Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 280 Continue to report

"Please come in."


The wooden door moved slightly after hearing the sound, and the familiar face that appeared in Zhukov's field of vision immediately turned out to be his deputy brought by name from Moscow - Lieutenant General Huo Zin, who was the Chief of Staff of the Leningrad Front at the time. Will.

"It's not the Germans who are attacking again, right? I remember they hate night fighting the most."

Following Zhukov's first question, Zhongbao shook his head slightly and stepped forward. Chief of Staff Huo Jin, who quickly came to Zhukov's desk, immediately spoke with a serious look on his face.

"There is a worse situation, Comrade Commander. The headquarters of the 21st Border Defense Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is stationed outside Leningrad for rest and recuperation, just made a call directly to the front army headquarters."

"This guy Donskoy was so loud that he almost deafened the operator's ears. He shouted loudly that Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko had malaria, and his condition was so severe that he lost consciousness. He wanted us to The front army headquarters can immediately come up with a response, otherwise Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko will not survive until tomorrow night at best.”


I originally thought that Chief of Staff Huojin came to disturb me so late that there was something wrong with the division or army position on the front line. I never expected that Malashenko was infected with malaria and his condition was very serious. After quickly recovering from the brief shock, Zhukov immediately stood up from his chair with a roar.

"When did this happen? Why was it reported now? When did Malashenko contract malaria?"

Facing Zhukov's three rapid-fire questions, Chief of Staff Huo Jin, who was frowning and tense, spoke again.

"The diagnosis of malaria only happened tonight, but according to the diagnosis results given by the military doctor in their camp, Malashenko should have been unable to hold on last night. If the incubation period and early symptoms are included, It should be at least a week in advance, and the illness that was mistakenly thought to be a cold and fever has been delayed to a serious level. "

After hearing this, Zhukov's expression was as if someone had slapped him with a sap, and he was speechless. Zhukov, who was thinking about all the ways and countermeasures in his mind, didn't take long to make up his mind.

"Temporarily hand over Malashenko's command to his deputy, and send a vehicle from the front army headquarters to immediately take him to the hospital in the rear city! Tell the director of the hospital that I don't care that the current shortage of medicines is To what extent! Even if you take out the medicine prepared for me, you have to save Malashenko's life! Comrade Stalin asked me in the telegram yesterday to convey his praise to Malashenko in person. You and I both know how serious the problem will be!”

After hearing Zhukov's almost yelling order, Chief of Staff Huo Jin knew the seriousness of the situation. He immediately straightened his body and gave Zhukov a standing military salute, then turned around and strode out of the room.

The sound of hasty footsteps walking away in the corridor outside the door echoed in his ears. Zhukov, who was already in a state of confusion, rarely grabbed his two red and blue drawing pencils and responded directly to the sound. He exerted force and broke it into two pieces in an instant.

"Damn it! Why does it have to be malaria!"

With one hand on his forehead and his eyes slightly closed, Zhukov looked gloomy. He knew the horror of malaria. After thinking about it, he always felt that with the medical conditions in Leningrad, which was currently under siege and could not even eat enough, he could It would be impossible to revive Malashenko.

Zhukov, who always pays attention to resoluteness in both military command and dealing with people, once he makes up his mind, he will do it immediately. Zhukov picked up the phone on the table next to him and immediately gave an order to the microphone that was pointed at his mouth.

"Communications Staff Officer, come to my office immediately, quick!"

Malashenko's body was so numb that he was almost unconscious. He had no idea where he was now. The bright lights flashing above his head stung Malashenko's eyelids, which were as heavy as mercury. Malashenko, who was in pain and felt as if he was lying on something while being pushed forward quickly, tried to lift his arm.

"You bastard! Malashenko! I thought you were dead!"

The voice is Lavrinenko

His whole head was as dazed as the chaotic world before the creation of the world, but he could still vaguely distinguish this familiar voice. His mouth was dry and his lips felt as if they had been roasted on a fire. Malashenko then became weak and quietly whispered. Ask questions.

"Where am I? Lavri, am I dying?"

"Damn! You are not allowed to say such demoralizing words again! You can't die yet! We are now in the best hospital in Leningrad, and we are pushing you into the best ward! The best doctors and nurses in the whole hospital are here Already in place, not only can you not die today! You will also have to live tomorrow! Have you forgotten what you promised Natalia? Or is this damn malaria really more powerful than the German tanks?"

A series of extremely fast Russian words, as if there were candy balls in his mouth, made Malashenko unable to say a single word. The handsome face that only existed in the depths of memory and black and white photos appeared in his mind again. Malashenko, who had never seen the girl in person, couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"Why do I always think of this face every time I'm about to die? Is it Malashenko's original memory that is causing trouble? If that's the case, I really don't know what kind of girl has such a huge charm that makes her Malashenko still missed her deeply until his death."

After just wanting to play all this, Malashenko fell into a coma completely due to the heat in his head. The crowd in white clothes surrounding him immediately started to get busy after carrying him to the hospital bed. This was the first time since Lenin Since the siege of Grad, he was the first patient to be personally ordered by Comrade Commander of the Front Army to save his life.

Almost at the same time, far away in the Kremlin in Moscow, which symbolizes the supreme power of the Soviet Union, Comrade Stalin, who had been furious all day at the bad news that Kiev had completely fallen, just closed his eyes and fell asleep, like lightning and thunder. There was a quick knock on the door, and then Stalin was forcefully pulled out of bed, obliterating the hint of sleepiness that had just arisen in him.

The usual soft sound of the wooden door opening had not completely dissipated, and the secretary who appeared in front of Stalin immediately handed the telegram that still smelled of ink to the supreme leader of the Soviet Union with a hurried expression.

"Urgent message from the headquarters of the Leningrad Front, Comrade Leader!"

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