Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 292: Blanch the beef and then cool it, you have no idea how delicious it is! 【Please subscri

"If someone comes to the store to ask for Chef Chen, just say that he is busy in the kitchen and notify me as soon as possible. But never say that there is no head chef position in the store."

Shu Yun, who was greeting customers in the store, was a little surprised when he saw this news.

Didn’t Mr. Chen go to the boss’s wife’s house for the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion dinner?

Doesn't it sound like you have bragged and lied in front of outsiders and need help?

She straightened the hair hanging around her ears and replied:

"Okay, I remember it."

Although we are not the leader of the 358th Group, Chu, but since Mr. Chen is in need, we have to help. After all, this is the 00001 member customer of Linji Food and a big benefactor.

Seeing this news, Chen Yan was immediately overjoyed:

"Good sisters, the cup size will not shrink!"

A few days ago, when I was making mooncakes, I secretly swore by Shu Yun's bra cup. Now that I have used it, I have become a good sister whose bra cup won't shrink.

After Mr. Chen replied the message with a scheming look on his face, he immediately returned to the kitchen and continued to perform his duties as executive chef.

But her duties as head chef are quite simple...

"Brother-in-law, can this be taken away?"

"Brother-in-law, are the orange steamed eggs in the steam cabinet almost ready?"

"Brother-in-law, do you want to fry half of the beef later or finish frying it all?"


Shen Baobao, who was hitting the beef tenderloin with the back of his knife, couldn't help but curled his lips:

"Hey, you're the only one who's the head chef? Bolt is better than you. At least he knows how not to give orders randomly."

Dundun, who was being held by Mrs. Han in the living room, suddenly opened her eyes.

You bitch, are you talking bad about me behind my back again?

The person in charge of the aunt has arranged the shipment, so I don’t have to be bullied by this idiot aunt anymore, but this stepmother... alas, I am helpless!

For a moment, the little cat's eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life.

"What are you doing here, Yueyue?"

When Chen Yan saw her cousin smashing the beef tenderloin with the back of a kitchen knife, she came over with a curious expression.

No, are you learning something new?

"I think it's fun for Xu Bao to smash chicken breasts, so I took this piece of beef and smashed it to practice. Do you want to try it? It's a bit of a stress relief."

Just as Chen Yan was about to take the knife and try it, Lin Xu came over, took the beef tenderloin and put it in the refrigerator:

"Stop playing and get ready to eat!"

As soon as they heard that dinner was about to begin, the two sisters packed up their chef uniforms and chef hats and went out to tell everyone to start sitting down. Lin Xu was holding a wok and frying the prepared ingredients one by one.

Today's dishes are mainly stir-fried, steamed and stewed dishes. There are not many styles, but the portions are quite generous.

After everyone was seated, Chen Yan and Shen Baobao brought over portions of freshly steamed orange steamed eggs.

This kind of small dessert should be eaten after a meal.

But Chef Shen and Chef Chen, who were eager to hear the compliments, couldn't wait until that time, so they adjusted the order of serving dishes.

Mrs. Shen said with a smile:

"My granddaughter and granddaughter made it together. I want to eat more."

When I was a child, I only cooked and ate for these two girls. I never thought that one day I would be able to eat the delicious food they cooked.

No matter what the taste of this steamed egg is, I will praise it later.

By the way, I would like to commend you again.

The orange steamed egg is placed on the plate, and it is thoughtfully covered with a lid made of orange peel.

Take off the lid, and the smell of orange mixed with egg comes out from inside.

Just in terms of taste, this is amazing.

Especially when there was no hope and she just thought that Shen Baobao and Chen Yan were fooling around.

Use a small spoon to reach into the orange and dig out a piece of steamed egg. The bright yellow color and trembling appearance indicate that the quality of the steamed egg is not low.

Many people know how to steam eggs.

But steaming the steamed eggs to the level of pudding is really impossible without two brushes.

The relatives became very interested, and the appearance was already better than the orange steamed eggs in ordinary restaurants.

It’s not that you have great cooking skills, it’s mainly that when making this dessert, ordinary restaurants will try to save ingredients as much as possible, such as reducing the amount of eggs, adding some starch water to it, or replacing freshly squeezed orange juice with concentrated orange juice, etc.

While cost is saved, the taste is also compromised.

So smelling the real orange steamed egg, the relatives picked up the spoons and started tasting it.

The pudding-like steamed eggs exude a rich egg aroma and the unique sweet and sour taste of orange juice. Take a spoonful and put it into your mouth. The tender and smooth texture makes people stunned.

"Oh, this tastes good."

"That's right, the texture is so delicate, and there are no honeycomb holes inside. It tastes fragrant and smooth, and the texture is really good."

"Yes, the sweetness is not very strong. On the contrary, the aroma of egg and orange are stimulated. Our Yueyue is really promising, and can actually make such a perfect dessert."

"Xiaoyan is doing great too. I thought she was causing trouble in the kitchen, but I didn't expect her skills to be so good."

"When I invite people to have afternoon tea in the future, just let Xiaoyan and Yueyue do it."


Listening to everyone's praise, a proud smile appeared on Baby Shen's face.

Hehe, I finally won everyone's praise with my cooking skills.

But this is not due to me alone. There is also 1% of Yan Bao's contribution. Well, even though I am an assistant, I still have to be on the list.

When she was feeling proud, her aunt Shen Guofang asked:

"Yueyue, why does this steamed egg taste so smooth and tender? And it doesn't have any holes. I occasionally make it at home, but the steamed egg custard is not so delicious."


Shen Baobao was stunned on the spot.

I do not know either?

While steaming, Yan Bao and I went out to buy oranges. These were all made by Xu Bao.

She looked at her cousin. Chen Yan, who had just called herself the chef, also had a confused look on her face. Obviously, this was beyond their understanding of cooking skills.

Don't panic. Don't panic.

Recall the knowledge imparted by Xu Bao.

If you want the steamed eggs to be delicate, it seems that you need to filter them once... Yes, filtering them through a fine-mesh sieve can make the custard taste more delicate, and it can also filter out the bubbles.

As for the lack of honeycomb holes, it seems like it was steamed over low heat, right?

Shen Baobao's mind was working rapidly, and he immediately said to Shen Guofang:

"Strain the egg liquid through a fine-mesh sieve to make it taste better. As for the air holes, steam over low heat."

Well, regardless of whether you do it this way or not, you must show a confident expression that you are doing it this way. If what you make does not taste good, then I'm sorry, it's because your skills are not good, and it has nothing to do with my method.

Just at this moment, Lin Xu walked in with a portion of Mapo Tofu. After hearing what Shen Baobao said, he said:

"You're right, the custard needs to be steamed over low heat to effectively avoid bubbles."

With the chef's approval, all the female relatives present secretly remembered it in their hearts and planned to go back and try this method.

If you can make it, then you can show off your cooking skills in front of your best friends.

When Shen Guofu saw Lin Xu coming in, he quickly took the bowl of Mapo Tofu and said:

"Xiao Xu, are you done? As soon as you're done, sit down and eat. Everyone is waiting for you."

Lin Xu said:

"There's only one corn soup left. It'll be ready in a few minutes. Let's eat first. Don't wait for me. I'll be here when I'm done."

When he returned to the kitchen, he did not start cooking immediately. Instead, he called his mother Chen Meijuan first.

I usually spend the holidays with my parents, but this year I'm not at home, so I have to call to say hello, so that my mother won't have to worry about having a daughter-in-law and forgetting about her mother.

The call was connected, it was quite lively there.

"Sure, let me tell you, it's already noon and you haven't called me yet. We are having dinner. Your uncle has cooked several tables of food. Have you eaten?"

"I'm getting ready to eat. Tell my dad to drink less."

"Don't worry, I won't drink today. The Municipal Tourism Bureau has given our scenic spot a banner for an outstanding scenic spot. Your dad will have to drive there in the afternoon to get it back..."

The mother and son had a casual chat about their current situation, and then greeted their grandmother, grandmother, and other relatives.

Just as he was about to end the call and prepare to cook, a small white hand suddenly stretched out from beside him and took over the phone:

"Mom, happy holidays, Xu Bao and I miss you so much!"

After hearing her daughter-in-law's words, Chen Meijuan on the other end of the phone couldn't hold herself any longer.

It was a big holiday and my son was not around. Even if I called him, I could only care about him in passing.

This sound of "missing you so much" made her eyes wet instantly:

"Mom, I miss you too... Do you still feel sick in your stomach, Yueyue? Do you need to go to the hospital for a check-up?"

"No, no, it's ready. It must be that I haven't eaten the delicious food made by my mother for a long time, so my stomach is upset."

These words made Chen Meijuan smile immediately.

My precious daughter-in-law is really good at talking. When we meet next time, she will definitely cook you a lot of delicious food so that your precious daughter-in-law’s stomach won’t get upset.

After chatting for a few more words, the phone hung up.

Shen Baobao waved his cell phone at Lin Xu:

"You actually called home secretly behind my back. You're not good. I won't know how to kiss you without ten kisses... um..."

The young couple made love in the kitchen and then started making corn soup.

After finishing it, we returned to the restaurant and the Shen family's lunch officially began.

In fact, we were supposed to eat at Shen's house today and at Han's house tomorrow.

But everyone was busy, and Lin Xu couldn't spend the whole day visiting relatives, so he just had a meal at his father-in-law's house.

My family is not that particular.

"Come and have a drink, Xiaoxu."

Chen Yuejin held the wine glass and wanted to have a drink with this outstanding niece-in-law.

Lin Xu picked up the drink with an apologetic smile:

"Uncle, Yueyue and I are going to school to visit our teacher in the afternoon. We really can't drink, so we'll have drinks instead today. Next time I'll prepare a big table of food, and then I'll have a couple of drinks with you."

When he said this, Shen Guofu quickly came to the rescue with a wine glass:

"Come on, brother-in-law, I'll go with you. Xiaoxu has something to do in the afternoon, so let the young man do his work. I've been looking forward to this meal every day."

Chen Yuejin clinked glasses with the couple and felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

I don’t know if my future son-in-law is that good. Xiaoyan, a girl in her thirties, is still single all day long. When can she get married?

I’m so worried!

While he was worrying, Chen Yan, who was eating custard beside him, asked Lin Xu:

"Brother-in-law, do you and Yueyue have any other plans after going to school?"

"I went back to the store after school. What's wrong, Sister Yan?"

Chen Yan glanced at her father and said with a smile:

"I want to learn a dish to cook for my dad. He likes to eat coriander, but because there are so many people who don't like to eat coriander nowadays, he has never had a good time..."

This sentence made Chen Yuejin, who was worried about his daughter, immediately feel elated.

Ouch, our Lao Chen’s daughter also knows how to care about her father. It’s really rare.

Shen Guofang, who was on the side, also had a face full of joy. Originally, she wanted to wait for the fun and let these relatives introduce a partner to her Xiaoyan.

But since my daughter is so sensible.

Then there is no need to rush her. If she can find a partner, she will look for him. If he can’t find her, he will support her for the rest of his life.

There is no shortage of food and drink at home, but are you still worried that your daughter will suffer from it?

Like to eat cilantro?

This is too simple, just add the cilantro.

But it seems that my sister-in-law is planning to make a dish that can be used.

Lin Xu thought for a while and said:

"You can make it now. The beef tenderloin that Yueyue knocked on just now is suitable for cold salad, and it's not difficult to make. How about I just make a beef dish with coriander right now."

Shen Baobao didn't expect that he would be nominated and commended by his Xubao after eating, so he immediately said:

"Okay, okay, it just so happens that I also want to learn."

Beef with coriander?

Others were a little surprised. They had never eaten cold beef before, and even if it was mixed, it would be braised beef cold salad. But seeing that Lin Xu wanted to make it right away, it was most likely not braised.

How to eat this?

For a moment, both coriander lovers and beef lovers were silent.

They are all thinking about whether the finished product can be eaten.

On the other hand, Chen Yan and Shen Jiayue, the two fake chefs, looked eager to try:

"Then let's get started, just in time to add another dish!"

Lin Xu didn't refuse, got up and led the pair of sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks to the kitchen.

Take out the beef tenderloin from the refrigerator, first separate it along the muscle texture, and then smash it sideways with the back of a knife to relax the muscle fibers, which will make it easier to absorb the flavor and taste better.

After smashing, cut into thin slices with a kitchen knife.

Considering the insignificant knife skills of Shen Baobao and his sister-in-law, Lin Xu said:

"If you do it yourself, you can use a slicer to replace this step."

The kitchens of wealthy people are not only spacious, but also equipped with all kinds of equipment that are not needed, such as multi-functional slicers.

Of course, Lin Xu thinks it's useless, but that doesn't mean others will think so.

For example, the two head chefs who are now learning to cook are very dependent on equipment. When they heard that they could use a slicer, they looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Wow, I can finally harness the power of technology.

Lin Xu said while cutting the meat slices:

"The meat slices don't need to be too thin, just two millimeters is enough. This thickness will allow the beef to be cooked through while still being soft and tender. If it is too thin, it will be easily cooked, but if it is thick, it will not be easily cooked."


A bunch of question marks appeared on the heads of Wolong and Phoenix.

Very curious about this approach.

"Blanch it and then serve it cold. Isn't this...isn't this how to eat hot pot?"

Chen Yan felt like she had discovered a new world. She felt that almost all hot pots she usually eats, especially Chaoshan beef hot pot, are eaten this way.

With the two of us putting so much effort into studying, how about just learning a hot pot dish?

"Brother-in-law, is this dish... too simple?"


Lin Xu put the chopped beef into a basin and said with a smile:

"That's not necessarily the case. This dish is quite particular. If it's done well, it will definitely become a bright spot on the dinner table. In addition, if you learn how to make it, it can also be used to cook chicken, mutton and other meat ingredients."

Shen Baobao's eyes lit up:

"Doesn't that mean you can make your favorite hot pot dish into a cold dish?"

"Yes, but forget it. It would be better for you to eat less cold dishes in the near future."

"Oh...I know."

Chen Yan: "..."

Brother-in-law, I understand how you care about your cousin.

But can you please stop caring in front of me?

Are you so comfortable spreading dog food now?

Lin Xu put the beef into a basin, then poured some peanut oil in and stirred it evenly.

"Why put the oil out?"

"This is to seal the moisture in the meat and make the meat taste better. Raw beef should not be exposed to salt and cooking wine during cooking, otherwise the meat will not be soft and tender."

After speaking, Lin Xu began to prepare the ingredients.

He took two sticks of vitex, three sticks of spicy millet, and a piece of young ginger that Aunt Liu was preparing to make kimchi.

Cut these three ingredients separately, then mix them together and chop them into pieces with a guillotine.

Then he brought a small handful of coriander and a few spring onions. Cut off the roots of the coriander and spring onions and set them aside. This will be used when blanching the beef later.

Cut the stems and leaves of coriander and green onions into sections, put them in a small basin, and add them when the vegetables are ready to be mixed.

After the ingredients are ready, start preparing the sauce.

Put half a tablespoon of light soy sauce, a third of a tablespoon of white sugar, and a third of a tablespoon of oyster sauce into the basin. Stir evenly with a small spoon and stir to dissolve the white sugar.

While stirring, Lin Xu said to Shen Baobao and Chen Yan:

"Salt cannot be added to the sauce, so salty seasonings should be used instead of table salt to make the sauce taste fresher. In addition to light soy sauce and oyster sauce, you can also add a little fish sauce to increase the salty flavor."

After the sugar melts, pour a small amount of peppercorn oil and sesame oil into the basin, mix well again, and then cook.

Add water to the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, then add a quarter tablespoon of salt into the pot.

The base flavor of this dish is added here, so the salt must be sufficient so that the beef will be flavorful and delicious.

After adding the salt, take a large slotted spoon and spread the beef as flat as possible in it.

Then, like making shredded white jade lotus root, hold a large colander in your left hand and place it on the pot, and hold a spoon in your other hand to scoop up the boiling hot water in the pot and splash it on the beef.

This step must be splashed, so that when the water disperses, it will also have a cooling process and will not directly scald the beef.

After the hot water falls on the beef, it immediately rinses away the blood on the surface.

The water fell back into the pot, and clouds of foam suddenly appeared.

And as the flushing continues, there are more and more foam.

Chen Yan feels that some of the previous steps can still be done.

But when she saw the way Lin Xu splashed her wrists, she only had one thought left in her mind:

"It's beyond the scope, it's beyond the scope..."

Seeing that both of them were a little confused, Lin Xu smiled and said:

"You don't need to spread it out, just pile it into a small pile. Just scoop a spoonful of water and pour it on top. But after pouring it, remember to stir it up like this to turn the beef in the colander."


Seeing Lin Xu's deft movements holding the colander in his left hand, Chen Yan only had one thought in her mind:

This is also superb, brother-in-law!

At this time, the beef in the colander has turned from red to pink, which means that the meat on the surface has been cooked, leaving only a little blood in the meat.

Lin Xu used a spoon to knock out the foam in the pot, then put the coriander roots and shallot roots into the pot. When the water boiled again, he pressed the two vegetable roots with a spoon to release the fragrance into the water as much as possible.

For two minutes, he immersed the colander in the boiling water, flipping it with the spoon while dipping, so that the beef in the colander completely came into contact with the boiling water.

After blanching like this for ten seconds, the beef was completely cooked.

Take it out again, press the beef with a spoon to control the excess water, then pour it into the prepared sauce, stir evenly with a small spoon, and let the sauce hang evenly on the beef.

Then pour in the minced chili pepper, ginger and cilantro and green onions, then sprinkle a small spoonful of cooked sesame seeds, stir evenly and put it on a plate.

"How's it going? Have you learned it?"

Shen Baobao asked an unexpected question:

"I learned how to prepare the dipping sauce for Chaoshan beef hot pot."

The cooked beef has a very strong aroma, and it even smells like coriander.

It makes people want to eat it just by smelling it.

Chen Yan said:

"I have to go home and practice. If I'm lucky, my dad will be able to eat what I made this afternoon. If I'm not lucky... let the nanny make the beef stew."

Carrying the dishes back to the restaurant, Chen Yuejin looked at the emerald green coriander on the plate and became greedy.

In his opinion, beef and pork are not important, but coriander is the most important thing.

Meat lovers, on the other hand, stared directly at the beef inside, and made a dish using beef in just a few minutes. It will be easier to satisfy their craving in the future.

Just blanch it. Isn't this just beef hot pot?

He picked up a piece of beef and tasted it, and immediately showed a surprised expression:

"Oh, it's fresh and tender, much like the beef in Chaoshan beef hot pot. It's delicious. Eat it in big mouthfuls. It's much better than eating hot pot."

When other relatives heard this, they also raised their chopsticks and started tasting.

Everyone thought it tasted good, and the most important thing was that it only took a few minutes to make.

Thinking about it carefully, I just came home from get off work, blanched a piece of beef, and in just a few minutes, I could have an extra dish to go with wine. It was so exciting.

"Xiao Xu, can you teach us?"

"Why don't we just publish a tutorial? I feel like we can all learn it."

"Yes, it's time to make a video. Let's make a video about beef mixed with coriander and let us learn from it."

"Who can resist the temptation of having drinks and food after get off work..."

Lin Xu did not refuse and said with a smile:

"Then I'll shoot an episode when I'm not busy. I'll make sure everyone learns it in no time."

After the meal, he and Shen Baobao drove a BMW X5 to the Central University of Finance and Economics to deliver mooncakes to the teacher who cared for them very much at the time.

When he returned to the store, he took advantage of his afternoon break to take a video of making beef mixed with coriander, and then started busy with things in the store.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the busyness in the store has come to an end.

Lin Xu cleaned the steam boiler that Lao Huang had sent before, and then called Lao Huang:

"I'm going to make steam pot chicken. Brother, do you have any higher-quality pullets? The chicken requirements for this dish are quite high."

"Yes, yes, everything is ready. I'm just waiting for your call, brother. Shall we do it tomorrow?"

"Yes, we will make steam pot chicken tomorrow!"


Today I accidentally saw the beef mixed with coriander posted by food writer Wang Gang. I was craving for it, so I posted it to tempt everyone... This chapter has 6155 words. Please vote for me, brothers! The reading is getting worse and worse, and the recommendation is far away. Every time I look at the data, I feel sad. Dundun in the book is so lucky, why can't he recruit a wave of readers for me? I think it's time for some reflection.

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