Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 285 Stir-fried water spinach in ham oil, delicious! Brother Lin, can you make steam pot chic

"Wow, this mooncake is so delicious!"

“I can’t resist this savory or sweet treat.”

"Me too, me too, I love it so much!"

"Yueyue, why don't you eat it? Don't you like the taste?"

On the second floor, on the booth at the door of the kitchen.

Everyone’s flower, ham and mooncake party is still going on.

After Chen Yan finished eating one, she was about to pick up the next one and eat it when she suddenly realized that her cousin didn't eat it. She even shared the previous one with Lin Xu.

what's the situation?

I actually refrained from eating such delicious mooncakes.

This is……

Chen Yan pushed up the non-existent glasses on the bridge of her nose and imitated Conan's tone and said:

"There is only one truth, and that is that there is something more delicious behind!"

Thinking that my brother-in-law is going to make mapo tofu without tofu at noon today, my cousin must be waiting for this dish. Since she is waiting, then I will wait too.

You have already promised to help your brother-in-law, so you have to keep your word.

When they heard that there was still food, the others stopped eating, for fear that they would eat less after dinner started. In that case, it would be more uncomfortable than losing 100 million.

Not long after, Lin Xu came out with a small pot of prepared mapo chicken cake:

"Whoever eats more mooncakes today will regret it, because mooncakes can be eaten every day from now on, but I don't have much time to cook this dish."

Upon hearing this, everyone else showed an expression that was indeed true.

The bet was right, and there was indeed a better dish.

Che Zai brought a bowl of rice and placed it on the table, then brought bowls and chopsticks.

When everyone sees that all the food is ready, what are you waiting for?

Began to eat!

Everyone gathered around the table and began to serve rice. Shu Yun finished the mooncakes in his hands and came to Lin Xu and whispered:

"Boss, Tiantian wants moringa seeds. I just gave her a small handful."

Moringa seeds are nothing, but you have to report this matter. After all, it belongs to the boss. If you take it without reporting it, wouldn't it be equivalent to stealing?

When Lin Xu heard this, he smiled nonchalantly:

"Just give it. How much is less? Do you need to grab more?"

She doesn’t need this thing herself, so Tiantian can give it to her if she wants it. This waist-strengthening thing...wait a minute, she’s an unmarried and unmarried girl, so why does she need moringa seeds that strengthen her waist and nourish her kidneys?

Do athletes’ bodies also need supplements?

But this thing is for men. It is different from yam and other ingredients that are suitable for both men and women.

Shu Yun didn't have the nerve to mention Wei Qian, but said:

"Give her what a friend asked for, saying that friend is weak and needs to be replenished."

Lin Xu smiled:

"If she thinks it's not enough, give her some more. If she thinks it's enough, when my senior brother and my father-in-law come, give them those moringa seeds and stay hidden."

"Okay boss, I understand."

It's okay to give moringa seeds to senior brother, after all, everyone knows how weak senior brother is.

But giving moringa seeds to my father-in-law doesn’t feel right.

My father-in-law cares about face so much, and if he has the mentality of "Hey, you look down on our vigorous old Shen, right?", it will be self-defeating.

It's better to stay hidden.

In this way, everyone understands each other tacitly and seems to have a tacit understanding.

"Wow, what kind of ingredient is this? Isn't it too tender?"

"At first I thought it was tofu, but when I bit into it, it tasted like chicken. It was fresh and tender."

"No wonder my Xubao said the flower ham mooncakes were not a surprise. The wait was indeed not in vain!"

"At noon, my brother-in-law said he would make Mapo Tofu without tofu, and he actually made it. To celebrate this delicious dish, I plan to show you a three-bite bowl of rice. Do you want to see it?"

"Tch, you just want to eat more rice!"

Chen Yan, who was ruthlessly exposed by Zeng Xiaoqi, was not annoyed. Instead, she smiled and scooped up the chicken cake in the bowl with a spoon, mixed it into the rice, and then scooped it into her mouth.


To eat rice, you have to shovel it into your mouth to enjoy it!

The only regret is that I shouldn't have eaten so many tomatoes this afternoon, so I can only eat two bowls of rice today.

Without those braised flavors, it would be easy to eat three bowls of rice.

After Shu Yun reported to Lin Xu, he also filled a bowl of rice and sat next to him, eating with a spoon:

"The ingredient here is chicken cake, which is made by pounding chicken breast into a puree, then mixing it with egg white and starch water, steaming it into a rice cake shape, and then carefully cutting it into pieces. It is very difficult to make. Please wait. Eat and cherish it.”

It’s hard to tell if I’ll try such a dish that requires so much effort next time.

So I must eat more today.

Chen Yan smiled and said:

"It's okay. Let Yueyue tell her brother-in-law if she wants to eat next time. If we want to eat, brother-in-law doesn't have to do it, but if Yueyue wants to eat, then definitely..."

When Shen Jiayue heard that the method was so troublesome, she immediately said:

"It's too hard to make this dish. I don't want to eat it. If you want to eat it, Yanbao, just ask your boyfriend to make it."

Chen Yan:? ? ? ? ? ?

If you feel sorry for your man, why do you have to stab me in the heart?

If you do this again, I'll call the police!

well! Suddenly I miss my boyfriend whom I have never met.

I don’t know if he is doing well now, what he is busy with, whether he has eaten, where he lives, whether he is handsome or not, what his name is...

For a moment, Mr. Chen was so melancholy that he just wanted to eat two more bowls of rice.

Borrowing food to soothe your sorrows will make you even more miserable!

in the kitchen.

Just as Lin Xuda was about to add a dish to the fattening team outside, Wei Qian came over with the oil that had been poured out when steaming the ham:

"Lin Xu, what are you going to use this oil for? It's salty and greasy..."

What is it used for?

Lin Xu saw some washed water spinach next to him and said with a smile:

"I'll use this oil to fry water spinach later. I don't even need to add salt to the preserved water spinach."

I'm wondering what to add.

Isn’t this coming?

Although Mapo chicken cake is delicious with rice, you still have to eat vegetables. After all, it is autumn. Add more vitamins to prevent your skin from drying out.

It just fits in with the psychology of beauties losing weight.

He took the washed water spinach, cut off the roots, and then separated the leaves and stems.

In major restaurants, water spinach is a relatively common vegetable, and its sales are relatively high, especially in the south, where delicious water spinach can even become a restaurant sign.

In daily life, water spinach is also a dish often eaten at home.

But if you make it at home, you can rarely achieve the appearance and taste of a restaurant. What most people make is either soupy, blackened, or fried.

It doesn't have the green color and crispy texture like the restaurant.

In fact, there is a trick to making water spinach delicious, which is to add a "finishing" step before cooking.

Blanching is a step that is often used in the process of making vegetables, such as making boiled cabbage. The previous step of blanching the cabbage is one of the steps.

However, this method of blanching is not suitable for water spinach.

Because there is too much moisture, the vegetable soup will be more liquid.

Vegetables like water spinach should be cooked by stir-frying.

After cutting the water spinach, Lin Xu grabbed a handful of peeled and washed garlic, placed it on the chopping board, flattened it one by one with a kitchen knife, and then chopped it into minced garlic.

Patting the garlic will make the garlic smell more intense, but be careful when patting. Some kitchen knives are easy to break, and accidents may occur if you are not careful.

When frying water spinach, use more garlic to make the water spinach taste better.

In addition to garlic, you also need to cut some dried chili peppers to add some dry flavor and make the dishes more delicious.

The dried chili peppers and garlic were ready, and Lin Xu prepared a bowl of salt water with salt.

Set up the wok and start cooking.

Pour oil into the pot, heat it over high heat, and pour the water spinach stems and leaves into the pot.

After pouring it in, quickly pour the prepared light salt water along the edge of the pot, then grab the handle of the pot with one hand and stir-fry quickly with a spoon in the other hand.

Adding oil to the water can keep the green color of the vegetable leaves.

The salt water can make the dishes soften quickly.

As for the heated inner wall of the wok, the excess water in the vegetable leaves can be evaporated.

After all the water spinach has collapsed and changed color, pick up the wok and pour the vegetables directly into a large colander to control the water.

Rinse the wok and put it back on the stove, heat it up and add a spoonful of steamed ham oil.

There is condensation water in the steaming cabinet in the ham oil, so after the oil is put into the pot, it must be burned first to boil out the water in the oil.

When the ham oil is cold, it has no smell and looks no different from ordinary oil. But after it is heated, the rich and delicious aroma of the ham wafts out of the pot.

This is a fat naturally prepared for green vegetables.

It not only gives the vegetables a plump taste, but also adds the unique flavor of ham.

It tastes delicious and goes well with rice, even better than vegetables fried in lard.

After a while, the water in the oil dried up. Lin Xu divided the minced garlic into two halves, poured half of it into the pot with the dried chili segments, and added the remaining half when it was out of the pot.

After the minced garlic and dried chili are stir-fried until fragrant, add the water spinach and stir-fry over high heat.

At this time, the water spinach has been killed and a little moisture has been lost, and the leaves have collapsed and become soft, so they can be cut off with a little frying.

Stir-fry over high heat for 30 seconds, and pour a little light soy sauce along the edge of the pot to add a bit of sauce flavor to the dish.

Continue to stir-fry to further reduce the moisture on the surface of the vegetables.

Finally, add a small spoonful of white sugar for freshness, then add the remaining minced garlic, stir-fry evenly, and remove from the pan and place on a plate.

Because it is fried in ham oil, there is no need to season it with salt.

The entire cooking process is simple and quick.

By the time Lin Xu came out with the dishes, the small pot of Mapo Chicken Cake he had made before was almost finished.

It’s only been a few minutes, and you’ve already eaten more than half of it?

Tsk, you guys are really like women!

"It has to be Boss Lin. He knows that just eating this Mapo Chicken Cake will easily cause you to get angry, so he fried us some water spinach."

Zeng Xiaoqi sighed in admiration, picked up a chopstick of water spinach and put it in her bowl. Then she looked at Chen Yan and Shu Yun and said:

"In the afternoon, I saw you two posting on WeChat about eating tomatoes, so I ran to the supermarket opposite the TV station and bought a few. Why are tomatoes so unpalatable now? They are harder to bite than apples."

Chen Yan and Shu Yun looked at each other.

They all saw the guilty conscience in each other's eyes.

But in an instant, the two of them reached a consensus like a cat's paw on a human hand!

Shu Yun said:

"I specially picked a few softer ones from the kitchen. They taste good. What about yours, Mr. Chen? Are they delicious?"

"It's just average. Except for the taste being a bit sour, everything else is fine."

Thinking of Yueyue's posts in Moments, Mr. Chen couldn't help but feel the sour taste of raw tomatoes.

While Zeng Xiaoqi muttered that there are no tomatoes like when she was a child, she picked up a water spinach leaf and brought it to her mouth.

Then, her big eyes, praised by netizens as being able to speak, suddenly widened:

"Ah! Why does this water spinach smell like ham? Is it fried with ham?"

Looking down at the water spinach on the table, except for a little minced garlic and a few dried chili peppers, I didn't see any minced meat, let alone ham.

But the taste of this dish...

She took another bite and was convinced that it smelled like ham. She had just eaten flower ham mooncakes, so Director Zeng was deeply impressed.

When the others heard this, they picked up a piece of water spinach with chopsticks and tasted it. It did have a strong ham flavor.

It is obviously a very vegetarian looking dish.

But when you eat it, your mouth is full of plumpness that can only be found in meat dishes.

It's simply breathtaking.

Lin Xu, who had just served a bowl of rice and sat down to eat, said:

"This dish is made from steamed ham and fried in oil. If you want to eat more, you can eat more. There are a lot of water spinach in the kitchen, which is enough for you to enjoy."

Ham oil?

No wonder it tastes so good.

Lin Xu picked up a chopstick and tasted it. It was delicious and fragrant in the mouth. The green water spinach tasted refreshing. The unique salty flavor of ham was completely wrapped in the water spinach. It tasted fresh and delicious, appetizing and delicious.

"Whoever says that vegetables are not good for rice in the future, let him try this water spinach. It will definitely exceed imagination!"

While everyone was eating, Shen Guofu and Han Shuzhen came back from get off work.

"Mom and Dad, come and try it. The new dish is on sale today. It tastes great!"

Shen Baobao sat next to Lin Xu, with a happy smile on his face.

Her smile has never stopped since she received Lin Xu's loving afternoon tea after lunch. Now that she sees her parents, she can't wait to share her feelings.

Wow, wow, I have to find a photo studio to reshape that note later, and then take it out and tell it to my grandson when I take care of it later.

Hmm...I must be very old by then, and I don't know if Xu Bao still likes me.

I heard that men are very dedicated and like girls in their twenties. When the time comes, I will have to keep a close eye on this stinky guy to prevent him from turning bad.

Lin Xu didn't know yet that his baby was preparing for a life after retirement.

He stood up and served a bowl of rice to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and by the way, he told them how to make mapo chicken cake.

When serving rice, I specially served more for my father-in-law.

Weng and son-in-law looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

In the afternoon, Shen Guofu was still worrying about today's dinner. He really didn't have much expectation for those fat-reducing meals.

After receiving the call from his son-in-law, he felt better, the flowers bloomed, and everything became beautiful.

Now I am holding the rice, eating the delicious mapo chicken cake and the garlic water spinach full of ham aroma, and I can't help but sigh at the beauty of life.

Lin Xu went to the kitchen after finishing a bowl of rice.

Since you want to make custard mooncakes, you have to start making preparations now, otherwise you may not be able to make the mooncakes tomorrow.

After all, there are several steps that must be frozen in the making of this mooncake, so there is no room for sloppiness.

Bring some finished salted egg yolks from the cold storage.

After cleaning, place it in a baking pan, spray a layer of Erguotou on the surface to remove the smell, and then place it in the oven to bake out the oil.

Toasting the salted egg yolk before use can not only effectively remove the odor, but also make the salted egg yolk more fragrant and taste better.

This finished salted egg yolk is cooked and does not need to be baked for too long.

Under normal circumstances, if there is oil on the surface and bubbling slightly, it means that the egg yolk has been baked.

After taking it out, crush it while hot.

This step needs to be done quickly, because hot salted egg yolk is slightly softer and easier to crush into powder. If it is cold, not only will the salted egg yolk harden, but the crushed particles will not be fine enough.

After the salted egg yolk is completely crushed, pass it through a small sieve to make the salted egg yolk taste more delicate.

Custard mooncakes are divided into three parts: crust, custard filling, and custard filling.

When making it, wrap the custard filling with custard filling, and then wrap the custard filling with pie crust. The whole process is like nesting dolls.

But matryoshka dolls also pay attention to technique.

Otherwise, the filling will melt, the custard filling will become oily, and even the crust will lose water and crack.

During the production of custard mooncakes, there are countless places where they can easily fall over, so when cooking, every step must be done to perfection.

Only in this way can the most perfect state be presented.

Lin Xu put the crushed egg yolks into the freezer of the refrigerator. The crushed egg yolks tasted rustic and fragrant. They could not only be used to make custard mooncakes, but also the popular golden cakes in Cantonese restaurants. Quicksand buns and other snacks.

If there are any leftovers, steam some for Baby Shen and give this girl a taste.

While he was busy, Lao Huang brought his wife over for dinner.

Lin Xu deliberately put down what he was doing and came out with two cakes to say hello.

After all, they gave me such a big piece of ham for free, and also contributed the flower sauce I made, so I should respect it both emotionally and rationally.

"Brother, your craftsmanship is amazing. The fillings are adjusted very well, and the salty and sweet flavors are really well controlled."

After Lao Huang and his wife tasted the mooncakes, they were full of praise for Lin Xu's craftsmanship.

Mrs. Huang didn't really have high hopes before she came. She always felt that her husband's praise was a bit excessive. But after tasting Lin Xu's craftsmanship, she realized that her husband was just telling the truth.

"Good craftsmanship. It's hard to buy such delicious mooncakes in southern Yunnan."

Nowadays, mooncakes are all about sweetness. Although ham is also used, it is soaked and boiled, so the salty taste in the ham has already faded a lot.

When adjusting the filling, I was afraid that there wouldn't be enough sugar, so I added in as much as I could.

As a result, the mooncakes produced were too sweet, but the ham was not salty enough.

Mrs. Huang ate this delicious mooncake and had new expectations for Lin Xu's craftsmanship.

She smiled and asked:

"Brother, can you make steam pot chicken?"

Steam pot chicken?

Lao Huang said from the side:

"My wife loves her family. If she doesn't eat some southern Yunnan delicacies for a while, she feels like something is missing. Brother, if you can make steam pot chicken, just make it once. Money is not an issue."

Lin Xu smiled bitterly and said:

"Making steam pot chicken requires a steam pot. It is difficult to make it without a steam pot."

In Chinese cooking, there are some dishes that require specific cooking utensils, such as clay pot rice that needs to be cooked in a clay pot, and steam pot chicken that can be cooked in a steam pot.

Without the steam pot chicken, this dish would just be an ordinary steamed chicken.

"There are steam pots and there are steam pots."

Lao Huang took a big bite of the mooncake and said while chewing:

"I have several steam pots at home, both big and small, but for some reason, the steam pot chicken I made was not authentic. At the time, I thought it was the pot. Later, I went to Jianshui to buy a handmade clay pot. It still doesn’t work.”


Lin Xu became interested:

"Why not? Is the pot leaking or something?"

Mrs. Huang smiled sheepishly:

"It smells fishy..."

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

This is a matter of cooking techniques. What’s the use of constantly changing pots?

It felt like those steam pots had suffered a great injustice!

He smiled and said:

"Let's do this, Lao Huang. When you deliver the food tomorrow, bring the steam pot from home. I'll take the time to make the steam pot chicken. I can't guarantee anything else, but it will definitely not smell fishy!"

Upon hearing this, Mr. and Mrs. Huang were overjoyed:

"Then we are waiting to eat!"


Sorry, brothers, I wrote a thousand words in the middle and felt it was not good, so I deleted and rewritten it, so it has been delayed until now. This chapter has 5400 words. Please vote for me!

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