Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 437 What is it like to make three hundred bottles of Qiuli ointment at one time? Mrs. Shen’s


Lin Xu went to the store after breakfast and started working.

At about ten o'clock, he and Shen Jiayue, who had never seen the industrial practice of Qiuli paste, drove to the logistics department with the Luo Han Guo, licorice, dried lilies, red dates, loquat leaves, Sichuan clamshells, honey and other ingredients and medicinal materials that Lao Huang had delivered in the morning. street.

When he arrived, he saw stacks of empty cardboard boxes inside.

All three thousand kilograms of Sydney pears have been taken out of the box, some are soaking in the pool, and some are in the cleaning machine.

In the bucket next to the machine, there are pears that have been cleaned and cored one by one.

"Boss, what should we do with these pears? Just tell us the steps, and we will operate the equipment. You don't need to do anything anymore."

Having a person in charge who works wholeheartedly makes people worry-free.

Lin Xu said:

“Just put it in a soymilk machine and crush it, then pour it into a jacketed pot and cook it.

"Okay, let's start preparations now."

Wang Ziqiang agreed and went to work, while Lin Xu cleaned all the medicinal materials to be used, then broke open the monk fruit, removed the core of the red dates, and modified the medicinal materials such as licorice.

Three thousand kilograms of Sydney pears is a lot.

Even though a large-capacity commercial soymilk machine is used here, it still needs to be whipped more than ten times to complete.

After enough for one pot, Lin Xu put the medicinal materials and honey into the sandwich pot according to the proportion and started to cook.

When cooking, turn on the stirring function of the sandwich pot, which can not only stir the medicinal materials evenly, but also effectively prevent the occurrence of sticking to the bottom of the pot.

While it was cooking, it was almost time to eat.

Wang Ziqiang was just about to ask someone to prepare lunch when Chezi drove the store's grocery cart and delivered lunch.

Braised chicken nuggets, stewed pork knuckles with soybeans, stir-fried cabbage leaves with dried shrimps, braised tofu with minced meat, handmade fish ball soup, and rice.

Standard four dishes and one soup.

Lin Xuchong said to the employees:

"Don't cook for lunch today. Lin Ji made staff meals. If you can't take care of eating in the morning, you can ask the store to deliver them. Just let us know in advance."

After speaking, he explained to Wang Ziqiang:

"It's not okay to recruit a few more people and not be able to take care of food all the time."

There is actually no shortage of food here.

For example, soy milk, yam juice, pumpkin juice, etc. can be drank openly.

There are also various fillings. You can make buns with some bread, stuff them into the steamer, and the hot buns will be ready in no time.

But there were not enough manpower, and everyone was so busy that they didn’t even bother to prepare food.

Most of the time, I just make some meat, add some cabbage, tofu, vermicelli, etc., stew it in a pot, and add it with sesame seed buns bought at the street corner, and it's a complete meal.

This kind of food combination is not very scientific, so Lin Xu decided to ask the store to make more and deliver food here.

We are all our own employees and we cannot treat one favorably over another.

What's more, Ziqiang Shengjian's profit margin is even higher than that of Linji.

If you don't make fast food, you don't know how high the profits are, so you still haven't let go of those high-profit projects in Shangxin. If you do, the profit margins will be even higher.

These vegetables were all served in basins, and the rice was served directly on the steaming plate.

Everyone took bowls, chopsticks and plates and began to serve themselves rice and dishes.

Lin Xu and Shen Jiayue didn't go back to eat. They took the two bowls of rice from Che Zai, took the dishes that had been put on the plate, and sat around the dining table with Wang Ziqiang, Che Zai and others to eat.

Today's lunch was prepared by Guo Xinghai and Zhuang Yizhou, with a strong style of Huaiyang cuisine and Cantonese cuisine. The dishes are not spicy, but fresh and flavorful enough.

Especially the hand-made fish ball soup and fried cabbage leaves with dried shrimps, the word delicious is simply engraved into the dishes.

Cabbage leaves are soft and tender, and are very easy to cook. Put the cabbage leaves into the crispy shrimp skin cooked in high-temperature hot oil and stir-fry over high heat. When it is about to come out of the pan, drizzle with some shrimp oil.

When you take a bite, you can feel the freshness of the cabbage itself and the rich umami flavor of the shrimp skin, as well as the shrimp oil drizzled when it is finally taken out of the pan. The freshness is really beyond words.

As for the fish balls, fresh fish is deboned and then scraped bit by bit into mincemeat. After repeated beating, the fish balls finally emerge as elastic fish balls.

This kind of fish balls is paired with thick soup made from fish bones and some lard to give it a full flavor and texture.

After taking a sip of the soup, it felt like a sea breeze was blowing in my face.

"Today's food is so delicious, I feel like I'm going to overdo it again."

Shen Jiayue pouted, feeling that every time she wanted to lose weight, foodies headed by Lin Ji would jump out and cause trouble, causing her, a girl with a vest line, to almost lose her vest line.

Wang Ziqiang was eating cabbage and sighed with emotion:

"I didn't expect that shrimp skin can be used in this way. In the past, I thought it could only be used in stuffing or soup. Today I really learned a lot."

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Relatively speaking, shrimp skin is more suitable for frying chrysanthemum. Young leafy ingredients with softer texture, such as cabbage leaves, can be cooked together with shrimp paste to make it more delicious."

The car guy next to me carefully wrote it down:

"Shrimp paste? This is good. I'll try it later."

Although he could have three meals a day in the store, sometimes when he returned from get off work, he, Xu Xinhua, Niuchang, Ma Zhiqiang and others would prepare two dishes to go with wine, drink some wine before going to bed.

Since the boss said that shrimp paste is more suitable for cabbage leaves, I will buy a bottle and try it later.

See how it tastes.

Lin Xu picked up a piece of chicken and saw that it was a chicken wing. He immediately put it into Shen Jiayue's bowl, picked up a chicken foot and chewed it slowly.

This braised chicken nugget is made very authentically. When making it, I did not use soy sauce, but used sugar color.

It tastes like a light caramel aroma, which is something that cannot be produced with dark soy sauce.

The chicken is firm and chewy, and tastes salty and fresh. It's very satisfying to eat a bite of chicken steak and a bite of rice.

After lunch, all the employees had smiles on their faces.

In the past, I had to make do with what I had to eat, but it was a bit unbearable to eat such delicious food.

Lin Xu stood up and looked at the cooking situation in the jacketed pot. It was almost ready to be taken out of the pot. It would have to continue cooking after filtering.

Wang Ziqiang turned off the fire of the sandwich pot, then operated the equipment, poured the pear soup in the pot into a large basin, then added the uncooked pear and continued to cook.

As for the poured snow pear soup, the temperature is too high at the moment and cannot be filtered. It needs to be cooled first.

When it is almost dry, push the filter used to filter the soy milk, pour the pear soup in, and start filtering.

This kind of filter not only filters out the juice, but also directly squeezes the residue twice to squeeze out as much water as possible.

"Boss, are these residues still useful?"

Wang Ziqiang's original intention was to throw it away directly, but Lin Xu was still thinking about fertilizing the flower pond on the roof and said with a smile:

"Put it in a bag and I'll take it home to fertilize the flower pond."

Pour the filtered pear juice into the soy milk machine, turn on the heating function, and stir while heating.

This process is relatively slow. Fortunately, there are two soymilk machines, so the work here will not be delayed.

After the second pot of pear soup is boiled and filtered properly, clean the jacketed pot, pour the two pots of pear juice into it and simmer.

At this time, the pear juice in the soy milk machine has become thicker. Stirring it with the second pot of pear juice can also prevent the difference in taste between the two pots of autumn pear paste.

When Lin Xu crushed Sichuan clams into powder, the truck driver delivered more than 300 washed and sterilized glass jars.

As soon as she heard that three thousand kilograms of snow pears would be used to make Qiuli ointment, Dou Wenjing had already started purchasing the necessary glass jars. In addition, she also asked the advertising company she often cooperated with to make some stickers to put on the jars.

In the middle of the sticker are the words Qiuli Gao, with the words "Inheritance of Ancient Methods" and "Produced by Lin Ji" printed on both sides.

There are also food safety certificate codes and other contents below. These procedures were completed in advance by Dou Wenjing in advance. However, because Lin Ji does not have an online store, he did not apply for an online sales license.

When Qiuli ointment was almost healed, the butler who took charge of the overall situation drove up.

Lin Xu looked at her and asked:

"How many bottles does Sister Jing want today? I'm not in a hurry to sell this time. I'll give a wave of benefits to my own people first."

Dou Wenjing smelled the delicious Qiuli ointment in the pot, smiled and said:

"Just send one bottle to each of my parents, and leave a bottle in the office to drink with water."

Shen Jiayue asked:

"Wouldn't relatives and friends give me a gift?"

Dou Wenjing shook her head:

"No, if I let them know that I am living a good life, I might need to borrow money again. I am very annoyed. Last time, I specifically told Yang Lin not to talk nonsense to the people in my hometown."

These words made Wang Ziqiang nod his head:

"You really can't talk nonsense. A few days ago, several relatives wanted to come to the capital to find me some delicious food. When they were rejected, they scolded me for being ruthless and ruthless... Some relatives just sit together and drink wine and eat meat during the holidays. There is no need to get too close. If you are doing well, it will be more uncomfortable for him than if he is completely paralyzed."

Lin Xu didn't feel this difference because her grandmother was better at running a family since she was a child, and her relatives were very kind.

On the other hand, Shen Jiayue, when she was a child, because her family was poor, she would visit relatives during the holidays. She was not only disliked, but also scolded if she even touched the toys in their homes.

From that moment on, some of the family's relatives in the capital stopped communicating with each other.

A large part of the reason why Shen Guofu worked so hard to make money was that he was stimulated by these things.

When big bubbles appeared in the pot, Lin Xu poured a pot of Sichuan clams into a paste into the sandwich pot.

Stir again and pour from the pot.

Let it dry for a while, put the Qiuli paste into the filling machine, and start filling it into glass bottles.

One pound per bottle, impartial.

Let the filled glass bottle dry for a while. When it is not too hot to hand, screw on the lid, securely attach the custom-made label, and attach a ring of sealing paper to the mouth of the bottle.

Three thousand kilograms of Sydney, due to the industrial method, the juice yield was higher. A total of 310 bottles were made, which was higher than expected.

After Qiuli ointment was ready, Lin Xu immediately found a courier company at the door and sent fifty cans to Yinzhou.

In the past, Qiuli ointment was nothing, but now not many people take the time to make it, so it has become a rare item. Send more to your hometown and give it to everyone you have a good relationship with.

It's just a matter of favor, that's it.

After getting the express delivery order, Lin Xu called his mother:

"Mom, I made some Qiuli paste, and I gave it to my grandma, grandma, and relatives at home to share. It's dry in the winter, so drinking some Qiuli paste is good for your health."

Chen Meijuan didn't expect her son to miss her family so much, and said with a smile:

"During Double Eleven, your grandma wanted to drink Qiuli ointment, so she bought some online. It smelled like stinky pears, as if the pear core had not been removed. It was so unpalatable that your grandma was so angry that she completely retreated... It's fine now..." Yes, the old lady will definitely be very happy if your eldest grandson makes it."

"Just tell me what you want to eat in the future. Delivery is so convenient, there is no need to buy it online. By the way, do you want to eat the sweet duck? I will also deliver a few later. I won't put sugar on this duck. , you receive it and fry it first, then pour it on with the syrup I packed, it’s absolutely delicious.”

"Okay, okay, my son has really grown up."

Chen Meijuan is very happy, not because she can eat Qiuli paste or sweet-skinned duck immediately, but because her son always misses his family.

This makes me happier than eating many bottles of Qiuli ointment.

When Lin Xu called, Shen Jiayue came over and said:

"Mom, Xu Bao and I are going to put some fertilizer into the flower pond in the next two days, and we are waiting for you to plant vegetables."

"Okay, okay, when spring comes, mom will plant vegetables for you."

Chen Meijuan had been busy for most of the day today and was very tired at first, but after hearing the words of her son and daughter-in-law, all her fatigue was instantly swept away.

While I can still move, I must save more money for my two children.

What my in-laws said before was right. I worried too much about money when I was young, so my goal in this life is not to let my children worry about money.

The more you have experienced poverty and hardship, the more you want your children to stay away from it.

Now both parents are working hard towards this goal.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Jiayue wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes:

"Xubao, I miss our parents."

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Then let's go back when we have time. There's no rush... By the way, let's go give grandma a few more bottles, and let grandma give some to the neighbors."

The old lady insisted on living in the courtyard of the South Third Ring Road. She didn't like the nanny, and her family couldn't go there every day, so she had to establish a good relationship with the neighbors.

In case the old lady needs someone to run an errand or something, there won't be anyone around.

Shen Jiayue said upon hearing this:

"Okay, let's bring some more food."

When preparing to drive back, Lin Xu saw the driver loading Qiuli ointment into the van and said:

"Remember to give Qi Siliang two bottles when you get to the store. I promised him before."


Lin Xu loaded a dozen bottles of Qiuli ointment into the car, then went back to the store to pack a dozen roast chickens and some snacks, making four gifts.

After everything was loaded into the car, Shen Jiayue sat down with Dundun in her arms, and the family of three drove to the South Third Ring Road.

It's almost four o'clock in the afternoon, and dinner will most likely be at grandma's house, otherwise the old lady will be unhappy.

Shen Jiayue said with some expectation:

"I don't know what grandma will cook today."

When we arrived at the South Third Ring Road, we turned the car into an alley and parked in front of the old lady's house. Several old neighbors who were returning from grocery shopping quickly said hello:

"Yueyue, you two are here to see the old lady again?"

"Yes, I made some delicious food for grandma and sent it to her while I'm not busy...Are you guys going to buy food?"

"I just bought some things, and you guys are really here. The old lady played mahjong in the afternoon and won all three of our families. She said she wanted to go home and make sugar pancakes to eat. Does this old lady know that you are coming?"

Sugar cake?

Shen Jiayue's eyes lit up, and then she said with a smile:

"I've been craving sugar pancakes for the past two days, but grandma made them unexpectedly... Let's go in first."

"Go on, go on, tell your grandma that the money we lost today, we will win back tomorrow!"

Lin Xu opened the trunk and walked into the courtyard with Shen Baobao each holding a large cardboard box.

As soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw Mrs. Shen standing at the door of the kitchen.

"My granddaughter's voice is still so loud that she can hear it even when the range hood is turned on in the kitchen... What is this?"

Lin Xu said:

"I made some Qiuli paste today, and by the way I took some roasted chicken snacks and other braised food from the store. You can share it with the neighbors. We, the juniors, have to thank you for taking such good care of you."

Mrs. Shen suddenly smiled:

"My grandson-in-law is so thoughtful. I'll go give them to them later. When we were playing mahjong, some old neighbors were still talking about it, saying that I saw your cooking videos on TV, but your cooking skills didn't improve at all. , I want you to give me some advice."

Lin Xu was happy when he heard it.

I thought that only young people watched videos to exercise and improve their cooking skills, but I didn’t expect that the same thing happened to the elderly.

He smiled and said:

"It's no use just watching, you have to follow."

Putting the box in the living room, Lin Xu felt the temperature. This courtyard house, which looked ordinary on the outside, actually had floor heating in every room. It could not only use collective heating, but also use electric floor heating.

From this point of view, living here is indeed quite comfortable.

Standing in the room for a while, a warm feeling rose from the soles of my feet.

Putting down the carton, he rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen:

"Grandma, why don't I do it? You can just direct it."

After he finished speaking, he realized that there were three pieces of dough on the chopping board.

One is a white dough that has risen well. It should have been mixed with cooking oil. The whole dough is shiny and shiny, and the honeycomb is very even and has risen well.

The other two are white and red.

He knew that the red dough should be brown sugar noodles.

But this white one...

"Grandma, why are there three pieces of dough?"

Mrs. Shen said:

"The white ones are for making sugar pancakes, and the red ones are for making sesame sauce and brown sugar pancakes."

Lin Xu felt that his unpopular knowledge had increased:

“Don’t sugar pancakes only have brown sugar?”

Mrs. Shen said with a smile:

"White sugar is white sugar, and brown sugar is brown sugar. They are different. However, many breakfast stalls now use brown sugar to save time."

Shen Jiayue at the door asked:


Lin Xu knows this:

"Because white sugar won't change color if it's not fried enough, but brown sugar will change color if the oil becomes slightly hot..."

After imparting this knowledge to his baby, Lin Xu washed his hands and said to the old lady:

"Leave the rest to me, grandma, I'll start doing it now."

I didn’t understand what the white dough was at first, so it was a bit difficult to get started. Since it’s all sugar, don’t stand still, fry it up early, and eat it in your mouth early.

Set up the oil pan, pour half of the oil into it, then turn on the gas stove and start burning the oil.

Heat the oil and start playing with the dough.

Grease a cutting board, knead the dough, remove the air and roll it into a long shape.

Divide the dough into even pieces, and then knead the sugar dough to make a dough that is twice the size of the yeast dough.

Then knead the dough and flatten it, then put the sugar dough on top and roll it out with a rolling pin.

When rolling, do not press the rolling pin on both ends, so that the dough becomes thicker at the ends and thinner in the middle.

Finally, use a knife to make three cuts in the middle.

Shen Jiayue asked curiously:

"Xubao, does this mean double-dealing?"

This really involves Lin Xu's blind spots in knowledge.

He shook his head:

"I don't really understand, maybe..."

At this time, the oil in the pan was already hot. Lin Xu lifted the oil cake, put the sugar side down, and slowly put it into the oil pan.

Put it in a little slowly so that the dough will gradually take shape.

If you throw it all in at once, the dough will probably pile up in the pan and form a ball of dough.

Seeing that her grandson-in-law was doing so skillfully, Mrs. Shen washed her hands and said to Shen Jiayue:

"Come on, Yueyue, let's go with grandma to deliver gifts to the neighbors...Dundun, let's go too, and go visit with grandma..."

After they left, the first pancake in the pan was almost fried.

As soon as he fished it out with a strainer, a system prompt sounded in his mind:

"The progress of Beijing-flavored snacks is +1. The deadline for the side mission [Beijing-flavored snacks] has passed halfway. Please take the time to master the ten Beijing-flavored snacks to prevent missing the task reward..."


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