Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 717 Same mistake, different time

The atmosphere suddenly solidified, roughly speaking of the current situation.

The scissors, replaced gauze and medical equipment contained in the tray were scattered on the floor, like an overturned condiment bottle, full of mixed feelings in his heart.

He also did not expect such a situation to happen. Malashenko first looked down at the items scattered on the ground at Anya's feet, and then raised his head to look at Anya, who was at a loss and her cheeks were red. An imperceptible sigh followed by an extremely complicated look in his eyes.

"Hey, it's troublesome"

The real answer is obvious. Anya's feelings for Malashenko are definitely more than just a good impression. Even Malashenko himself did not expect this.

In the end, Malashenko, who is a future time traveler and who only focuses on fighting all day long and has no time to think about other things, still greatly underestimated the appeal of the word "hero" to girls in this special era. , especially a girl like Anya who listens to the encouragement of people around her all day long and really has feelings for Malashenko.

"Lin, let me ask you, if one day a Russian girl takes the initiative to woo you, what will you do?"

The wave of memories that arose in a trance led Malashenko's thoughts to that distant future world. The half-joking words of Lavrinenko's great-grandson and his college best friend Rosov echoed in Malashenko's ears. , which made Malashenko feel inexplicably that he seemed to be in the same situation as the current situation.

However, the answer given by Rosov to this question is obviously not very good, at least for now, it is definitely not applicable.

"Haha, let me teach you how to do it, Lin. You should take her to a room immediately and let her do some things that both of you love to do. In Russia, you have to adapt to such a fast pace. This is the way of love here. "


Malashenko still remembers that he was a little speechless when he heard this answer for the first time. It was the first night after he came to Moscow University and met Rosov, who was in the same dormitory, and drank two bottles of vodka. Rosov, who was about to lie on the ground, said this in a drunken state.

Although the present and the future are not on the same timeline, Malashenko feels that such a Russian way of love cannot be "retrograde". It seems a bit unworkable to drive backwards from Russia in the future to the Soviet era. Besides, Malashenko doesn’t think Anya is such a girl.

"I, Malashenko, just want to live an ordinary war life, why do all kinds of strange troubles come to my door?"

Although there are complaints, things that should be faced still have to be faced.

The crowded casualty area of ​​the field hospital was not a good place to talk. Malashenko, who raised his hand to support the brim of his military cap, made up his mind that this time he had to show off to Anya and tell the truth.

Malashenko, who once again stepped in front of Anya, didn't say much. The beauty in front of him had almost lowered her head to 90 degrees and didn't dare to look directly at him, which already spoke volumes.

In the future, Lin Jie would dare to stand at the door of his senior sister Irina's class after class, wait for her to get out of school and go directly to her home without caring about the looks and jokes of the people around him.

In the past, that is, now. Malashenko also dared to ignore countless pairs of confused or surprised eyes around him, and spoke the words with a head held high and a righteous and fearless spirit that made Anya almost fly out of her soul.

"If it's convenient, let's go to a place where no one is around to chat. Anya, are you free?"

Under the gaze of countless pairs of surprised and blank eyes around him, there was also an atmosphere that was almost solidified.

"Did you hear it? What did Comrade Leader just say to Anya?"

"I swear I've never been envious of Anya. This is the first time today."

"Didn't you say that Comrade Leader has a fiancée? Is that fiancée Anya?"

Malashenko, whose ears seemed to be stuffed with donkey hair, turned a deaf ear to the chatter of the group of young nurses. Only Anya tightened her hands on her white coat.

Anya's subtle movements already told Malashenko the answer. Malashenko, who didn't say any more words, grabbed Anya's arm and walked out.

Behind Anya's slightly bumpy back were the sharp eyes of the little nurses that could kill people.

"Anna, do you know how to write Mrs. Hero? I think we should be able to use it soon."

There was a blocking wall at the entrance of the field hospital that was about to be blown up. The downpour of soybean-sized rain outside still showed no sign of stopping. The cold atmosphere inevitably made people wrap up their clothes even tighter to resist the cold wind. .

The "excellent advice" of his die-hard best friend Rosov was directly thrown into the trash can by Malashenko. For a girl like Anya, it is obvious that verbal communication must be carried out in a very gentle way.

"Did you know that I have a fiancée? Anya."

Anya, who was staying next to Malashenko with her head slightly lowered and her face red, did not respond with any words. She just nodded slightly to indicate that she had indeed heard about it and therefore knew it.

"Then you should understand that nothing is possible between us. Besides, I am a person who can die at any time. You should pursue a more perfect love of your own instead of wasting it on me."

Malashenko originally thought that his words would make the timid Anya shrink back.

But what Malashenko didn't expect was that Anya was already much stronger than before when no one was around, especially when Malashenko revealed the truth first, she was even more unscrupulous. .

"I don't care, comrade leader! I know you already have someone you love, but you can't stop me from pursuing my right to love! If you hadn't saved me, I might have died that day. In the ruins.”

"Anna and the others are right. I'm still very young. I don't know what love is and don't understand it. But I know very well that I will have a wonderful feeling every time I see you, and it will become stronger every time. I can often Thinking of you has evolved from every day to every hour now.”

"If this is not love, please tell me, Comrade Leader, what is true love?"


Anya, who speaks very fast, has obviously prepared these words to blurt out continuously. To be precise, she may have been holding them in her heart for a long time.

Malashenko didn't think this was hysteria, it was just a feeling that had been stored up for a long time and burst out instantly without any falsehood.

The sound of rain falling in his ears kept ringing sparsely, like a continuous drum beat hitting Malashenko's heart.

The future Lin Jie once seriously underestimated the courage of Russian girls to boldly pursue love.

But now, Malashenko, who inherited the memory of the future, once again made the same mistake without a long memory.

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