Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 543 Test of Honesty


He was a little surprised to be interrupted suddenly before he could speak. Malashenko turned his head quietly and saw a young face with mud on his face squeezed out of the pile of prisoners.

"The name is the same as yours as a private?"

Fred, who had only been in the army for a few months, was already fed up with this oppressive atmosphere that was almost destroying him.

After seeing the two officers who fanatically swore allegiance to Hitler have their heads smashed and stabbed through the chest, Fred, who was not very fond of Hitler, firmly believed that he would get preferential treatment if he honestly explained the situation. He was afraid that he He was mistaken for a fanatical believer of the Nazi Party and was exterminated together with the lunatics around him.

"Jean-Pierre Frede, private loader, 1st Platoon, Anti-Armor Company, 218th Infantry Division, Wehrmacht."

After listening to the self-report of the ugly private with his face covered with half-dried mud, Malashenko, who was curious about this slightly special name, couldn't help but ask questions.

"Your name is very special. If I guess correctly, it's a French name, right?"

Because he is half French, he became a target of bullying and a hard worker in the boot camp, allowing anyone to bully him. Even after arriving at the front line, the situation still did not improve at all, and became a joke among his comrades after dinner.

Fred, who had had enough of this situation, simply smashed the jar and poured out his life experience to all Malashenko's bamboo tubes.

"Yes, sir! My mother is French and my father is German, I was born in Metz, Lorraine! My name is half French and half German and I am proud of it! Because my father loves me very much My mother respected her very much, so I got my current name!”


After listening to this heroic speech, Malashenko felt that his brain was short-circuited, and he was speechless for a while and forgot what he originally planned to say.

Although German-French soldiers are not common among the German army, they are by no means as rare as pandas.

Because the two large lands of Alsace and Lorraine are constantly being cut off and confusing the historical entangled ownership relationships, the vast majority of German-French mixed-race soldiers in the German army are from these two lands.

The combat effectiveness of these German-French soldiers ranges from strong to weak.

The most careless German-French mixed-race soldiers would surrender at the speed of light in battle just like the half of French blood flowing in their bodies, while the most powerful German-French mixed-race soldiers conquered all over the battlefields on the east and west fronts, even on the east and west fronts. Their fighting figures can still be seen in the final battle to capture the Reichstag in Berlin. It is a huge contrast between two opposite poles.

After reconnecting the short-circuited brain nerves, he remembered what he had just said. When Malashenko spoke again, he no longer had the angry tone just now and seemed much calmer and easy-going.

"You just said you have important information to report to me, right?"

"That's right, sir, I'll tell you right now!"

Fred, who was eager to prove himself to Malashenko, nodded eagerly, then raised his hand and pointed in the west direction and continued to speak to Malashenko.

"About two hours ago, Battalion Commander Wenke ordered us to stay and defend here, and then he led the large troops to withdraw first. The commander of our company was crushed to pieces by your tanks in the battle just now. Mu, he also punished me corporally. He is a fanatical Nazi like the two guys you just killed."

There was something different in the eyes of the young man in his early twenties at most. Malashenko, who was almost certain of the outcome, asked tentatively.

"Don't you believe in Nazism? I mean including your head of state."

Sasha, who had always been with Malashenko as a translator, continued to do his job. When faced with Malashenko's questions, Fred blurted out again without any doubts.

"Yes, I resent and hate the Nazis! I hate Hitler! I joined the army just to support my family. My father broke his arm after being crushed by a machine while working in the factory and became disabled. I can only rely on my mother to do it. Some handmade textile work makes money, and I have a sister, so this is a responsibility I have to take on!”

Judging from his expression alone, it did not look like he was lying. Malashenko, who decided to further verify the honesty of the young man in front of him, immediately smiled.

"Honestly, do you hate communism? Tell me what you really think. Don't worry I will kill you. I can guarantee that you will be absolutely safe from now on."


He didn't expect that the Soviet officer in front of him would ask such a strange question. Fred, who was simple-minded and not in the habit of lying, immediately responded after thinking for a moment.

"I've never thought about it, not at all. But I guess I don't hate communism at least because I don't understand it yet."

"Yeah, that's a good answer."

Malashenko, who seemed quite satisfied with Fred's answer, kept a smile on his face and once again took out the gun from his waist, replaced it with a brand new fully loaded magazine, pulled the sleeve and put the bullet into the chamber, click. A crisp sound made Fred, who was already timid, turn pale with fright.

"Sir, you said you would not kill me."

"Oh, don't get me wrong, this is not used to kill you, but is prepared to kill those fanatical Nazis."

The smiling Malashenko looked extremely eerie to Fred, whose little heart was frightened. The words that followed Malashenko's mouth shocked Fred once again.

"I believe that what you just said is not a lie, but you know that some people don't believe it, such as the Red Army soldiers around me. Look, those soldiers over there are still looking at you like an enemy. You Know why."

Just as Malashenko's words sounded like a joke, Fred, who subconsciously looked back, saw a pair of unkind eyes staring at him.

"You have to prove to them that you didn't lie, and the method is very simple."

"There must be many fanatical believers of the Nazi Party and Hitler among the group of your comrades in front of you. You and I both know this is a fact before us."

"Since you just said that you are disgusted with the Nazis and hate Hitler. Well, now you tell me who among this group of people are the bastards who fanatically believe in Hitler and the Nazi Party, and then I will personally send them to where they should go. Place for penance and atonement.”

"I believe you definitely know the answer. After all, demons will not hide their true colors in front of their compatriots. Even if this compatriot has good intentions and is a fake demon, as long as they don't find out. Am I right? Fred."

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