Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 746 Dark Night

"That's Mamayev Hill. I almost forgot what it looks like."

"Of course, it will also be a place where we continue to fight for a while."

After fighting at the train station for so long, Malashenko almost forgot what the Mamayev Heights looked like, where he had stayed but had not actually fought.

Malashenko, who had completed the defense change with the infantry division that came to take over, walked at the front of the team, hanging half of his body outside the turret and breathing the fresh air under the night. The stars above his head indicated that tomorrow would be Nice and fighting weather.

Thumb thump thump——

"Iushkin, give me a cigarette."

Iushkin, who was leaning on the gunner's position and reading letters from home with a small flashlight, heard the sound of tapping armor plates above his head. Malashenko's request obviously made Iushkin a little reluctant.

"Your monthly quota is much larger than mine, and you've been asking me for cigarettes lately."

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? Hurry up."


The last half of a box of "dung grass cigarettes" left in his pocket was taken from the corpses of German soldiers. The smell of these cigarettes was extremely unpleasant, as if the tobacco had been soaked in horse manure. Many Soviet soldiers were smoking it. After experiencing it, they all found it unbelievable that a German guy could smoke such a big shit with gusto.

But even so, Iushkin was still very reluctant to pick at it. Who knows where he would go to get the next pack of cigarettes after finishing the last half pack of cigarettes, so Iushkin couldn't help but hide it like a quick treasure. With.

Malashenko, who lowered his right hand into the turret, quickly felt something being handed to his hand. He squeezed it with two fingers and then took his hand back. A big shit German cigarette that he would never smoke unless absolutely necessary. Then it appeared in front of Malashenko.

"Hey, I really don't want to smoke this thing. It's just like eating shit. I don't care if I have a box of Furong King, even if I have a box of Yuxi."

They say no, but their bodies are actually very honest.

Malashenko put the cigarette in his mouth and pressed the lighter in his hand to light it. A strong and mellow taste like a latrine immediately reverberated between his lips and teeth and went straight to his forehead. The more he smoked, the more uncomfortable he felt. Shenke really has the desire to kill people now.

"If I can catch the German logistics officer, I will kill his own mother! Damn it! Who is the person who purchases such hard-to-smok cigarettes into the army!?"

Malashenko, who was cursing in his heart, soon arrived near the area marked on the map.

According to the pre-agreed content, Malashenko asked Iushkin to turn on the searchlight hanging on the muzzle of the gun to identify himself and avoid being accidentally injured by friendly fire.

The sudden light illuminated the dark road in front of the muzzle. The buildings on both sides of the street that had been bombed into ruins were pitch black. The black broken windows and the gaps in the walls blasted by the shells were like pieces of paper. Malashenko always felt like something was peering at him in the darkness, feeling uneasy as he waited for the big bloody mouth to eat people.

"Damn it, you didn't take the wrong way and entered the German-occupied area. God knows how many times this street changed hands during the day."

As if in response to Malashenko's complaint, a flashing light suddenly lit up in the darkness about a hundred meters away.

The lights hidden in the darkness flickered intermittently and rhythmically. Malashenko, who was watching all this closely, then turned his head and gave orders to Iushkin, who was on standby in the turret.

"Three long and one short, they are ours! Answer the signal, Iushkin!"

The searchlight hanging on the muzzle has an in-car controller connected with electrical wires, and the control of the controller lies in Iushkin's hands.

"Roger, return signal! Er, what is the signal?"

Looking at the cute expression on his face illuminated by the flashlight, Malashenko, whose face was blurry with black lines in the dark, really wanted to punch Iushkin.

"Three short and one long! Idiot!"

"Oh, I got it, three short and one long, I'll get back to you now."


Malashenko turned his head back to the front and couldn't help but shook his head. I don't know if it was an illusion or something. Malashenko always felt that Iushkin seemed to be a bit of an idiot recently, in all kinds of behaviors. Is it possible? Was his brain damaged by a shell? But I have no problem with my mind right next to him.

Malashenko shook his head. The more he thought about this question, the more unreliable it became.

Three short and one long responses Not long after the lights disappeared, a Red Army soldier with a helmet on his head and a Bobosha submachine gun in his hand immediately ran towards Malashenko's position.

"The password is correct, please give me your serial number."

"The First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko."

"Okay, please follow me, Commander Malashenko."

Although there was not much face-to-face communication, Malashenko could still read a different flavor from the anxious expression of the soldier illuminated by the lights. This street that looked a little weird was obviously not a suitable place. a long-term stay.

"Attention all crews, follow the lead car in front and keep moving forward!"

The long steel dragon in the night slowly started moving again with Malashenko's order.

Except for Malashenko's lead vehicle, which turned on its lights to explore the way, all the tanks behind it, including Lavrinenko's vehicle, did not turn on their lights. They could only rely on the faint moonlight to see the trajectory of the lead vehicle clearly and Follow closely behind.

Under Mamayev Hill, where the dead can pile up into mountains, all actions must be done with caution, especially in this dark night when everything is completely silent and the target is easily exposed.

Malashenko, who was the first to drive the car into the designated position, immediately jumped out of the turret and came out of the car. He quickly ran to the checkpoint he had just passed and commanded the tanks behind him to follow.

Seeing that everything in front of him was proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plan, Malashenko, who could not restrain his doubts, quietly asked the soldier beside him who had just led him the way.

"I led the team all the way here and felt that something was not right about the atmosphere. Comrade, what happened here during the day?"

After listening to Malashenko's question, the soldier who was counting one after another how many tanks were coming in simply answered straightforwardly.

"Those Germans tried to surround us and eliminate us under the hills, Commander Malashenko. During the day, we repelled eight German attacks on this street, leaving many Germans behind. The body was lying on the street. Didn't you notice it when you came here?"

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