Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 765 Good hero of the Soviet Union, good comrade of the Red Army

"Uh, comrade leader, that's me"

"Huh? How many? One box is fine, it doesn't matter, I don't mind."


Malashenko, who was almost pressed against his face, was forced to look directly at him at a very close distance. Karachev, who couldn't help but swallowed because he was too nervous, felt that he had no room to refuse, even though he had just seen it. From the beginning, I had no intention of rejecting Comrade Leader.

"Yes, I still have some over there, Comrade Commander. I brought a whole suitcase of cigarettes from the United States, and I still have more than half of the suitcase. If you want, you can take as many as you want."

Damn it! I'm so fucking mad! I met the silly son of a landlord, haha!

The above was the first excited roar in Malashenko's heart after hearing Karachev's answer.

It is true that Kalachev showed a posture of letting others slaughter the meat on the chopping board, but as a hero of the Soviet people and with the honorable title of Guards, Comrade Ma Duanzhang cannot be too unkind, can he?

It's better to forget about the immoral thing of having the suitcase taken away. If not, you have to leave the suitcase intact, right?

Well, it seems to be a bit wicked

Forget it, just take enough to smoke for half a year, and keep "most" of the rest for Karachev.

"Tsk, this is a good cadre of the party and a heroic commander of the Red Army! Where can you find a good and generous comrade like me? We are such a good person!"

Malashenko, who just slapped his thigh, recited a poem and praised his merits, thought so.

"Speaking of which, Comrade Commander, can I know what's going on with your right eye?"

Out of his professional nature, Karachev, who noticed Malashenko's right eye that was about to fall out early, finally couldn't help asking questions.


With more than half a cigarette in his hand, Malashenko finally remembered the real purpose of his trip to the hospital, and after thinking about it for a while, he immediately answered.

"I guess I hit something and it became like this. It hurt a lot at first, so much that I wanted to dig my eyes out with my hands. But slowly the pain subsided, to be honest with you. , now if you hadn’t reminded me, I wouldn’t have felt anything unusual.”

"Karachev, you think my eyeballs won't stay like this forever, right? Is there any way you can put them back for me?"

Put the eyeballs that were about to fall out of their sockets back in again?

This kind of ultra-high-precision surgical operation was unheard of. Judging from Karachev's academic background, he had never heard of it, let alone clinical practice or animal experiments.

Who would have nothing to do to dig out the eyes of small animals and stuff them back manually for hand training? The surgeon was not a murderer, and Jack the Ripper might have been specially trained to do so, but Karachev asked himself that he definitely had not, not even in his dreams.

Karachev, who would swallow his saliva involuntarily when he was nervous, shook his head slightly and gave the answer under Malashenko's gaze.

"I can try, Comrade Leader. But since you can still see without pain, it means there is nothing wrong with the eyeball itself and the optic nerve is not damaged. I did not study ophthalmology in college, but I It shouldn’t be too difficult to put it back intact.”

"Well, that's it"

Malashenko nodded in "Sudden Enlightenment", but he still didn't take his eye problem seriously like a madman. He looked like "I can do the surgery tomorrow without delaying anything", but he was already on the side Karachev, who threw the cigarette butt under his feet and crushed it, didn't think so.

"Come on, comrade leader, we have to prepare for the operation immediately. I will perform the surgery on you personally. Your eyes cannot be delayed any longer. If not treated in time, there may be a risk of infection and blindness."

Kalachev is right. From the professional perspective of his job, it is indeed true. What he said is completely factual without any falsehood. However, he never wanted to give Malashenko, who was not taking it seriously, Very frightened.

"What? Will you go blind? Damn it, get rid of it quickly. I don't want to become a one-eyed blind man."

Malashenko, who knew very well what it would mean if he lost his eyes, did not dare to delay at all. If he did not take Kalachev's professional advice seriously, it would be completely stupid and completely insane. They are two concepts.

Just as the anxious two were about to push open the door and go straight to the operating room, Qianying walked out with a plate of medical waste in her hands and bumped into Malashenko.

"Did I get into a fucking fight with someone? How can I go to the hospital other than bumping into someone? Damn it!"

Malashenko complained subconsciously, but Anya, who had dropped the tray in her hand, didn't think so.

Being able to see the comrade, the group leader, whom she misses so much that she can't sleep on an ordinary day, is the biggest but also the smallest happiness in the girl's heart.

But after the moment of joy at seeing her lover, the expression on Anya's face turned into one of horror.

"Comrade leader, your eyes, what's wrong with your eyes?"


Malashenko is a person who doesn't like to repeat a sentence several times. This will make him feel that he is wasting his life, even if he only repeats it a second time.

But seeing Anya for a moment always makes Malashenko's carefree heart become very soft and easy to touch.

Ignoring or getting angry at Anya, Malashenko, who spent 0.5 seconds thinking about it, asked himself if he could do it.

"That's it, Anya, me"

Basically, the description of the condition that was just told to Karachev was changed and told to Anya again.

The final result was as Malashenko expected. He was "very smoothly". The panicked Anya and Karachev summoned several doctors and nurses to help him. After a simple facial cleansing and wiping, he was laid flat and pushed forward. to the operating room.

"You will be fine, comrade leader, I will always be by your side."

Most men would see it as a good thing to have a professional nurse girl like Anya by their side, but this is not the case for Malashenko.

Malashenko could truly understand how unrestrained and fiery the love of this little girl Anya was, which was far more fierce than Natalya's gentle and restrained feelings, which were not very good at expressing.

If I have to stay in the hospital for a few days after the operation, I am afraid that the dozens of hours of lying on the body will be "uncomfortable" for me.

The effect of the anesthetic did not last long before it spread all over the head and dispersed the nerves. The local anesthesia and the wide-open right eye theoretically would not prevent people from falling asleep during the operation.

But for some unknown reason, Malashenko, who clearly felt that he was very conscious, ran off to play chess with Duke Zhou in a daze after a while.

When the familiar, ethereal and misty dream reappeared, a long sound that seemed to come from afar immediately reverberated in Malashenko's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Can you hear my voice? A time traveler wandering between two timelines."

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