Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 380 The process of making beef noodles in clear soup is a little bit more difficult than ima

"Let me go, this room... is Dundun Happy House?"

After the video was broadcast, many people did not immediately watch the little fat cat getting dressed. Instead, they discovered that the room was filled with various cat supplies and toys.

Cat Castle, Babel Pillar, Cat Passage, Sky Corridor...

When fans saw this, they were all envious.

"It's much larger than my rental house."

"Not only is it big, but it also has so many toys. It's so enviable that it makes people drool."

"After three years of drifting in Beijing, I realized for the first time that I am worse than a cat."

"Dundun can perform, understand music, and is so sensible and obedient. It's okay to live in a separate room, right?"

"I just rushed to arrange such a good room for Dundun alone. From now on, I will support all the videos of Boss Lin and the wife of Boss Lin!"

"My life has been very stressful recently, and I rely on Dundun's videos for support. Now that I know it is such a good place to live, I feel relieved that my children have not been wronged."


At the beginning of the video, everyone was lamenting Dundun's room.

But when the little guy put on the pink sweater, the style of the video suddenly changed.

"Help, is a blue cat so ugly wearing pink?"

"It's a bit weird, take another look."

"Oh my God, please give me a pair of eyes that I haven't seen before!"

"Give me back my mighty and majestic little Dundun, what the hell is this?"

"The boss lady is dirty, you look good in pink, doesn't that mean we, Dundun, are also suitable for pink!"

"Hahaha, the little guy got angry when he heard the ridicule!"

After taking off the pink sweater, it changed into another color.

When I put on the burgundy color, the style of the video became normal.

Netizens are curious whether Dundun has started to bring goods.

However, at the end of the video, there was no link or explanation of the goods. Instead, everyone heard Lin Xu and Shen Baobao discussing topics such as weddings and haute couture.

Needless to say, countless lemons floated across the barrage.

Haute couture is a word you only hear when celebrities walk on the red carpet. I didn’t expect it to appear on a cat.

In addition, Boss Lin and his wife are going to hold a wedding. Will this couple, who are the envy of the entire internet, finally officially become husband and wife?

I don’t know if I can go to the ceremony, but I really want to go.

It wasn't to attend the wedding, but to see what Dundun would do at the wedding.

It’s interesting to think about having a cat in high-end clothing deliver a ring.

On the other side, Lin Xu was in the small kitchen at the back of Building No. 12, watching Yin Hongbin add ash to the bowl with a spoon.

"Penghui has a strong stimulating effect on the gastric mucosa, so you must not add more. Under normal circumstances, the ratio of Penghui to water is 1:3. In winter, 12 ml of Penghui should be used for every kilogram of dry flour and dough. Water, reduce the amount in summer, generally no more than 10 grams.”

In order to make Lin Xu see more intuitively, he directly brought a kitchen scale and put an empty bowl on it. After peeling and just about to put the ash on it, Lin Xu said:

"Don't bother me, Chef Yin. I'm quite sure of this."

When Yin Hongbin heard this, he remembered that Lin Xu also had certain attainments in white cases, and said with a smile:

"Then why don't you come to Gabonese?"


Lin Xu estimated that the noodles he had just made were about two kilograms. He dug deep into the ash bag with a small spoon, shook off the excess ash, and poured it into a bowl.

Yin Hongbin took a look and saw the word "8" displayed on the electronic scale, which was exactly the same.

He glanced at Lin Xu with relief. This junior brother, Lao Xie, had something.

No wonder Chef Gao wanted to accept him as his apprentice. If he met such a good young talent, he would be shameless enough to accept him, right?

Then, Lin Xu added half a spoonful of water to the bowl with a spoon.

The "8" on the electronic scale suddenly turned into "32".

There is three times more water than puff ash, so 8 grams of puff ash corresponds to 24 grams of water, which adds up to exactly 32 grams.

"Excellent craftsmanship! Master Lin's hands are comparable to electronic scales."

Lin Xu smiled:

"Practice makes perfect, today I'm really practicing in front of Chef Yin."

After saying that, he reacted:

"By the way, Chef Yin, just use 12 ml for one kilogram of noodles. Logically speaking, you need about 24 ml to make two kilograms of noodles. Why do you need 32 ml?"

The ratio of ash to water is correct, but if you do this, you will end up with a few extra grams every time.

Ordinarily, this is a mistake that so many people have figured out.

Yin Hongbin took a spoon and stirred it in the Peng Hui water a few times to let the Peng Hui melt away, and then gave the bowl to Lin Xu:

"You'll understand if you look carefully."

Lin Xu took it and looked at it for a few times, and then discovered that there was sediment at the bottom of the bowl.

"There will be impurities mixed into Peng Hui during the production, so every time you adjust the water, you need to add more water and set aside the impurities."

So, no wonder the ratio is 1:3. Exactly one-third is impurity and needs to be discarded.

These are the experiences of countless ramen chefs.

“Since beef noodles were introduced to Lanzhou from Huaiqing Prefecture in the Central Plains, a county called Boai, in the mid-Qing Dynasty, chefs in the northwest have been groping for improvements and formulating standards for making beef noodles.”

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"I used to eat Lanzhou ramen all the time. Today I'm going to try the beef noodles made by Chef Yin to see how they are different from Lanzhou ramen."

Yin Hongbin smiled:

"There is definitely a difference, at least the meat slices in the beef noodles will not be cut so thin."

When the water becomes clear, use a spoon to scoop out the water in the middle and upper layers until it reaches 24 ml and set it aside for later use.

When the dough is almost cooked, Yin Hongbin puts the dough back on the workbench, crosses his hands, presses the dough with his fists, and kneads the dough out until the surface becomes smooth.

Pour one-third of the fluffy water on top.

Then fold the dough and continue to push forward with the base of your thumb to push the dough into dough balls so that the fluffy water can be better absorbed by the dough.

Knead the dough ingredients again into a smooth dough, then repeat the steps of pouring water, folding, pushing and kneading into dough twice. Add the fluffy water completely into the dough, and the steps of kneading and kneading the noodles are complete. .

After adding the lime water, the dough becomes soft and smooth.

"You can start walking down the street."

The fluffy water can make the noodles soft and elastic, but it is time-sensitive, so it is better to add the final fluffy water as you use it.

Yin Hongbin rolled the dough on the chopping board into a long strip. When kneading, the workbench should be greased, otherwise it will feel sticky.

Knead the two ends of the dough, shake it, and twist the long dough into a twist.

Place it on the chopping board and knead it again. After it grows into a strip again, lift the two ends and twist the dough into a twist again, but in the opposite direction to the first time.

Lin Xu understood that this step was, in Bai Yan's words, "smoothing the tendons", making the dough's tendons smoother so that it could be stretched into noodles.

After repeated smoothing, the gluten of the dough becomes more obvious.

Yin Hongbin rolled the dough into a slightly thicker strip again and started making ramen.

He sprinkled some dry flour on the workbench, picked up a ball of dough from the dough, rolled it into a long cylindrical strip, then pinched the two ends with the thumbs of both hands, pressed it on the tiger's mouth, and gently pushed the two ends Stretch.

While stretching it, I beat it on the floured board. After stretching it, I buttoned it on my left hand, and the first button was made.

After the first button comes out, use the index finger of your right hand to stretch the middle of the two noodles, and then stretch it to both ends again, so that you can operate one button after another.

Lin Xu looked at it very carefully.

He found that every time before starting to pull, Yin Hongbin would turn the dough held in his left hand and roll the part squeezed by his fingers onto the dough.

Starting from the fourth button, the right hand has changed from the index finger to the back of the hand to stretch.

When stretching, the back of your hand should maintain an arc, so that the force on the noodles is as even as possible, instead of acting on a certain point and causing the noodles to break.

After eight buckles, a cluster of two thick ramen noodles is completed.

Yin Hongbin hung the noodles from his left hand on the fingers of his right hand. He used his index and middle fingers to interlock and pinched the dough in the palm of his left hand.

“Use the cooking study cards.”

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Xu recited silently in his heart.

I came here just to learn ramen, so I can’t just marvel at it and forget about the real thing.

"Study object: Yin Hongbin. Current skill is: Advanced Ramen Making Techniques. Do you want to learn?"


"Consume a perfect cooking learning card and obtain the perfect high-end pasta cooking technique - ramen. Congratulations to the host."

Finally got it.

Lin Xu was very happy.

It was finally a worthwhile trip.

Yin Hongbin put the noodles on the chopping board, then took a pot, put most of the pot of water on the stove and started to boil it.

“Now that the noodles are stretched, let’s just make a bowl of Lanzhou’s clear soup beef noodles.”

After saying that, he went out to serve beef soup.

Lin Xu had nothing to do. He washed his hands and grabbed a ball of dough. He kneaded it on the workbench and then pressed it into a long strip of dough.

The technique he had just acquired made him feel itchy for a moment, and he couldn't help but want to try it.

Press both ends of the dough piece with both hands and slowly stretch it outwards until it becomes a strip-shaped piece of dough and then buckle it over.

When Yin Hongbin came in with ingredients such as clear soup and radish for making beef noodles, Lin Xu happened to pull out a standard portion of leek leaves.

"Master Lin, you... come to play at the gym?"

Good guy, I keep saying that I want to learn how to ramen, but after just watching it, I made a very standard leek leaf. Who is learning from whom?

Lin Xu finally came to his senses and felt that he had been careless. He quickly said:

"Actually, I've secretly learned from a few chefs, but I'm still a little unclear about it. Today I saw your cooking skills, Chef Yin, and I'm completely clear about it."

Yin Hongbin put down the beef soup in his hand and asked:

"The essence of beef noodles is actually the beef broth in the basin. Can you make this?"

Lin Xu shook his head.

He really doesn't know how to do this, and of course, has no intention of learning it.

Ramen is a pure skill that can be learned.

But the recipe for beef consommé is a trade secret. Even if you learn it, Director Liao will probably throw a confidentiality agreement for him to fill out.

Let's save a few pages of printing paper for the catering department.

Lin Xu saw that the beef broth served by Yin Hongbin was similar to the soup used to boil cabbage. They were both transparent brown in color and looked a bit like tea that had been brewed several times.

Such a clear soup made him instantly curious.

"Chef Yin, is this beef broth... also made from minced chicken?"

Yin Hongbin was happy when he heard:

"How much does that kind of soup cost? This soup is also a boiled soup, but instead of minced meat, it uses blood soaked in beef."

At this moment, the water in the pot has boiled.

Yin Hongbin put the noodles he had just pulled in, boiled them over high heat and said:

"Blood water foams when heated, which is actually the effect of hemoglobin heating. Pouring blood water into cooked beef soup has a similar effect. This is the secret to the clear beef soup."

No one really disclosed this step. Everyone thought that the minced meat of various animals should be used like making boiled cabbage. Unexpectedly, blood and water would also work.

Learned another trick.

Lin Xu thought he could try making a similar soup in the store.

In this case, the cost of soups will be reduced a lot, such as jade soup, which does not use minced chicken but uses the blood soaked in the meat.

For Lin Kee Food, it’s all about getting as much as you want.

Soon, the noodles in the pot were cooked. Yin Hongbin took them out with a slotted spoon, drained the water and put them into a bowl. He put in three or four slices of beef and six or seven slices of white radish that had been blanched and cooled.

Put a little more butter on the noodles, pour two tablespoons of beef broth over the butter, and let the hot soup melt the butter.

Finally, sprinkle a handful of garlic leaves and chopped coriander, and drizzle with a spoonful of chili oil.

"This is our Lanzhou beef noodles, which are one clear, two white, three red, four green and five yellow."

Lin Xu looked at this sentence. The soup was clear, the radish was white, the spicy oil was red, the garlic sprouts were green, and the noodles were yellow and really matched them one by one.

Thinking about the Lanzhou Ramen I ate when I was in school, it doesn’t seem so particular.

Apart from anything else, the slices of meat that were so thin that they could float away with a blow were far inferior to this large piece of beef.

"Try it, Master Lin, I..."

Before Yin Hongbin finished speaking, Dai Jianli walked in sleepily:

"Lao Yin, what do you want... I'll go, this beef noodles is good, come on, let me check it for you, Lao Dai, I can't do anything else, but I'm sure I can taste the saltiness."

After saying that, he took the bowl, blew on the beef soup in the bowl, and then took a big sip:

"Ha, Shutan, I drank a bowl of beef noodles after drinking it, it was so happy like a god...Brother Lin, have you learned it? If not, I will teach you. Our beef noodles in Neijiang are also very famous, no less than Lanzhou beef noodles." .”

"Put down the bowl and get out of here!"

Yin Hongbin scolded Dai Jianli, and then said to Lin Xu:

"Last night, this guy couldn't wake up after he was drunk, so he opened a room upstairs and threw him in. But Director Liao said that the room fee will be deducted from the salary. Let's see if you dare to drink next time. so much."

While the two were chatting, Lin Xu saw that the soup that had just cooked noodles in the pot was still boiling.

Then he took the leek leaves he had just stretched out and threw them in.

Lin Xu didn't know how to make beef soup, but he was still the best at cooking noodles. His perfect noodle cooking technique was no less impressive than Chef Yin's noodle cooking skills.

After cooking, take out the noodles, use chopsticks to pick up a few slices of beef and put them on top, then put some radish slices on top, apply a little white butter and add beef broth.

In no time, a perfect beef noodle soup is ready.

He tasted it and found that the noodles were smooth and had the rich umami flavor of beef soup. It felt like hand-rolled noodles in the mouth, but compared to hand-rolled noodles, it had a little more alkaline taste.

This should be the reason for putting Peng Hui.

People in the south of the Yangtze River like to eat this kind of noodles with alkali added. It tastes good, is easy to preserve, and is not easy to be soaked in soup.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, you can't drink the soup for cooking noodles.

It conflicts with the food concept of "original soup and original food" in the north.

When Dai Jianli saw Lin Xu coming up and starting to eat noodles, he said:

"Add some vinegar, add some vinegar, Peng Hui is very overbearing, not adding vinegar to neutralize it will be bad for your stomach."

Lin Xu turned around and took the balsamic vinegar from the seasoning section and poured a little into the bowl. The original spicy taste of the chili oil suddenly turned into a sour and spicy taste. The greasy feeling of the butter was wiped away, leaving only a rich aroma.

“Delicious, so enjoyable!”

If you don’t eat Lanzhou beef noodles, you don’t know how big the difference is between Lanzhou noodles.

Of course, the costs vary a lot.

Chef Yin's bowl of noodles is probably not going to sell for three digits.

And this money is enough to feed eight or nine people in Lanzhou Ramen Restaurant.

"Brother Lin, your senior brother is waiting for you to master ramen before he shows us clear soup noodles. How are you doing? You can't make us wait for ten or eight years."

Yin Hongbin on the side pointed at the leek leaf noodles in Lin Xu’s bowl and said:

"Master Lin did it himself. With this level of proficiency, I feel that there is absolutely no problem if you have less than 13 buckles. As for more than 13 buckles, it depends on your talent and hard work."

Dai Jianli looked at the noodles in Lin Xu's bowl and his expression became surprised:

"I'll go! Did Lao Xie even lie to me? He told me that Brother Lin doesn't have any foundation in making ramen. This... does this mean he doesn't have any foundation?"

Lin Xu ate a piece of radish, which was crisp and refreshing, with a hint of sweetness.

Not bad, pretty good.

He smiled and said:

"I know how to make Longxu Cake, and I secretly learned it from someone a while ago, so the difference is not that big."

In the morning, Lin Xu and Shen Baobao ate a bowl of wontons that their mother had frozen in the refrigerator before leaving. They were not very hungry at first, but when they tasted the ramen, they felt like they couldn't stop eating.

It tastes really good.

The noodles are chewy, the soup is delicious, the radish is crisp and the garlic sprouts are fresh.

When I kneaded the dough before, I thought the method was really complicated, but now it seems that it is really complicated and has complicated principles.

Fortunately, we didn't try it behind closed doors. This was a lot harder than imagined.

After eating and drinking, Yin Hongbin was going to make beef soup. In order to avoid suspicion, Lin Xu did not follow him, but drove away from Building 12 with Dai Jianli, planning to go to Building 2 to say hello to his senior brother, and then return. Yingchun Street.

The store is so busy, we can't always come to Diaoyutai for vacation.

Arriving at Building 2, Lao Dai got out of the car and put on his chef hat:

"Damn, the temperature has dropped really hard recently. It's making my scalp feel chilly. I have to ask your senior brother to cook some warm meals at noon today to warm my stomach and ward off the cold."

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"My senior brother also drank too much last night, so why don't I do it? I haven't cooked in Building 2 for a long time, so today is like revisiting the old place."

you do?

Dai Jianli suddenly became interested:

"Brother Lin, what are you going to do? It's not good if it's not warm. It's best to eat until you're sweating all over."

Didn't you just eat a bowl of beef noodles?

Lin Xu pushed open the door of the restaurant in Building 2, greeted Gu Junli at the front desk, turned his face and said:

"I'm going to make braised lamb, is this okay?"

Upon hearing this, Dai Jianli suddenly showed an expectant expression on his face:

"This is good, get more of it. In this cold weather, you need to eat more mutton!"


This chapter has 5,100 words. Please vote for me, brothers. I still owe 2,000 monthly votes for additional updates. I’ll add them as soon as I adjust them. Don’t worry!

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