Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 796 Continue to defend

Racial differences are invisible and intangible, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

On the contrary, this kind of thing that is neither visible nor tangible exists in most countries in the world, whether they are big or small, strong or weak.

Don’t you see that the United States, the only superpower in the world in the future, has its own sutras that are difficult to recite? Black people complain that white police officers are too violent. White police officers would rather cry and go to jail than lie in a coffin regretting why they did not pull out their guns in time.

If you want to say you are wrong, both sides are wrong.

As for who is right, both sides have their own reasons, and they both talk about it so logically.

Similarly, the love-hate relationship between the majority and the ethnic minorities was no exception even in the Soviet Union, where the red flag was flying.

Regarding this point, Malashenko, who has traveled from later generations with memories of the future, is very clear about this. The rebellion of the entire Chechen nation is clearly there and there is nothing to say.

Even when Russia finally emerged from the shadow of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and began to move forward slowly on the right track, the Chechens who were pushed to the ground and beaten twice by the Russian army only swore allegiance to the man who held supreme power.

To put it bluntly, Chechens in the 21st century still have no willing direct relationship with Russia as a country and this regime.

This will still be the case in the future decades later. Malashenko can guess with just a moment's thought that the Chechens in this era will probably not have much better relations with the Russians who are the main body of the Soviet Union, otherwise they will not help. Then the Germans turned against their former comrades.

Although this is the truth, Malashenko cannot affect the unity and morale of the troops during the war because of his impulsiveness and stubborn prejudice. At least judging from the results of the first meeting, Commander Voromov is still a very good person. gay.

Just as black people can have amazing talents like MJ who are willing to do charity work, they cannot beat everyone to death with a stick based on discrimination. Malashenko believes that even among the rebellious Chechens, there are definitely many who can stand shoulder to shoulder. A good comrade who fights.

"So? He's a Chechen. What do you suggest I do?"

"How to do it?"

Malashenko asked such an out-of-touch question, which actually stopped the unprepared Lavrinenko from asking.

"You are the leader, why do you ask me about everything?"

Lavrinenko's expression seemed a bit grumpy, but even so, he finally whispered a reminder to Malashenko.

"I think you'd better keep an eye out. You should have heard of all those things, right? I'm not discriminating or referring solely to Voromov, it's just the Chechens. You must be wary of them at the most critical moment. ,you understand me."

Malashenko's casual question was only half-joking, and he had no intention of getting any real answer from Lavrinenko. After all, Malashenko had already decided in his heart what to do next.

"Of course, I understand what you mean. Those ancient Chinese people have a very appropriate saying to describe this situation, "You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others." I have to say that the Chinese can always put Every indescribable special situation is so aptly described, this feeling is really indescribable.”


Whenever Malashenko started to say words that he didn't understand at all, Lavrinenko would feel a big scratch on his head.

"Can you please stop using the words of those Chinese people to explain things? I don't understand them at all! There are so many persecutions and defenses. Who should I ask to translate your words?"

Lavrinenko just made a comment casually, never expecting that Malashenko could really give a practical answer.

"Go to Comrade Political Commissar, he will tell you what this sentence means, if you can also repeat the Chinese sentence I just said in full."


The brief interlude has come to an end. Malashenko still has many things to do next, such as going to Political Commissar Petrov to talk about the subsequent defense preparations and task arrangements. In this regard, Political Commissar Petrov, who was born as an infantryman and then went to the party school for further study, is much more proficient than Malashenko, a veteran tank soldier.

The task of leading the team back was left to Lavrinenko to complete it on his behalf. As usual, Malashenko, who acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, quickly came to the regiment headquarters in the ruins of the factory that had been completed.

Since the entire production workshop and office area of ​​the Stalingrad Tractor Factory had been completely destroyed by German bombing, Commissar Petrov, who had no house available, directly commanded the troops attached to the regiment to set up a small tent area.

The fabric of the tent is gray and white camouflage cloth woven from tank anti-aircraft camouflage cloth. The tent erected in this way is difficult to distinguish from the ruins from a high altitude, and it can play a more or less deceptive role in defending against air attacks.

Malashenko, who reached out to lift the door curtain and walked into the tent, almost bumped into political commissar Petrov. The latter was holding a freshly baked telegram in his hand just like before. Malashenko knew that Petrov had just seen it. What is Political Commissar Luo Fu planning to do?

"Let me guess, you are planning to send it to me again?"

"You know it and you still ask me? Take it and take a look!"

Malashenko smiled helplessly when Commissar Petrov thrust the telegram into his hand, then shook it slightly and presented it completely in front of him to watch carefully.

There is not much content in the telegram, and it only takes less than half a minute to read it all at the speed at which Malashenko reads telegrams.

There was nothing special about this telegram from the Army Group Headquarters. It just said that the German air strikes were still continuing, but the scale had been reduced due to the intervention of the Soviet fighter aviation unit. In the final analysis, Malashenko still needs to beware of the German air raids that may still expand in the future.

Because the Soviet fighter aviation units overhead are now a little overwhelmed and have suffered too much losses. On the contrary, the Luftwaffe is still like a mad dog, constantly sending more fighters to the combat airspace, including fighter jets, ground attack aircraft, and bombers. , the Germans obviously made up a lot of determination in this attack and could not be shaken.

At the same time, the subsequent German reinforcements on the ground have been basically identified.

Aerial reconnaissance showed that at least three German infantry divisions were in motion behind the German offensive direction. It seemed that they were preparing to outflank the Soviet army from both wings and continue to put pressure on the Soviet army. However, due to the narrow terrain of urban streets, it remains to be seen how effective the large-scale troop mobilization of up to three infantry divisions can be.

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