Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 354 The Braised Silver Carp Head will be destroyed as soon as it is demolished! Another day

In the store, Xie Baomin began to teach Lin Xu how to cook fish heads.

Today's fish heads were relatively large, so he specially used the largest double-ear wok to fill most of the pot of water and started to cook over high heat.

But he did not put the fish head in immediately. Instead, he placed the huge fish head in a basket with the fish skin facing up, and then poured hot water of about 70 to 80 degrees Celsius onto the fish skin.

Lin Xu was a little surprised:

"Does the skin need to be blanched when cooking fish? Senior brother?"

"It is easy to break the skin if you cook it directly. If you blanch it first and then cook it, the fish skin will be more complete. This step is very similar to that of boiled chicken. Even all dishes that require a complete skin need to be blanched in advance."

Xie Baomin explained while busy.

He scalded the fish head several times, then put the fish skin down into the pot.

After putting it in, add sliced ​​ginger and large green onions into the pot, and then pour in a spoonful of rice wine.

When dense bubbles appear on the edge of the pot, turn down the heat and keep the water in the pot at about 70 or 80 degrees.

This water temperature can keep the fish meat as intact as possible, and the fish skin will not be damaged.

Dai Jianli, who was frying crayfish next to him, said:

"This dish mainly involves soaking the fish in hot water. It is the same as boiled chicken, boiled shrimp and other dishes. The water should not be boiled or even reach 90 degrees. It should be soaked slowly so that the fish meat is intact and the bones are easy to remove."

Huaiyang cuisine is a famous literati cuisine that pays attention to elegance. The most elegant thing about this braised silver carp head is to remove the bones cleanly while keeping the fish skin intact.

In this case, soaking in hot water becomes the only option.

Zhuang Yizhou was born in Yanjing Hotel, so he had more opportunities to come into contact with this dish.

He asked curiously:

"When I was an apprentice in the past, a master said that if you don't want to boil it, you can steam it. Steaming can also achieve the effect of keeping the skin and meat from rotten but separating the fish bones."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dai Jianli said:

"Then you can slap him with a big ear scraper. Isn't this misleading! Why use the soaking method? It means to let the hot water seep in along the seams of the bones. The steaming method has a high temperature. Not only does the hot water not get in, but the fish meat will be cooked. The water is lost and the meat is all stuck to the bones, so why not take it apart and pour a spoonful of chopped pepper on it to make a chopped pepper fish head."

Xie Baomin also said:

"The steaming method cannot make a complete fish head. Our group of head chefs once tried it. We put dozens of fish heads there, steamed, cooked and fried them all, and the soaking method still worked."

The head chefs of Diaoyutai not only fight among themselves when they get together, but also occasionally try various experiments for the dishes.

In this regard, Director Liao of the catering department is happy to see the result. Anyway, this kind of ingredient is not expensive, and it will be eaten as a staff meal after practice, without causing any waste.

Many famous dishes that seem out of reach to ordinary people are already tired of them.

Seeing that the two head chefs had no intention of hiding anything, others joined in.

Wei Gan asked:

"Chef Xie, what is the maximum water temperature for fish heads?"

"Eighty-five. If the temperature exceeds 85 degrees, the gelatin of the fish skin will dissolve, and the muscle tissue and texture of the fish will also break. The meat will become rotten and cannot be disassembled. If you have time, it is best to complete the whole process Below 80 degrees, this way the integrity of the fish meat is the highest.”

While soaking the fish, Xie Baomin began to prepare the auxiliary ingredients, including soaked mushrooms, soaked scallops, fresh winter bamboo shoots, and a piece of Jinhua ham.

Boil Jinhua ham in water and slice mushrooms and winter bamboo shoots.

After everything is ready, put a pot on the stove next to it, add pork bone broth to the pot, put the winter bamboo shoots and shiitake mushrooms in and blanch the water to remove the astringency of the shiitake mushrooms and winter bamboo shoots.

After the ham is cooked, slice it into slices and blanch it in water to awaken as much of the umami flavor in the ham as possible.

Zhu Yong looked at these ingredients and said in surprise:

"Shiitake mushrooms are fresh from grass, scallops are fresh from the sea, ham is fresh from land, winter bamboo shoots are fresh from the ground, and fish heads are fresh from the river... This dish is actually five fresh foods in one."

Xie Baomin wiped his hands, shook his head and said:

"No, it's not five delicacies in one, it should be six delicacies or seven delicacies."

Lin Xu couldn't understand his senior brother's words more and more.

Isn’t this dish just five ingredients?

Are there any other ingredients?

Thinking of the senior brother bringing the fish up, he said that Chef Qiu was very sorry and gave him a can of crab paste.

This is actually very doubtful.

You've screwed two fish out of someone's face, and you still say they feel bad about it.

Chef Qiu is not an M, so how can he feel sorry for himself? He must have been jumping around and scolding his mother at that time, right?

That jar of crab paste that the senior brother brought even after being scolded by Chef Qiu, could it be an ingredient for braised silver carp heads?

Thinking of this, Lin Xu asked:

“Is this jar of crab paste one of the ingredients?”

Dai Jianli gave Lin Xu a thumbs up:

"Yes, not only fresh food from the river, but also fresh food from the lake must be added. The paste of the male crab can make the soup richer and richer, and it can also increase the thickness of the soup base."

Delicious braised silver carp head, the meat tastes soft and delicious, the fish soup is rich and thick, the gelatin of the fish and the deliciousness of the soup are perfectly blended together.

In order to achieve this effect, it is not enough to just add lard, because too much lard will make it greasy. You have to add crab paste, so that you can have that plump and thick texture that makes people want to stop.

"Then what is the seventh umami that senior brother just mentioned?"

"It's crab oil, which is the fat made by boiling the crab shells with the crab meat removed. This oil is not necessary, it mainly serves as the icing on the cake."

Xie Baomin knew everything about his junior brother's problems.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhuang Yizhou asked a few more questions to which he usually had no answers:

"Chef Xie, can I put a bamboo net underneath when soaking the fish head?"

"It's possible, but it's not recommended because the fish head is very sticky and soft after soaking. If you stretch it with a bamboo net, it will easily rot."

It takes a long time to soak the fish head.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xu cut off the meat from the silver carp with its head cut off, and made boiled fish fillets, dry-fried fish fillets, and sweet and sour fish dices.

As for the fish tail and fish bones, they are combined with radish to make fish tail and radish soup.

I'm tired of eating tofu soup all the time, so I'll try something new today.

Outside the kitchen, Shen Baobao was looking at the shoes and clothes bought by Chen Yan and the others, while Shen Guofu was chatting with Lao Huang and Cui Qingyuan, who had brought two bottles of collector's edition Guojiao 1573.

As for Han Shuzhen, she didn't come up at all. She was holding Dundun below and watching the big silver carp.

In the kitchen, Lin Xu finished working on the dishes he was going to make, and the fish heads were almost soaked.

Xie Baomin first turned the wok to let the fish heads in the pot move a little, then took the pot away from the stove and slowly poured out the water in the pot.

When there is only a little water left, place the pot on a large plate, tilt the mouth of the pot, and let the fish slowly slide onto the plate.

After decanting the excess soup, start removing the fish bones.

The principle of removing the fish head is from bottom to top on the inside and top to bottom on the outside.

The inner side is the meat side of the fish. When removing it, start with the body of the fish, and then remove the head after removing the body.

"The method of removing the fish head is very particular and cannot be done blindly. Take the body of the fish as an example. You need to remove a few relatively large ribs first, and then remove the spine."

When the fish head is modified, the bones of the fish head will be cut off, leaving only a thin outer layer of skin connected.

Be very careful when removing it at this time, otherwise the fish head will be ruined.

Xie Baomin is very experienced in this dish and can dismantle it quickly. Some bones with fascia tissue will be cut off in advance to prevent the connective tissue inside from being brought out and ruining the appearance.

"Junior brother, how do you look?"

"It's quite relaxing."

Xie Baomin:? ? ? ? ? ?

This is teaching you techniques. Do you think this is an online decompression video?

However, you won't learn much from this dish over and over again. That is, just to watch the excitement, you won't be able to figure out the internal structure of the fish head without taking apart thirty-five fish heads.

As for learning the essence of bone dismantling, it will take about eight to ten years.

Lin Xu asked curiously:

"Senior brother, how much does one portion of such a complicated dish cost?"

"There are cheap ones and expensive ones. For example, Building No. 6 costs thousands per serving, and you have to make a reservation. You can only make one or two servings a day, not more. Other Huaiyang restaurants are not cheap either. Anyway, if you eat out, Don’t try if it’s less than a thousand, otherwise you’ll be disappointed no matter how much you look forward to it.”

A chef who can cook delicious silver carp head must at least be the executive chef or head chef of a hotel.

Can such a person sell it cheaply?

Soon, the bones inside the fish head had been removed. Xie Baomin put a large plate on the fish head, held it with both hands and turned it over. After placing it on the table, he took the plate away and the fish head was turned over.

At this time, the fish head was like a deflated balloon, soft and trembling, but the fish skin was intact and not disfigured at all.

After removing the bones inside, you have to turn it over and remove the front side, which is the bones on the surface of the fish head.

For example, the labial bones, orbital bones, gill covers, etc. near the fish's mouth all need to be removed from the front.

To remove the bones on the front, you have to start with the fish head.

Xie Baomin put his hand into the fish's mouth, carefully pulled out the labial bone, then reached in and started to pull out a piece of skull behind the fish's mouth.

“When removing the bones from the front, try to remove them from the mouth of the fish, so that the skin can remain intact.”

Xie Baomin took it apart very slowly. For areas where the fish skin needs to be slightly broken, such as the gill cover, he should reduce the area of ​​broken skin as much as possible and move it out little by little.

When the fish body was removed, Xie Baomin stroked the pectoral fins on both sides of the fish's head:

"These two will not be removed. They are just like a pair of small wings, which can increase their appearance."

At this time, the entire fish head has been dismantled, and it looks like it has returned from the third dimension to the second dimension.

Xie Baomin put the wok back on and started cooking.

Add a small pot of pork bone broth to the pot, then add ginger and green onions, add rice wine, pour mushroom slices, bamboo shoot slices, scallops, and ham slices into the pot, then add half a frying spoon of lard and an equal amount of crab paste.

Turn on high heat and bring the pork bone broth to a boil.

Boil and simmer for a while to bring out the aroma of various ingredients, and at the same time, the aroma of crab paste and lard will be simmered into the soup.

When it's almost cooked, take out the onion and ginger and start seasoning.

Put a small spoonful of salt, a small spoonful of sugar, half a small spoonful of pepper, and a little light soy sauce into the pot.

Both scallops and ham are salty, so just add a small spoonful of salt to enhance the flavor. You don’t need to add too much.

After putting the seasonings in place, the pot, which was already full of fresh aroma, became even more intense.

Don't just put the fish head in and stew it, even if you just boil some noodles and throw it in and mix it, the taste will definitely be unforgettable.

After boiling the soup in the pot again, Xie Baomin stirred it twice with a spoon and came to the pot with a plate containing the fish heads.

He did not pour the fish head in immediately, but first poured a ladle of soup from the pot onto the plate and shook it to prevent the gelatin from the fish head from sticking to the plate.

Then slowly tilt the plate so that the fish head slides completely into the pot.

Braised is a cooking method that is half vegetable and half soup, such as stewed noodles and stewed vegetables.

The braised silver carp head dish I made today is also half soup and half vegetable.

After putting the fish head into the pot, turn down the heat so that the soup in the pot boils slightly. If the fire burns fiercely, even the intact fish skin will be broken.

The fish head put into the pot was trembling in the soup, and the soup inside exuded an alluring aroma.

The next step is to simmer on low heat.

All parts of the fish must be stewed in pork bone stock until they are soft and tender, so that the fish head tastes extremely delicious.

The fish head is rich in colloid, so in order to prevent it from sticking to the pan, you need to shake the wok constantly.

This requires not only technique but also physical strength.

Stew until the fish head is completely soft and the soup becomes thick, then it can be taken out of the pot.

First use chopsticks to take out all the mushroom slices, bamboo shoot slices, and ham slices from the pot, then hold the pot and carefully slide the fish into a deeper plate.

After sliding it in, place several auxiliary ingredients neatly on the fish head, and garnish with a few pieces of blanched rapeseed. This legendary dish is complete.

"Eat, eat!"

Xie Baomin came outside with the fish head, placed it on the dining table, and said to everyone:

"Eat the fish head first. Each person takes a bowl and scoops a large spoon directly into the bowl to eat. The fish head must be eaten while it is hot. It is best to eat it with your mouth scalded. Otherwise, if it cools down a little, the fish soup will start to stick to your mouth."

There is too much gelatin in this dish, so eat it first.

It's not too cold right now, but if it's winter, you might not be able to eat it after a few minutes of cooking.

"Working for hours and eating for only a few minutes, this may be the extravagance and exquisiteness of literati cuisine."

After everyone finished taking photos, they hurriedly picked up their spoons and filled a large bowl each.

The fish head doesn't have any bones. Just put it in a bowl and eat it with the soup. You don't have to worry about getting stuck on the fish bones or eating the bones.

When the soft fish meat entered his mouth, Lin Xu immediately felt that there was such a delicious dish in the world.

The colloid-rich fish head brings the unique deliciousness of river fish. With the presence of lard and pork bone stock, it has a rich aroma and rich texture. In addition, you can also taste the umami of ham and bamboo shoots and the unique plant fragrance of shiitake mushrooms.

As for the soup, you can taste a "rich and thick" texture.

It's probably just for the crab paste.

“It’s delicious. Chef Xie’s cooking is really amazing!”

"Old Shen, this is much more delicious than the fish head we ate during our last trip to Yangzhou."

"Indeed, I spent thousands of dollars eating and felt lonely that time."

"Thank you to Chef Xie for allowing Cui to taste this unparalleled delicacy. It is worthy of braised silver carp head. The taste and texture are really amazing."

"Lao Xie's craftsmanship is amazing. Next time I get two silver carp, how about you cook it for me? I'll give you a box of flower carp!"

"Well, you old man, didn't you just say that all the flower eagles are gone?"

"Lao Dai... I forgot you were here too."


Everyone was full of praise for Xie Baomin's craftsmanship, but not everyone liked the taste. After one bite, brothers Xie Yufei and Xie Yuhang consciously put on disposable gloves and started eating crayfish.

When they were a few years old, they had been eating dishes like boiled cabbage at home. This kind of dish was not as attractive to them as crayfish.

The same is true for Shen Baobao and Geng Lele. After tasting it, although this delicious and plump fish head is indeed delicious, there is spicy and delicious crayfish next to it!

Who who loves spicy food can resist the temptation of crayfish?

Lin Xu was eating this delicious fish head and regretted not using the cooking study card just now.

There is still one big silver carp left. Why don't we have a try when my parents come tomorrow? I regret it!

I scooped a big spoonful of fish head into my mouth and entered the system while eating, wanting to see what the exchange price for this braised silver carp head dish was.

Just as I was about to enter the points mall, I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t looked at the inventory for a long time, so I went in and took a look. There were two perfect-level cooking learning cards, a thirty-minute experience card for special props, and a perfect-level dish. Redeem card.

Redeem card?

Isn't this a card that can be exchanged for dishes in memory?

He looked at the description of the card. It was obtained from the chain mission in the last game. He had never used it since he got it.

Since you want to get Braised Silver Carp Head, you might as well use this card to redeem it.

In order to avoid losing money, he entered the points mall and checked the exchange price for a perfect braised silver carp head. It turned out to be a terrifying 6 million.

It seems that as the points earned every day increase, point inflation becomes more serious.

Six million points is equivalent to six million yuan. So if I use the memory exchange card to get the braised silver carp head, doesn’t rounding it off mean I have saved six million?

What are you waiting for? exchange!

"Would you like to redeem it for a perfect braised silver carp head?"


"The exchange is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the perfect-level braised silver carp head cooking technique. Because this technique needs to be used in conjunction with the bone-breaking technique, the host can make up to an excellent level braised silver carp head. Do you want to redeem it for the perfect-level bone-breaking technique?"

Is there still such a technique?

Lin Xu felt that since he did it, it must be perfect.


"Consume 2 million points to obtain the perfect fish bone-breaking technique, and trigger the trial task: ask the host to use the bone-breaking technique to make a perfect bone-breaking dish within three days. After completion, you can permanently obtain this technique. ."

Damn it!

Lin Xu was stunned for a while before he came to his senses. He was tricked by the system.

He originally wanted to exchange for the skill of dismantling silver carp heads, but was induced by the system to exchange for the skill of dismantling bones.

I originally thought it was a full range of bone-removing techniques, but I didn't expect it was just a fish-bone-removing technique.

It’s a bit unfair to spend the two million!

It’s really good to learn from bad things. The system now not only learns the money-stealing routines of domestic games, but also learns the money-stealing routines of domestic APPs.

Can't you learn something better?

"Wow, it's so spicy, Xu Bao, is there any drink to relieve the spiciness?"

Lin Xu came to his senses and ordered to the car boy:

"Go get the drinks out and let everyone have a taste."

After hearing the drink, Shen Guofu, who was picking the fish head into his mouth, glanced at the Guojiao 1573 brought by Lao Huang.

Now that children are starting to drink, we adults should also drink some...

He was just about to ask what everyone was drinking when he saw Dai Jianli taking a pot of yam juice from Che Zai and pouring it to everyone:

"Come on, come on, let's have a health bureau today and drink something different."

"Okay, okay, come and fill it up for me."

"Me too!"

Health Bureau?

Shen Guofu looked at everyone in surprise.

what's the situation?

Why is everyone starting to drink milk?

Am I the only one in the audience who is over twenty?


Today’s first update, 5200 words, can the 18-year-old author ask for a ticket for my cat?

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