Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 571 Extreme joy leads to sorrow

When he first heard Malashenko's question, Lieutenant Vasily, who had not recovered yet, couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"I don't know much about this, Comrade Malashenko, but I think it is still under construction."

"Then this will be easy to handle!"

Just then, he suddenly remembered that the field fortifications and trenches outside Stalingrad had not yet been completed. Malashenko had an idea and immediately thought of a way to drag these German prisoners of war to labor reform.

Well-fed, well-dressed, and as strong as a cow, their bodies were full of endless exertion. After raising them for half a winter and several months in the spring, these Germans had almost regained all their fat. This situation It would be a disgrace to Comrade Lenin’s teachings and his loving father’s entrustment if we don’t seize young men for reform through labor.

Having made up his mind, Malashenko decided to do what he said. He immediately raised his right hand and pointed at the more than 100 German prisoners who had been herded together not far away and gave an order to Lieutenant Vasily.

"That's it, Comrade Vasily. You send some people out and take these Germans to the construction site outside Stalingrad, and let these Germans help us build field fortifications and trenches."

"The time we have to hold on here is limited. Once we move our position, bringing these Germans will become a burden. You know the way to Stalingrad better than I do. Make arrangements to send these Germans away as soon as possible. I can specially grant you four trucks! But go back quickly, we will still have to use these vehicles when we move our positions."

Let these Germans build fortifications and undergo labor reform?

Lieutenant Vasily, who had never thought about this before, was stunned for a moment after hearing Malashenko's words. After reacting, he couldn't help but applaud this great proposal.

"This is great! Comrade Commander. Let these Germans go to the rear to build our positions. Why didn't I think of this method!?"

Inadvertently, he was praised again by Lieutenant Vasily who praised him. Malashenko, who had no time to feel complacent, immediately signaled Lieutenant Vasily to take action, and he himself immediately moved towards the surrendered German vehicles not far away. Tank goes.

There were a total of 6 German tanks that abandoned their vehicles and surrendered but were not destroyed. In addition, there were 4 intact SDKFZ251 half-tracks. One of them was modified by the German Battlefield and equipped with an early type Panzer III tank. The 50mm tank gun replaced the original machine gun. It was not easy for Alexander's German army to put their thoughts into this anti-tank mission.

Among the six German tanks, Panzer IV and Panzer III accounted for half and half. The only unsatisfactory part is that these German tanks are all early models: short-barreled Panzer IV and early models equipped with 42 times the caliber 50 mm main gun. Panzer III.

In the past, Malashenko would not even take a second look at these junk tanks in the eyes of the Red Army, let alone use them. However, now that Malashenko, who is unable to protect himself when crossing the river, is no longer qualified to be picky, he basically belongs to those who can. It's pretty good to use.

Malashenko, who was worried that a large German army might attack at any time, immediately waved his hand and ordered the Karamov logistics troops who were already in place to drive all the unmanned German armored vehicles into the village. There are still more than 20 abandoned vehicles and crews without tanks to temporarily serve as infantry. These things are quite valuable now.

The field maintenance battalion soldiers who had learned how to drive German tanks from Karamov immediately took action. The German tanks, which had far better human-machine efficiency than Soviet tanks, were very easy and effortless to drive. This was also what the Red Army tank soldiers saw. One of the few advantages of German tanks.

Watching several German tanks and half-track armored vehicles slowly drive into the village, almost all the small weapons discarded by the surrendering German troops on the battlefield were also captured.

Malashenko, who was thinking that the matter was almost done, had no intention of collecting the corpses of the German soldiers. Although the hot summer was prone to plague, after he left, it became a headache for the large German troops that followed, and It doesn't matter that I can't fight without half a dime, but it can be beneficial to me to delay it a little.

With such calculations in his mind, Malashenko had just taken two steps towards his car and planned to hurry back to the village. The roar of an engine suddenly came from the west behind him from far to near, and then the sound filled the sky. .

"I'm holding your mother in my mouth, the damn licking dog is here again!"

In the sky only 800 meters above the ground, a group of 12 Stuka dive bombers came roaring all the way after receiving the radio order.

The destroyed German tanks were still burning and releasing thick smoke straight into the sky. The scene, like an ancient smoke beacon, quickly attracted the attention of German pilots.

The German pilots who had undergone specialized ground unit identification training courses recognized those big Soviet heavy tanks at a glance. They pushed the throttle with their right hands and immediately rushed towards Malashenko and his party who had just got on the vehicle.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly! The German plane is coming, everyone needs to retreat quickly!"

Malashenko, who had almost no decent field air defense firepower, was most afraid of encountering German air attacks.

These Stuka dive bombers, which are said to be able to drop bombs on the top of Soviet tank turrets, are terrible in terms of bomb delivery accuracy. Malashenko, who has experienced countless screams and screams, has witnessed many 250-kilogram aircraft. The horrific scene of a bullet being thrown directly onto the tank's head.

Sometimes the aerial bombs dropped by the Germans were not triggered but delayed.

Malashenko didn't understand why these Stuka dive bombers did what they did. Perhaps he was worried that the yield of the aerial bombs would be too great and would blow down the low-altitude bomb-dropping aircraft that he had no time to pull up?

But in short, the scene where the 500-kilogram aerial bomb whizzed down directly penetrated the fragile turret dome and poured into the interior of the tank. The entire tank was completely restored to the state of parts after a few seconds, but it was undoubtedly the most impressive scene. One scene.

In the ten seconds that Malashenko was barking orders into the radio channel while daydreaming about the past, the Stukas whizzing down like vultures preying on prey had begun to spread death to the earth.

The first wave of dive windows dropped at least 20 aerial bombs on targets on the ground. The retreating Soviet tanks and infantry were instantly knocked down and a large area was miserable.

A dozen minutes ago, the German vanguard troops were trapped alive by the vast and undefendable grassland of Ma Pingchuan, and were forced to surrender to Malashenko.

Things took a turn, and before Malashenko could feel happy after winning a small victory, he immediately experienced the despair of the German army a few minutes ago.

There's not even a place to hide in this idiot-like empty grassland!

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