Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 376 The modern version of the chef and the cow! Got a job promotion and became the superviso

Hearing the shouts outside, Lin Xu subconsciously looked at Xie Baomin.

I really want to remind this senior brother, if it doesn't work, just go hide in the warehouse behind.

Chef Yuan is a big man with a round waist, nearly 1.9 meters tall, and weighs more than 200 kilograms. Even if he is possessed by Teacher Ma, he can't bear it with a fist.

After all, this 200-pound head chef is not a marble from China, but a Northeastern man with incredible fighting prowess.

However, unexpectedly, Xie Baomin not only did not panic, but instead put down his ribs, wiped his hands calmly, and then walked towards the door.

Opening the door, I happened to bump into Yuan Debiao who came in from the outside.

Before Chef Yuan could open his mouth, he said:

"Biaozi, come here quickly, I was about to call you. Lao Yin, who is so desperate for goods, finally made hand-caught lamb today. Come and try it quickly. It tastes very good."

Yuan Debiao opened his mouth and was about to speak when Xie Baomin walked out of the private room and whispered:

"My junior brother wants to learn ramen from Lao Yin. Who knows that this old boy wants to eat persimmons and won't teach him if there are no persimmons, so I borrowed a few from you... Let us eat more mutton later. Let’s eat our persimmons.”

Yuan Debiao was craving for mutton, so he followed his words and said:

"No wonder Lao Yin kept staring at the persimmons on the tree this morning... I just haven't eaten lunch yet. Let's go and get back the cost of the persimmons first."

Although persimmons are Chef Yuan's destiny, when there is mutton to eat, his destiny can be relieved.

At this time, he didn't care at all where the persimmons had gone. He only cared about whether the mutton cooked for noon today was enough to eat and whether he could enjoy it.

Carnivores are so straightforward.

After the two came in, Lin Xu and Yin Hongbin in the room were a little surprised.

Did you take down this fat and strong Northeastern man in less than two minutes?

Is this a distortion of human nature, or...

Yuan Debiao was in his forties and was considered a relatively young executive chef. He said hello to Lin Xu, sat down and took a big bite of rib meat:

"Old Yin, if you want to eat persimmons, you can just pick them. Every time I get such a large portion of hand-picked mutton, brother, I am still happy to exchange them with you."

Yin Hongbin:? ? ? ? ? ?

Just wait a minute!

It was obviously picked by Lao Xie, but why do I want to eat it?

Damn it, you think so easily. These two lamb ribs can be sold for four figures in a restaurant. How much are your rotten persimmons worth?

He glanced at Xie Baomin. No need to ask, it must have been the bastard talking to the Northeast guy about something again.

Alas, it’s another day when I want to beat Lao Xie severely!

Lin Xu finished eating a large lamb rib and was almost half full. The texture of this lamb meat was really delicious.

The most delicious thing is the head of the ribs. The lean meat, fat meat and cartilage are mixed together. When you bite it, your mouth will be filled with oil. The strength of the lean meat and the crispness of the cartilage are fused together. It is like swallowing a big mouthful of the splendor of the northwest region. and confusion.

I picked up another large piece and followed Xie Baomin's example and ate it with onions. The crisp onions not only enriched the taste, but also made the mutton more delicious.

None of the four people said anything, as if they were crazy about showing off their flesh.

After eating the two lamb chops, he felt that they were not enough, so Yin Hongbin asked someone to take a lamb hind leg out of the lamb soup pot and bring it in.

After it was brought in, it was divided slightly and everyone continued to eat.

This is the hind leg of an adult sheep. It has distinct muscle fibers and thick fat. Yin Hongbin cut it with a few cuts, seemingly casually, but it made every piece of meat fat and thin.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they take action.

It can be seen from this cutting method that Yin Hongbin has a higher understanding of the structure of mutton than even veterinarians.

Dip a piece of mutton with rich fat in Northwest chili sauce, and then take a bite. The richness of mutton fat and the strength of lean meat, combined with the hot sauce, explode in your mouth.

If lamb represents the magnificence and vastness of the Northwest, then adult lamb dipped in hot sauce represents the fiery passion and tenacity of the Northwest people.

The different textures and flavors of the two kinds of mutton made Lin Xu understand why the eating methods of mutton are so detailed.

Different ages and different parts have completely different tastes.

Who doesn’t like meat like this?

After finishing a leg of lamb, the chef brought four bowls of radishes stewed in lamb soup, as well as a basket of freshly made sesame pancakes and minced green onion and coriander.

"There is no salt in the soup. You can add it according to your taste, as well as minced coriander and garlic."

Lin Xu used a small spoon to add the salt that had just been used as a dipping sauce to the soup. He also added a little pepper and a pinch of coriander and chopped green onion.

After stirring evenly, he held the bowl and took a big sip. He was immediately shocked by the delicious taste:

"Isn't this too fresh?"

Yin Hongbin put some chili oil into his bowl:

"The ingredients are good and the heat is sufficient. It's hard not to think twice about it. This kind of mutton soup is easy to get in the northwest. The pace there is relatively slower, and the chefs are willing to spend their time on cooking."

The faster the pace, the less delicious food there is. People feel pressured to eat and have no time to enjoy.

Cooks are also under pressure. The rent, water and electricity workers' wages, etc., add up, and the monthly expenses are sky-high.

In this case, it is somewhat unrealistic to simmer the soup slowly.

Moreover, this can lead to a sharp increase in costs, and customers are not likely to buy it, so we have to resort to technological means.

Lin Xu took a bite of the radish in the bowl. The texture was still crisp, and it didn't have any strong flavor from the white radish. Instead, it was sweet.

Yuan Debiao, who had always lowered his head to eat meat, finally got over his addiction.

He broke off the sesame cakes, soaked them in the bowl and said to Lin Xu:

"This is a sandy radish with a strong sweetness. Before putting it in the mutton soup pot, it needs to be blanched in boiling water to get rid of the smell of the radish. After blanching, run it through cold water to make it crispy."

Can radishes be treated like this?

Learned learned learned.

Lin Xu ate a sesame seed cake and a bowl of soup. After eating, he patted his belly and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The power of food is so powerful. It was rare for him to feel full today.

In the past, he was always eighty percent full, but today he was eighty percent full and couldn't stop the car at all.

Especially after eating the mutton, it feels so good to have a bowl of delicious mutton soup.

After eating and drinking, as soon as they put down their bowls and chopsticks, Dai Jianli and Song Dahai came to Building No. 12 one after another:

"Where's Niu, Lao Yin? We're not doing anything this afternoon, we're just here to help... Oops, Brother Lin is here. Do you want to eat here for lunch?"

Lin Xu nodded:

"I originally wanted to learn ramen from Chef Yin, but I ended up having a meal of hand-pulled mutton and a big bowl of mutton soup with sesame seed cakes."

"Hey, Lao Yin, you are not very interesting. Last time I came to help you all morning, you treated me to a bowl of beef noodles."

Yin Hongbin said angrily:

"You've been helping me get a leg of mutton and a mutton chop all morning, and you have the nerve to ask?"

"Na na na... some calligraphers charge a pen polishing fee for helping people write. I, the dignified Diaoyutai chef, charge you a knife sharpening fee. Isn't it excessive?"

In terms of shamelessness, Lao Dai will always be the first echelon of Diaoyutai.

There were not many guests in Building 12 at noon, only about five or six tables. Each table ordered the hand-caught mutton, and one table ordered the beef head feast. Two people carried it and steamed it for more than three hours. The moment the bull's head was placed on the table, it still looked very domineering.

In addition to lamb chops, lamb legs, steaks, beef heads and other ingredients, Building 12 also has a variety of cream products, from staple foods to snacks, all in Northwest style.

While Lao Huang was waiting for the cattle to be delivered, Lin Xu walked around the kitchen and discovered that outside the back door of the kitchen, there was actually a naan pit for making roasted naan, baked buns and even northwest roasted whole lamb.

"Lao Yin's place, from the decoration style to the food configuration, is all typical northwest style. If my junior wants to learn northwest-style dishes, he can come here and learn more from Lao Yin. He is really good at this."

"Okay senior brother."

While looking at it, Lin Xu discovered that there were iron racks for water pipes, various hooks, and even fans for ventilation inside the naan pit. They looked like the equipment in a slaughterhouse, so he asked curiously:

"Senior brother, the cattle used this afternoon were not killed here right?"

Xie Baomin said with a smile:

"Why would everyone come here to join in the fun if I didn't kill them here?"

"Don't you have to go to a designated slaughterhouse for this kind of livestock slaughter? If you kill the cow in the yard, what if someone reports it..."

"Ha, this is a designated slaughterhouse."

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ? ?

No way?

Is Diaoyutai so expensive?

Xie Baomin said:

"Some of the dishes for state guests must be fresh meat, and it will take time to deliver them from the slaughterhouse here, so Lao Yin got a slaughtering qualification through coordination with the ethnic groups and Diaoyutai leaders."

Holy shit?

Can this still be done?

Lin Xu asked curiously:

“Then from now on, you can slaughter all the chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep in Diaoyutai by yourself?”

Xie Baomin smiled:

"Theoretically, it's possible, but the only qualified butcher is Lao Yin, so if you want to slaughter livestock and poultry, you have to let him do it. Ever since Lao Fan asked Lao Yin to help kill the rooster, but Lao Yin chopped off half of it, everyone found out It’s more cost-effective to buy finished meat, so we slaughter cows here occasionally.”

It is estimated that when Chef Yin obtained this qualification, he was still thinking about plucking Yan Guo's hair and shaving some oil from everyone.

But no one in this group of talented chefs was fooled. Instead, everyone came to pick out Lao Yin's wool... Oh no, bullshit, everyone came to pick out Chef Yin's wool.

For example, today, why are all the head chefs gathered here.

Isn't it just waiting to take advantage?

Not long after, a box truck staggered into the courtyard of Building 12.

The car door opened and Lao Huang jumped out of the passenger seat.

"Old Yin, the cow you asked for has been delivered. Get started quickly, we are still waiting for the meat."

At this time, all the head chefs had arrived, and the driver drove the cattle down and led them around the yard to the slaughterhouse at the back. Large and small pots had been prepared in the back, waiting to be slaughtered.

Just as Lin Xuda was about to follow him to see the excitement, his cell phone suddenly rang. It was his mother, Chen Meijuan, calling.

"Ersha, your father-in-law and mother-in-law contacted us two days ago and want you and Yueyue to hold a wedding during the Spring Festival. What do you think?"

A Spring Festival wedding?

This is not impossible. Anyway, we now have a car and a house.

According to the modern concept of marriage, this already meets the minimum conditions for marriage.

Anyway, you and Shen Baobao already live together, so why not just hold the wedding and keep putting it off, maybe your father-in-law and mother-in-law will think too much about it.

Thinking of this, Lin Xu said:

"Okay, but where can I do it? If we all come to the capital, transportation and other things will be inconvenient, right?"

"Your father and I thought the same thing, but your master said that when you get married, you can just rent out a building in Diaoyutai, and you can save the ceremony and entertaining guests."

My master?

Lin Xu asked in surprise:

"Do you still have contact with my master?"

"Nonsense, people are so kind to you, why don't we have a good relationship with Mr. Gao? He is still saying in the group..."

"In a group? Mom, did you secretly create a group?"

Lin Xu felt more and more that the elders of this generation were playing tricks. Not only did they secretly contact the master in private, but they also formed a group behind his back.

"This was established by your father-in-law. The group name is [Xiao Xu Yueyue Wedding Preparatory Committee]. The group is composed of your elders. The lowest senior member is your senior brother, and the others are relatives of both parties."


Behind Baobao Shen and I's back, we secretly set up a wedding planning committee.

It was done quite professionally.

Lin Xu said:

"Since you are ready, Yueyue and I will not care about anything else. We are only responsible for serving you tea and pouring wine."

Chen Meijuan smiled:

"As long as you don't mind getting married during the Spring Festival, then we will start preparations... After the wedding is held in the capital, and you and Yueyue come back during the Spring Festival, we will hold a special banquet to entertain the guests here."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Xu felt like he was in a dream.

Although there are still nearly three months until the Spring Festival, the thought of walking into the wedding hall with Shen Baobao still feels like a dream.

I hope I can always be happy.

He put his cell phone in his pocket and strolled to the back of the building, only to find that the slaughtering process of the cow had ended. Not only had the hide been completely peeled off, but even the cow's trunk had been cut into eight pieces.

Yin Hongbin, with the assistance of Guo Weidong, dismantled large parts such as the corbels.

He held a small sharp knife in his hand and quickly cut through the fascia in the cow's knee, then removed the calf and the cow's hooves.

Then cut the cow leg according to the trend of the fascia, and remove the cow's thigh bone.

With one operation, the cow's hind leg was divided into several parts.

There are no unnecessary steps, and the strength and depth of the knife edge are just right. It can be called a modern version of the chef cutting the cow.

Yuan Debiao, who was extremely strong, used meat hooks to hang the disassembled parts on the iron shelf nearby, and his senior brother Xie Baomin and Fan Ming, the head chef of Building 11, further divided them.

In front of the pool not far away, Dai Jianli, Song Dahai, and He Baoqing were gathering the internal organs of two cows around several large basins filled with clean water.

Qiu Zhenhua, who was wearing gold-rimmed glasses, was burning the cow's head with a spray gun.

As for the other head chefs, they are also doing assisting work, including flushing, soaking, and sorting out leftovers.

Lao Huang stood outside with his mobile phone, taking photos and praising:

"A group of masters with national prefixes are waiting on them. This can be regarded as the peak of the two cows' life."

Seeing Lin Xu coming over, he smiled and asked:

"Brother Lin, just ask if you want to eat. According to the custom, when the cow is killed, all the offal is made into dishes to reward those who help. We are in for a treat today."

Lin Xu asked with some confusion:

"Is there still such a rule?"

"Without such rules, do you think these high-ranking head chefs would be willing to do such a thing? Not only them, Director Liao will probably come as well later."

You really think that killing cows is like killing New Year pigs in rural areas.

It's a pity that I won't kill a pig today, otherwise I can show off my pig-killing skills that I have acquired for so long.

He asked curiously:

"What kind of dishes will be served later?"

Lao Huang must have participated in such occasions many times. He pointed at Dai Jianli and said:

"Lao Dai will definitely make couple's lung slices, which is a reserved dish of beef offal; Chef Guo will make Cantonese beef offal soup, which is super delicious; Chef Yuan will make charcoal-grilled beef tongue, which is popular in Northeast China. People are good at making barbecue; your senior brother probably knows how to make stir-fried beef tenderloin or braised beef heart, I’m not sure, he can come up with new tricks every time..."

Lin Xu originally thought that this group of chefs would stew a large pot of food just like in the countryside, but he didn't expect that each of them would use the ingredients to make a specialty dish.

Lin Xu asked:

"Where are these beef bones? Why don't you boil them and chew them?"

"These are good treasures. Lao Yin wants to keep them for soup and is not allowed to chew them. He even leaves some meat on them when he cuts the meat. The bones and meat close to the bones can make the soup more delicious."

An hour later, the two fat and strong oxen turned into complete pieces of meat and two skeletons that could make soup.

The beef is divided very carefully, each part is classified, and the fascia that is removed can be used for cooking.

Yuan Debiao took the fascia wrapped in fat and said:

"These are braised and then grilled over charcoal fire. They taste very fragrant... Brother Lin, I'll try them later. I'm sure you'll want to eat them again."

Guo Weidong washed his hands, looked at Lin Xu and asked:

"Looking at it this time, have you gained anything?"

"It feels like you could open a slaughterhouse."

Guo Weidong:? ? ? ?

I asked you how you feel, but you arranged our work instead?

Lin Xu smiled and said:

“I feel that carving up a whole cow is a big science. Not only do you need to understand the location of all the fascia and the movement of the meat, but you also need to know how to cook and know the specific methods of each type of meat.”

Some dishes can have fascia, while some dishes cannot have fascia. When dividing, they can be processed in a targeted manner.

Guo Weidong patted Lin Xu on the shoulder:

"I'll let you see it today. Next time there is such an activity, you will have to take action. Don't be timid then."

"Do I have to take action?"

"Everyone at the executive chef level has to start. Although you don't work in Diaoyutai, Director Liao has always given you a job, Diaoyutai catering department supervisor, executive chef level."

Lin Xu was really confused now.

Am I not a consultant of Diaoyutai?

When did you become the supervisor of the catering department?

Guo Weidong said:

"At the administrative meeting a few days ago, Director Liao said that the Diaoyutai should have more contact with the public. The video you took with everyone was good, so I gave you the position of supervisor to make it easier for you to enter and exit the Diaoyutai."

So sudden?

Just as I was thinking about it, the system prompt sounded in my mind:

"The host has been promoted to the supervisor of the catering department of Diaoyutai, completed the hidden task [new identity], and obtained the excellent basic cooking technique - carving up the whole cow. Congratulations to the host."

Lin Xu didn't expect such a good thing at all.

I wonder how much discount I can get if I come to Diaoyutai Private House to hold a wedding with this identity...

When he was stunned, Dai Jianli next to him shouted:

"Quick, quick, hurry up while these offal are fresh. Brother Lin, don't be stunned. Find out which dish you want to learn and follow it quickly. There are not many opportunities to make offal in Diaoyutai."

Each of these chefs has to cook a dish.

As for what dish to learn, Lin Xu was really embarrassed.

At this moment, he completely forgot about learning ramen today, and all he was thinking about was which beef offal dish was the best-selling...


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