Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 726 Mud War

The road from the center of the train station to the south of the train station is not easy to walk.

The heavy rain that lasted for a day and night turned the exposed soil under the masonry road that was shattered by German bombing and artillery into a swamp. Cross-flowing sewage and mud are the most common situations here. The cross-flowing muddy water poured back and covered the original crater, making it look like ordinary mud.

But once you step on it, it will be a different story, especially for the Germans who, as the attacker, need to move to launch an attack. If they miss the step and fall down in the mud of the bomb crater, they will look like a dog chewing shit. This is a perfectly normal situation.

Malashenko, who was holding his commander's periscope, could see that the German soldiers beside the Chang 75 No. 4, which was killed by Iushkin's shot, were in chaos.

He yelled for his comrades to leave this dangerous place that was exposed to the direct sight of the Soviet artillery and without any cover. They were looking around but didn't have time to pay attention to what they were doing. Many German soldiers were caught off guard and slipped and fell to the ground.

"Get up! Get up! Do you want to be beaten to a pulp by the Russians? Get up!"

"Damn it! Damn it! I can't stand it anymore. This is no place for people to stay! This place is simply hell!"

"Be careful, the Russian tanks are here!"

People who talk too much nonsense on the battlefield will always be rejected by the goddess of luck. For example, this man was blown into two pieces by a 120mm high-explosive mortar shell and flew backwards on the spot with something in his mouth. German soldiers wailing shrilly.

Division Commander Cherchenkov arranged the entire mortar and artillery position just right, just behind a pile of rubble and masonry more than two meters high behind his own infantry position.

The mortar's curved trajectory allowed it to easily cross the bunker in front of it, and it was also immune to most direct-aimed attacks from German artillery and machine guns.

Several artillery observers lying on the ruins with only their telescopes exposed constantly reported calibration coordinates to their comrades behind them. The Soviet mortar positions, which were perfectly coordinated, were harvesting the lives of those poor German soldiers with increasing accuracy.

The armored behemoth lying in front of them could not stop the heavy mortar shells fired from the curved trajectories. The terrified German soldiers who were bombed and turned upside down had nowhere to hide.

Countless people fell down in the mud puddles and struggled to get up, only to slip again and fall. The First Guards Tank Breakthrough Regiment led by Malashenko stood in front of the position like an unyielding wall and was indestructible. The German troops, unable to tear apart the Soviet defensive positions, were suffering heavy casualties.

The German army's best method of rapid penetration and detour did not work in the city of Stalingrad, which was full of ruins and buildings.

If you want to win in this cruel flesh-and-blood grinding machine, there is no other way but to work step by step with tanks and infantry to cover and advance. The Germans, who used their least proficient tactics to fight this battle that was unfavorable to the attackers, finally couldn't stand it any longer. After leaving behind more than 500 corpses and more than 20 wrecked tanks, they quickly retreated like a tide.

"Hmph, I thought these German guys were really invincible, but it turns out they are also afraid of death. It's really ironic."

In the forward command post, Division Commander Cherchenkov, who slowly put down the telescope he had been holding up, made a sarcastic comment. The division chief of staff beside him, who was also paying close attention to the battle situation, immediately responded with a look of approval.

"Who says it isn't? Comrade Division Commander. Since the battle moved into the city, I have found that although the battle is fierce and cruel, the Germans seem to be less adapted to the fighting environment here than us."

"The blitzkrieg they were good at in Stalingrad was a waste, and the air force was greatly restricted due to terrain and combat distance restrictions. Yesterday, I heard that German aircraft in some neighborhoods took the risk of dropping bombs at close range, but the results were indiscriminate. The enemy and we dropped bombs on their own people.”

"That group of unlucky German infantrymen had just occupied that street, and their bodies were blown up by their own planes. I have to say that the Stuka pilot might have been an anti-Fascist hero hiding behind enemy lines."

Jokes on the battlefield always relieve tension and bring joy to those soldiers who are always accustomed to meticulousness.

After listening to what his chief of staff said, Commander Cherchenkov smiled and spoke slowly again with a look of approval on his face.

"You are right. The current fighting situation is indeed more favorable to us than it was a while ago. The overall environment is much better. At least the sacrifices of our soldiers are more significant. The casualties paid by those Germans are much better than those of the past. It has been greatly increased since then.”

In the previous suburban battles, the German armored units, which could unscrupulously launch their posture and charge directly into the city, took advantage of them.

At that time, a hundred Red Army soldiers who died could often only kill twenty or thirty or even fewer German soldiers. The exchange ratio was at a serious disadvantage for the Soviet army. Even Chirchenko during that time Mr. Hu himself was frowning all day long and could not think of any better way to solve the problem.

But when the battle moved into the city, everything was different from before.

In this city full of ruins and subject to great tactical restrictions, the German army had to pay a higher price than before if it wanted to eliminate a hundred Red Army soldiers. The death of sixty or seventy German soldiers was even similar to the Soviet casualties. The same is normal.

The brutal street fighting made the German Sixth Army, which had always been invincible, experience for the first time the humiliation of playing the offensive side.

Those Soviet soldiers who were clinging to the house only had to wait for the Germans to come to the door themselves. Many German soldiers who lacked weapons such as flamethrowers had to bite the bullet and rush towards the building to engage in close combat with the Soviets.

It's not like the Germans never thought of using direct-aimed artillery to blow down the building, but these honest-minded Russians made each house thicker than the last!

Let’s not talk about solid brick walls. For high-rise buildings with a slightly larger area, such as government buildings or landmark buildings, the exterior walls are basically made of solid bricks with more than three floors. The No. 3 assault gun will smash them with one shot. Make a shallow hole.

The most disgusting time was when two No. 3 assault guns belonging to a German team attacking the city destroyed all the ammunition in the vehicle, but did not even collapse the first floor of a Russian building that was supposed to be a supply and marketing cooperative. The strength was simply shocking. German army.

The German soldiers occupied the living room and shouted to the Soviet soldiers guarding the kitchen to surrender. The only response they received was a Russian curse and a wave of sand to wash their faces. The red-eyed Soviet soldiers had to pull him back even if they died. Several German soldiers stood on their backs.

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