Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 417 The mediocre and perfect fried beef river!

When they heard the words "fried beef river", everyone showed an expression of interest.

You may not be convinced when it comes to cooking other dishes, but not the dry-fried beef river. This is a dish that tests the cooking skills of Cantonese chefs.

By cooking dry-fried beef river, it can accurately reflect the chef's basic skills in stir-frying.

In fact, every cuisine has similar dishes that test basic skills.

For example, Sichuan cuisine's Mapo tofu, Shandong cuisine's fried double crispy rice, Huaiyang cuisine's Yangzhou fried rice, and local cuisine's fried shrimp, etc., are all dishes that test basic cooking techniques.

Once the foundation is not solid, the dishes may fall apart.

When dining in the Lingnan area, if you want to try the chef's skills, you can just order a dry-fried beef river to try it out.

Good dry-fried rice noodles are dry and fragrant, not greasy, not crumbly, full of steam, even in color, slightly browned on the surface, soft and delicious in the mouth.

"Brother, is Master Cheng okay?"

"This is his specialty. Building No. 10 does it better than Lao Cheng. There are no more than three people. This is when Guo Weidong is included... I am very curious whether the other party is here to cause trouble or to build a ladder for Lao Cheng. of."

Tsk, what this means is that this is in the hands of Chef Cheng.

Everyone here showed a relaxed expression.

Qi Zhentao's master, Bohe Jiashun, felt a thump in his heart.

I knew I was on the receiving end of a gun.

He sat down and took a sip of tea.

The junior brother next to him asked:

"What's wrong, senior brother?"

"When I was playing cards, I knew the landlord had only five cards left, so I played a hand of three and two... If I guessed correctly, this time it played into their hands."

"Just let it be what you want. Ever since Senior Nephew Meng was arrested, our faction has no hope of having a good face. Just accept your fate, Senior Brother."

"But...Junior Brother Meng is still in the hospital, he..."

"He deserved it. He even harmed his own apprentice and suffered so much. Why should we get involved with such a person? Junior Brother Meng's ship is about to sink. If you don't jump out quickly, are you going to sink together? ?”

Seeing that he has become a joke, it will definitely not bring good results if he continues to choke on his neck.

But He Jiashun was a little unwilling.

He still wanted to make one last effort.

Even if you lose, do it openly and openly, instead of just bowing your head and admitting defeat.

However, it should be said that Junior Meng's affairs were really unreasonable. When he retired, he generously passed on the position of executive chef to Qi Zhentao without saying a word.

Originally, all the brothers and sisters applauded this behavior.

It seems now that his son Meng Kaikai was not qualified enough at that time and his cooking skills were not good enough to be able to take on the position of executive chef.

That's why the old man came up with such a trick to seduce Chen Cang, planning to let his son step on his apprentice's head to get the upper hand.

Fortunately, he discovered it early and given him another year or two, he might actually be able to succeed.

Under such circumstances, the brothers' quarrel with Diaoyutai was somewhat unreasonable and not strong enough.

The entire sect was harmed by Junior Brother Meng.

Not long after, the ingredients for dry-fried beef river came from the kitchen:

A portion of fresh rice noodles served in a bamboo basket, a piece of beef tenderloin, and some mung bean sprouts with the heads and tails removed. This ingredient is called bean sprouts or silver sprouts in Cantonese cuisine, while in the north it is more customarily called bean sprouts. .

An onion, a few spring onions, a few leeks, and various condiments.

Cheng Jianshe washed his hands and started to do it in full view of everyone.

He first took the piece of beef, cut it into three millimeter pieces with a top knife, put it in a bowl, added light soy sauce, oyster sauce, a pinch of pepper and a little dark soy sauce for coloring.

Then add some onion ginger water and two small spoons of stock, stir the meat slices in the same direction, and let the meat slices eat the onion ginger water and stock.

This way the beef will taste more tender and have more flavor.

When all the flavors are absorbed, add a little bit of corn starch and continue mixing so that the starch coats the beef slices, further increasing the smooth and tender texture of the beef.

Finally, pour some peanut oil and scratch it twice.

It can not only lock in moisture, but also prevent the beef from sticking together when it is over-oiled.

" looks so complicated."

Shen Jiayue originally thought that this dish was very simple, but she did not expect that just marinating the beef would be so complicated.

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Generally, stir-fried beef needs to be marinated like this. This is a normal step."

"That means I can't learn?"

"You don't need to learn. If you want to eat it, I'll make it for you. It's not difficult."

While the young couple were chatting in low voices, Huo Yifan on the side muttered:

"I thought Chef Cheng was going to use the ancient method to make dry-fried beef river, but I didn't expect it to be a conventional method."

Shen, who was imagining the taste of the Love Brand dry-fried beef river, immediately became excited:

"Old-style dry-fried beef river? Isn't it different from Chef Cheng's method?"

Xie Baomin knew these things better. He smiled and said:

"The so-called ancient method is actually to use brown sugar to stir-fry the sugar color instead of dark soy sauce. In the past few years, there has been a retro trend in the cooking circle for some reason, with all kinds of advantages and disadvantages. In fact, compared to light soy sauce, dark soy sauce is The caramel color is added, which is no different from the sugar color, but there are always people stepping on it.”

Huo Yifan was stunned by these words and asked after a long time:

"Besides the candy color, aren't there differences in other aspects?"

"Essentially, there is no difference. They are just gimmicks. As a chef, you cannot always pursue unpopular and unusual dishes. You must remember: what the public likes is the most real top quality."

Huo Yifan carefully chewed the meaning of this sentence, and then said to Xie Baomin solemnly:

"Thank you for your advice!"

"What's the point of thanking you? If you ask Dad, he will say the same thing."

In front of the stove, Cheng Jianshe marinated the beef and began to prepare side dishes.

Cut the onion into shreds, cut the leek and spring onion into sections of about five centimeters, cut them all, and put the leek and spring onion together, and the onion and silver sprouts together.

The reason why onions are added is to increase the flavor of the rice noodles.

In restaurants in the Lingnan area, in order to improve the efficiency of the kitchen and ensure that the taste of the dishes does not vary too much, seasonings such as light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, white sugar, chicken powder, monosodium glutamate, and oyster sauce are specially used. According to a certain proportion, brew some sauce for dry-fried beef river.

When frying beef river, just use a spoon to pour some sauce into the pot.

Use this kind of sauce to stir-fry beef river, the umami and aroma will be rich, and the efficiency of the kitchen will be greatly improved.

But today there is no special sauce here, so you need to add some onions. The sweetness of the onions itself can be used to bring out the umami flavor of the rice noodles, and it can also increase the taste of the rice noodles.

The crispy onions and silver sprouts not only remove the greasiness, but also make the pho more dry, fragrant and chewy.

After the ingredients were prepared, Cheng Jianshe scattered the rice noodles in the basket and tore them apart, which made it easier to cook and taste better.

After doing this, set up the wok and heat it up over high heat.

Then add cold oil, slide the pan and pour it out, add a little more cooking oil, pour the silver sprouts and onions in, add a little salt, stir-fry on high heat for ten seconds, and pour into a colander.

This step is to stir-fry the excess water in the silver sprouts and onions to remove the odor of the two ingredients.

At the same time, frying until it is slightly cooked can also lay the foundation for the next step of cooking.

After the silver sprouts and onions are taken out, clean the wok, heat it again, and add a little more peanut oil.

When the oil was 60% hot, Cheng Jianshe poured the marinated beef into the pot and quickly turned it with the back of a spoon to spread the beef quickly in the hot oil.

When the surface of the beef changes color, immediately place a large colander on the oil drum, then hold the wok and pour all the beef and hot oil inside.

Then put the pot on the stove and heat it again.

At this time, the fat on the surface of the beef is almost controlled. Pour the beef in the colander back into the pot.

When seeing this step, Qi Zhentao's uncle sighed slightly:

"We really gave it to someone. This Master Cheng is much more powerful than we thought."

The previous steps are actually no different from those of all Cantonese chefs, but the way in which the beef is put back into the pot after oiling is done shows the profound skills of a chef.

When the beef is over-oiled, the surface will change color and it will be taken out of the pan. Although the beef is tender enough, the inside of the meat slices will lack some heat.

Since the surface of the beef has been soaked in hot oil, there will be more grease.

This requires dry stir-frying in the pot.

By stir-frying, the beef is thoroughly stir-fried until it is cooked through, and the excess fat is also stir-fried out, making the beef taste dry, fragrant and tender.

The biggest problem with the dry-fried beef river dish is that it is too easy to fry and become greasy.

How to stir-fry beef and rice noodles until they are dry and delicious without being greasy, and at the same time have a slight oily aroma on the surface, has become a common pursuit of Cantonese chefs.

Now the step of Cheng Jianshe's dry stir-frying is the performance of removing greasiness.

But this step has extremely high requirements on the heat. If you are not careful, the beef will be fried, dry and hard.

Therefore, people who do not have a certain knowledge of Cantonese cuisine will not do this easily.

I would rather take it out of the pan five seconds late than take the risk.

So after seeing this step, He Jiashun fully realized that the three belts and twos he produced were delivered to Master Cheng.

No wonder he dared to come to Yanjing Hotel to be the head chef.

There are literally two brushes.

Cheng Jianshe stir-fried the beef for a few seconds, then turned it over and stir-fried for a few more seconds.

Pour it out again.

But this time, instead of pouring it into the colander on the oil drum, I poured it into the colander containing the silver sprouts and onions. After pouring it in, pour in the leek and spring onion segments.

Later, these side dishes will be cooked at the same time.

Put the pot back on the stove, heat it up over high heat, and then add the scattered rice noodles into the pot.

When placing it, spread it out and spread the rice noodles into a pancake shape as much as possible, so that the rice noodles can be fried better.

If you want the dish of dry-fried beef river to be delicious, you must fry it first after putting the noodles in the pot.

Frying can not only increase the aroma and give the rice noodles a burnt feeling, but also prevent the rice noodles from breaking apart, making the rice noodles more complete and looking better.

The most taboo thing about dry-fried rice noodles is to stir-fry the rice noodles into pieces. No matter how delicious it is, it will fail.

During the frying process, Cheng Jianshe grabbed one ear of the double-eared pot and shook it constantly so that all parts of the bottom of the pot were heated evenly.

When there was a sizzling sound from the bottom of the pot, he scooped out a little peanut oil with a spoon and quickly turned it around along the edge of the pot, adding a circle of grease to the pot very stingily.

Shake the wok again to let the peanut oil soak under the rice noodles quickly.

Then shake the wok quickly to turn the rice noodles in the pot, and use a large turning spoon to turn the rice noodles into a cake.

When the bottom was turned up, even Guo Jichang, who was sitting on the stage, couldn't help but stand up.

The rice noodles are fried just right, slightly browned, rich in flavor, and the little fat is utilized to the maximum extent.

After both sides are fried, use a small turning spoon to stir-fry the cake-shaped rice noodles.

When frying in this step, you need to be careful not to break it or scatter it. Try to use a turning and shaking spoon instead of stir-frying to prevent the rice noodles from being broken by the spoon.

After a while, the rice aroma became stronger and the rice noodles completely dissipated.

Cheng Jianshe scooped some light soy sauce with a spoon and poured it in along the edge of the pot.

With a "sizzling" sound, the unique black soy flavor of light soy sauce is cooked out by the hot iron pot.

Take this opportunity to stir-fry quickly so that the light soy sauce can coat the rice noodles and the black soy sauce can evenly coat the rice noodles.

After adding the light soy sauce to the pot, stir-fry quickly and evenly. Then shake the pot with your left hand and hold a spoon in your right hand. Scoop a little dark soy sauce on the condiment table next to it and pour it into the pot again.

Quickly stir-fry evenly so that the dark soy sauce hangs evenly on the rice noodles.

The originally white rice noodles suddenly turned into a rosy color.

Stir-fry the dark soy sauce evenly, then pour all the dishes in the colander into the pot, and continue to stir-fry, shaking the pot while frying to gather the steam in the pot.

After the various ingredients and the rice noodles were stir-fried, Cheng Jianshe took the wok away from the flame and used a frying spoon to put the rice noodles on the plate.

After Sheng Hao placed the plate on the table next to him, Guo Jichang came over with a cane and said to Mr. Qiu, Mr. He and the others:

"Come and try it together. The rice noodles are well fried and dry, and the seasonings are simple. It has Lao Gao's cooking philosophy of simplifying complexity. He is worthy of being a chef from Building 2."

When he said this, other old people nodded, feeling that there was indeed a shadow of Lao Gao.

The rice noodles look good and have enough flavor, but what everyone is most interested in is that only two condiments, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, are used when frying the rice noodles. Compared with the conventional method, there is less salt, sugar and chicken powder. , MSG, oyster sauce and other condiments.

This step is bold and risky.

Because the taste of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce is still too weak, chefs who are not good at cooking can easily make mistakes when cooking.

But Cheng Jianshe did it.

The black soy aroma of light soy sauce, the soy sauce aroma of dark soy sauce, and the rice aroma of rice noodles are all perfectly stir-fried.

Everyone took their chopsticks and plates and tasted it carefully.

Not far away, He Jiashun was holding on to the table and wanted to stand up.

"Senior brother, what are you doing? If I do it so perfectly, let's not make ourselves uncomfortable."

"I'm going to have a taste. No matter we win or lose, we can't hide and be a coward."

He is seventy-five years old this year and walks unsteadily, but he still came to the fried rice noodles, smelled the smell, looked at the color, and then gave a thumbs up to Cheng Jianshe:

"Master Cheng is good at his craftsmanship."

Cheng Jianshe handed him a pair of chopsticks in a polite way:

"Master He is a senior in the industry. Please give me your opinion."

He Jiashun laughed at himself and said nothing, but he still picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of springy rice noodles and put it into his mouth.

The surface of the rice noodles looks slightly oily, but it tastes very dry and fragrant.

Especially the fried parts have a slightly burnt texture and are soft and fragrant when chewed, which really leaves a fragrance on your lips and teeth.

The beef is also tender and delicious, fragrant but not greasy.

"It's perfect, impeccable, especially the combination of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce. It's very pure and full of flavor. I really learned a lot today."

Cheng Jianshe said:

“This is the seasoning method that Chef Gao taught me a few years ago.”

"No wonder, Gao Peisheng's talent in cooking is indeed beyond reproach. Before he retired, Yanjing Hotel went to Diaoyutai to learn from him more than once... He was the most amazing genius I have ever seen."

Seeing that the atmosphere had relaxed, Guo Jichang said:

"Lao He, you said this too early."

He Jiashun was stunned for a moment, then asked:

"Is there anyone more talented than Gao Peisheng?"



"Lao Gao's new apprentice."

He Jiashun looked in Lin Xu's direction and said to himself:

"No wonder I became the director. You Diaoyutai is really full of talents. It's just that our structure is small and our vision is not broad enough."

Seeing that the other party had already given in, Guo Jichang was about to say a few words to ease the atmosphere when another senior chef stood up from the Yanjing Hotel and said to He Jiashun:

"Lao He, why do you have the ambition of others to destroy your own prestige? Is Diaoyutai different from us? They all inherit the inheritance from their fathers, and they are all masters and apprentices. Why are they superior to others?"

Just now, He Jiashun took the initiative to try this dry-fried beef river. The people at Diaoyutai thought this was a sign of submission, so they didn't say anything tit-for-tat.

But now, the other party's words have caused the two sides to become tense again.

Huo Yuanchao and the people who came to watch the ceremony enjoyed all they could eat and felt that today's confrontation between the two sides was really exciting.

Guo Jichang knocked hard on the floor twice with his crutch:

"I didn't want to say more, but since you mentioned that sons inherit their father's inheritance, let me say a few more words. You see that Diaoyutai is the inheritance of father's inheritance, but you don't see how ruthless we are in educating our children. Although everyone People who are apprentices say that they can be beaten or scolded as they please, but after all, they are other people’s children, and when they really need to be spanked, we only dare to spank our own children...As for the current head chef of Diaoyutai, ask them who has been spanked less?"

Speaking of excitement, Mr. Guo pointed to Guo Xinghai next to him and continued:

"My grandson Xinghai has been practicing cutting sticks with a knife since he was five years old. He was shaking the sand with a wok at eight years old. He can make roast suckling pig independently at the age of twelve. Growing up, my palms were swollen countless times by me. Damn it. I was so angry that I had to fight with me with a kitchen knife several times... Why is it that Diaoyutai’s son inherited his father’s business but no one made any objections? It’s because our children have received countless more beatings and sweated more than others. What if? If your descendants can do this, Yanjing Hotel will not be reduced to this situation."

His voice was not loud, but it was like a giant hammer, hitting everyone's hearts hard.

Even the old people at Yanjing Hotel lowered their heads in shame.

"The host listened to the heartfelt teachings of the master of Cantonese cuisine and received two perfect Cantonese cuisine learning cards and two perfect Cantonese cuisine upgrade cards. Congratulations to the host."

Lin Xu, who was recalling Mr. Guo's words, was awakened by the system's beep. He didn't expect that there would be a reward at this moment.

Perfect Cantonese cuisine learning card...

Doesn’t this limit the learning of dishes?

But it’s okay, there are so many types of Cantonese cuisine, it’s time to learn a few more.

As for the perfect upgrade card, Lin Xu did not hesitate to use it on the roast suckling pig technique, which is still excellent.

After dealing with this, he winked at Qi Zhentao.

Come on, Chef Qi, please start your show!


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