Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 782 Always be prepared

Not a single bomb hit the head of the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment. Such news is certainly a good thing.

But I don’t know why, Malashenko always felt a trace of uneasiness from the bottom of his heart, that kind of deep, indescribable and strong uneasiness.


Accompanied by a sudden sound of brakes, Malashenko finally returned to the station of his First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment after being hospitalized for a long time. The tanks were neatly arranged and the anti-aircraft camouflage cloth was being removed. The scene of the vehicle starting up was obviously... Caught up.

"Petrov! Lavrinenko! If you hear this, answer me quickly! Where is he?!"

As soon as he slammed the door and got out of the car, Malashenko immediately started yelling at the top of his lungs in the entire small playground. He was wearing a hospital gown and half his head was still wrapped in bandages and gauze. The soldiers who were busy around their respective tanks did not recognize that this weird guy in strange clothes was actually their comrade.

"Damn it! When Karamov said he was going to pick you up, I told him he was crazy. I didn't expect that he actually picked you up, a guy who was so fatal! Where did you two meet? Isn't there a hospital? Was it bombed?"

As soon as Lavrinenko, who had just been "reunited" with Malashenko, stepped out from behind his emasculated KV220 car, which looked like a classic car that couldn't even pass the annual inspection, he immediately started to complain. To be precise, the last words were because he picked up some bad habits after staying with Malashenko for a long time.

"Where is Petrov? Where is Comrade Comrade Commissar?"

It was not enough to see Lavrinenko safe and sound.

Malashenko, who is inseparable from his right-hand man at any time and at any time, also has to ensure that Commissar Petrov is safe and sound wherever he can control him.

"It's inside, right over there! The superior just called me. I'm directing the troops to warm up the vehicles and prepare. If you're not here, he is the only one qualified to answer the superior's call."

Following the direction of Lavrinenko's finger, he glanced at a small bungalow next to the playground. Malashenko, who knew the exact location of Petrov's political commissar, still had important things to do next. With Lavrinenko If Ke is here, there should be no need for me to worry about troop mobilization preparations.

"Hurry up and organize the troops. I'll be back soon! Move quickly, we will have a tough battle soon, I promise!"

Malashenko, who patted Lavrinenko on the shoulder, quickly walked away, leaving Lavrinenko alone to look at the retreating figure in a hospital gown and shake his head with his hands on his hips.

"By the way, who is the leader of the group? You almost asked me to do all your work for you. I have never seen anyone like you. Why didn't I notice when we sat at the same table in school?"

Lavrinenko is right. The entire Soviet Red Army probably can't find another one like Malashenko who is a hands-off shopkeeper and outsourced leader.

But this may be one of the reasons why the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment can maintain a high degree of collaboration and strong team cohesion. Who can say for sure?

"Yes, okay, I understand! I will carry out the orders of the Army Headquarters, and yes, I will tell Deputy Commander Lavrinenko"

"Captain Malashenko? We have sent people to pick him up. He is in a field hospital less than one kilometer away in a straight line. He should be fine! It is far away from the core heavy industrial area. The air defense post reported that the Germans Almost no bombers visited there. The enemy’s planes were obviously heading towards the heavy industrial area this time!”

"Yes, okay, I understand, Comrade Commander! I will come as soon as Malashenko arrives."


Political Commissar Petrov, who had not yet finished speaking, was interrupted by the rough sound of Malashenko pushing the door open. He held the microphone in his still posture and focused his eyes on the person standing there. On Malashenko at the door.

"Comrade Commander, Malashenko has arrived. I will ask him to answer the phone now."

Commissar Petrov, who temporarily put down the microphone in his hand, pointed at Malashenko and winked. Malashenko, who understood the situation, immediately stepped forward and took hold of the microphone on the table without any hesitation. I can already guess who the person on the other end of the phone is.

"I am Malashenko, Comrade Commander, please give me the order."

"I just had a phone call with General Zhukov. He told me that with your personality, you will definitely run back to your troops as soon as the explosion sounds. It seems that General Zhukov knows you better than me, Malashenko."


As expected, the person on the other end of the phone was Chuikov, but Malashenko really didn't expect that the other party would make such an opening statement. Instead, he was a little overwhelmed for a while and didn't know how to continue the conversation.

"Okay, end of the unnecessary nonsense, Malashenko. The frontline blocking force reported that the Germans had dispatched at least two tank divisions and two infantry divisions and were attacking us from the southern breach that they had just bombed first. Launch a fierce attack, but you have to be mentally prepared. I predict that this is just the enemy's first advance troops, and no one can say how many more troops will follow. "

Malashenko, who was holding the microphone in his hand, nodded subconsciously, as if he were talking face-to-face with Chuikov at the army headquarters, and firm words came out immediately.

"The 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment is always ready to fight the Nazi invaders to the death, Comrade Commander. We will crush the enemy as always, and use the intestines of those Germans to lubricate the tracks of our regiment's tanks. All soldiers will We are determined to fight the enemy bravely! We are always ready for anything!”

Since it is a fate that cannot be escaped, it is better to correct your attitude and show your determination to fight the Germans to the death.

Malashenko was business as usual in the past and remains so even today.

"Very good! This kind of fighting will is what your group needs in the future!"

"I have just given an order to your partner, the political commissar, and I will repeat it to you now. The mission of your regiment is to block the gaps that may appear at any time, and to repel those Germans at all costs! The industrial zone is not only We have our last heavy weapons production capacity in Stalingrad, and many division, brigade and army level field hospitals and headquarters are also located here. If it is destroyed by the Germans, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"No matter what, the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment must faithfully implement the order to the end. I just want to hear one answer, Malashenko! Tell me personally what the answer is."

Malashenko certainly knew what kind of answer Chuikov wanted on the other end of the phone. Even if Chuikov did not make a request, he would say the following firm words that almost required no thought.

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