Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 396 Chen Yan: Why can everyone else catch big fish, but I keep catching small fish? 【Please

He promised to take revenge and show them the power of Yanjing Hotel.

The result was that he licked Lin Ji's delicious food fiercely.

Ye Lixin didn't take this seriously at first. The employees on both sides were just fighting within a certain range. However, Gou Junguo's previous attitude of wanting to tear Diaoyutai to pieces gave him some vague expectations.

However, the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

If I had known earlier, it would be better not to engage in these things.

Xie Baomin's enthusiasm for visiting the store has passed, but now, it's so good that it has become popular for the second time.

If he were a star, he might be very happy, but Yanjing Hotel doesn't want to become a star, and it doesn't need this kind of attention-grabbing popularity.

In front of the desk, Gou Junguo stood with an anxious look on his face.

He didn't expect the video to be released so quickly, and the title was quite attractive:

"Xie Xie from Diaoyutai bullied me too much. Today I went to Linji Food to seek revenge. This is a lesson to Xie!" 》

Just by looking at the title, I thought I had torn down Lin Ji.

As a result, the content was full of praise from beginning to end.

Such a contrast made the video go viral quickly.

In the comment area, fans of various Lin Jis are also very active.

"Give UP a good burial by dressing him in the enemy's clothes!"

"You talk about revenge, but you actually lick it violently. Are today's 0s so cunning and cunning?"

"I came in when I saw the title. Second Battalion Commander, call those damn Italian... Italian bitches over to give the friendly forces a leg beating!"

“UP really took great pains to attract Chef Xie’s attention.”

"That's a nice lick, please increase the intensity."

"The words that praise the food in it make me, a huge Lin Ji fan, blush."

"Chef Xie next door also changed it. The same dishes seemed to be eaten at the same time, but people pointed out the shortcomings. UP, can you tell me how much you charged?"


These comments left Gou Junguo speechless for a while.

He was really looking for trouble, but the food was so delicious. Who would have thought?

But now is not the time to think about this, I have to get rid of Mr. Ye quickly, otherwise our 43cm big feet will have to wear 36cm shoes in the Yanjing Hotel from now on.

After thinking for a while, Gou Junguo said:

"Mr. Ye, actually I did this for a purpose."

Ye Lixin glanced at him:

"What's the purpose? To lay the foundation for job hopping in Diaoyutai?"

"No, no, please listen to my explanation... I studied carefully and found that the reason why Diaoyutai is now famous is entirely due to Lin Xu. If Lin Xu had not participated in the last cooking competition, Diaoyutai would have been ranked among the top three at most."

Ye Lixin took a sip of tea:

"We all know this, just tell us what you mean."

Gou Junguo mysteriously said a famous quote from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty:

"Kou can go, so can I! They can hire Lin Xu as a consultant and supervisor of the catering department, so can we. It's just a false position anyway, and we don't even need to pay a salary. If we win Lin Xu over, isn't Diaoyutai going to do it? Have your true colors been revealed?”


This suggestion is...

Ye Lixin didn't think about poaching Lin Xu completely, he just thought it would be enough to share a little bit of Lin Xu's fame.

What's that word called? Yes, share.

Finding a way to share Lin Xu with Diaoyutai is not a bad thing at all for Yanjing Hotel.

On the contrary, this incident can also show the determination of catering rectification.

He said to Gou Junguo:

"Your suggestion is a good one. I'll discuss it with Director Liao from Diaoyutai first. Lin Xu's master used to be the head chef of Diaoyutai, and his senior brother was the executive chef of Building 2. We have to ease the relationship first, and then bring up sharing. The matter... I have done a good job in handling this matter, and it can be regarded as a good show to Lin Xu in advance."

Huh... I finally got over it.

Gou Junguo breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't wear small shoes.

By the river, Lin Xu, who didn't know that he had been used as a shared power bank, was completely immersed in the joy of fishing for crucian carp.

Large crucian carp weighing about half a kilogram was lifted out of the water one after another. The fishermen around them were very surprised. They smoked half a pack of cigarettes and still couldn't figure out what went wrong.

Seeing Yu Huzhong's full harvest, Lin Xu was very happy.

Fortunately, I had a big picture at the time, so I bought the largest size fish protector, otherwise it would really be too big to fit in.

Lao Suntou squatted aside and analyzed:

"In the past, there were cases where a school of fish suddenly appeared, which seemed to be caused by heavy rains that washed away the fish ponds. But now it is early winter, and there has not been a heavy rain upstream, so why did the fish suddenly explode?"

Originally, Lin Xu thought that if he was pulling in fish like this, other fishermen would be stimulated and leave.

Unexpectedly, instead of leaving, everyone took out a set of fishing rods from their bags and put them into the river, which fully demonstrated the mentality of stock investors that "the bigger the price falls, the more they want to buy the bottom."

At around eleven o'clock, a bus drove up on the road in the distance. The door opened. Yue Liyue and Brother Qiang got off the bus with fishing gear and followed the navigation happily.

The first batch of fishermen attracted by the catch arrived in time.

Lao Suntou said:

"It is estimated that this place will become a popular fishing spot by the afternoon. There are not many places to fish in the capital, and there are even fewer places to catch fish, so so many catches are enough to attract half of the fishing enthusiasts in Yanjing City."

Half of Yanjing City?

Lin Xu thought about the scene where both sides of the river were densely packed with fishermen, and suddenly he felt a little sympathy for the fish in the river.

These fish didn't violate any laws of nature, so why did they do this?

It seems that in the future I will take Dundun to fish more often in unpopular and remote places. When fishing, it is best to have a senior fisherman follow him, so that fish news can be sent out immediately and all unpopular fishing spots can be turned into popular fishing spots.

As for whether the fishing guys know how to fly...

Damn it, isn’t it normal for their air force!

"Wow, Brother Qiang, Yue Li Yue, you two came so quickly, welcome."

The new fishing grandma Shen Baobao was sitting cross-legged on a pile of dead grass, happily replying to the comments in the circle of friends. When he saw the two people coming over, he quickly said hello.

After saying hello, she looked back:

"Brother Qiang, didn't you bring sister-in-law Panpan with you?"

"She can't come because she works overtime, and the company doesn't have a day off on Saturdays. But Panpan said, let me take her fishing tomorrow and experience the joy of a fisherman."

Brother Qiang and Yue Liyue didn't look for other fishing spots and set up camp directly on the left side of Lin Xu.

Both of them are amateurs, and they know a little bit about fishing, but not much. For example, now, when Lao Suntou sees them throwing fish protective gear and fishing nets when they come up, he knows that they are not very professional.

Can a fisherman who doesn’t believe in metaphysics be considered a professional fisherman?

After everything was ready, the two threw their fishing rods into the water.

At this time, the sun was rising and Dundun felt warm. Baby Shen took off his leash vest and then took off the little sweater underneath.

Putting on the vest again, the little guy looked like a little police dog on duty.

"Hoho, how about when I get the chance, my uncle will take you to the police station to be trained as a police dog? Will you cry, my dear?"

Upon hearing this, Dundun rolled on the withered grass, and then crawled into the depths of the withered grass, like a trained police dog.

But not long after, it crawled out dejectedly, looking disgusted.

I probably didn't expect it to be so dirty inside.

Brother Qiang said with a smile:

"This grass is so clean that you still dislike it. How did you spend your time as a stray cat?"

Dundun rolled his eyes and strolled to a small pool nearby to play in the water.

Now that the little guy is not around, the frequency of Lin Xuzhong's fish has dropped a lot. He only catches one fish every ten to twenty minutes, and they are not big, either small carp or three or two crucian carp.

It is half smaller than the previous big crucian carp which weighed half a pound.

But this kind of fish is suitable for making bad fish.

The so-called bad does not mean rotten or a ball of mud, but crispy. It is so bad that it is crispy to the bone. It is worse than crispy hairtail. It is perfect for drinking.

Not long after Brother Qiang and Yue Liyue arrived, a high-end version of Panamera drove over from the main road.

After the car stopped on the side of the road, Chen Yan and Zeng Xiaoqi opened the door and got out. They tied their hair into ponytails, wore baseball caps and sunglasses, and looked beautiful and dashing.

"Come on, come on, let's eat."

Chen Yan opened the trunk, took out two long fishing bags, and then moved out a box for side dishes from the store.

She came to the edge of the river, laid out a camping mat, and took out the packed meals from the box.

The meal is very simple, it is a portion of braised pork rice, there are also some braised biscuits and a roast chicken. In terms of portion, it is enough to eat, and you can even finish it.

Lin Xuchong shouted to Lao Suntou, who was studying but couldn't catch any fish:

"Uncle Sun, come and have something to eat together. Then fish after dinner. Maybe there will be a wave of fish after the meal."

"You guys eat first, and I'll tie the rope to prevent the fish from dragging the pole into the water."

Lin Xu took a look at the motionless fish float in the water and felt that this step was a bit redundant.

Under normal circumstances, there would be no fishing at this moment. It was Dundun who brought a wave of good luck, giving this remote fishing spot a new lease of life.

Everyone washed their hands in the river, and then started eating the braised pork rice in their bowls.

When Shen Baobao was eating, he did not forget to carry the fish guard and let Zeng Xiaoqi and Chen Yan see the morning's catch:

"I'm not showing off, I'm just trying to inspire you newcomers. I hope everyone can achieve better results."

Chen Yan took a mouthful of rice and curled her lips speechlessly:

"Yueyue, pay attention to your face, your back molars are about to be exposed... When I chartered a fishing boat in Hainan two years ago, I caught several big fish weighing tens of kilograms. You, a small carp of eight kilograms, are not worth a penny. carry."

"Tsk, just blow it, you can't even catch a pound of carp."

The two sisters quarreled while eating delicious food, filling the originally silent creek with joy.

Yue Liyue was eating braised pork rice. Dundun passed by after finishing the dried fish. He stretched out his hand and scratched Dundun's head:

"Holy Master of Miao Miao Cult, please remember to bless me with a fish."

Brother Qiang asked curiously:

"Why are you being dragged into the ditch by Lele? Is this useful?"

"It's not too much to bow down, what if it happens?"

When Brother Qiang heard this, he came over and said the same:

"Dundun, please bless me to win a big fish and let me maintain the dignity of the first customer of Linji Food."

After the two of them finished speaking, they turned to look at the fish float in the water.

They are all the same as the Dinghai Shenzhen, with no reaction at all.

Sure enough, feudal superstition is unacceptable.

After finishing the braised pork rice, Shen Baobao and Zeng Xiaoqi took the untouched sesame biscuits and braised pork and distributed them to the nearby fishermen.

They were a little embarrassed at first, but when they saw that it was produced by Lin Ji, they immediately became rude.

Well, I heard that there is nothing unpalatable in this store. Now that I have encountered it, I want to try it.

After eating sesame seed cakes and braised pork, the fishermen also became enthusiastic.

Some praised Lin Xu for his skill, some praised Baby Shen for catching big fish, and some praised Dundun for being cute.

Lin Xu also chatted politely with everyone.

After lunch, continue fishing.

Yue Liyue sat in front of his fishing seat, looked around and said:

"This fishing position doesn't seem to work very well. Brother Qiang, what do you think of the reed marsh?"

"It's not good. You can't pull out the fish even if it's there. Just wait. Fishing is a sport that tests your patience. It's very similar to programming. Only by enduring loneliness can you surpass yourself."

Brother Qiang drank some chicken soup and was just about to see if his bait had soaked away when he saw the fish float in front of him move and then sink quickly.

"I go!!!!"

He grabbed the fishing rod with both hands and narrowly avoided being pulled into the water.

Lin Xu saw it and quickly stood up to help. The fishing guys around him also cheered Brother Qiang up.

Soon, Brother Qiang pulled a cocked mouth weighing more than one pound but less than two pounds out of the water.

"Damn, that's a rare fish. Xiao Li's luck with the fish is pretty good."

Lao Suntou walked over and took a look, and couldn't help but admire it.

Compared with crucian carp and carp, the cocked mouth is a rare fish species in this river. This kind of fish has tender meat and is suitable for dry frying and goes well with wine.

Lin Xu picked off the fish and lifted it. It weighed seven taels per catty, which was enough for a dry fry.

Brother Qiang had an uncontrollable smile on his face:

"This river is nice. I'll come here more often in the future. It's so cute. I'll treat everyone to fish tonight."

Just as Yue Liyue was about to speak, his fish float also sank.

"What happened? Did I catch a fish too?"

He quickly grabbed the fishing rod, and a large wave appeared in the water, revealing an earthy figure.

Lao Suntou has a sharp eye:

"The catfish is not small, so hold on tight. Catfish are very strong. Don't let the fish drag you into the river."

Not long after, the catfish was pulled up.

After Lin Xu's measurement, it was two pounds and three ounces, which was considered appropriate.

Braise it and serve it with wine and rice.

Seeing the two of them making a move, Zeng Xiaoqi and Chen Yan also quickly assembled their own fishing gear.

However, despite their poor craftsmanship, it was Lin Xu's help that allowed the two of them to hang up the finished bait and throw the fishhook into the water.

However, unlike Brother Qiang and Yue Liyue who opened their boats one after another, their floats were not moved. Instead, the fishermen nearby, some of whom caught carp and others of grass carp, all opened their boats.

The atmosphere in Xiaohegou became lively.

Chen Yan pulled her hook out of the water and looked at the bait. It was fine, but why didn't she eat it? She looked puzzled.

A certain fishing lady who set a record in Xiaohegou put her hands behind her back and imitated Chen Yan's previous tone and said:

"When I chartered a fishing boat in Hainan the year before last, I encountered several big fish weighing several dozen kilograms...Tsk, tsk, no other meaning, I'm just retelling them."

Chen Yan:? ? ? ? ? ?

Isn’t it just an eight-pound carp? What are you talking about? What are you talking about?

She carried the fishing rod with an annoyed look on her face and went to Lin Xu's left side, intending to try touching the fish nest.

Zeng Xiaoqi was much more patient. She sat safely on her little folding chair, sometimes taking pictures of the scenery with her mobile phone, and sometimes looking at everyone's catches.

When fishing, having fun is the most important thing.

After looking around at the catch, she squatted on the withered grass and scratched Dundun's chin:

"Dundun, Shu Yun and I are half-sisters. You are her godson and I am my nephew. We are a family. We should be more enthusiastic when we meet in the future."

Dundun was a little confused and didn't understand the relationship between half-sisters.

However, it had a good sense of Zeng Xiaoqi, and then it rubbed its big head on the back of the beautiful host's hand.

Chen Yan, who changed positions not far away, said:

"Director Zeng, you didn't bring it up to take a look at your bait. Maybe it has been soaked. The bait you bought today is not very good. It melted as soon as you soaked it."

Zeng Xiaoqi said with a smile:

"It was melted by you lifting it back and forth, right?"

But it’s okay to take a look, and if it doesn’t work, just use Boss Lin’s bait.

When she sat back in front of her seat, as soon as she touched the fishing rod, she saw the fish float in front of her sinking:

"Hey, what's going on? Why did the fish float sink? Baby Yan, that store is so bad. Not only is the bait bad, but the quality of the float is also bad... Ah ah ah, I seem to have caught a fish... He's so strong, he wants to push me down. Pulled in the!!!"

Lin Xu stood up and quickly grabbed the fishing rod, so that Miss Zeng did not fall into the water.

After she regained her composure, Lin Xu had already pulled up the fish she had caught, which was a five-pound silver carp.

Among silver carp, this size is not big, but the fish head is relatively tender and is very suitable for making steamed fish head with black bean sauce or similar dishes.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that I actually caught more than five kilograms of fish. It's unbelievable. Yueyue, please help me take a picture. I want the space station to know about it!"

This is how Fishing Lama No. 2 was born.

The pressure came to Chen Yan.

She took out her bait again, took it off and threw it away, then replaced it with the bait prepared by Lin Xu.

Throwing it in again, the fish bobber still didn't move.

Finally, I changed to earthworms, but it still didn’t work.

Could it be that my relationship with freshwater fish is over and I can only fish for sea fish in the future?

After she tried the baits one by one, she planned to use metaphysics to realize her dream of fishing.

The so-called metaphysics is...

"Dundun, my aunt is just joking with you. She doesn't mean anything bad. Don't take it to heart. Your cousin, who can't catch anything with a pole, can catch big silver carp. I am my aunt, so I should catch more. The big one is right, don’t you think?”

The kitten's eyes rolled, half-believing her aunt's words. Every time she said she would bully her for the last time, but soon she would do the same trick again...

But for the sake of being relatives after all, forget it.

Chen Yan hugged Dundun and murmured for a while, then returned to her fishing position and said with a proud face:

"Didn't you say that worshiping Dundun is useful? I've already tried it. I'm just waiting for the big fish to take the bait."

I have to catch the fish today, life or death. If I can't catch it, I will go to the market later and buy a few big fish weighing thirty pounds. Our dignified Mr. Chen cannot bear this kind of injustice.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw her float move.

Isn't it?

Is it really possible?

She rubbed her eyes and couldn't believe it. After the fish float sank in, she grabbed the fishing rod with both hands and swung it back as if she had caught a ten-pound carp.

A small white stripe as long as a finger was thrown directly from the water to the shore.

The water on the fish body and fishing line was thrown away from her, covering her face and head.

The fishing guys around were all stunned.

what's the situation?

It's just a little white stripe, but he managed to pull off the momentum of a ten-pound fish. It would be a pity not to make a short video.

Looking at the little white strips jumping on the ground, Chen Yan's nose was crooked:

"What's going on? Everyone has hit the big fish, why am I the only one who's the little one? Dundun, do you know why this is?"

Dundun rolled on the withered grass, kicking his four little legs happily.

Obviously, it was also delighted by this scene.

Shen Baobao took the car key and said:

"My towel is in the car. Go and wipe your face, Yan Bao. By the way, help me move the car to the shade of a tree. It's too hot to sit in and it's uncomfortable."

Chen Yan took the car keys and saw that Dundun was still laughing at her, so she held the little fat cat in her arms and strode towards the river embankment.

On the road a few kilometers away, several police cars were chasing a modern sedan from a distance.

In the passenger seat of the police car, Ren Jie, whose left arm was bandaged again, patted the gun on his leg with some annoyance:

"It's really unlucky. How did that gun go off?"

The colleague who was driving said:

"Although your gun went off and you didn't keep him alive, you also saved your left arm. Don't worry, we'll just catch him again. He can't run away."

Just as he was talking, the Hyundai in front of him suddenly turned to the right and turned from the main road to the embankment of a small river ditch.

Ren Jie took the walkie-talkie and said:

"The other party turned onto the embankment of a small river ditch, and we are following up."

After speaking, he muttered to himself:

"Damn it, I actually drove to a place like this. At the end of the river embankment is a mountain. If you get in, you will end up in the water... It would be great if there was something in front of you to stop you..."


This chapter has 5,600 words. Please give me a monthly ticket, brothers. The additional update for the 3,000 monthly ticket has not come yet. Now it is almost 4,000. There will be an update tomorrow. Brothers, please come if you have a ticket!

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