peak period for the catering industry.

Not to mention taking a vacation, you still need to work overtime.

Lin Xu said:

"I'm not going back. After the wedding is done here, let's drive home together to celebrate the New Year. Anyway, it won't be long after New Year's Day, very soon."

Chen Meijuan cooked all the pumpkins, put them in the steamer and started steaming them.

She was not used to using a steaming cabinet and always felt that the pumpkin steamed in a steamer was not as delicious.

"When you get married, your grandma and grandma will all be here. You have to arrange your place in advance so that you don't get so busy that you forget the time."

"Don't worry, Mom, I'll never forget it."

The wedding venue has been decided, Diaoyutai Building No. 1, which is He Baoqing's territory.

The banquet hall in Building 1 is spacious and bright, with dozens of tables of guests just like having fun. The two previous cooking competitions were held there because the venue is large enough.

In addition to the banquet hall, the guest rooms upstairs are also occupied on three floors.

Originally, Uncle Gao wanted to book all the rooms, but after researching with some elders that there wouldn't be that many guests, he decided to book three floors in line with the principle of not being extravagant and wasteful.

"On your wedding day, just as you serve tea to us, you also serve tea to your master. We are so busy planning the wedding with your father-in-law in the group all day long. It's really heartbreaking."

After Chen Meijuan finished speaking, she took out two potatoes from the cupboard and quickly started peeling them.

Lin Xu said:

"Don't worry, Mom, I know...what are you doing with the potatoes? Are you going to fry the shredded potatoes?"

"I plan to fry some potato pancakes. Last time Yueyue heard that you liked to eat them when you were a child, and I also want to taste them. I will make some while I have time today to save this girl from worrying about it."

Gee, it’s hard to be happy with a mother-in-law like this.

Since his mother had steamed eight-treasure pumpkin and fried potato pancakes, Lin Xu took out the baby spinach he brought yesterday and washed the whole stem.

Peel some shrimps and make a simple spinach and shrimp soup.

Pair this soup with eight-treasure pumpkin and potato shredded pancakes, it should taste great.

In order to ensure nutrition, he was also going to fry a few sterile eggs, but the rice was not ready yet, so it would be better to wait and fry them.

Chen Meijuan peeled the potatoes and cut them into even thin strips with a kitchen knife.

Cut it and put it in a basin, add a small spoonful of salt, an egg yolk and a small spoonful of thirteen spices.

Use chopsticks to stir evenly, then set up a pan, grease the bottom of the pan with oil, pour the shredded potatoes in, and then carefully spread the shredded potatoes into a pancake shape.

Don't worry about the shredded potatoes being fluffy. Once the heat comes up, the potatoes will soften automatically.

This is a very simple delicacy. There is no need to add starch or make additional batter. It only relies on the starch in the shredded potatoes to make pancakes.

In order to make the fried pancakes more delicious, do not wash the potatoes after shredding them, as this will wash away the starch on the surface of the potatoes.

Chen Meijuan slowly fried it, and the pot made a sizzling sound.

It sounds so exciting that I always want to take a bite.

As the heat at the bottom gets higher and higher, the potatoes gradually collapse and become like a round cake.

When the bottom is browned, tip the pan upwards, use a large turning spoon to turn the potato pancakes over, and continue frying.

After frying both sides, put it on a plate and start frying the next pancake.

In order to make the potato shredded cakes more delicious for her daughter-in-law, Chen Meijuan specially sprinkled some raw sesame seeds and dried chili noodles into the shredded potatoes to make them spicy.

The third picture has some chopped prunes on it, and it tastes full of the fragrance of prunes.

The ingredients of each cake are different, so much so that Shen Jiayue, who had finished her morning exercises, couldn’t help but praise:

"I've been eating potato chips and fried potato sticks for so long, but I never thought that shredded potato pancakes could be so delicious. Mom, you are really amazing."

Chen Meijuan said with a smile:

"It's just a common meal, it's nothing. If you like it, I'll make it for you tomorrow morning."

"Okay, okay, thank you mom, haha, I'm going to post on WeChat Moments to piss them off. Having such a good mother-in-law is really a blessing from my previous life."

"Our Lin family is lucky to have a daughter-in-law like you. It still feels like a dream that my son has found such a perfect girlfriend."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law exchanged business opinions, while Lin Xu ate the potato shredded pancakes that were crispy on the outside and glutinous on the inside like an outsider, and occasionally took a sip of the spinach and shrimp soup in the bowl.

Well, pleasant!

After the meal, Shen Jiayue took the initiative to drive Chen Meijuan to the Ginkgo Garden.

If nothing else goes wrong, the construction drawings will be produced today. Before the work starts, she plans to take another look and make modifications if there are any changes that need to be made.

If we wait until construction begins to make modifications, it will be somewhat too late.

This wave of investment in the Ginkgo Garden is not large. After all, the park is small and it is not suitable to invest heavily. Moreover, the entertainment is only incidental, and the catering is the big one.

This kind of place, suitable for family day trips and weekend trips, no matter whether it is fun or not, what can ultimately retain tourists is its authentic dining.

As for entertainment and other things, those are all ways to attract people.

If the benefits are good in the future, the Ginkgo Garden can be expanded a second time, such as expanding to 1,000 acres, adding some small animals, etc. It is all possible.

At present, small investments are still the main ones. Now is the era when cash is king. You would rather put your money in the bank to depreciate than invest randomly, otherwise you may lose everything.

In the store, Lin Xu put Dundun on the service table and scratched the little guy's chin:

"I'll give you foie gras in the afternoon, but you can't eat it for the next few days. Eating too many high-fat ingredients is not good for your health. I'll start eating bullfrog and chicken legs tomorrow to adjust."


Dundun nuzzled Lin Xu with his big round head, and then went to play with Shu Yun aside.

Lin Xu came upstairs and saw the pig head prepared by Che Zai.

The pig's head is quite big, weighing nearly 20 pounds, and its two big ears look like it's good for drinking.

The entire pig's head has been preliminarily processed and looks quite clean, but it still needs to be tidied up again.

Lin Xu boiled a pot of water, put the pig's head in and scalded it for a few minutes, then took it out and rinsed it with cold water to cool it down.

The reason for doing this is to make the pigskin shrink so that the stubble inside will protrude outward, making it easier to clean up.

"I'll go and see it's clean. It looks like I haven't shaved for a few days. All the stubble has come out."

Zhu Yong, who was helping next to him, touched the skin of the pig's head and found that it was covered with prickly hair.

Wei Gan smiled and said:

"This is normal. Today's pig hair is shaved, and the roots of the hair are not pulled out. There will naturally be stubble after such a perm. If I use the method of burning rosin in my hometown, the stubble will be directly stuck out, and it will be absolutely clean."

The so-called rosin is the glue secreted by pine trees. After it is burned and softened, it is applied to the pig skin. When it is cooled and then peeled off, the pig hairs and hairy roots will be brought out directly.

This is exactly the same principle as waxing hair removal.

In the past, some slaughterhouses in rural areas would use asphalt to remove hair in order to save money, but this has now been stopped and all have been replaced by shaving.

Lin Xu held the spray gun and burned the skin of the pig's head.

Burn the dirt in the hair stubble and hair follicles, so that the pig skin will taste better.

This is a huge project, because the surface of the pig's head is very complex, and there are many long hairs in places that cannot be scraped, such as inside the ears, eye sockets and other parts, so the pig's head must be burned thoroughly.

Only in this way will the prepared pig head be delicious.

My father-in-law had spent money to order a pig head in Yangzhou before. It was probably that the chef was lazy and didn’t do the step of burning the skin, and the cooking method was rough, so the family was very unhappy with the meal.

Lin Xuliao stayed for a while and was replaced by Zhu Yong.

He asked curiously:

"I saw someone on the Internet saying that roasting a whole pig's head was invented by a monk, and he used a urinal. Shouldn't he be worried if he doesn't get diaphragm after eating it?"

Zhuang Yizhou, who was not far away, said:

"We do have this statement in our hometown in Jiangsu, but it's not clear whether it's true or false."

Lin Xu knew very well about this matter, because the "Imperial Food Record" sent by Ren Chongmo and Tian Qinglan had detailed records.

In the past, salt merchants in the Huaiyang area did not eat pig heads very much. Only when worshiping gods and ancestors, they would put cow heads, pig heads, and sheep heads, which are called the three animals.

After the worship, the pig's head will be thrown away.

At that time, people were called Pig Tou San, because among the three animals, Pig Tou had the lowest status, and it meant a bitch.

The place where worship is held is often in a temple.

The rich people finished worshiping and left, and the pig heads were thrown away. The monks in the temple felt that it was a pity to throw them away. In addition, the poor people in the past liked to hang around at the entrance of the temple begging for food and drink, so they packed up the pig heads and put them in pots. Rock sugar is simmered over low heat until crispy and distributed to the poor.

This is how the monks made pig heads.

The reason why an earthenware basin is used is because the monks must avoid meat and fish and cannot cook in their own pots. In addition, the pig's head is so big that ordinary containers cannot fit in it, so a clean earthenware basin is used.

Earthen basins were often used in temples in the past. They were used to wash hands, face, clothes, and even pee.

These pots are separate and not the same.

But people who eat pig head meat don't care. They just think that the pig head meat cooked by the monks in earthen pots is particularly fragrant and delicious. This is how the pig head meat in the urinal spreads.

Some time ago, Lin Xu was searching for information on the Internet and saw some so-called scholars seriously analyzing the secret of delicious pig heads cooked in a urinal by monks.

They even tried to explain it by saying that monks don't eat meat and that the urinal doesn't smell like urine.

It made Lin Xu want to find a pot full of urine stains and stew a pot of meat for the scholar to see if he could eat it.

It was originally a kind act of compassion, but due to rumors and rumors, it turned into a urinal and roasted meat, and more people were curious about whether the monks had eaten those pig heads.

If you eat it, wouldn’t it be a violation of the precepts?

You think about whether they have violated the precepts, but what they think about is that the pig heads stewed in the pot can fill the bellies of several poor people... The directions of life are different, the realms are different, and the things they do are also different.

Lin Xu actually liked this story, especially in the Qing Dynasty, when Fahai Temple even served roasted pig heads in earthenware pots as a dish to entertain pilgrims.

This kind of behavior would definitely be scolded to death if it were done now.

But people don't take it seriously. If the pilgrims want to eat it, just cook it for them. It's that simple.

After listening to Lin Xu's story, Zhu Yong, Wei Qian and Zhuang Yizhou felt that this was reasonable.

Grilling and roasting a whole pig's head can be considered very elegant, and it can become the first of Huaiyang's three-head banquet. It is absolutely impossible to let the smell of urine be mixed into the dish, otherwise the scholars and salt merchants are too unscrupulous.

Yuan Mei, a famous gourmet in the Qing Dynasty, once went to Fahai Temple to eat pig heads. After eating, he specifically asked about the recipe and wrote it in the "Suiyuan Food List". There was no mention of a urinal.

This shows how powerful lies can be.

The whole pig head is burnt black, and then soaked in hot water for a while.

After about ten minutes, take it out and start scraping the pig's head with a knife. Scrape and clean the inside and outside of the pig's head. As for the eye sockets, ear holes and other four corners, all the corners are also cleaned.

While he was busy, Xie Baomin and Dai Jianli walked in.

Today, Lao Dai originally went to Building 2 for tea. When he heard that Lin Xu was going to grill a whole pig's head, he got in the car and followed him.

This is a major dish in Huaiyang cuisine. You have to see how Brother Lin makes it.

"Oh, it's tidy enough."

Dai Jianli looked at the white pig head in the basin and admired it.

With this meticulous attitude, the finished pig head will not be too bad.

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"We have just cleaned it up. We have to rinse it with warm water later to thoroughly remove the dirt on the pig's head before deboning it."

Xie Baomin took a look:

"Wash it again to remove the bones. Don't wash it for too long, otherwise the pig skin will become soft when touched."

Lin Xu washed it again, took the pig head out of the basin, and began to remove the bones.

First place the pig head with the chin up on the chopping board, cut the knife from the chin, and separate the skin and flesh from the lower jaw to the neck to expose the bones.

Then start picking the meat close to the bones, and remove the meat from the pork bit by bit to expose the bones.

It was difficult at first, because there are many tendons in the entire lower jaw, and the meat and bones are tightly attached, so you have to use a knife to pick it bit by bit, and during the picking process, you must not hurt the pig skin, otherwise the appearance will be ruined.

It is slightly easier to remove the mandible, because by removing the mandible, the entire cranial cavity will be exposed, and then it will be easier to remove the bone.

Just be careful to get the skull out.

Dai Jianli looked at the removed mandible and said to Wei Qian and the others:

“Everything needs to be carefully monitored, and you must master the force technique for deboning. The most important thing is to understand the overall structure of the pig’s head, how many bones there are and the distribution position of each bone. Only in this way can you debone the pig’s head.”

This requires more practice. Only by accumulating enough experience will you be able to do it smoothly.

The reason why Lin Xu is so skilled is because the perfect technique of pressing pig head meat, which was previously rewarded by the system, contains the entire structure of the pig head.

That's why he doesn't have the panic feeling of having nowhere to start when he does it now.

After the mandible is deboned, the complex pig nose arch must be cleared out first, and then the skull can be tidied up.

The best-looking grilled whole pig head will make the whole pig's face appear smiling. To achieve this effect, the pig's nose arch must be intact and not damaged at all.

After removing this part, the next step is the face.

This is also the most difficult part of the whole pig's head, because the skin here is relatively thin, and in some places it is even close to the bones. In addition, there is a lot of fascia in the eye sockets and other parts, and the pig's skin may break if you are not careful.

Fortunately, Lin Xu had a good understanding of the structure of the pig's head, and with his excellent knife skills, he was able to finally get this part out without any danger.

After doing this, the most difficult part of the entire pig's head is over.

He then took out the entire pig skull and cleaned out the ears, and the entire deboning process came to an end.

Watching a pig head transform from three dimensions to a flat surface, everyone lamented the difficulty of this dish and were full of expectations for the next cooking.

It’s so difficult to make, so it must taste different, right?

Lin Xu cleaned up the pig's ears and soaked the entire pig's head in clean water. He soaked it first to remove the blood and allow the deboned and wrinkled parts to stretch out again in the water.

Only in this way can we proceed to the next step - grilling!


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