Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 268 Sky interception

The 250-kilogram aerial bombs that roared down toward the approaching ground like rain of bullets were like champagne corkscrews.

The stationary KV1 heavy tank groups that were trembling in the continuous violent explosions suffered an unprecedented catastrophe. If the KV1s had used grass and branches on the spot last night for air defense camouflage, they would have had a chance to deceive the German bombers in the sky. The glasses prevented this catastrophe, but the KV1, now naked and without any anti-aircraft camouflage, has obviously become the best bombing target for German pilots.

More than half of the German aerial bombs were accurately dropped within the explosion distance enough to directly destroy the KV1 heavy tank. The violent aerial bomb explosion shock wave enveloped the KV1 heavy tank itself in the flames of the explosion, turning the entire tank parking area into ashes. In the Fiery Purgatory, even the Soviet field artillery group, which is known for its devastating destructive power, is completely unable to compare with it.

Even Malashenko, who was hiding in the shell-proof cave, could feel the continuous big explosions that shook the earth clearly. Malashenko, who was crouching in the corner with his mouth closed and his ears covered, could only feel that he was at this moment. It is simply more exciting than riding a roller coaster, and even if it cannot be compared with the heavy bombardment of German artillery that we encountered before, it is already almost the same.

Crouching next to Malashenko, Lavrinenko, who was also closing his mouth and covering his ears with his hands, was unable to speak. He and Malashenko could only communicate with each other through the most basic eye exchanges. mean.

"The situation outside is not good. If this continues, our tanks will be completely destroyed!"

He read this meaning from Lavrinenko's eyes as the main expression and the supplementary expression. Malashenko, who was also anxious and angry but had no other choice, then added information with his eyes. reply.

"Then what else do you want to do? Go out and use your rifle to fight those German planes? Don't be stupid! We can't fight them now!"

Lavrinenko, who understood what Malashenko wanted to express but was in a hurry and had no other choice, looked very sad. He watched his tank being blown to pieces but was helpless. He had never hated the sky so much. At this moment, Lavrinenko, who was in charge of the aircraft, really wanted an anti-aircraft tank that could fight with the aircraft in the sky to vent his anger.

This wave of bombings specifically aimed at the Soviet heavy tank group came and went quickly. The Heinkel 111 bomber, which carried only two tons of bombs and was not large, was in the final analysis just a two-engine tactic to support frontline ground combat. A bomber that opens its belly and drops dozens of bombs continuously is just a dream for the Heinkel 111.

When the powerful explosion flames finally dissipated along with the powerful shock wave that stirred up large amounts of dust.

The KV1 heavy tank group that was originally parked scatteredly at the rear of the position has been blown to pieces and changed beyond recognition. The turrets flew east and west and twisted and deformed. They have long lost their original majestic appearance. Only the black and burning steel armor is left. Silently telling the horror of the bombing just now.

He slightly swung the joystick in his hand and tilted the fuselage's flight attitude sideways in order to get a better view. The burning wreckage of the destroyed Soviet tank, which was only a few hundred meters above ground, was clearly visible to the eyes of pilot Hank, who had excellent eyesight. , Such bombing results are already very good for the Heinkel 111 bomber, which was not designed to attack ground tank targets.

"Okay, it looks like the effect is pretty good, Burns, do you want to do it again?"

Burns, the bombardier who knew that there were only two 250-kilogram aerial bombs left in the belly of the plane, hesitated again and again. After considering that his side had been in the battlefield airspace for more than ten minutes, he shook his head slightly and gave up on his greedy idea. , to continue to stay in this airspace where a fierce battle for air supremacy broke out yesterday is obviously making fun of everyone's lives.

"That's it, Hank! After throwing the remaining two bombs on Ivan's position, we will return. Those Russian fighter jets may appear at any time. I don't want to be shot down and become a prisoner of Ivan's. ”

Captain and pilot Hank, who had the same idea as his bombardier, smiled immediately after hearing this. This young bombardier, who was ridiculed by his comrades as a Bavarian brat, looked better than he had just carried out his first mission three months ago. There's a lot more growth to do on a bombing mission.

"The last wave to attack the channel, Burns, leave some gifts for Ivans! Then we will go home!"

After a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Burns, who had not yet finished his words, would not have thought that the joke just now would become the final farewell between himself and Burns.

Dong dong dong dong——

The armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullets of the 7mm Berezin machine gun, which made a dull sound like the roar of death, easily tore open the flight skin of the unarmored body of the Heinkel 111 bomber and then penetrated into it with the blazing high temperature.

The 7mm warhead hit the solid equipment in the cabin and the flight spar, and then produced a terrible secondary ricochet effect. The 7mm warhead flying in all directions was easily torn apart before the bombardier Burns could fully react. Burns, who pierced his chest and was shot three times in just one moment, immediately fell to the bombsight in front of him without saying a word and could no longer bleed.

"The Russian MiG fighters, they are coming! Be careful!"

The loud reminder, which is always one step slower than the sound of gunfire and death, then echoed suddenly in the devastated cabin. Captain Hank, who had blood splattered on his face when he heard the loud reminder from the gunner of his plane, immediately shouted loudly.

"Stop those Russian MiGs! Don't let them get close! Damn it, why didn't you find their traces until now!? What did you do before!?"

"Those Russians came out of the clouds overhead! No one can see what is hiding in the clouds, Hank! The engine noise of our fleet has already told those Russians our exact position!"

Da da da da——

The self-defense machine gunner, who controlled the MG15 62mm aviation machine gun on the fuselage and fired continuously, tried his best to drive away the Soviet MiG-3 fighter jet that had just flown in front of him and shouted at the same time.

The Soviet pilots, who have become more and more mature in successive air battles, are no longer the rookies they were at the time. The trick used by German fighter pilots to avoid tracking and hiding their whereabouts through clouds is also used by German fighter pilots. The Soviet pilots learned the skills to defeat the barbarians and then used them against the Germans themselves.

The Heinkel 111 fleet, which was not escorted by fighter jets, immediately followed the emergency plan training and quickly united to form a self-defense fire formation with the lead aircraft as the target. Dense 62mm self-defense machine gun firepower tracer bullets suddenly splashed into the sky. The rendering is particularly eye-catching.

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