Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 465 Chen Meijuan: Isn’t it too much to say Versailles in front of your son? Deboned whole du

"Mom, does the meaty flavor in the vermicelli come from the broth?"

Shen Jiayue looked at the prepared ingredients and ingredients. She always felt that the meaty taste of the vermicelli was a bit exaggerated. The soup stock was used here. If it were broth, the aroma would be lighter, right?

Although she is a novice in the kitchen, Shen Jiayue has been with Lin Xu for so long, and she understands some cooking theory knowledge under the influence.

Chen Meijuan said with a smile:

"In the past, when making vermicelli balls at home, it was best to have broth. But I only ate meat three or two times a year, and not every time I ate meat, there was broth, so most of the time, I didn't even use broth. . If you can use broth, it’s already a high-end recipe.”

Shen Jiayue was even more surprised. How could she taste meat without even using broth?

She felt that she was getting in touch with an incredible knowledge, cooking vegetarian and meat dishes. Isn't this the main dish of Gongdelin?

Chen Meijuan took the star anise powder she ground in the shop and said:

"Put in star anise powder. Star anise can give the ingredients a meaty aroma. If you add onion, ginger and five-spice powder, the taste will be even more fragrant."

In fact, there is star anise in the five-spice powder, but the amount is not outstanding, so you need to add more, so that the aroma of the meat can come out and make the vermicelli completely transformed.

Star anise powder?

It feels so magical.

Chen Meijuan poured the minced ginger chopped by Lin Xu into the vermicelli and couldn't help but praise:

"My son's knife skills are getting better and better."

Lin Xu smiled:

"Yueyue doesn't like to eat ginger, but I have to put ginger in it, so I try to chop it up as much as possible to make the vermicelli have the taste of ginger, but not the taste of ginger."

When adding onion and ginger to the filling, the ginger can be cut as finely as possible so that the aroma can be released more perfectly.

Of course, you can also use ginger juice, but it is not suitable for this delicacy. It will be easily absorbed by the vermicelli, resulting in uneven ginger flavor, so it is more suitable to use ground ginger.

When adjusting the stuffing, ginger can be put in first, but onions cannot be put in. The onions must be left until the end.

Because it was cooked too early, the salt in the stuffing will kill the moisture in the onions, causing the stuffing to be filled with the unique smell of raw onions. When fried, it will be stuffed into the meatballs, and it will taste unpalatable.

Add the minced ginger, then add salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, star anise powder, pepper powder, and five-spice powder. Stir evenly first, then add half a bowl of broth and continue stirring.

The reason why the vermicelli balls served in my hometown in the past were so delicious was that the meat broth was added to the stuffing.

Now since there is stock in the store, it is natural to add some.

When the broth is first added, the vermicelli filling is a little thin, but as you stir, the broth is absorbed by the vermicelli, and the vermicelli filling becomes thicker and thicker.

This is actually the same as making a lion head to make the meat filling glue.

When the consistency is about right, bring over the soaked sweet potato starch, skim off the moisture on the starch, scoop out the starch settled at the bottom, and add it to the vermicelli filling.

The amount of starch does not need to be too much. For half a pot of vermicelli filling, two handfuls of starch are enough.

If there are too many, the fried meatballs will not have that soft and tender feeling.

Although this is a "poor food" in the Central Plains, used by the poor to satisfy their cravings, the method is also very particular. The minimum amount of starch must be used to find the critical point where the vermicelli sticks together without falling apart.

Only in this way will the fried vermicelli balls be more delicious and delicious.

Lin Xu can actually do these steps, and even does them better than Chen Meijuan.

But I don’t know why, when I watch my mother making sweet potato vermicelli, I always feel the same sense of urgency that I felt when I was celebrating the New Year at home when I was a child, waiting in front of the stove to eat.

Whether it's fried meatballs, vermicelli balls, crispy meat, or chicken nuggets and ribs, as soon as it comes out of the pot, you grab a piece and stuff it into your mouth.

And what you get is often a slap that is not heavy:

"Are you a starving ghost? You even robbed the Stove Lord of his food. You will be hungry in the future!"

According to the rules in my hometown, when the first pot of fried food is ready, you should not eat it immediately. Instead, you should pinch a little and stuff it into the stove. This is meant to be eaten by the Stove Lord, so that you will not be hungry in the coming year.

When Lin Xu was a child, he often snatched the Stove Lord's rations and received many scoldings.

But now, not only is he not hungry, but he has become a chef who "has not gone hungry in three years of drought."

Shen Jiayue stood aside, listening to Chen Meijuan's story about how Lin Xu was punished for being greedy when he was a child, and said to Lin Xu with a smile:

"Our mother's cooking skills are really good. If my mother were frying food in the kitchen, I would most likely stay away and not dare to get close, for fear that the oil would burst into my face..."

Tsk tsk, in front of my mother-in-law, I really don’t want to save face for my biological mother.

Fortunately, Han Shuzhen couldn't come at noon today and could only have dinner with her in-laws in the evening. Otherwise, she would definitely be hurt internally by what this girl said.

Chen Meijuan smiled:

"No one is born with good cooking skills. I still remember when Xiaoxu was four years old, we moved to Yinzhou City. The neighbors were frying food early to prepare New Year's goods. Our work unit didn't have annual leave, so we couldn't go back to our hometown. Then Xiaoxu is greedy for other people’s vermicelli balls and is clamoring to eat them.”

Stir the vermicelli evenly, set it aside to dry, then put the oil pan on the rack and started to heat the oil.

"If the child wants to eat it, it must be cooked. I recalled the ways of my elders and tried to fry a pot of vermicelli balls. I fried Xiaoxu and ate them. When I finished frying, I realized that the inside was not fried at all. It’s still starch paste. Xiaoxu, the stupid kid, didn’t eat it. He kept saying that my fried food was delicious, and even went to show off to the neighbor’s kids..."

She took a deep breath and continued:

"From that moment on, I started learning to cook seriously. Whatever Xiaoxu wanted to eat, I would ask your grandma and grandma to learn it. If they didn't know how, they would ask the elders in their hometown or the neighbors. If they didn't learn it, I wouldn't give up... …Then I became the best cook in the family.”

Lin Xuzheng was so moved that he came back to his senses after hearing the last sentence.

Mom, are you in Versailles?

Shen Jiayue quickly flattered him:

"Mom is so amazing. No wonder Xu Bao's cooking skills are so good. It turns out he inherited it from my mother... And if I'm not good at cooking, it's not my fault. It's all my mother's fault."

Lin Xu said:

"You are already very good. You have learned how to cook several kinds of delicious food in the air fryer."

"Oh, yes, I use the air fryer very well. I will make delicious food for my mother tonight. You have to help me prepare the ingredients."

Ever since Shen Jiayue learned how to make sugar frying hammer last time, she has become more and more fond of the air fryer.

But the prerequisite for her to use the air fryer is that Lin Xu has to prepare the ingredients, or buy semi-finished marinated chicken wings, chicken fillets, chicken steaks and other snacks.

Well, Baby Shen has mastered the use of the air fryer, but in terms of seasoning, he is still at the level of a kindergarten class.

Soon, the oil temperature rises.

Chen Meijuan poured the chopped green onion into the vermicelli, stirred it evenly, then brought a bowl of water and began to prepare the fried vermicelli balls.

"Mom, what are you doing with the water?"

"It's for dipping your hands. The starch and vermicelli are too sticky and will stick to your hands if you grab them directly. So before making it, you need to dip it in water so that the vermicelli can form into a ball."

When the oil was 50% hot, Chen Meijuan dipped her hands in the water and then dug out a fist-sized ball of vermicelli from the basin.

Gather it quickly with your hands, form into a ball and slowly throw it into the pot along the edge of the pot.

She did not do the next one immediately. Instead, she checked to make sure that the oil temperature was OK, and then continued to do it. While doing it, she said:

"If the oil temperature is low, it will spread. 50% is basically the minimum. If you want the temperature to be lower, you can only increase the amount of starch, otherwise the vermicelli will be broken in the pot."

In fact, when you cook it now, there will still be two or three vermicelli scattered in the pot.

But it doesn't matter anymore, it's a normal phenomenon when cooking.

After the vermicelli meatballs are put into the pot, don't worry about it. Continue to fry until the surface turns golden brown. Then you can gently flip it with a spoon to make the meatballs fry more evenly.

When the surface of the meatballs turns brown, use a slotted spoon to take the meatballs out, bump them over the oil pan a few times, and then put them back into the pan.

"Xubao, what does this mean? Another explosion?"

Shen Jiayue felt that her mother-in-law's method of frying meatballs was a little different.

Lin Xu said:

"There are two reasons for doing this. The first is to feel the weight of the meatballs. If they are light and fluffy, it means they are thoroughly fried. If they are a little bouncy, it means there is raw starch in them... The second is that the balls collide with each other, which will make the inside It becomes looser and more conducive to frying.”

The vermicelli are held together by starch. Using the method of twisting can create gaps inside, so that the heat can be more easily transferred to the deepest part of the meatballs.

In addition, after being bumped like this, the surface of the meatballs will be more uneven.

After deep-frying, the texture will be crispier and more delicious.

Shen Jiayue didn't expect that frying meatballs would be so knowledgeable. Looking at the meatballs floating in the pot, she, the air fryer fairy, couldn't hold back anymore:

“Can I make it in an air fryer?”

After saying that, she opened the cabinet and took out her air fryer.

This really stumped Lin Xu. He had never delved into such unorthodox practices, so he washed his hands and said:

"I don't know either, let's try it."

In order to prevent the meatballs from spreading, he specially laid a layer of tin foil in the air fryer, then rolled two meatballs and put them in. After turning on the fire, he began to wait for a long time.

"Eat, you can eat."

Chen Meijuan took the meatballs out of the pot and said to herself:

"Since I don't use the ground pot in my hometown in the countryside, I can't even give the Kitchen God a taste."

She put a few meatballs into a bowl and raised them towards the southeast. This was not superstition, but a wish for a happy life, hoping that the current happy life could be maintained.

When she put the bowl down, Lin Xu put a meatball into a small bowl and handed it to Shen Jiayue:

"Have a try. If you want to put it down when you are a child, I will already be slapped."

Shen Jiayue chuckled:

"Let you and the Stove Lord compete for food."

The meatballs are large and exude the unique aroma of fried vermicelli. When you open them with chopsticks, the aroma of meat comes out from the meatballs.

The vermicelli inside is crystal clear and has a rosy color due to the addition of dark soy sauce.

No matter how it looks or tastes, it looks like the vermicelli from the pork vermicelli stew has been fished out to make this delicious dish.

Pick up a piece and put it into your mouth to bite. The fragrant and crispy texture of the meatball skin makes people feel a sense of happiness inexplicably.

Vermicelli is a chewy delicacy. It becomes crispy and crispy after deep-frying, and it is rich in broth, so it has a very rich flavor.

This kind of aroma is stronger than ordinary fried food, and it tastes delicious.

The vermicelli inside is fragrant, soft and chewy, with a smooth texture. The aroma of onions and meat are intertwined, and it really feels like eating meatballs.

"It's delicious. Mom's cooking is great!"

If today we were to select the most popular daughter-in-law of her mother-in-law, Shen Jiayue would definitely be selected successfully. She would praise her mother-in-law in every possible way, as if she was smeared with honey.

Chen Meijuan said with a smile:

"The freshly fried ones taste crisper. Let them cool down and steam them to bring out the aroma of the broth, making them more delicious."

"Hmm...can it be steamed? Let's steam it this afternoon."

"Okay, my daughter-in-law wants to eat it, so let's steam it."

After the second pot was fried, Chen Meijuan saw that Shen Jiayue liked to eat the crispy skin on the outside of the vermicelli balls, so she randomly grabbed a small ball of vermicelli filling from the basin with her hands, dipped her hands in water, patted it, flattened it and threw it into the pot.

This kind of vermicelli cake is thinner, has a larger surface area, and has a crispier texture when fried.

When she took it out and put it on the plate, her daughter-in-law immediately had little stars in her eyes:

"Thank you, Mom! No, I have to post it on WeChat to show off. This is fragrant and crispy. It tastes absolutely amazing!"

Hum hum, get out of the way, I want to show off my mother-in-law!

There are many people in the circle who don't have a partner. Although Yan Bao has a partner, Professor Tian's cooking skills are probably about the same as Yan Bao's. So my mother-in-law is the ceiling. No one objects to this, right?

After serving, she picked up the vermicelli cake with chopsticks and tasted it. It was very crispy, like fried short-cut pork.

While eating, Chen Yan's voice sounded outside the kitchen:

"Yueyue, we all know that Aunt Chen is a good cook, but there is no need for you to sneer, right? Pay attention to your face and absorb the smell."

Chen Yan walked in and greeted Chen Meijuan sweetly:

"Hello Aunt Chen!"

"Hello Xiaoyan, stop standing and eat it while it's hot. Xiaoxu and Yueyue have been eating for a long time. The meatballs are soft and the pancakes are crispy. Take whichever you want."

Chen Yan originally wanted to be reserved, but when she saw her cousin's mouth was full of oil after eating, and was aroused by the fragrance of the vermicelli balls, she didn't hesitate to pick one up and took a bite:

"Wow, it smells so good. No wonder Yueyue is so excited to eat it. Aunt Chen's craftsmanship is really amazing."

Chen Meijuan smiled and said:

"As long as you like to eat, it's fine. I was worried that you wouldn't like to eat when I came... By the way, I'll give Yuanyuan some after eating. This girl knew I was coming and sent a message two days ago. I want to eat big meatballs.”

"Okay, I'll turn over to No. 4 Middle School when I go to the company later."

Speaking of the company, Chen Yan talked about business:

"Xiaoqi and the others just did a test. The image transmission signal and camera position are all fine. You can start recording at any time... By the way, Boss Huang asked me to ask you what materials you need. He will send them over later."

After learning that Zeng Xiaoqi and the others had resigned, Huang immediately signed an ingredient supply agreement with Chen Yan. From now on, he would provide the ingredients for all food programs. When the number of broadcasts increased, he could even pay for it.

When it comes to advertising, you should spend money.

Lin Xu thought for a while and said:

"Just use a tender duck that has been bled and shed its feathers. Don't disembowel it. This method requires the whole duck to be deboned. If the duck is disemboweled, the bones cannot be removed, and the essence of the gourd duck is lost."

Chen Yan nodded:

"Okay, I'll send him a message later...what else besides ducks?"

"You also need soaked sea cucumbers, scallops, tendons, shrimps, mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, ham... This is not fixed, as long as it is eight more expensive fillings, and glutinous rice needs to be soaked overnight. I can just take it from the store, it’s definitely too late to prepare it now.”

The difficulty of the delicacy of Babao Gourd Duck lies in deboning the whole duck and shaping the duck. As for the filling itself, it is not too particular.

To put it simply, this is a salty rice dumpling with whole duck skin.

The filling is not important, how to wrap it in and achieve the desired effect is the focus of the dish.

Of course, filling is also very important. If it is filled too full, the duck skin will burst. If it is underfilled, the gourd shape will not rise. This requires a certain amount of operating experience.

In addition to ingredients, you also need seasonings such as lard, sugar, sugar water, and chicken soup. In addition, you need to prepare two ingredients: carrots and lettuce.

Carrots and lettuce are not used for cooking, but are used to carve into small gourds for decoration.

The combination of green and red small gourds can improve the appearance of the dishes.

Good food must not only be delicious, but also must be "pleasing to the eye." Only in this way can it be considered a dish with good color, flavor and taste.

Chen Yan stuffed the remaining half of the ball into her mouth, chewed it twice, and muttered vaguely:

"This time I cook the same dish as the TV station. I don't know if I can surpass the other party."

Shen Jiayue looked at Lin Xu and asked:

"Xubao, we won't lose, right?"

Lin Xu smiled:

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem, unless they invite the master and the retired seniors from Diaoyutai. As for the others, I'm still worthy."

Although he doesn't have perfect cooking techniques, Lin Xu has the bone-breaking technique and his knife skills are so good, there is absolutely no problem in making the eight-treasure gourd duck.

Several people were eating while talking, and when the meatballs were fried, they were all full.

Chen Meijuan said with a smile:

"Eating around the stove is just like when I was a kid."

Shen Jiayue said with a smile:

"It's different. When I was young, it wasn't so lively without Yan Bao and me."

After eating the meatballs, Lin Xu went to the big kitchen next door to get a few bowls of hot and sour soup to relieve the greasy feeling caused by the vermicelli meatballs.

After eating and drinking, he took the eight-treasure stuffing and the vermicelli balls packed by Chen Meijuan. He drove to No. 4 Middle School and delivered the meatballs to Sister Yuanyuan. Then he went to the company to prepare the eight-treasure gourd duck. of recording.

When I arrived at the company, Xie Baomin and Qi Zhentao, who participated in the recording, had already arrived.

New platform, new venue, new program, so the lineup must be full.

This time, we directly invited the number one cook in Diaoyutai and the technical chef of Yanjing Hotel. Together with Lin Xu, the founder of Linji Food, it was a complete combination of strength and good looks.

And arranged together like this, it also gives people the impression that Linji Food and Yanjing Hotel Diaoyutai are of the same level.

This was deliberately arranged by Zeng Xiaoqi.

Lin Xu supported her work so much. As the general manager of the program team, she naturally wanted to help Lin Ji with publicity.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Lao Huang delivered the tender duck to be used, and the recording work officially began!


This chapter has 5,000 words. Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket, brothers! In addition, there are double monthly passes at the end of the month, so those who can keep them until the end of the month can keep them!

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