Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 228 Tomato stewed beef brisket that is great for rice! The whole family is full! 【Ask for mo

"Come on, Xiaoxu, I'll hold it for you."

Shen Guofu was in a good mood immediately.

How pitiful God is, he has been eating so much vegetarian food recently, so after seeing meat, the melancholy old Shen immediately turned into a happy old Shen.

Well, as long as we have meat to eat, even if we are cheated by our daughter every day, we are willing to do so!

Taking the beef brisket from his son-in-law's hand, the heavy weight made him feel happy again.

People who have not eaten meat for several days are most worried about having too little meat to eat when they eat an occasional meal.

This piece of meat is pretty good. Judging from my experience in setting up a stall in Xizhimen, it weighs at least four or five kilograms, which is enough to eat at noon today.

Thinking of this, Shen Guofu once again lamented that his decision to come to have a meal was a wise one.

If I didn't come here shamelessly, wouldn't I be able to taste the four or five kilograms of meat?

"What kind of meat is this, uncle?"

Chen Yan, who took the small glass jar from Lin Xu, looked at the tomatoes in the bag, then at the meat in uncle Shen Guofu's hand, and asked curiously.

What meat?

Does it matter niece?

As long as it’s meat, it’s better than vegetarian food!

Shen Guofu muttered something in his heart, took a look at the bag, and then said:

"Beef brisket, the kind of beef brisket with all the meat and tendons attached."


Chen Yan looked at the tomatoes in Lin Xu's hand again, with surprise in her eyes:

"Brother-in-law, do you want to make tomato stewed beef brisket?"

"Yes, I thought the beef brisket in Building 2 was good, so I cut a piece... Do you also like this dish, Sister Yan?"

"I like it, I like it so much! I have to tell grandma to steam more rice at noon. I usually eat this dish with two bowls of rice as a base."

After saying that, she ran into the courtyard holding a glass jar filled with cucumber strips. In her hurry, she almost stepped on her skirt and tripped.

After she entered, Shen Guofu whispered:

"How dare you tell me about two bowls of rice?"

Shen Baobao walked beside Lin Xu carrying Dundun on his shoulders and said with some emotion:

"Xubao, this is where I lived when I was a child. It used to be a large courtyard. Later, my father bought it when he got rich and transformed it into a courtyard."

In Beijing, although large courtyards and courtyards look the same, they are actually two different types of courtyards.

The courtyard is simple and crude. It used to be a place where people at the bottom of society lived. There were more than a dozen families living in one courtyard, with dry toilets and faucets for each family. It was a mess.

Siheyuan, on the other hand, is square and square, and everything from the entrance to the layout of the courtyard to the functions of each house is very particular.

Step from the southeast corner into the two opposite courtyard doors, pass through the porch, and at the end is a screen wall with a giant upside-down character "福" on it.

This means blessing has arrived.

Walking to the screen wall and turning left, a spacious yard comes into view.

The yard is not big, but it is very clean. The ground is paved with blue bricks and surrounded by blue brick houses. A tall sycamore tree is planted in the middle of the yard, blocking most of the harsh sunlight.

"This tree was planted by my grandma when my mother was pregnant. She said she wanted to attract a phoenix to the family, and that phoenix turned out to be me."

Baby Shen was a little excited when he came to the place where he grew up.

I finally let Xu Bao see the place where I lived as a child. It was great that Xu Bao was there back then, and we could become husband and wife from childhood sweethearts.

In the yard, Han Shuzhen had just come out from the kitchen carrying a basket of washed fruits. Chen Yan's voice could be heard vaguely asking Mrs. Shen to add some rice:

"It's not enough. Just follow the maximum capacity of the rice cooker. It's too little and it's not enough to eat. You also know how much my uncle eats...I can't even finish four bowls of rice..."

Tsk tsk tsk, did my sister-in-law not eat in the morning?

Lin Xu said hello to his mother-in-law, and then walked into the kitchen carrying the glass jar.

"Grandma, this is pickled cucumber made for you. You can eat it in two weeks."

"Okay, okay, my grandson-in-law is so filial...Where's Dundun? I saw some Spanish mackerel for sale in the supermarket this morning, so I bought a piece for Dundun, and I'm about to steam it."

Chen Yan: "..."

I also like to eat mackerel, especially mackerel dumplings. I love them so much, but you have never bought me mackerel.

Wuwuwuwu...Aren't older women also welcome here at grandma's place?

Putting the jar in the corner of the kitchen, Lin Xu took the beef brisket from his father-in-law, went to the sink, took the water in a basin, and put the beef brisket in to soak:

"Grandma, let's go inside and cool down. Leave the kitchen to me. Today we will just have one dish, keep it simple."

Shen Guofu liked to hear this.

It’s better to keep it simple, you don’t have a choice even if you want to.

Han Shuzhen outside listened to the dish and told Lin Xu:

"Xiao Xu, don't make it so greasy. Your dad has just started losing weight, so try to add some vegetarian dishes."

Shen Guofu quickly walked out of the kitchen, pulling Han Shuzhen and striding towards the main room facing north and south:

"Some are vegetarian, some are vegetarian, and a big bag of tomatoes is definitely vegetarian... hurry in, I'm almost dying of heat."

Well, you can't let your wife see that big piece of beef brisket, otherwise your son-in-law will definitely keep half of it.

As he was about to enter the house, he shouted to his daughter who was carrying Dundun:

"Come here quickly, your mother is thinking about Dundun so much that she can hardly eat anymore."

In order to prevent my wife from still thinking about the meat in the kitchen, I have to quickly find a way to distract her attention, and the best way is naturally Xiaodundun.


After hearing that Dundun was also here, Han Shuzhen immediately forgot about the meat in the kitchen:

"Come here, little darling, let grandma give you a hug."

In the kitchen, Mrs. Shen opened the small jar brought by Chen Yan, took out a cucumber strip with chopsticks and tasted it. She immediately praised her grandson-in-law's craftsmanship:

"This cucumber is really crispy, crispy and delicious, and the sauce flavor is strong."

When Chen Yan heard this, she immediately came over and took a bite of the cucumber strip held by Mrs. Shen. She chewed it and said:

"It's quite crispy, but why is it so salty?"

Mrs. Shen patted her granddaughter gently:

"Silly girl, this is just eaten with porridge. Can it be okay if it's not salty? Besides, you only have to take a small bite when trying this kind of food. How can I bite off half of it in one bite like you?"

Chen Yan has a flat mouth and is disliked again!

But should I say it, these cucumber strips are really good to chew.

Recently, my brother-in-law had sex with cucumbers. First he made jade soup, then he made pickled cucumbers, and a small cucumber was played with flowers.

Unlike me, when I get a cucumber, I either eat it or apply it on my face.

There is no comparison with my brother-in-law!

In order to avoid being disliked by his grandma again, Mr. Chen left the kitchen while chewing cucumbers and planned to find a quiet corner in the main room to wait for dinner.

After she left, Lin Xu soaked the tomatoes, then took the rice that Mrs. Shen was about to wash and said:

"Grandma, please rest. I will do all the work."

"Okay, okay, then grandma is waiting to eat the ready-made food...turn up the air conditioner in the kitchen, so as not to overheat my grandson-in-law."

"Okay grandma."

He washed the rice twice and steamed it, then took the beef brisket out of the water and started cutting it.

The so-called sirloin is the meat on the belly of the cow. This part has more fascia and is more suitable for stewing.

Cut the beef brisket into long strips with a kitchen knife, and then cut it into pieces slightly larger than mahjong, which makes it easier to stew thoroughly and makes it easier to eat in one bite.

Cut the beef into a pot and boil water. Put all the beef pieces in, then add the onion and ginger to blanch.

When making beef brisket, you should soak it in clean water for several hours before cooking it. Use clean water to soak the blood of the beef, so that the stewed beef brisket will be more delicious.

But I didn’t have enough time today, so I resorted to blanching.

Boil the water, skim off the foam, take out the meat pieces, rinse them and put them into the pressure cooker.

Then add a few slices of ginger, a few green onion segments, two pieces of star anise, a few bay leaves, and a whole onion cut into pieces into the pot.

Onions not only give the beef a rich onion aroma, but also make the beef more tender. Adding some into the beef will have unexpected effects.

Finally, add a washed green chili to the pot to increase the freshness of the beef.

After everything is placed, add water to cover the beef, cover the pot, and start cooking on the stove.

Tomato stewed beef brisket is a very common dish. The recipe is to stew the beef brisket with tomatoes. However, in order to pursue the appearance and taste, restaurants will cook it separately.

Just like Lin Xu is now.

First, simmer the beef in a pressure cooker without adding any seasoning.

Then the tomatoes are simmered in the sauce, which makes the beef taste softer and more tender, and the tomatoes will not lose their flavor due to long-term stewing.

After the pressure cooker was put on steam, Lin Xu did not rush to deal with the tomatoes, but strolled to the main room.

The beef needs to be cooked in a pressure cooker for more than half an hour. You have to wait until this step is completed before frying the tomatoes, because when frying, you have to add the original beef stew soup to the pot.

In the room, Dundun was lying in the arms of Mrs. Shen like a good baby.

Shen Baobao, the stepmother, was standing nearby, wanting to bully Dundun, but every time she reached out, she would either be blocked by her grandma, or her mother would open her hand.

Seeing Lin Xu come in, this girl immediately gathered around:

"Let's go, let me show you my room here."

Lin Xu picked up a mango from the table and peeled it while being pulled by Shen Baobao to leave the main room and go to the west room.

In the corner, Chen Yan saw that she was the only young man left. She was about to follow him when she suddenly remembered the scenes of the two seals gnawing at each other a few times before, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​going together.

Forget it, instead of eating dog food, it's better to stay and hold a public trial.

"These are the Water Margin cards I collected when I was a kid. I always wanted to get a set together... This is an Old Master comic that I stole five yuan from my grandma to buy. My dad beat me up severely. After the beating, he cried more than I was so sad and kept saying that I was useless..."

In the next room.

There was no scene of seals gnawing at each other as my sister-in-law had expected.

Baby Shen sat on the floor, opened a yellow rosewood box, and took out everything inside to share with his lover.

Lin Xu sat aside and listened carefully, even forgetting to eat the mango in his hand.

This box contains all of Shen Baobao's childhood.

No wonder they regard it as such a treasure.

"When I was a child, I wanted a rag doll. My mother's salary was low and she couldn't afford one, so she sewed one herself. But it was too ugly. I was only allowed to play with it at home and was not allowed to take it out."

Lin Xu held this ugly and cute rag doll and said:

"From the perspective of postmodern art, this little elephant is quite creative."

Baby Shen opened his mouth:

"But... this is a little kitten!"

Lin Xu: "..."

I take back what I just said.

After reading all the collections, the beef on the stove was almost done.

The two put the collection into the box, locked it again, and left the room.

Back to the kitchen.

Lin Xu took the pot, boiled half a pot of water on another stove, took out the soaked tomatoes, cut the top into a cross, scalded it in a boiling pot, and peeled off the skin of the tomatoes.

This way you won't be able to eat the tomato skin.

After peeling off all the skins, place them on a cutting board, chop the tomatoes finely with a kitchen knife and put them into a basin.

Then take the pressure cooker off the stove and start deflating.

While the air was deflating, he set up the wok and started frying the tomatoes.

Pour oil into the pot, heat it up, add garlic and sauté until fragrant, then pour in the chopped tomatoes and stir-fry over high heat.

When frying, add three teaspoons of salt and six teaspoons of sugar to the pot.

The taste of tomato stewed beef is sweet and sour, salty and fresh, mainly sour and sweet, so you need to add more sugar.

The tomatoes used today are of relatively good quality. If they are of average quality, you have to add a large spoonful of tomato sauce when frying. Otherwise, the tomatoes will not be sour enough and the brisket will not taste interesting.

After adding the seasoning, stir it in the pot with a spoon to mix the seasoning evenly.

At this time, the pressure cooker was almost deflated. After opening the lid, a rich aroma wafted out of the pot.

The beef in the pot has been thoroughly stewed, and it is trembling in the pot, making people greedy just looking at it.

Shen Guofu, who was in the next room, ran all the way to the kitchen door:

"Are you okay, Xiaoxu? Do you need me to serve you the food?"

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Not yet, Dad, just wait a little longer. I'll call you when it's ready."

Shen Guofu came to the kitchen:

"Can I have a taste now?"

"It's not good yet. There's no seasoning in the beef, so it doesn't taste good."

When the father-in-law heard this, he left angrily.

It smells so good, I didn't expect it to be bad.

Lin Xu stirred the pressure cooker a few times with a spoon. The green pepper he put in was completely gone. Only the faint fresh flavor of green pepper could be smelled in the soup.

He scooped up the beef soup in the pot and added two spoons to the tomatoes in the wok. He stewed the tomatoes with the beef soup, so that the deliciousness of the broth and tomatoes could be perfectly combined, turning into an attractive and appetizing aroma.

When ladling the soup, use a slotted spoon to decant. This can prevent ingredients such as onions, ginger, onions and star anise from being poured into the wok, which will affect the final presentation.

It simmered for about five or six minutes.

The tomatoes in the pot turned into a paste. Lin Xu used a slotted spoon to take out the beef brisket from the pressure cooker and poured it into the tomato soup.

Continue simmering until the sweet and sour tomato soup fully penetrates into the beef.

The beef was slurping in the ruddy tomato soup. Lin Xu used his mobile phone to take a short video of a few seconds pointing at the pot and posted it under Lin Ji's food topic.

“How many more bowls of rice will this dish help you eat?”

As soon as it was posted, netizens on the water topic responded like crazy.

I, at 300 pounds, am the thinnest in the whole family: ahhhhhhh my favorite tomato stewed beef brisket!

Liangshan is so dry: I almost jumped off the tower crane to grab this pot.

The spring breeze cannot blow you away: Boss Lin, is it really appropriate to post this kind of short video during dinner?

Lin Daiyu pulled up the weeping willow: If you keep poisoning like this, I will beat up your employees!

Blind Taxi Driver: Older people can't bear to see such a greedy scene. I just want to know if Lin Kee will have this dish after it opens?

Mahayana cultivator: Fellow Daoist Lin, I failed to transcend the tribulation and need a tomato stewed beef brisket to repair the wounds in my body. How many high-grade spiritual stones do I need to buy it?

Invisible chicken wings: I bet it must be very delicious. If you don’t believe me, let me try it!

Fifteen minutes later.

The tomato soup in the soup became thicker and thicker. Lin Xu held the pot and poured the soup and meat into the prepared basin.

A whole bowl of beef brisket exudes a rich and sour aroma, which makes people greedy just looking at it.

He pinched a handful of coriander leaves and placed them in the middle. He carried the pot of meat to the main room.

As soon as he entered the door, Shen Guofu couldn't wait to greet him:

"Oh, this little smell makes me want to eat it."

Chen Yan helped bring the rice cooker over, while Han Shuzhen brought bowls and chopsticks. Mrs. Shen picked up some pickled cucumber strips, while Baby Shen... was eating secretly.

"Wow, this beef is so delicious!"

The beef is soft but chewy, with a sour, sweet and slightly salty taste. When you chew it, you can taste the light onion flavor and a hint of freshness in the beef.

After eating, Baobao Shen just wanted to take two mouthfuls of rice.

This sweet and sour taste really requires two mouthfuls of steamed rice that is soft and firm, with distinct grains.

"How does it taste, my dear?"

"It's absolutely amazing. Don't be stunned, dad. Hurry up and serve the rice. This soup is perfect for eating with rice."

Shen Guofu: "..."

For the sake of the meat, I won’t argue with you.

After he hurriedly served rice to everyone, he sat around the dining table.

Put a piece of meat full of red soup into your mouth. Well, this appetizing tomato flavor makes me really want to die.

After eating it, he took two mouthfuls of rice and chewed the meat in his mouth. The feeling of satisfaction made Lao Shen almost cry out with happiness.

It's been several days.

Finally, I felt the satisfaction brought by meat and carbohydrates again.


"Wow, brother-in-law, your cooking skills are great, right? This is the most delicious beef brisket I have ever tasted!"

"It's really delicious, even an old woman like me can chew it."

"There's nothing to say about Xiaoxu's craftsmanship. It's just...all meat? What about vegetarian dishes?"

When Shen Guofu heard his wife talking about vegetarian dishes again, he said while eating:

"Why don't you stir-fry the vegetarian vegetables? I'll have some soup after you finish eating. Is this vegetarian enough?"

Han Shuzhen: "..."

You can really say anything to eat meat!

If a vegetarian dish is stewed in broth, is it still a vegetarian dish?

"Dance more with me tonight!"

"Okay wife, as long as you let me eat enough, let alone one group, two groups are no problem!"

Shen Guofu ate several pieces of stewed beef brisket. Then, out of curiosity, he picked up a cucumber strip pickled by his son-in-law and tasted it. He was immediately attracted by the crispy texture of the cucumber strip. .

“It’s delicious! It tastes really good. The sauce is rich but not too salty. I even have a little sweet aftertaste. I’ll have to take some with me when I leave. This is more delicious than shredded seaweed. .”

When Baobao Shen heard this, he picked up one and tasted it:

"It's true, this cucumber is so crunchy and delicious."

It feels so good to take a bite of cucumber strips and put a bite of beef brisket into your mouth!

While eating, Han Shuzhen said worriedly:

"I have lost two pounds, but I will probably gain weight again after eating this."

Director Han has been addicted to losing weight recently. Now that he ate such delicious beef brisket, he suddenly became conflicted.

I want to have a serious addiction with my husband, but I am also worried that my previous efforts will be in vain.

Oh, it’s so confusing!

"Auntie, you don't need to worry about this anymore. When you have eaten and drank enough, let your brother-in-law cook a pot of weight-loss soup with cucumbers. Each of you will have a bowl and you will lose weight properly."

Weight loss soup?

Han Shuzhen suddenly became interested:

"Xiao Xu, can you still make this? How about making some for mom to try later?"

Lin Xu: "..."

Although there are a lot of cucumbers in the jade soup, the weight loss effect is very weak. After all, it is a chicken stew soup, and it is also thickened, so the calories are not low.

But seeing his mother-in-law being so interested, he nodded and said:

"I'll cook some after eating, so that my parents and grandma can try this jade soup."

Once he heard that there was such a slimming soup, Director Han let go:

"Old Shen, give me the fat piece of meat. This kind of meat has to be fatter to taste better... Serve me another bowl of rice later. It seems that my bowl of rice was not full just now. How many mouthfuls will it take?" It’s gone…”

"Okay, okay, I'll give you more."

"Dad, I'll have another bowl too, please have more."

"Okay girl."

"Uncle, I too..."

Shen Guofu: "..."

How did I, the little gourmet prince, become the little rice prince in the blink of an eye?

Don’t you know how to serve it yourself?

From now on, I will be in a hurry with whoever asks me to serve food!

While he was thinking about it, Mrs. Shen handed over the bowl:

"The rich man of the country, add more food."



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