Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 250: Make a low-fat chicken breast stuffed with winter melon to make your mother-in-law look

Chapter 250: Make a low-fat dish that will make your mother-in-law look pretty—chicken breast stuffed with winter melon! 【Please subscribe】

Lin Xu knew it very well.

It must be that one of his dishes has been over-interpreted by this great calligrapher.

Although it feels good to be misunderstood by a celebrity.

But this is a misunderstanding after all, and it would be better to make it clear, lest someone from the calligraphy circle or cultural circle come to challenge me in two days.

He smiled and said:

"There are no special arrangements for today's meals. Just eat and drink well."

Although the others were a little surprised, they did not think of the misunderstanding. After all, one was a long-famous calligrapher and the other was a talented chef.

The two of them have always been friends, so it's normal for them to be aggressive now.

Only Geng Lele looked at his grandfather with a half-smile, fearing that the old man would impulsively drag Brother Xu to cut off the chicken heads and burn the yellow paper to become brothers with different surnames.

Fortunately, this scene didn't happen.

Geng Lishan didn't say anything more. He just said that he would remember it in his heart and took a sip of the crucian carp and tofu soup served by the waiter.

"Sister Yan, do you need any more food?"

The large private room was full of Chen Yan's friends and employees. Now this lady dressed like a hot girl was sitting in a conspicuous position inside and waved to Lin Xu:

"No need for anything else. I'll be done soon. Just remember to have the jade soup for beauty and beauty... Oh, by the way, pack me another tendon jelly. I'll eat it while playing on my phone tonight."

Lin Xu: "..."

Are you planning to eat collagen as a meal?

But since the benefactor gave the order, he agreed:

"Okay, okay, I'll take a look in the private room next door and start preparing it for you. If you need anything else, just tell the waiter. Everyone must eat and drink well."

After saying this, as he was about to go out, Zeng Xiaoqi, who was sitting at the door, pulled his clothes.

"What's wrong, Sister Xiaoqi?"

"Then prepare a portion of beef tendon for me, I want to eat it too."


Lin Xu spoke to Beauty Zeng in a low voice like an underground gang member, and then left the private room.

Well, if I don’t leave, the other women eating inside will probably ask for the frozen tendons to be packed away.

Because when Chen Baiwan gave the order just now, when he saw Wu Kexin, Sister Weiwei, Dou Wenjing and others, their eyes lit up and they were obviously very moved.

It seems that the hamstrings will be frozen in the future.

Even if you don't sell it for money, you still have to satisfy the group of beauty-loving women around you.

After leaving the large private room, Lin Xu took two steps forward and came to the door of a private room called Dijiutianchang. He then looked at the waiter on duty at the door and asked:

"How much was drunk in there?"

"I've finished two bottles of liquor, and I've just opened the third bottle now."

Lin Xu nodded, indicating that he understood.

After the father-in-law drinks for a while longer, it is time to notify the mother-in-law to come over and clear the place, lest this group of middle-aged old men drink and harm themselves.

Push the door open and go in.

The private room was filled with alcohol and the scene was lively.

Tan Yajun, who is usually polite and elegant, has taken off his high-end shirt and is wearing only the white vest underneath, which is rolled up to his chest.

If I get another cattail leaf fan, I will look like those old men enjoying the shade at the entrance of the alley.

My father-in-law was also very bold. He lifted up his collared T-shirt, revealing a belly that was smaller than before.

Since starting to exercise under the supervision of Han Shuzhen, Shen Guofu not only has a smaller belly, but his body has also improved a lot. At this time, he is showing off his weight loss experience with his friends.

Lin Xu really wanted to tell the truth for her father-in-law:

There is no experience, it’s all about endurance.

If it weren't for the uncompromising female warlord style of my mother-in-law, Comrade Shen would have gained at least another 30 kilograms due to his reckless eating habits.

"Oh, my son-in-law is here, are you done with your work, Xiaoxu?"

"Not yet, but I still have to come in and offer a toast to your uncles before I'm done."

These words suddenly revealed a satisfied and proud smile on Shen Guofu's face.

Look at our old Shen Tiao’s son-in-law, he is so perfect!

After Lin Xu finished speaking, he picked up a useless new wine glass from the sideboard, then picked up the Red Star Erguotou on the table and poured himself a glass.

Although Shen Guofu and his friends have already transformed from poor boys in the alley to leaders in various industries, their net worth is at least eight figures.

But when we get together, we will still choose Erguotou when we were young and could drink half a pound of pickled vegetables.

To others, it’s just a low-end wine.

But for them, it is a memory of youth.

I don’t know how much pressure and grievance I have endured over the years is hidden in this bottle of Erguotou.

When Tan Yajun saw that Lin Xu was about to propose a toast, he quickly said:

"Xiao Xu, everyone here is not an outsider. You may have something to do later. Don't toast one by one. Let's raise a toast together and let's do it together!"

When others heard this, they also picked up their wine glasses.

If there is no wine in the glass, please fill it up quickly.

Lin Xu held the wine glass and clinked it with everyone one by one, and then said:

"The store has just opened, and the preparations are still a bit lacking in all aspects. I hope all uncles and uncles can give me more advice!"

After saying that, he drank up the Erguotou in the cup in one go.

When Shen Guofu and his friends saw this, they immediately drained their glasses.

After drinking, they all said:

"Old Shen's son-in-law has a good drinker."

“The food here is perfect, no complaints.”

"The only drawback is that it's so delicious. I'm afraid I'll gain two kilograms of fat after this meal."

"Me too, every dish is perfect, I can't stop eating."

"How come Old Shen has lost weight after eating such delicious food every day?"

"There must be some trick, please tell me!"


When everyone gathered around Shen Guofu to ask about weight loss tips, Lin Xu said hello to everyone and opened the door and went out.

When he came outside, he took two sips of the tea handed to him by the waiter, and then walked to the private room where his mother-in-law was.

Han Shuzhen had long wanted to find an opportunity to introduce her precious son-in-law to her girlfriends. She happened to be having roast suckling pig today, so she notified everyone to come over very early.

Now, this group of gorgeously dressed aunts are sitting around a dining table for ten people, eating exquisite dishes and drinking mellow red wine. They feel very comfortable.

When Lin Xu came in, Baobao Shen was toasting these aunties with a glass of red wine.

Seeing his Xu Bao finally arrived, Shen Baobao immediately handed over the red wine glass:

"I'm too drunk. Let's go to Sister Yan's private room to rest for a while. You accompany my mother and offer a toast to all the aunties."


The aunts at the dining table looked at Lin Xu and were all shocked:

"Oh, Shuzhen, your son-in-law is so handsome."

"Yueyue is so lucky to have such a handsome husband who cooks delicious food. I'm afraid she will be blessed endlessly in the future."

"How enviable."

"My daughter doesn't know when she will find such a perfect husband."

"Shuzhen is lucky because she married old Shen, a rich man, and now Yueyue is also lucky..."

Han Shuzhen responded with a smile, and then noticed that Lin Xu's face was a little red, so she asked curiously:

"Did you drink?"

"I just went to my dad's place for a toast. Mom, how do you like these dishes? If you have any opinions, please feel free to raise them. Now is the time to find problems during the trial opening."

When she heard that her son-in-law had been drinking next door, Han Shuzhen became dissatisfied:

"Don't stop your dad. The store is so busy. What should I do if I get drunk? I'll take care of him when I get back!"

After speaking, she asked with concern:

"Would you like to sit down and rest for a while?"

Lin Xu sat next to his mother-in-law, which was where Shen Baobao was sitting just now. He took a few bites of food with Shen Baobao's chopsticks, and finally suppressed Erguotou's stamina.

It’s better to drink less of this kind of high-quality liquor in the future.

Too much energy.

After eating a few mouthfuls of food, he took Shen Baobao's red wine glass to toast the aunts. After everyone toasted, Lin Xu realized that there was actually Coke in his glass.

Let me just say, after drinking red wine last time, this girl actually dared to hit an egg against a stone.

It turned out that he secretly poured himself a cup of Coke to pretend.

Fortunately, I didn't shake the glass before toasting, otherwise it would have been embarrassing if it foamed.

He drank the red wine in the glass generously, which made Han Shuzhen feel distressed:

"Silly boy, you should drink red wine slowly. Why drink so much in one go? This wine is very strong. Do you want to drink it slowly?"

No need to wait, no need to wait, I even want to have another drink.

I didn’t expect that after getting drunk in Erguotou, drinking a glass of ice-cold Coke would be so refreshing.

I took two more bites of food.

Aunt Zhou next to me suddenly asked:

"Xiao Xu, aunt wants to ask you, how to make winter melon delicious?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the other aunts immediately turned their faces and looked at Lin Xu, wanting to know what opinion the chef could give. If possible, they would follow suit in the future.

It's good to stew with the ribs, or big bones... Lin Xu knew that what this aunt wanted to ask was to keep the fat low while increasing the flavor.

He thought for a while and said:

"It can be steamed and eaten. After steaming, boil some sauce with steamed fish soy sauce and pour it on. The taste of winter melon will be outstanding."

I saw Zhu Yong practicing like this yesterday, and it seemed to be prepared for his delicate Lin Taisen.

Eat it steamed?

The aunts' eyes lit up.

It would be great if there was a delicious dish that can keep you in shape.

Han Shuzhen was also a little moved after hearing this.

Who doesn’t love this low-fat delicacy?

she asked:

"Is it troublesome to make this recipe? Can you make one now? It's just for you aunties to learn a lot. I praise you every day and they are tired of hearing it..."

This is not troublesome.

It happened that Lin Xu also wanted another cup of Coke, so he stood up and said:

"It's very simple. I'm going to make one now. When I go to the TV station to record the program in the past two days, I will make this dish again to ensure that people without cooking skills can also learn it."

When he said this, everyone was moved.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoxu."

"On the day of Lin Kee's opening ceremony, Auntie will give you a big red envelope!"

"With the tutorial, we can do it at home."


Lin Xu came outside, and the waiter at the door immediately took out a bottle of iced Coke from the cabinet next to him and handed it over:

"The boss lady asked me to prepare this. She was worried that you were drunk."

Lin Xu smiled, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a big sip.


He told the waiter:

"When the third bottle of liquor in my father-in-law's room is finished, remember to inform my mother-in-law."

"Okay boss, that's what the boss lady told me just now."

Tsk tsk, what a sweet and sweet baby.

Lin Xu went downstairs while drinking a Coke, preparing to go to the kitchen to make a low-fat winter melon dish that her mother-in-law was also interested in.

Going down the stairs, he was about to go to the kitchen when he happened to bump into Shu Yun coming up from the first floor:

"Boss, Mr. Jin just ordered a roasted whole lamb. He also applied for a card and recharged 500,000 yuan. Several of his friends also recharged 100,000 to 200,000 yuan each, for a total of 900,000 yuan."

See, this is the benefit of poaching Diaoyutai's star manager.

Just by chance meeting an old customer, the store gained nearly one million more recharges.

"Thank you, Mr. Shu, I'll let Che Zai buy the sheep."

Shu Yun smiled and said:

"I want to buy two more."


"Because when I just ordered a roasted whole lamb at the counter, Uncle Yu was teasing Dundun with dried small fish. He heard that there was a roasted whole lamb and ordered one. He planned to get the whole family together again before school starts."

"What about the other one?"

"The other one was ordered by Mr. Zhen from the TV station. He plans to entertain all colleagues from the Travel Channel here tomorrow night."

Tsk, tsk, tsk, after the Travel Channel’s ratings increased, Mr. Zhen became more and more good at playing chicken.

Lin Xu said to Shu Yun:

"If there is no problem with roasting the whole lamb tomorrow, the store will officially launch the roasted whole lamb."

"Okay boss...are you ready to cook again?"

"My mother-in-law and the others want to eat a low-fat dish made with winter melon. I'm going to go to the kitchen to make it for them to try."

Shu Yun originally said hello and went back. When he heard about the low-fat dishes made with winter melon, he couldn't help but get excited:

"Can you give me a taste too?"


Lin Xu had just helped increase the store's turnover by nearly one million. Lin Xu originally planned to make some more difficult dishes to reward Shu Yun, but he didn't expect that she would be interested in winter melon.

Then let’s make it together.

Anyway, this thing is cheap and the cost is negligible.

Come to the kitchen.

Lin Xu came to the storage room. There was an open winter melon inside. He used a kitchen knife to cut a section about thirty centimeters wide from the middle of the winter melon.

After taking it outside, remove the skin first and then the pulp.

Finally, lay the winter melon flat on the chopping board and divide the winter melon into even winter melon segments according to a length of about ten centimeters.

After dividing, cut the sections of winter melon into three to four millimeter thick winter melon slices.

After cutting them all, put them in a basin, sprinkle with salt and start marinating.

Winter melon will dehydrate quickly when exposed to salt, and its texture will become soft and tough, making it easy to roll into winter melon rolls.

While the winter melon was being pickled, Lin Xu took a large piece of chicken breast, removed the fascia and chopped it into meat filling. Then he added ginger juice, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, Sichuan pepper powder, pepper powder, and oyster sauce into the meat filling. .

Chicken breast itself has no flavor, so add some seasonings to add umami flavor.

After placing it, mix the seasoning with your hands and beat vigorously.

Then add an egg white, a little dry starch and a large handful of chopped chives.

After mixing well again, the ingredients needed for this Winter Melon Stuffed Chicken Breast are ready.

Ten minutes later, a lot of water had seeped out of the pickled winter melon basin, and the winter melon had become soft.

Lin Xu poured out the water inside, added clean water again, and washed the winter melons twice to wash out the excess salt.

After controlling the water, start making.

First roll the winter melon roll into a trumpet-shaped winter melon roll according to its own curvature.

Use a spoon to scoop out some chicken breast filling and stuff it into the winter melon rolls, then place the winter melon rolls with the big end facing out on a plate.

When placing it, place it on the outermost side of the plate first, and then put it in layer by layer, so that the winter melon rolls form a flower shape.

In order to prevent cracking during steaming, the joints of the winter melon rolls should be pressed down as much as possible, so that the steamed winter melon rolls will be beautiful enough.

I prepared a lot of winter melon today. Lin Xu made three plates of two large and one small in total.

After it is done, put it in the steaming cabinet and start steaming.

While it was steaming, he cut some spicy millet and mixed some water starch, which are the ingredients used to make the sauce. After boiling the sauce, he poured it on the steamed winter melon rolls, and the dish was considered complete.

In order to achieve the goal of low fat, no fat should be added to the sauce and less seasoning should be used.

ten minutes later.

The winter melon has been steamed.

When you take it out of the steamer, it smells delicious.

Moreover, each winter melon roll is wrapped with red-colored chicken breast balls, which looks quite attractive.

Holding the plate, he carefully poured out the excess soup, and then Lin Xu began to make the sauce.

Set up a wok, put two bowls of water in the wok, bring it to a boil, put half a spoon of steamed fish soy sauce into it, and then add red millet cut into circles.

Turn up the heat and simmer it to bring out the aroma of the steamed fish soy sauce and the spiciness of the spicy millet.

Then pour in a little dark soy sauce for coloring to make the color of the sauce more attractive.

Finally pour in the water starch.

When the soup in the pot thickens, add a small handful of disposable shrimp skins.

In this way, the spicy and appetizing sauce is ready.

Using a spoon, he carefully poured the soup over the winter melon. Lin Xu ordered the waiter to bring two large plates of winter melon-stuffed chicken breasts to the large private room upstairs and the mother-in-law's private room.

As for the small plate, he carried it downstairs and handed it to Shu Yun, who was full of surprise:

"Wow, so beautiful!"

The winter melon roll itself is quite beautiful, and when it is topped with a rosy soup garnished with spicy millet and shrimp skin, even those who have just eaten will have the idea of ​​picking up a pair of chopsticks to try the taste after seeing it.

"Thank you boss, I have to take a picture and post it on WeChat to show off. The boss personally cooks to reward the employees. This is so motivating."

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"The cost of chicken breasts stuffed with winter melon is quite low. If a customer likes it, you can just place an order. Master Zhu in the kitchen is good at making this dish."

When I saw Lu Lu later, I was very grateful to this female version of Tyson. If it weren't for her, I would never have thought of using winter melon to make winter melon rolls stuffed with meat.

When Shu Yun took the chopsticks to taste, Lin Xu came to the braised food department on the first floor and found that Xu Xinhua and the others were having a meeting.

"The tiger skin chicken feet we make ourselves are still different from those made by the boss. It would be great if we could make them exactly the same. This would save us having to wait for the boss to make them..."

"I heard that after the boss gave Master Ji some guidance, he quickly mastered the art of hand-rolled noodles."

"It would be great if the boss could give us some guidance sometime, so that he doesn't have to worry about the braised food department."

"Yeah, every time we have to wait for the boss to do it, we look like waste..."

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ? ?

Do you like being exploited so much (cross out) that you love your job?

In that case, I won't be polite.

Mr. Jin’s recharge just now made the system’s points reach one million again.

You can redeem new teaching and training tasks again.

Originally, I wanted to continue to exchange for the employees upstairs. Since the people in the braised food department are so active, let's take care of Xu Xinhua, an old employee first.

After entering the system mall, clicking on the teaching and training column, and finding Xu Xinhua's name, Lin Xu discovered that Master Xu, who was a barbecue maker, had unknowingly improved his tiger skin and chicken feet to an excellent level.

Making thousands of chicken feet every day, my level improves very quickly.

Lin Xu selected the redeem button.

"Do you want to spend 500,000 points to redeem the upgrade training mission of tiger skin and chicken feet?"


"The exchange is successful, and the reading task begins: The host is asked to guide Xu Xinhua to make a thousand tiger skin chicken feet within three days. After completion, he will be rewarded with a basic cooking technique draw. Employee Xu Xinhua will obtain the excellent tiger skin chicken feet skill."

Five hundred thousand points were just gone.

After reading the task, Lin Xu walked into the braised food department and said to Xu Xinhua:

"Master Xu, you want to learn tiger skin and chicken feet, right?"

"Ah? Boss, can I learn?"

Xu Xinhua didn't expect the boss to come suddenly, and he looked a little embarrassed.

Lin Xu said:

"I will teach you tomorrow. After you fully understand it, I will leave the tiger skin and chicken feet to you."

At the same time, in the private room upstairs.

The good-looking winter melon stuffed chicken breasts aroused everyone’s exclamations as soon as they were brought to the table…


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