Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 458: How to eat steamed buns with steamed buns? Zhen Wensheng: You will regret it! 【Please s

"I'll never eat again at night!"

In the morning, Shen Jiayue yawned and felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach.

I ate too many delicacies cooked in an air fryer last night. Although this delicacy is not fried, eating too much will still burden the stomach.

In addition, after Shu Yun and the others came over, everyone opened beers and added new ingredients, causing everyone to be full.

Lin Xu, who was brushing his teeth, spat out the foam in his mouth:

"I'll make some porridge later. Drink porridge to nourish your stomach..."

"Thank you Xu said it would be great if the air fryer could make porridge."

Lin Xu rinsed his mouth and said with a smile:

"It can be boiled, but that kind of pot does not blow hot air, but heats it from the bottom. It also has another name, called a rice cooker."

"Xubao, I thought you were really good or bad."

Shen Jiayue hugged Lin Xu's back and rubbed her head. She was not full of sleep and still wanted to sleep.

It's a pity that my parents are here and I will be scolded if I get up late.

After Lin Xu finished washing, he took a pink toothbrush, put some toothpaste on it, and handed it to the confused baby next to him:

"Brush your teeth, I'll go downstairs and start preparing breakfast."


Pushing the door open and going out, Lin Xu saw that Shu Yun and Dou Wenjing, who stayed here last night, had gotten up and were cleaning with a broom and mop.

"You two don't have to do anything. I'll clean it later."

Dou Wenjing smiled:

"I'm not tired, just think of it as exercising...why doesn't the boss hire a nanny?"

"Neither Yueyue nor I like strangers in our house. Besides, if we clean it every day, it's not too tiring to clean it once a week. There's no need to hire a nanny."

He came to Dundun's room and found that the cat litter had been shoveled, and the little guy was lying on the cat castle, holding a quail stem in his two front paws and eating it.

This type of dried meat can not only increase satiety, but also help grind teeth, so I give Dundun some every morning.

Seeing that the little guy was eating seriously, Lin Xu didn't bother him and went downstairs with his cotton slippers.

Walking out of the stairwell, he saw Shen Guofu and Han Shuzhen wiping the stove and dining table.

Shen Guofu muttered while working:

"You can't eat at night anymore. It's too harmful to your health."

Han Shuzhen glanced at him:

"I had the most fun last night. I obviously drank white wine with Professor Cui, and then drank several cans of beer, and ate so much fried chicken and onion rings. Doesn't this kind of indulgence feel good?"

Shen Guofu looked happy, of course this is good.

Eat a lot of meat, drink a lot of wine, and there are a group of young people playing games with them.

It's more exciting than staying up late watching football games.

But sensing that there was something in his wife's words, he quickly said:

"No, no, it's really not good. Not only does it make you feel uncomfortable eating, but you also feel uncomfortable in your stomach after eating. Xiaoxu, let's make some porridge later. You have to nourish your stomach, otherwise you will have problems sooner or later."

"Okay, I'll start making breakfast."

Lin Xu walked into the kitchen. Although he was sure to eat porridge, he was not sure whether to eat sweet porridge or salty porridge.

He opened the refrigerator and took a look. There weren't many ingredients in it, and he didn't marinate some minced meat in advance. He might as well make white porridge.

To nourish the stomach, white porridge is the best.

Wash the casserole clean, add water and heat it, add a small spoonful of lard into it.

Bring the water in the pot to a boil over high heat, pour in the frozen rice from last night, bring to the boil again, cover with the lid and reduce to low heat.

When the rice porridge was cooked, Lin Xu washed a few more salted duck eggs and put them into the egg steamer.

In the past, he had never thought that there was such a household appliance for steaming eggs. Shen Jiayue had been curious about it for a long time when he bought it.

This girl didn't buy the egg steamer just to steam eggs, but because she thought the pink dudu was cute, so she placed the order.

Well, when girls buy things, they always only look at their looks.

As long as it looks good, everything else is secondary.

After steaming the salted duck eggs, Lin Xu kneaded some more yeast dough. In order to speed up the fermentation, he deliberately added some sugar and baking powder when kneading the dough.

Knead it into a slightly harder dough and cover it with a damp cloth for proofing.

Taking advantage of this time, he added some dry flour to the kneading basin and kneaded a dead dough half smaller than the dough with water.

Lin Xu is going to make some steamed buns today.

But this steamed bun is different from ordinary steamed buns. This is a hollow steamed bun.

The reason why I knead some more dead dough is to create a hollow for the steamed buns. After the steamed buns are steamed, take out the dead dough core inside, and a hollow steamed bun can be filled with pork, pickles, elbows and other dishes. .

Knead the dough well, cover it with a damp cloth and set it aside to rest.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xu took out some dried beans from the refrigerator and soaked them in warm water.

There was no meat or elbows at home today, and he was a little bit stuck with pickles. After all, the number one person in the company and the number one person in the store were both here, so he planned to stir-fry some dried beans with diced pork and dried chili peppers.

Use this dish with steamed buns and it should taste pretty good.

Eating hollow steamed buns with dried beans, and then drinking white porridge bit by bit with salted duck eggs. Isn't this just a simple breakfast?

After soaking the dried beans, Lin Xu took out a small piece of pork belly.

If you don’t eat so greasy in the morning, a small piece is enough.

The meat is still frozen hard, so you need to dry it first and wait for it to melt before cutting.

With nothing to do, he washed two sections of the crispy lotus roots he brought yesterday, peeled them and cut them into thin slices, then blanched them in water, took them out and let them cool, and made a more refreshing ginger juice lotus root.

Have a few slices in the winter, it’s sour and sweet, refreshing and appetizing.

While Lin Xu was busy in the kitchen, Han Shuzhen, Shuyun and Zeng Xiaoqi came to the rooftop terrace and started aerobics.

Exercising early in the morning will not only refresh your mind, but also keep your hands and feet from getting cold.

When they were doing gymnastics, Shen Guofu was holding a skipping rope and skipping rope on the other side of the terrace.

In order to urge Lao Shen to exercise more, Han Shuzhen specially bought a batch of electronic skipping ropes that can be connected to mobile phones. Middle-aged players such as Lao Shen, Lao Huang, and Xie Baomin each have one.

This kind of skipping rope can record the number of skipping ropes every day and upload it to the Internet, and can be ranked against friends.

In this case, several middle-aged people obviously worked hard.

Take the initiative to exercise every day. After all, men’s damn desire to win makes them unwilling to be compared.

It is said that now Tan Yajun Chen Yuejin and others have joined in, and the competition has changed from competing in billiards skills to competing in skipping data.

Originally, Shen Guofu also made a rule that whoever loses would be invited to drink, but Han Shuzhen forcefully banned it.

Exercise well and stop cheating on food and drink under the guise of competition.

Downstairs, after the dough had relaxed slightly, Lin Xu kneaded it again, smoothed it out, rolled it into long strips, and then divided it into dough balls of about 30 grams each.

What we are steaming today is not small steamed buns, but large steamed buns, so the dough core should be larger.

Otherwise, the buns will not be hollow enough to hold too many vegetables.

Divide the dough, roll it into small balls, use chopsticks to dip it into the peanut oil, and let the oil coat all the dough.

Then clip it out and place it on a tray to dry.

Soak it in this way and wrap it in the steamed buns so that the dead dough and the risen dough will not stick together. After steaming, the dough core can be pulled out with a gentle movement, and a hollow steamed bun is ready.

In addition to dead noodles, the dough core of hollow steamed buns can also be replaced with leavened noodles, semi-raised noodles, semi-hot noodles, etc.

However, leavened dough tends to stick together. Relatively speaking, dough made from dead dough is the easiest to take out, and the hollow effect is better.

Prepare the dough core and the dough is almost ready.

Lin Xu put the dough on the chopping board, kneaded it first to release the air from the dough, and then kneaded the dough smooth.

Knead the dough into long strips and divide it into 50-gram pieces.

After everything was divided, he pressed the dough and rolled it out into a thick sheet, then put the grease-filled bread into it, and then used the technique of pinching a peach to tighten the mouth.

The so-called peach pinching is a commonly used filling method for Chinese pastries.

The specific method is to use the tiger's mouth position of the right hand to slowly wrap the fillings in the dough. Commonly used for wrapping yuanxiao, wrapping snacks, and wrapping various shortbreads with fillings, pinching peaches is used.

Tighten the mouth, pull off the excess dough at the top, and then start wrapping the next one.

After all the hollow steamed buns are made, shape them into round buns.

Then knead the pinched noodles together with the remaining dough to make several thin and tall steamed buns.

After everything is done, place these steamed buns on the oiled steaming grate and put them in the steaming cabinet for secondary steaming.

Regardless of whether the steamed buns or steamed buns are made, do not steam them immediately. Relax the dough for a while to make the dough fluffy again and release the gluten.

The pasta steamed in this way is delicious.

If you wrap it and steam it directly, and the fire is very high, the steamed buns will be easily suffocated.

Because the gluten in the noodles has not been removed, and the yeast is steamed to death as soon as it comes in, it won't be fluffy even if you want to.

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Xu added water to the steaming cabinet and started steaming.

SAIC kept steaming for twenty-three minutes. After the steaming cabinet tripped, it steamed for another two minutes. When the steaming cabinet was opened, a nice smell of pasta wafted out from the steaming cabinet.

The steaming cabinet for home use is a bit small, and these steamed buns take up almost half of the space.

Lin Xu carefully pulled out the steaming tray. When Shen Jiayue, who had just finished dancing, saw it, she couldn't help but admire:

"Wow, this big white and plump bun looks so tempting."

Lin Xu took the steamed bun off the steamer grate, placed it on the chopping board, and lightly scratched the side of the steamed bun with a knife. Hot steam immediately spewed out from inside.

Holding both ends of the opening with your hands, the whole steamed bun opened with your mouth wide open. It was empty inside, with a small piece of dough sandwiched in the middle. This was the dough core wrapped in it.

Take out all the noodle cores one by one, the beans in the basin have been soaked, and the pork belly has almost melted.

Lin Xu diced the meat and cut the dried beans into small pieces.

While he was busy, Shen Guofu walked in and saw the diced meat and dried beans prepared on the table, as well as the gnocchi next to it, and asked curiously:

"What are Xiaoxu planning to do? Are you going to fry the pimples?"

Fried pimples?

What kind of dish is this? Fried gnocchi?

When Lin Xugang was about to ask, Shen Guofu muttered:

"When I was a kid, the fried gnocchi at the halal stall was my favorite. Stir-fry the gnocchi in mutton fat. The taste is so delicious."

Gnocchi fried in suet?

I can't make it right now, but I can make diced pork belly and stir-fried dumplings today.

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"I'll make it later and you can try it to see if it's as delicious as you remember."

"Okay...I was originally going to eat some steamed buns to rest on my face first. Since you want to make stir-fried dumplings, I'll wait and see if they taste as good as when I was a kid."

He used a kitchen knife to first cut the dough into slices, then cut it into strips, and finally cut it into small dices.

Cut them all, prepare the ingredients such as onion and ginger, and start frying.

Pour oil into the pot, heat it up, add diced pork belly and stir-fry until the surface is slightly browned, add onion, ginger and dried chili segments, stir-fry again, add light soy sauce and a small spoonful of salt.

Then add the dried beans and continue to stir-fry to bring out the water, so that the dried beans will taste better.

Stir-fry the dried beans, add a large bowl of stock, pour in some dark soy sauce, add a little sugar, add a spoonful of oyster sauce, bring to a boil over high heat and pour in the gnocchi.

Simmer for a while and reduce the juice over high heat.

When the ruddy soup hangs on the surface of the noodles, pour in some cooking oil, turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

"Ready to eat!"

Bring a small pot of fried dumplings to the dining table, followed by ginger lotus root, salted duck eggs and a plate of small pickles.

Shu Yun helped bring the steamed buns, and Dou Wenjing brought the bowls and chopsticks.

Finally, Lin Xu brought over the cooked white rice porridge and the casserole. After each person received a bowl, today's breakfast officially began.

"One salted duck egg per person. The steamed buns are hollow and can be eaten with fried dumplings or kimchi."

Lin Xu peeled off the salted duck eggs that had been dried and soaked them in the white porridge.

This is his favorite way of eating since he was a child. He takes a sip of porridge, then uses chopsticks to pick up a little salted duck egg and puts it into his mouth. The salty and fresh taste is mixed with the fragrance of rice porridge.

When you eat the egg yolk, the yellow fat will give the whole bowl of rice porridge a rich and delicious aroma.

Seeing this, Shen Jiayue also soaked the salted duck eggs into the rice porridge.

The porridge is still very hot at this moment, so I can't drink it. Let's eat the steamed buns first.

Break open the steamed bun, put some fried dumplings inside with a small spoon, add a few pieces of pickles, then take a bite in your hand.

The steamed buns are soft and soft, and the fried dumplings inside are chewy and delicious. There are also soft diced pork and chewy dried beans in the middle.

One sip makes you feel so comfortable.

Shen Guofu couldn't stop eating:

"Why haven't I thought of eating it this way before? It's really enjoyable to eat it with steamed buns like this."

Dou Wenjing said with a smile:

"I used to hear jokes about steamed buns with dough fillings, and thought it was funny. But I didn't expect to actually eat them today, and they actually tasted really good."

Shu Yun echoed:

"Yes, but many places in the north already have a way of eating carbohydrates and water. This can be regarded as a return to tradition."

Lin Xu had never eaten stir-fried dumplings before, or even seen them before, so he thought it would not be delicious, but it turned out to be a bit unexpected.

Sure enough, adding diced pork and stock was the right thing to do.

This stuff needs to be fragrant enough to taste delicious.

"When Sister Xiaoqi completes the resignation procedures, Sister Jing, please contact Sister Yan and stop licensing the portraits of me, my senior brother, and all the chefs who appeared on the scene, as well as the title of the film Mr. Tateyama wrote. You can discuss the specific operation, and if necessary, you can ask Brother Feng to negotiate."

During the meal, Lin Xu began to arrange the finishing touches for breaking up with the TV station.

Lin Xu has no control over how the TV station broadcasts the program, but he can stop licensing his image, and the same goes for other chefs.

After all, this program is sponsored and advertised, and it is not a public welfare program. People who appear on the show have the right to choose to terminate the authorization.

Dou Wenjing took a bite of the steamed bun:

"Okay, I will communicate with Mr. Chen after dinner to smooth this matter out."

Shen Guofu said with a smile:

"This is a good thing for you. It is much better than becoming the flagship program of a satellite TV channel and then being interfered with. The impact of the break now is very small, so you can go into battle lightly."

Lin Xu nodded:

"When the food program is on track, I will talk to Liu Zhengyu and cooperate with the National Tourism Association to launch our own travel program."

Food and tourism complement each other. Many people travel not only for the beautiful scenery, but food is also very attractive. It is just a good opportunity to discover some local food through the program.

This is a good thing for both Happy Media and Lin Xu.

After the meal, Lin Xu tidied up the kitchen, left home with everyone, and went to the store to face a new day of work.

TV station.

Zhen Wensheng looked at the resignation reports of the program team members and sighed helplessly:

"You have suffered too much in the past few years, and now the channel has finally made some progress, but... I'm sorry, it was my negligence as the boss that made you suffer."

Yesterday, he slapped the table and threw cups with the stage leader, but to no avail.

So when I saw everyone’s resignation reports today, I wasn’t surprised, but rather felt guilty.

When the channel was founded, the benefits promised to everyone have never been fulfilled. In the past few months, the Travel Channel has become a serf and started singing, but it did not expect that something like this would happen.

After approving everyone's resignation reports, he said:

"Go directly to the HR department to go through the formalities. I've already said hello. They don't dare to make things difficult for you."

After all, Zhen Wensheng is also the channel director. Although he cannot withstand the pressure of the station leaders, he still has no problem putting small shoes on for the people in the human resources department.

Zeng Xiaoqi opened her mouth and was about to say something when Zhen Wensheng waved his hand:

"Go and complete the procedures. Your pension and social security are more complicated than theirs. Finish it as soon as possible and go back early. Remember to treat me to dinner when you are not busy."

"Okay, please!"

Everyone bowed to Zhen Wensheng and left his office.

After the employees he worked with day and night left, Zhen Wensheng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, adjusted his mentality, left the travel channel, and went to the station leader's office.

At this moment, several leaders inside were discussing the matter of taking over the Shiwei Renjian.

Seeing Zhen Wensheng come in, he asked curiously:

"Has Zeng Xiaoqi's work been completed?"

Zhen Wensheng shook his head:

"No, she resigned, and the entire program team resigned."

"Hey, are you so brave? Just resign. This show has mature routines. We just keep filming. Anyway, Mr. Tateyama is there..."

Zhen Wensheng sat down on the sofa:

"Mr. Tateyama also returned, and at the same time terminated the inscription authorization for the film's title."

"This kind of weird old man is not suitable to work with."

"It's okay. We can just find someone from the cultural circle to take charge. It won't be a big problem."

"It's not like he's on camera, so it doesn't matter who he is."

Seeing them whispering and discussing, Zhen Wensheng said:

"I said yesterday that you will regret it. The best way to develop this show is to let Zeng Xiaoqi do it by herself, because she can borrow Lin Xu's light, but others will not have the same face."

The person in charge of the advertising department said disdainfully:

"Old Zhen, don't take a young man so seriously. Without Lin Xu and his senior brother, we can just find other chefs to cook. There are so many famous chefs in Yanjing. If you don't believe me, I'll call you right now." Let Huo Yuanchao, the executive chef of Summer Palace, be the featured chef on the show."

Zhen Wensheng didn't say anything, just smiled softly.

The leader became a little angry and took out his mobile phone to call Huo Yuanchao:

"Lao Huo, I'm Lao Liu from the advertising department of Yanjing TV. We met last time we had dinner... I have a food show here and I need a celebrity chef to appear on it. I wonder if you have any time."

He originally thought that Huo Yuanchao would agree wholeheartedly, but what he heard was...

"Appearing on the camera? I can't agree to this for the moment. I signed a management contract with that Happy Media. Why don't you discuss it with them first? I will appear on the camera if the agreement is reached."

Happy Media?

Isn't this the company in which Lin Xu has a stake?

Having just offended Lin Xu's friends, it would be impossible to talk to them about being featured now.

If it were anyone else, they might be able to seduce them with appearance fees, but neither Happy Media nor these chefs are money-hungry owners, and small amounts of money can't attract them at all.

And if it's a big sum of money... the sponsor is not the God of Wealth, so it's impossible to spend money all the time.

When several department leaders nearby saw the situation, they also contacted some familiar celebrity chefs.

But without exception, these chefs have all signed up with Happy Media. Several of them are even having a meeting at Happy Media Company right now to plan new food programs.


Everyone looked at each other, feeling like they had shot themselves in the foot.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Wensheng was overjoyed.

I told you that you would regret it a long time ago. You are fine now. Are you comfortable?


This chapter has 5,600 words. It’s the end of the month. Please vote for me, brothers.

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