Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 467 Eat three ducks, not a single bit of food is wasted! Dinner at the Lin family! 【Please s

“How long does it take to prepare gourd duck?”

After the duck is steamed, the shooting comes to an end, and then it’s time to rest.

Everyone drank tea and chatted casually with Geng Lishan.

Zeng Xiaoqi looked at the time and felt that it was not okay to chat in vain. After all, this was not a TV station anymore, and she had to maximize her time.

Lin Xu said:

"It needs to be steamed for about two hours."

Upon hearing that it took so long, Zeng Xiaoqi said:

"Then let's take pictures of the duck soup and stir-fried duck offal later. Try to save some time."

"OK, no problem."

Not long after, Qi Zhentao started filming fried duck offal.

This dish is very similar to stir-fried chicken offal. They both use the hot and sour flavor of chopped or pickled peppers to remove the peculiar smell from the duck offal.

Among duck offal, duck gizzards, duck intestines and duck liver are all easy-to-cook dishes, so they can be cooked quickly by frying them over high heat. Once they are fried for a long time, the crispy texture will be lost.

While Qi Zhentao was doing it, he continued to explain the essentials and extended knowledge points:

"After learning this routine, you can make chicken offal, fish offal, and even pig, beef and mutton offal. Cooking is a one-stop shop and cannot be limited to one dish."

He put the stir-fried dishes on the plate, then cleaned the kitchen utensils, wiped the stove, and put all the kitchen utensils back to their original positions, fully demonstrating the basic qualities of an excellent chef.

The dishes were brought to the table, and Geng Lishan and Zeng Xiaoqi tasted them.

“It’s sour, spicy and delicious, especially the duck intestines, which are actually crunchy when chewed.”

Zeng Xiaoqi had eaten the chicken offal made by Lin Xu. She originally thought that the duck offal was not as delicious as the chicken offal. Unexpectedly, it was slightly better than the chicken offal in terms of texture and taste.

Geng Lishan said:

"Duck meat itself has a higher fat content than chicken, and coupled with duck liver, which has a higher visceral fat content, it is normal for the dishes to be fragrant."

After taking pictures of this dish, we started filming Xie Baomin making duck soup.

The deboned duck frame is actually all bones. Xie Baomin first disassembled it with a kitchen knife, and then used the back of the kitchen knife to break the leg bones and wing root bones of the duck legs.

Then clean the duck feet and wings that Lin Xu had removed before, and prepare onions, ginger and other ingredients.

When everything was ready, he added some lard to the pot, heated it up, put the duck feet and wings into the pot and fried them. When they were almost fried, he added the duck bones, and fried them with lard until the surface of the bones was fully browned.

Taking advantage of this time, pour boiling water, add onions and ginger, and start cooking the duck rack in the pot over high heat.

Skim off the foam with a spoon, add onion and ginger, and simmer over high heat for ten minutes. The soup in the pot will turn milky color to the naked eye, and it looks very tempting.

And as the fire boils, the soup in the pot looks thicker and thicker.

While it was boiling, Xie Baomin said:

"When you go to a roast duck restaurant and finish your roast duck, don't forget to ask for the duck rack. Take it home and fry it like this, then add boiling water. It's much more authentic than the duck rack soup in ordinary restaurants."

Qi Zhentao added:

"You don't even need to put oil on the roasted duck rack after the meat has been removed, because the roast duck itself is rich in fat. If you fry it directly in the pan, the oil will be fried out of the duck, which will make the soup more fragrant and mellow."

Boil over high heat for ten minutes, cover and turn to low heat.

The purpose of cooking it over high heat is to make the soup look good, and to simmer it over low heat now is to incorporate the aroma of the duck meat into the soup.

This soup is very simple. There are no ingredients in the pot except onion and ginger.

Simmer over high heat for ten minutes, then simmer over low heat for ten minutes. After opening the lid, a scent of aroma wafts out of the pot.

Xie Baomin added a small spoonful of salt and two small spoons of pepper to the pot, stirred evenly, turned off the heat and removed the pot.

He first used chopsticks to pick the duck wings and duck paws into the prepared soup basin, then placed a leak-tight drain on top of the soup basin, poured the soup in the pot, and filtered out the bones and debris.

After pouring it into a basin, pinch a pinch of coriander leaves and place it in the middle. This is not only a decoration, but also to increase the appearance of the soup.

Zeng Xiaoqi took a sip and was immediately surprised by the taste of the soup.

Who would have thought that combining a few bones with duck wings and duck feet can actually make such a delicious soup, and the duck wings and duck feet are not wasted and can be eaten in a bowl.

This is incredible.

She took a sip of the soup and said:

"Before I made a video, people always said on the barrage that chefs are wasteful. In fact, this does not exist at all, because chefs are the ones who cherish ingredients the most. A duck can make two dishes and one soup. Most people really can't do this."

Geng Lishan nodded approvingly:

"Yes, Chinese food is very flexible. No dish must use certain ingredients or ingredients. Everything can be changed. Just like the eight-treasure gourd duck steaming on the stove, the fillings can be flexibly changed."

After taking pictures of the two accompanying dishes, Lin Xu put on his apron again and started carving small gourds with carrots and lettuce before the gourd duck was steamed.

This is a relatively delicate job, especially when Lin Xu uses a kitchen knife to carve.

He cut a section of the head of a carrot and first carved the thick bottom part into an oval with a kitchen knife, making it look like the bottom of a gourd.

Then carve out the middle waistline.

Finally, modify the head, and a small gourd about one inch long is ready.

It was placed on a plate and everyone gathered around to take pictures.

"Wow, it looks exactly the same, lifelike, so beautiful!"

"Boss Lin's skills are really amazing."

"I didn't see the double fish carved with lactone tofu in the last competition. I always felt regretful. Today is better, I saw another kind of exquisite knife work."

It is not difficult to carve ingredients with uniform texture into a gourd, but it is a bit difficult to carve it vividly, even carving out the depression at the bottom of the gourd.

And the knife used was not a carving knife, but the most ordinary kitchen knife.

Then, Lin Xu carved several green gourds out of lettuce, carved them and put them aside for final decoration.

The duck in the pot had been steaming for two hours. Lin Xu turned off the heat, covered the pot and simmered it for another two minutes before starting to take it out of the pot.

When you open the lid of the pot, a rich aroma wafts out from the pot, making people feel greedy as soon as they smell it.

Take the clay pot out of the large steamer, carefully place it on the workbench, take an empty plate, lift the bamboo grate in the clay pot, carefully lift out the gourd duck and place it on the plate.

The gourd duck at this time is red in color, full of fragrance, and crispy all over. It is absolutely impossible to handle it directly.

Put it on a plate, put a long plate on the gourd duck, and quickly flip it so that the duck is upside down on another plate.

Remove the top plate, remove the bamboo strips, and then use scissors to carefully cut off the cattails tied to the gourd duck.

Use chopsticks to carefully shape the gourd duck, and then pour the sauce.

Pour the original soup of the steamed duck into the pot through the strainer, bring to a boil over high heat, stir in the pot with a spoon, and stir in some starch water made from potato starch.

When the soup becomes thick, add some cooked chicken fat to the pot.

The dish of Babao Gourd Duck is both fried and steamed. In addition, it is cooked with rich and fat duck. There is nothing to say in terms of aroma, but the umami is slightly lacking, so it is necessary to use cooked chicken oil to cook the fresh food. The flavor goes up.

Pour the chicken oil into the pot and slowly turn it with the back of a spoon to let the chicken oil slowly melt.

The advantage of this is that it can make the soup brighter, and at the same time, the umami flavor of the chicken fat will be slowly released, making the umami flavor last longer.

If it is stirred for a while, the umami flavor will evaporate immediately, and the thickened soup will be easily wiped out if stirred quickly.

The red, viscous and oily soup is prepared and poured carefully on top of the gourd duck with a spoon.

The presentation of the whole duck immediately jumped to a new level.

Originally it was just a good shape, but now it seems like special effects have been added. The oily soup gives the gourd duck an alluring color and aroma.

Finally, place the carved gourds on a plate for decoration.

This traditional dish, which means fortune, is completed.

"Beautiful! Junior brother can make the gourd duck so well. There should be no problem with the baguji chicken, another traditional dish of Nalu cuisine."

Qi Zhentao added:

"You can also make three sets of duck in Huaiyang cuisine. Master Lin's skills are really impressive."

Lin Xu smiled:

"It's not that I'm good at cooking, it's that this dish is really not difficult. Except for the difficulty of removing the bones, everything else is normal cooking. Netizens can try it at home when they have a break. He will definitely become the most handsome boy in the family! "

When the tasting session began, Geng Lishan did not eat directly, but said:

"You have to be able to appreciate this dish when you eat it, otherwise the chef's good intentions will be wasted. Why are chefs now not interested in Kung Fu dishes? Even if they make them, they don't put in the effort. They just don't get positive feedback from diners. The whole dish is wasted. A lot of careful thinking, but in the end the diners ate it like a cow chewing peonies... In this case, I would have just perfunctoryly done it."

Zeng Xiaoqi asked:

"What do you think of Boss Lin's dish?"

“It’s very good, especially the processing of the duck’s butt. It’s wonderful. Many people who cook this dish don’t know that the duck’s butt and duck’s butt should be removed and then tied from the inside. This will not only make the duck delicious, but also look……"

Geng Lishan pointed to the depression on the duck’s butt:

"This place is more like the bottom of a gourd. This is the exquisiteness of the chef. As a diner, you must be able to realize that when you eat like this, you will enjoy it more."

Zeng Xiaoqi said:

"Is there such a thing about eating?"

"Yes, it's just like the jokes that young people like to play. If someone makes a joke and you don't know it, or you can't pick it up, the other person will feel a little bit like you are playing the piano. If you can catch it, you don't have to say much, you understand. A knowing smile between two people can make both parties feel happy. When they are in a good mood, their meals will naturally taste better."

After Geng Lishan finished speaking, he pointed with chopsticks to the roots of duck wings and the inverted parts of duck legs:

"What Lin Xiaoyou did is very correct. Turn the skin and meat in, and when the filling is squeezed, the place will be filled up. It looks natural... If the chef is not good at cooking, or is relatively amateur, it may be... Just remove the duck legs and wing roots and seal them with needle and thread."

After finishing the review, Geng Lishan used his chopsticks to scratch the duck. The skin and meat of the duck were separated, and the aroma of the stuffing inside came out.

There is the aroma of duck meat itself, the aroma of lard, and the aroma of various ingredients such as glutinous rice, ham, scallops, mushrooms, and winter bamboo shoots.

Put together, the smell is simply addictive.

All the fillings are held together by the glutinous rice, and the red and shiny color makes it look appetizing.

Geng Lishan scooped some stuffing with a spoon, put it into his mouth, tasted it, nodded and said:

"The simple seasoning perfectly retains the fresh flavor of the ingredients. Coupled with the aroma of lard and duck fat, it is really a pleasure to eat it in your mouth."

Zeng Xiaoqi couldn't care less about talking at this moment, because the duck was extremely delicious in texture and taste. The most delicious thing was the stuffing on the duck skin, which was fresh and fragrant, and fragrant and oily.

This oily texture makes people think of Shaomai and salty rice dumplings unconsciously.

But compared to the two, using whole duck as skin is naturally more high-end.

"Wow, it's so delicious...are you done taking pictures? If you think it's good, hurry up and eat it, otherwise I won't leave any leftovers for you guys after I finish it..."

Zeng Xiaoqi muttered to the camera, and the shooting ended.

It has become a character trait for her to forget her lyrics while eating, so we might as well play it up a bit and urge Xiao Wei and the others to eat together while eating. This not only seems interesting, but also more realistically reflects the attractiveness of the dishes.

Especially the act of turning off the camera as soon as he finished speaking, which further highlights the photographer's eagerness to taste it.


“Thank you, Boss Lin, for allowing us to taste such delicious food!”

"Xiao Wei, don't grab it. Is it great to be a director?"

"Yes, it's amazing. What can you do to me, Sister Sui?"

"I curse your figure to remain so plump and plump all your life."

The little one listened and proudly puffed up his baby face:

"There's nothing wrong with being beautiful and beautiful."

"I'm talking about the little fat pig's pig..."

"Sister Sui, I want to break off our friendship with you until we die!"

Everyone was playing around and enjoying the food. In the TV station's recording room, the recording work of Babao Gourd Duck was still continuing stumblingly.

The chef operating the operation was wearing Buddhist beads and a gold watch on his wrist, and a ring on the ring finger of his left hand. He was holding a needle and thread and was sewing the duck skin carefully, explaining while sewing:

"Viewers, please see, sew the duck legs from the inside so that they are completely invisible from the outside. This is the standard method of Babao Gourd Duck. You can learn it when you have nothing to do at home, and strive to become a gourmet foodie in the circle. talent!"

Outside the Sixth Ring Road, in the Ginkgo Garden near Changping, Chen Meijuan walked on the pine plank road with Dundun in her arms and said to Mi Lan beside her:

“The environment here is really good, and the scenery is great, but the plank road that goes straight in a circle is too simple. The length of the plank road needs to be increased, and some infrastructure and benches should be added so that everyone can take a rest when they are tired... "

As she was talking, she saw an open space in front of her and continued:

"We can also introduce some small animals suitable for breeding in the park, such as peacocks, alpacas, small sika deer, small ponies and other species that are more attractive to children, so as to increase repeat customers, and we can also organize some events where children can name the small animals. activity……"

The era when eco-parks focused on food and drink has passed; now is the era of children's economics.

If it is just for themselves, parents will not be willing to pay for it, but if their children like it and it is good for them, then it goes without saying that it will definitely attract a large number of parents.

Mi Lan asked curiously:

"I don't know much about this, Aunt Chen, are these little animals expensive?"

"Alpacas are a bit more expensive, but not particularly expensive. Sika deer and ponies are quite cheap. I'll contact you later. As a tourist attraction, I've been dealing with this kind of company all year round, so I'm familiar with it."

Upon hearing this, Mi Lan felt relieved:

"Then I'll leave this matter entirely to Aunt Chen. I'm really sorry that you have to travel all the way."

"What's there to be embarrassed about? It's all for business. Besides, your land is really a treasure. Selling saplings alone would be a waste of resources."

After Chen Meijuan finished speaking, she asked Dundun in her arms:

"My dear grandson, there will be little animals next year. How about letting you come here to play?"

The little guy's eyes lit up, his tail swung slightly, and he looked very interested.

Shen Jiayue said with a smile:

"When the time comes, let Dundun ride the pony and be a little knight. How about that, honey?"


It stretched out its paw and patted Shen Jiayue's hand.

It’s a deal!

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Xie Baomin had to go to the Tantan store, and Qi Zhentao had to go back to Yanjing Hotel for duty. Today's shooting came to an end.

Lin Xu returned to the store, took all the vermicelli balls left over from lunch, picked up some vegetables and ingredients, and drove home to make dinner.

When my mother comes, she naturally has to cook at home so that she feels like home.

My father-in-law just called and asked Lin Xu to cook more food tonight.

In addition to the father-in-law and mother-in-law, the sister-in-law will definitely go to the house to have a meal. If she goes, she will either bring Ren Jie or Zeng Xiaoqi, and Geng Lele will also ride over from Tsinghua University.

After going back and forth like this, there was almost a table full of people.

So cook more meals.

Back home, Lin Xu put the meatballs into the steaming tray and was about to put them in the steam cabinet for steaming. Suddenly he remembered that when he was making fried food at home during the Chinese New Year when he was a child, his mother would also make sweet potato meatballs in addition to vermicelli meatballs.

Why don't you do something while you have nothing to do?

The freshly fried sweet potato balls were indeed very good. There happened to be sweet potatoes at home, so Lin Xu washed some sweet potatoes, put them in another steaming tray, and steamed them together with the vermicelli balls.

In addition to these two ingredients, he also mixed some pork belly stuffing, soaked the eggplant he brought, and prepared to take the opportunity to fry some eggplant clips.

When I was a kid, during the Chinese New Year, eggplant clips, lotus root clips, cabbage clips, sweet potato balls, vermicelli balls, and radish balls were all indispensable.

I don’t have a rush today, and I can’t eat all fried food, that would be too unhealthy.

Mix the meat filling and put it in the refrigerator to marinate. It is best to fry the eggplant clippings and eat them immediately. If they are fried too early, they will soften easily.

While the meat was marinating, he cooked a pot of corn grits in a casserole on the stove. Since he had eaten fried dishes, he had to use porridge to neutralize the greasiness.

After finishing these tasks, he used baking powder and baking powder to mix the dough and steamed some steamed buns.

Steamed buns are served with boiled corn grits. This is a typical way of eating in North China. Many families cannot do without porridge and steamed buns for dinner.

Use a steamer to steam the buns, and it's almost time to make the eggplant sandwich.

Lin Xu brought out the meat filling, only to realize that today's meat filling was a bit too much. Just making eggplant sandwich would probably require a big frying pan.

The lotus roots dug from the ginkgo garden last time have been eaten, and I can't even fry some lotus root clips.

Looking around the kitchen, he suddenly saw a carp swimming in the aquarium. This was a fish that Shen Jiayue had caught two days ago when he took Dundun to the Ginkgo Garden for fishing in order to shoot a video. It was about three kilograms.

Lin Xu looked at the fish, then at the minced meat on the plate, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

If you take the carp off its bones and stuff the meat into your belly, the taste shouldn't be bad, right?

With nothing to do at the moment, he decided to give it a try...


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