Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 285 The Black Sheep

Just like a strong and mighty rhinoceros is inevitably bitten by mosquitoes, the leader of a buffalo herd that can make even a lion give in is inevitably bitten by leeches. Even the Soviet socialist structure that represents the most noble ideals and pursuits of mankind There are also those scoundrels who sit on their bodies and eat nothing.

Kamalov, who holds the post of major in the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, is such a villain who keeps gathering the wool of socialism but does nothing.

Relying on his unique advantage of being "upright and well-established" and the good opportunity to find vacancies in many positions after the Great Purge, Kamalov was promoted as fast as a rocket, but in essence he is still the carefree gangster. Young man, all kinds of bad habits that you can think of and can't imagine are available in this guy like a department store.

Flirting with women, drinking, playing cards and gambling, fighting

Kamalov, who wears the large-brimmed hat of a major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has done almost all the bad habits within his power. Other colleagues around him either join in his deeds or turn a blind eye with disdain. There are people who want to maintain justice, but it is almost impossible to use these "forgivable small mistakes" to bring down Kamalov, who has a family background as a backer.

In case of failure, they may have to bear the retaliation of Makarov, a guy who must retaliate for his flaws. A considerable number of soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who dared to be angry but dare not speak out finally had no choice but to turn a blind eye to this. , after all, the time of working and serving together under the same roof will last for a long time. If the relationship really becomes like sworn enemies, this is not a choice that these "human spirits" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will make.

Kamalov, who had gathered a few friends last night to eat meat and drink wine, was still sleeping until midnight this morning, snoring like a dead pig. This kind of daily life has been taken for granted by Kamalov. The rhythm was nothing in normal times, but it turned out that the immediate boss of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who was an old comrade in arms with his father, seemed to be just a "young man's little naughty" at best. In short, he was not worth mentioning at all.

But this situation changed drastically a week ago.

A newly arrived colonel who was said to have just made military exploits on the Kiev front and was transferred to the rear due to disability and injury took over the position of Kamalov's original boss.

The newly arrived one-armed colonel immediately started a wave of vigorous rectification campaigns as soon as he arrived at the post. Not only the complicit buddies who originally followed Makarov were thrown into prison after the colonel found out the truth. Some of the most vicious and serious cases of pure military gangsters were even tried by military courts and taken directly to the execution ground where they were shot.

When everyone in the entire department was in danger, even Makarov, who had always been domineering and had his own way of doing things, did not dare to use his humble status as a major to challenge his one-armed colonel boss with illustrious military achievements.

Kamalov, who has always boasted that he was fearless, did not even dare to look directly into the sharp, razor-sharp eyes of the one-armed colonel. He only dared to lower his head and speed past him like a child who had done something wrong. After walking by, even Kamalov himself couldn’t explain the reason.

Recalling all the useless things and miserable experiences he had encountered in the past few days, Kamalov only felt a lingering boredom in his mind, and then he threw the cigarette butt along the car window and said viciously.

"What a bastard! Why did the superiors transfer such an outsider who has never been in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the position of department leader? I heard that he was only a lieutenant colonel political commissar in the frontline troops before. Such a lowly person The bad guy should just stay in front and take care of the big-headed soldiers who can’t even wash their feet. I really don’t know what’s going on in the minds of the people who made this decision.”

Under ordinary public circumstances, Kamalov, who had been soaked in human semen in the big dye vat at the Ministry of Internal Affairs headquarters, would never dare to say such wild words.

But the current driving situation is no longer the same as usual. The second lieutenant driver who is responsible for driving Kamalov is a confidant whom Kamalov single-handedly promoted. If I insist on describing it, it is Kamalov. If he is asked to kill someone, he will run over and do it without hesitation, as long as the person's official position and background are not so big that Kamalov can't stop him.

Seeing the irritable and extremely depressed expression on Kamalov's face next to him, the young second lieutenant who wanted to please his immediate superior immediately opened his mouth to smile again.

"Actually, you don't have to think about these things. Since we are all driving out, we should think about some happy things. For example, haven't you been coveting the daughter of the white nobleman for a long time? I heard that her fiancé is serving in the Southwest Front Army. The tank commander should have been killed by the Germans by this point in the war, and the daughter of the white nobleman is just a helpless rose waiting to be harvested. "

After hearing the seductive words next to him, which were spitting out words like poisonous snakes, Kamalov, who had already felt that he was unbearably thirsty, immediately felt a burning sensation in his heart and went straight to his forehead.

Let’s start from a month ago when we first met the daughter of the white bandit aristocrat.

Kamalov, who was assigned by his superiors to investigate suspicious persons, reluctantly drove to Ivanka's small village outside Moscow on that day to carry out the task. The goal of the operation was to investigate the floating population in the village. Prevent German spies and suspicious persons from entering the village.

Although the mission briefing sent to him when he set out indeed stated this in black and white, Kamalov, who had no intention of coming to the countryside outside the city, was extremely disdainful of it.

In Kamalov's view, how could these two-footed low-class people in the countryside outside the city have the meaning and value of being investigated by German spies? If you stay in such a place for a day, you are asking for your own trouble. If the German spies had really reached the direction of Moscow, they should have sneaked into the city to get some more valuable information. Staying in this shabby village was something no fool would do.

With such self-righteous ideas in his mind, Kamalov also carried out the task carelessly. He skipped the registration check and even the second proofreading step like a formality, and just asked the villagers to match the names of the people. Kamalov, who was doing his fingerprints at the location, just wanted to finish this piece of work as soon as possible and go back to work as soon as possible. Wouldn't it be better to get off work early and find some losers to buy two bottles of vodka than to stay in a shitty place with muddy feet? hundred times?

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