Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 210 The dubbing circle exploded! Lin Xu’s first live broadcast: Follow the second uncle to p

"Wow! The Travel Channel's "Daily Scenic Spot Recommendations" column today actually recommends Boss Lin's Longqishan Scenic Spot!"

"Really? Give me a link!"

"Damn it, it's really Boss Lin's voice!"

"In the past, the dubbing voice on the Travel Channel was Sister Xiaoqi. Why was it replaced by Boss Lin?"

"Is Sister Xiaoqi still worried about the last time Lin Ji surpassed Yanjing's food sharing?"

"Brother upstairs, can you first see who is the host of Lin Ji's topic before you say this? Sister Xiaoqi has been with us for many days."

"Bao'er, we don't know idioms, so don't pretend to be a cultured person, okay?"

Soon, someone posted a link to the Travel Channel video under the topic of Lin Ji Food.

After netizens clicked on it.

The video begins with a quick clip of aerial shots.

Together with the opening music, it immediately aroused the audience's curiosity.

Then, the camera changed to a close-up of a group of scenery with crystal clear dew and sunrise in the east.

Lin Xu's narration followed:

"In the early morning, Longqi Mountain slowly wakes up to the rising sun, the water flows, the birds chirp, and a new day begins..."

The narration is well written.

The cadence and speed of Lin Xu's dubbing are also on point.

Combined with the videos shot with a variety of equipment, the entire Longqishan Scenic Area slowly unfolds like a picture scroll.

"Oh my god! It's so beautiful here!"

"I went there, and there was actually an aerial shot taken from the cliff hotel room. It made me subconsciously grab the company's computer desk!"

“I’ve already agreed with my girlfriend that I’ll check in next time I’m on vacation!”

"My hometown is not far from Yinzhou. I plan to take my parents to visit it in a while."

"The video is very good and the scenery is beautiful, but Boss Lin's voice is a bit off-putting, especially when he talks about the chirping of birds. I always feel that his next sentence will say that the bird is suitable for making soup."

"I feel the same way. It's obviously a scenic film with dubbing, but I'm still hungry after watching it."

"+1 for looking hungry. Boss Lin is too. Just cook your food well. Why do you have to squeeze into the dubbing circle?"

"The already bloody dubbing industry is even more in danger!"


Make sure the video will be played on TV stations.

Lin Xu specially posted a message on Moments.

After his father-in-law Shen Guofu saw it, he immediately told his secretary Xiao Zou to turn on the TV in the office at 12 noon and lock the Yanjing Tourism Channel.


When Shen Guofu was sitting in the office having lunch, Xiao Zou turned on the TV, tuned to the travel channel, and started playing the "Daily Attraction Recommendations" column.

Boss Shen immediately put down his chopsticks, turned up the volume, and looked at it carefully.

I have to say that the scenic spots created by my parents are pretty good and make people want to experience them.

As he watched, footage of Pan Shiyan appeared on the video screen.

The big brass lock on the chain caught his attention.

"Hey, dear, no wonder I can't find where this lock is. It turns out that girl Yueyue took her away. This black-hearted cotton..."

He took his cell phone and sent Han Shuzhen a message:

"We found the lock in the equipment room."

Han Shuzhen had just finished her outpatient clinic at noon. When she saw this news, she immediately asked:

"Where did you find it?"


"What? Yinzhou?"

"Yue Yue secretly took her away and locked her up on Panshi Rock in the in-laws' scenic spot."

Han Shuzhen: "..."

Why am I not surprised at all?

When the truth about Tongsuo's disappearance came to light, the main suspect was sitting at the dining table, devouring the crispy roasted whole lamb.

"Wow, this mutton is so delicious, crispy and fragrant, and not smelly at all."

Wearing disposable gloves, Shen Baobao grabbed a lamb rib from the tray, dipped it in the dish in front of him, then bit into the meat on the rib and gently pulled it.

All the meat on the lamb ribs was ripped off.

After taking it into your mouth.

The grilled part is crispy and delicious, while the meat on the other side is tender and juicy. Paired with the dry dish dipping sauce that gets more chewy and fragrant, you can't stop eating it.

Eat two lamb ribs, then pick up a thinly sliced ​​lamb with chopsticks, dip it in the prepared dipping sauce and put it into your mouth. The delicious and delicious lamb dipping sauce will immediately remove the greasy feeling caused by the roasted whole lamb. Sweep away.

The roasted whole lamb is a bit greasy after eating too much.

If you eat too much mutton dipped in sauce, it will taste a little bland in your mouth.

But when the two flavors of mutton are eaten together, it is no longer greasy and bland. It even becomes more delicious the more you eat it, making it impossible to stop.

While they were eating, Lin Xu poured the girl a glass of iced Coke:

"Don't just eat, have some drinks."

When Baby Shen saw Coke, he thought of the red wine last night, and tentatively said:

"I want some red wine!"

Lin Xu pinched her face gently:

"Children, what kind of red wine are you drinking?"

Baobao Shen immediately stuck out his tongue.

Wow, I really like Xu Bao being so affectionate to me.

After sitting down, Lin Xu picked up a piece of stir-fried goose with chopsticks and tasted it.

Well, the outside is crispy and the appetizing spicy taste makes people fall in love with the taste instantly.

The plump subcutaneous fat of the goose pieces is fried and slightly crispy, and the taste is fragrant and beautiful. It is perfect to eat with the tender and juicy goose meat.

"The stir-fried goose made by Xiaoxu is really good. It goes well with wine or rice. After I learned it later, I regarded it as a special dish of the restaurant."

Shi Wenming was full of praise for the goose pieces made by Lin Xu.

He usually likes to have two glasses of wine when he has nothing to do, and this dish made by his eldest nephew is just right for drinking.

The second uncle was also very satisfied with the goose nuggets. He touched the wine glass with Shi Wenming and then said:

"If you can reach Xiao Xu's level, there will definitely be many tourists who come here to eat. This dish is really suitable for drinking."

While he was talking, some tourists came in to eat.

Shi Wenming quickly got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

The second aunt Lin Hongxia took a small notebook for recording dishes and began to greet the guests.

"A portion of braised native chicken, a portion of pork belly and dried beans, a portion of scrambled eggs with pepper leaves, and finally a portion of stir-fried wild vegetables."

After ordering their meals, several tourists looked at Lin Xu:

"We originally wanted to buy a roasted whole lamb to try today, but there are so many people in your family, so we decided not to. Boss Lin, can I reserve a roasted whole lamb from you?"


That’s not impossible.

Who would refuse business delivered to their door?

Lin Xu stood up and took a clean plate, put some roasted whole lamb meat on it, and put some dry dipping sauce on the plate, and delivered it to the dining table of these people:

"Try how it tastes first. If it works, we'll make a reservation. If it doesn't, just make friends."

The accents of these people are from Yinzhou.

You might take care of the business of the scenic spot in the future, so you should try your best to build a good relationship.

Several tourists were not polite either.

Without even wearing disposable gloves, he directly grabbed a piece of meat that was still a little hot, dipped it in the dipping sauce and put it into his mouth.

After chewing for a while, everyone showed surprised expressions:

"I'll go! Isn't this mutton cooked perfectly? Boss Lin, let's order two and bring our family and friends to eat tomorrow."


Then you have to prepare well tomorrow.

Upon hearing that the customer wanted to order two roasted whole lambs, the second aunt hurried over to negotiate the price with them.

Lin Xu did not participate in the management here and continued to eat.

Today’s lunch meal is no worse than yesterday’s.

Not only are there two kinds of mutton as a side dish and stir-fried goose as an accompaniment, there are also spicy and sour goose offal that is both appetizing and delicious.

Lin Xu never thought that chopped kimchi would be so delicious when stir-fried with pickled peppers and goose intestines. The goose intestines were sour, spicy and crispy, even more delicious than those cooked in a hot pot.

Offal such as goose gizzards and foie gras also have their own characteristics.

Paired with the spicy and sour taste of kimchi, the bowl of rice was finished in no time.

After eating and drinking, there were still some roasted whole lamb and mutton dipped in sauce. Lin Hongqi asked her second uncle to help deliver them to her cousin who was guarding the gate and several relatives at the water park.

Liu Zhengyu was very satisfied with today’s meal:

"Fortunately, I didn't leave last night, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to eat such delicious roasted whole lamb."

I walked around the scenic spot and stayed at the Cliff Hotel for one night last night, immersing myself in all the beauty of this scenic spot.

"When I get back, I will ask someone to send the approval document for the 4A scenic spot. You will receive the notice within a week at most."

Small scenic spots are managed by local tourism bureaus, and there is a process for approval.

So Liu Zhengyu conservatively said within a week.

Lin Hongqi said with a grateful look:

"Thank you very much, President Liu, otherwise we don't know how long we would have to wait. When we have time in the future, we will invite Longqishan to come and give us guidance."

Liu Zhengyu said with a smile:

"Don't tell me, I'm really going to take my wife and kids over here for vacation later. The scenery here is nice and the people are nice. If there weren't so many things going on in the capital, I really want to stay here for two more days."

After the two chatted for a while, Lin Xu’s uncle Lin Hongjun came over:

"President Liu, are we ready to go?"

Liu Zhengyu wanted to take the high-speed rail back. It happened that the Experimental Middle School was not far from the high-speed rail station, so Lin Hongjun, who was returning to school to work, took him back.

After saying goodbye to everyone one by one, Liu Zhengyu got into Lin Hongjun's car.

The president of the tourism association had just left, and the commercial vehicle of the TV station also drove over. Zeng Xiaoqi's voice, which had recovered slightly, returned to its pre-liberation state after eating more roasted whole lamb.

"We have to leave too, Boss Lin. Let me know when you will return to Beijing."

Sister, please fix your throat first.

Even though you are still thinking about crayfish, have you forgotten that you rely on your throat to eat?

Lin Xu handed it over a brand new large water glass, which was filled with rock sugar, honeysuckle, and dried chrysanthemums:

"Drink on the way. Get some medicine when you get back. Try to eat as lightly as possible. Get better soon. You won't be able to eat crayfish after I go back."

"Don't worry, this will be done before you return to Beijing."

After sending away this group of people, the relatives at home should also go to work and go back to the city. They can't indulge in eating and drinking, and they have to be busy with their respective jobs and careers.

Lin Xu's grandma and grandma also went home respectively.

It's too cold at night in the mountains, so it's not suitable for elderly people to live there.

Wait until the relatives have finished leaving.

Lin Xugang was just about to go to the kitchen to study the wild vegetables that won the award for the lamb in sauce. Later, when he had time to cook it for his grandma, his sister-in-law suddenly called.

"Brother-in-law, you dubbed the TV station without saying a word. Do you know how passive you make the company?"


What's the meaning?

Lin Xu asked curiously:

“Is my voice infringing?”

"No, it's you who's popular! Your dubbing is so good that it's become a hit all over the internet. Now our company can't even place ten dubbing orders from you."

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ?

Is there such a shortage of people in the dubbing industry?

He asked curiously:

"What kind of orders are there? How much is the quotation?"

I heard that high-end dubbing artists are paid by the second, but I don’t know what price I can quote.

Chen Yan said:

"I pushed him away before I even got the quotation."


"Because there are three pig feed commercials, two chicken feed commercials, and the rest are all restaurants from all over the country...all riding on your popularity."

Good push!

Lin Xu praised his sister-in-law in his heart, and then asked:

"What are you doing on the phone now?"

"I want you to take advantage of the popularity to start a live broadcast. Haven't you been busy recently? After you start the live broadcast, you can promote the scenic spot. You can also get more income. You can achieve multiple things with one stone."

Start a live broadcast?

From a heart point of view, Lin Xu was somewhat resistant to this matter.

But my sister-in-law’s suggestion is true. After the live broadcast, fame can be realized, the popularity of the scenic spot can be increased, and the activity of Linji Food can be increased.

The main task requires reaching the top of the Yanjing area's topic list within three months.

If you want to complete it, you can't miss any opportunity to increase your reputation.

In that case, give it a try.

He said to Chen Yan:

"Then I'll explore the essentials of live streaming later and get a feel for it."

"Okay, let me know before the show starts, and the company will immediately arrange rewards. We will first push you to the top of the reward list to build momentum and stabilize your popularity."

After hanging up the phone.

Lin Xu glanced in the direction of the Cliff Hotel.

I originally planned to make some wild vegetable nests and take Baby Shen back for a lunch break.

But now it seems that it is better not to take a lunch break.

After all, the content after returning with Shen Baobao... well, it can't be broadcast live.

Thinking of this, he told Shen Jiayue, who was playing hide and seek with Dundun, about the live broadcast.

"Oh... Live broadcast? Then I'll ask dad to top up and reward you now!"

Baby, why do you only think about cheating your parents?

Even if you cheat them, there is no need to let the middleman, the platform party, make a wave of price differences, right?

Can't you just ask your father-in-law and mother-in-law to transfer the money directly?

Lin Xu said:

"No, no, no, I'm just thinking about what kind of live broadcast content would be better."

Shen Jiayue pointed at Dundun who was hiding and playing games behind the car and said:

"Just live broadcast and play!"

Dundun: "..."

Sure enough, the stepmothers are all snake-hearted!

For the first live broadcast, it is necessary to find a project that can not only promote the scenic spot but also be within the scope of food, so that fans will be more accepting.

When I was worried.

The second uncle came back with an electric four-wheeler to deliver food.

"Xiao Xu, I'm going to put shrimp pots next to the reservoir now, don't you want to go and have a look too?"

Put a shrimp pot?

Lin Xu's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is good.

It can not only arouse the curiosity of fans, but also attract netizens who like to watch jungle live broadcasts. It can also promote the scenery and food of the scenic spot.

It’s simply killing multiple birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, he said to his second uncle Chen Meiliang:

"Go, go, but wait a moment, second uncle. The company has notified me to do a live broadcast. I'll get ready and we'll set off."

He first checked the battery of his mobile phone, which was still 89%, which should be enough for one live broadcast.

Then he took a selfie stick from the trunk of the car. He planned to help his parents shoot a promotional video after coming to the scenic spot.

But now that Zeng Xiaoqi, a professional, is here, he has stopped taking action.

Now, this selfie stick finally has a use.

Lin Xu stuck his phone on the selfie stick and tried it. It was enough to take a picture of himself, but not much of the scenery in the scenic spot.

He didn't plan to be a good-looking anchor, nor did he plan to keep the camera pointed at him. After thinking about it, he handed the phone to Shen Baobao:

"Can you hold it and help me take pictures?"

"Me? Okay, okay!"

If someone else takes the photo, there is no need for a selfie stick.

Lin Xu put on the handheld gimbal and handed it to Shen Baobao. After making sure that his hand was OK, he hugged Dundun who was pulling the selfie stick on the ground.

After notifying my sister-in-law.

The live broadcast begins!

"Hello everyone, my name is Lin Xu. The live broadcast is officially launched today. I hope everyone will forward it and speak more to try to increase the popularity of the live broadcast room."

When the broadcast first started, there were not many people in the live broadcast room.

But Lin Xu didn't finish his words.

A series of carnival special effects floated across the live broadcast room.

A person named [Little Yanzi who is forever eighteen years old] posted ten carnivals in the live broadcast room, causing the popularity of the live broadcast room to skyrocket in an instant.

"I'll go! Boss Lin started a live broadcast?"

"That's great, Boss Lin. Our dubbing teacher asked you if you have any plans to change jobs. You will definitely shine in the dubbing industry."

"Your dubbing circle wants to poach Boss Lin. Have you asked our magic circle?"

"Think of our carved circles as decorations, right?"

"Although our hardware processing circle is full of rough people, there is still a huge demand for talents. If Boss Lin wants to change jobs, don't forget to consider us."


The number of comments in the live broadcast room quickly increased.

Lin Xu held Dundun in his arms and sat on the electric four-wheel commuter driven by his second uncle. Shen Baobao sat opposite him and continued to live broadcast on his mobile phone.

"Now I'm going to the reservoir with my second uncle to put shrimp pots, because it's my grandma's birthday in two days, and I want to catch some larger green shrimps from the reservoir to make white-robed shrimps for grandma. She likes this dish very much. of."

Lin Xu took Shen Baobao's mobile phone and glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Then we chatted about where we were going and what we were going to do live today.

Soon, we arrived at the water park.

Shi Moli and others were playing here after eating and drinking, still holding lotus flowers and lotus pods picked from the lotus pond beside the reservoir.

When the car came in, several cousins ​​handed over a few.

"Cousin and cousin, this is for you."

After taking it, Lin Xu took the lotus and smelled it, then said with a smile:

"These lotus petals can be eaten deep-fried, covered with a thin layer of batter and fried in warm water. Even without bread crumbs, they can still make the kids next door cry."

I remember when I was a child, my mother liked to use ingredients such as pumpkin flowers, melon flowers, lotus flowers, etc., and fry them in warm oil. The taste was fragrant, sweet, and delicious.

Seeing the lotus now, he couldn't help but think of the past.

But the fans in the live broadcast room were excited:

"What a chef. He doesn't forget to indulge in a jungle live broadcast."

"Oh my god, if Boss Lin didn't tell me, I really don't know that lotus flowers can be eaten like this. This adds to my useless knowledge."

"I hope Boss Lin will blow up some for us to see."

“Someone once said that in the eyes of a chef, everything is an ingredient, but now I really believe it.”


After talking about the lotus, Lin Xu placed it on the car seat next to him, then opened the lotus pod and peeled out a lotus seed from inside.

Just when everyone thought he was going to eat it, Lin Xu actually handed it in the direction of the camera, and Shen Baobao's voice suddenly sounded in the live broadcast room:

"Wow! It's delicious!"

Fans were immediately shocked.

"Hey, darling, is this the boss lady in charge of filming?"

"I'm very pleased that he didn't forget to cook during the live broadcast, but I didn't expect that he didn't forget to spread the dog food!"

"That's too much. Did you trick us here just to eat your dog food?"

"Listening to the sound of the boss lady chewing, I'm actually a little hungry."

"Me too. It would be great if someone could peel the lotus pods for me like this. I really want to eat lotus seeds."


Lin Xu peeled a bunch of lotus seeds, and everyone also listened to the sound of Shen Baobao chewing.

Although I feel uncomfortable eating dog food, this kind of sweet love is what everyone yearns for!

Come to the reservoir.

A simple dock was made here using bamboo and some square logs, and there was a hut next to it.

When the second uncle went in to get the shrimp pot.

Lin Xu held Dundun in his arms and walked along the edge of the reservoir with Shen Baobao.

While walking, Shen Baobao suddenly pointed the camera at the shallow water on the shore:

"Wow, is this a snail?"

Lin Xu took a look, nodded and said:

"Yes, it's a snail. It's quite big."

The water quality in the reservoir is good, and various aquatic products can be seen.

Lin Xu originally wanted to take advantage of his second uncle's cleaning of the shrimp cages to go to the lotus pond in front and bring some lotus roots out, just in time to make a dish in the evening.

Unexpectedly, Baby Shen couldn't walk when he saw the snails:

"I want to eat snails. In the past, my parents said they contained parasites and wouldn't let me touch them. Xu Bao, how about you make some for me and let me try them?"

She just finished speaking.

The system prompt sounded in Lin Xu's mind:

"The host is obsessed with food exploration and triggers the reward task [Spicy Snails]: Ask the host to make a spicy snail that satisfies his fiancée before dark. After completion, he will be rewarded with a lucky draw for outstanding aquatic products!"


Just completed a reward mission of gravy-soaked mutton.

Unexpectedly, this triggered another one. Sure enough, there will be unexpected gains from the jungle live broadcast!

When Lin Xu thinks of spicy snails, he thinks of the famous snail noodles at home and abroad.

Why don't you make the snail noodles for everyone to try while you're making spicy snails?


It’s the last day of July. Please vote for me. I’ve updated 335,000 words this month, and I’m in my early 30s on the power list. Is it worthy of a monthly vote to encourage me? This book now has just over 690,000 words, and I will try to write 1 million words in August. I wanted to write a summary at the end of the month, but I don’t have much summary to write in a book like ours, so let’s just leave it at that. I wish everyone a safe, happy and all the best in August. By the way, I want to ask: Do you like to eat snail noodles?

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