Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 740 Comrade, Deshka

Paulus knew what difficulties faced General Osheim, but it did not matter.

In Paulus's view, all difficulties can be overcome. After last year's bone-chilling cold, there was nothing more difficult for the German army.

The key to being able to overcome difficulties lies in a person's subjective will, whether he wants to overcome difficulties or whether he wants to escape and be afraid of difficulties.

Paulus was worried that Major General Osheim might choose the latter, so he made this call. With the orders of the Führer, Paulus never wavered from the beginning to the end and wanted to give up the train station. The years have never changed. .

Major General Osheim, who briefly answered Paulus, quickly put down the phone. His right hand could clearly be seen to be trembling, making him look very lost.

With the blessing of what Paulus guaranteed on the phone, can he hold the train station? Osheim didn't know.

So is there anything Osheim knows clearly?

The answer is yes, that is, in the next few hours, there will be rivers of blood on our own position! Regardless of whether the railway station can be defended or not, this will be the inevitable result.

"Inform the frontline troops that the order remains unchanged and fight back all those Russians! We will continue to organize the attack. We still have enough strength to complete the mission."

The chief of staff, who no longer tried to give useless advice, faithfully conveyed the order to the front-line troops according to what Osheim said. Malashenko, who was unaware of this, soon realized that it felt strange and even surprising to him. actual effect.

"Comrade Commander, those Germans suddenly stopped running! Are they waiting for us somewhere? Does this look like a trap?"

The German army, which had already begun to collapse, suddenly stopped its desperate steps, stayed on the spot in the foxholes and the broken trenches of the offensive starting position, and turned the muzzle of its guns. Malashenko, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, couldn't help but be quite surprised.

Even if an army that has been defeated stops and organizes defense on the spot, it will never be able to withstand the opponent behind it who has already defeated it once. This is common sense in war that follows the truth of cause and effect at all times. These Germans What kind of medicine is sold in Lao Hulu?

With a big question mark in his heart, Malashenko shook the commander's periscope and looked at the surrounding fan-shaped area directly ahead. Ruins and the remains of various broken and discarded German weapons were scattered everywhere. The entire battlefield area was empty. Except for some ruins, Zhewuhan is a flat plain. It is impossible to fight an ambush in such a relatively open terrain.

"Did Paulus start showing off his micro skills at the train station?"

The biggest difference between time-travelers and non-time-travelers is not the essential difference in cognitive attitude toward things, but the ability to make targeted judgments and blind guesses based on the things that will happen in the original history and the current situation. Malashenko himself did not expect to guess the real answer right at once.

But other than that, there is only one possibility that can make the group of German soldiers in front of him make such an abnormal move. Whether it is Paulus's personal order or not, Malashenko has to thank this master of remote micro-control and remote control of the battlefield. .

"Very well, these Germans want to see their late Emperor! All the crews continue to attack, tear apart the defenses of these Germans, and step on the accelerator to the bottom to crush their resistance!"

The lightly armed German army did not transport too many heavy weapons into the city. Except for the towed artillery and anti-tank guns that were difficult to maneuver and slow like old oxen pulling a broken car through the ruins, the attackers Subjective judgment is also an important reason for this result.

The German army is here to be the conqueror, and the conqueror must take the initiative to launch a fierce and fierce attack. Since it is an attack, what is the use of those defensive weapons? It would be better to rush a few more tanks into the city first!

As a result, the German infantry who were ordered to stop the retreat by their superiors as soon as they retreated to the offensive starting position sadly discovered that they had very few usable anti-tank weapons, especially the crucial anti-tank guns. Almost nothing!

"Hell! Crazy, General Osheim must be crazy! We only have these broken guns in our hands, how can we stop those Russian monster tanks? Can I scare them away by shouting "Long Live the Führer?"

"Grenade, quickly find some cluster grenades! This can blow up the tracks of those Russian tanks!"

"Gasoline, I found a barrel of gasoline! The Russians used Molotov cocktails to attack our tanks, so we can use them too!"

Some of the German troops kept firing guns in an attempt to block the enemies who were about to hit their faces, while the other part of the German army began to make simple anti-tank weapons on the spot using various materials they found improvised.

As soon as the M24 cluster grenades bundled into honeycomb briquettes and the gasoline bombs packed into French brandy bottles were made, the Russian steel monsters that could make the earth tremble slightly roared and pressed on their faces.

"Iushkin! Pay attention to the coaxial machine gun. I'll operate the commander's machine gun and shoot down those German anti-tank guns first!"

Different from the Laoganma machine gun carried by the American commander Xie Mantou, according to the original historical trend, the commander's machine gun on the top of the turret of the Soviet tank only gradually increased in 1943, and it was not until 1944 that it was basically popularized by the entire army. .

This thing was not designed to allow Soviet vehicle commanders to lean out and fight enemy infantry. The 7mm Deshka heavy machine gun was specifically used for aircraft anti-aircraft defense, at least that was the original design purpose.

If the Soviet army had not been numbed by more and more anti-tank air raids by the German army, it is still unclear whether the Soviet army would have installed this commander-operated Deshka on top of the tank.

Malashenko is a person who cherishes his own life. There are two completely different things between charging bravely and fearlessly on the battlefield and leaving his beautiful wife a widow.

Malashenko wants to do two things well, so he must cherish his own life. For example, let Karamov weld a 10 mm thick bulletproof steel plate to the 7 mm Deshka heavy machine gun used by the commander. .

After opening the top cover of the turret, Malashenko could feel the strange sounds and vibrations from the bullets hitting his car. The smell of gunpowder and blood filling the air was undoubtedly the most real battlefield.

Several Red Army soldiers who were charging behind Malashenko's car saw a man suddenly emerge from the turret, and a look of surprise appeared on their faces for a moment, looking quite surprised.

Malashenko, who had no time to chat, saw this scene and smiled at several Red Army soldiers whose eyes were wide open. Then he turned back and grabbed the machine gun on the roof of the car in front of him and put his hands on the trigger. .

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