Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 271 Furious Ke Jin

The roaring diesel engine drove the heavy 47-ton car body forward slowly. The shrapnel, which was half the size of a washbasin, was crushed to pieces by the twisting and deformation of the steel. The result was just like Malashen. Exactly what Coe imagined.

"Okay! Stop, stop! Kirill, get in the car, quickly!"

Waving his arms to say hello, Kirill, the loader who was in a daze on the side, hurriedly got into the vehicle. Malashenko, who was using both hands and feet, climbed up the tank turret resolutely in only a few seconds, and casually uncovered the tank commander. After the top cover, he immediately jumped into it.

"Everyone is here, report their respective situations!"

Malashenko, who had not had time to put his butt down on his seat, immediately asked a question as soon as he returned to the turret. The gunner Iushkin, who was playing with the main gun sight, was the first to answer.

"The main gun is normal and can kill those Fascist lackeys at any time."

"No big radio issues, except the damn connector is still a little loose, but that's an old problem."

"There is no problem with the gear lever and joystick. The transmission system is normal and the gearbox is intact. We are just waiting for your order! Comrade Commander."

The fact that the car is in good condition and ready for attack at any time undoubtedly gave Malashenko a great encouragement. Nothing is more inspiring than that his car is still intact after experiencing a carpet-covering bombing. Very pleased.

"Damn it, my loving father Stalin! I really need to thank the genius Kogin. If not for the KV1, it would have been handed over to the Germans long ago! This thing was simply the best tank in 1941! "

Malashenko, who had such deep emotions in his heart, did not know that while he was thanking Comrade Kotin for his great heavy tank design, he did not return to his home in Chelyabinsk. Kotin himself, who belongs to the Tajik Second Special Design Bureau under the state, is still stranded in Moscow, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Kogin, who is overwhelmed by the second round of special design meetings that will be held in a week, and who still has not been able to come up with a complete and feasible design plan for a new heavy tank, is almost turning gray with worry.

"The time is too short, Comrade Kejing. It is impossible to come up with a complete and feasible new heavy tank design that can withstand scrutiny in just one week, even if we bring the entire senior team of the design bureau. It is still impossible to travel to Moscow. We have not even discussed the specific design ideas on which aspect to focus on.

Deputy Kotin's urgent and anxious words echoed in the silent room where he was temporarily staying. A huge portrait of Comrade Lenin, the Soviet pioneer, hung on the wall. He was quietly watching the sad face sitting behind the desk with his hands on his face. The leader of the Second Design Bureau, Ke Jin, who was already in a bad mood, burst into a volcanic roar a moment later.

"It's impossible, it can't be done, there's no way! The only things I've heard these past few days are these useless nonsense! Comrade Yakotsov, please pay attention! There is no way to do these things you just said Write it down on the design drawing and submit it to the leader, Comrade Stalin!"

"What Comrade Stalin wants is the design drawing of a new heavy tank submitted by our design bureau! It's not just those who are just looking for excuses to prevaricate him. Last month I heard that the potato-digging labor camp in Siberia still lacked a lot of people. Don't you think Do you want to bring your whole family to help?”

He never thought that Kogin, who was always known for his gentle treatment of others, would get angry under such circumstances. In an instant, Yakozov, who was so frightened by what Kogin said, that his face turned pale, felt that his teeth were chattering.

Unlike Comrade Kotin, I have Marshal Voroshilov, a father-in-law who is famous throughout the Soviet Union. If he is really punished for failing to complete the design task, what will happen to his family members who are implicated because of him? I can't even think about how I was treated. The work of digging potatoes in Siberia is simply a living nightmare where the countdown to life is counted in the sky!

Looking at the frightened deputy in front of him who was gasping for breath and covered in cold sweat, Ke Jing realized that his unscrupulous words just now were a bit excessive, and he gradually recovered from his rage and calmed down with a slight sound. After letting out a sad sigh, he sat back on the chair and waved gently to the deputy in front of him.

"Okay, I'm just talking. You don't need to pay too much attention, Yaksov. Now tell me about the specific discussion results of our design team. Reality and tasks must always be faced. Avoiding can't solve the problem. Isn’t it?”

After hearing these comforting words from Kogin, Yaksov let out a long sigh of relief, and after thinking about it for a moment, he blurted it out.

"The main issues now are focused on the selection of the tank's main gun and the design of the body structure, Comrade Kogin."

"More than half of our comrades believe that the existing KV heavy tank body is sufficient to meet the needs of future wars. The only thing to do is to replace it with a redesigned new turret and give it a larger caliber main body that may be replaced in the future. Leave enough space for gun replacement.”

"They have always concluded that the German 88-guns are only an insignificant local threat. Those heavy and immovable 88-guns will be quickly destroyed by our numerical advantage in wartime. If it is not possible, they can still pass the defense weight. Redistribute the armor from other positions on the car body to the front, so as to be able to defend against the 88 gun. "

"In addition to this, their other reason is that the body and chassis production line of the KV heavy tank is already available. If the new body design is adopted, the entire production line will undoubtedly be overthrown, which will greatly affect the future for a long period of time. The production of heavy tanks is extremely fatal for us in a state of war. "

He listened carefully and carefully to all the words spoken by his deputy, and as if he was inspired by this, he spoke again thoughtfully.

"These are just the thoughts and conclusions of some of the comrades, Yaksov. Now I want to hear what the other comrades think and tell me their opinions and conclusions."

Knowing that his immediate boss would definitely ask such a question, Yakotsov had already prepared the relevant words in his mind and blurted them out immediately after the words came to his lips.

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