Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 229 The End

In any case, the failure of the German tanks has become a doomed outcome at this point. After losing the command of Major Raquel, the only remaining German tanks, which are leaderless and have low morale, are no longer able to fight anymore, even if they have a good reputation among their colleagues. Bolt, who was tall and accomplished in battle, was unable to save the situation that was doomed.

The rugged and undulating cross-country roads provided a natural cover for the evacuation of the German tanks. His troops also suffered heavy losses in the battle. Malashenko was already exhausted, exhausted, and suffered from severe collapse. His beads of sweat were as big as soybeans. It was replaced by dysentery and kept dripping from the forehead while panting for a winning streak.

"Comrade Commander, the Germans have retreated, do we still want to continue the pursuit?"

The question from the driver Seryosha's mouth echoed in the ears of Malashenko, who was breathing heavily. The principle of chasing the enemy when you are desperate and the same heavy losses of almost annihilating the entire army are no longer for Malashenko at the moment. There aren't many choices.

"No, don't pay attention to those Germans. By blocking their armored units back, we have achieved our intended mission goal. Notify each vehicle crew to get off the vehicle immediately to rescue the wounded, and after preparation, withdraw to our starting position. We need to rest. "

Just as Malashenko issued an order to retreat, another heavy tank detachment led by Lavrinenko far to the south of the battlefield also decided the winner against the German armored forces facing it.

Encountering almost the same number of enemies with several times superiority as Malashenko, they fell into a bitter battle. Burning with the red heart of faith, they fought to the death. Lavrinenko fought to the end with the Germans and led a tank company. When there were only three KV1 heavy tanks left, the German army, which was the first to collapse, finally forced the German army to leave behind the remains of 33 burning tanks and evacuate in panic.

In contrast, there were a total of 10 motionless Soviet KV1 heavy tanks and the burning remains of 4 T34 tanks.

14 to 33. For the Soviet tank unit, which like the German armored units were all equipped with wireless communication radios for inter-vehicle communication, and also showed an absolutely overwhelming advantage in tank quality, this was actually not a perfect match. victory.

The equally brave and tenacious German armored soldiers are still aggressive and extremely tenacious even though their equipment is inferior.

The German tanks, which made good use of their numerical advantage to continuously outflank, could only destroy a rough-skinned and thick-skinned KV1 heavy tank by getting close enough to face-to-face with a side attack. The tank that fell on the way to charge towards the Soviet heavy tank was instantly killed by one shot. Countless German tanks were burning.

The battle with the most elite armored forces in the world today almost brought down Lavrinenko, the number one Soviet tank ace in later generations.

The German armored forces, which advocate honor and are equally brave and tenacious, are at least as powerful as the Soviet Red Army with the blessing of faith. The top armored warfare tactics and skillful coordination that conquered the entire Europe are enough to defeat the Soviet Union, which has little actual combat experience and is just a fledgling army. Army tank crews pale in comparison.

Lavrinenko, who was lucky enough to survive the hellish armor strangulation, was almost collapsed like Malashenko. He was panting heavily and his transparent clothes were soaked with sweat as the diesel engine emitted Under the high temperature baking, it was like throwing a person alive into the oven, which made the dazed Lavrinenko almost faint.

The armored units from the north and the south that set off at the same time to outflank the rear of the Soviet counterattack infantry group were all severely damaged and routed. Major General Fritz, who had been frustrated by his wishful thinking, was pushed into a desperate situation that could never be recovered in a flash of lightning. .

More than 20 Soviet main tanks of various types remaining in the central infantry counterattack group effectively covered and supported the attack on the German field defense positions.

These German troops, who had just been baptized by the Red Navy's naval guns and retreated hastily to the second defensive position, could not even stand firm.

After occupying the first position where the German troops voluntarily withdrew, the Soviet offensive group then shouted slogans with high morale and continued to pursue the victory. Like a ferocious battering ram, it hit the German army with devastating offensive power. On top of a field defensive position.

The Germans, who leveled the muzzle of the 88mm anti-aircraft gun and fired directly, used all available anti-armor weapons to frantically block the fire, trying to stop the red torrent rushing over like a raging flood.

More than 20 Soviet tanks, which Malashenko ordered to be used intensively before leaving, condensed into a sharp knife and charged at full speed against the intensive and direct anti-armor fire from the German position.

The red-eyed Soviet tank crews knocked away the burning wreckage of their comrades' tanks, crushed the German machine gun fire points, and fired the nearest German 88 cannon into the sky before they were destroyed.

One after another, the Soviet tanks were hit by the ferocious horizontal firepower of the 88-gun cannon. They were called one by one like champagne, and the turrets were blown off in the violent explosion.

But even so, the remaining Soviet tank soldiers who had witnessed the death of their comrades in the violent explosions had no intention of retreating. Even if they die, the Soviet tank soldiers who stand as unshakable as rocks in the sea will leave the burning wreckage of their tanks on the German positions that are their own homeland.

The sacrifice of the heroic Soviet tank crews under Malashenko was not without meaning.

The Red Army infantrymen, who spread their legs and ran forward desperately under the leadership of the political commissar, fell one after another under the intensive machine gun fire of the German army.

These heroic defenders of the motherland who came one after another had only one goal in their eyes - to rush into the German position that had been torn apart by their own tank assault units and was difficult to fill.

The KV1 heavy tank, which turned its turret and unplugged its machine gun firepower in the face of the German anti-tank fire attack, was immediately hit by an 88mm armor-piercing round that pierced the upper armor of the tank body and was blown away by the strong tank explosion. Flying the turret.

The Red Army infantrymen, who were stepping on the hot armor fragments of the KV1 heavy tanks under their feet, were finally able to shout passionate slogans and rushed into the German defensive position that was torn open like a torrent.

The battle for the Soviet infantry positions that the Germans had least wanted to fight since the war began was inevitably repeated.

In the telescope held in his hand, he saw that his troops, which had been fighting with the numerically superior Soviet infantry, were being gradually engulfed by the red torrent. The severe losses of technical weapons, including armored forces and artillery, finally forced the unwilling Major General Fritz to swallow the bitter pill of failure.

"The Russians won this battle. They informed the troops to prepare for alternate cover and retreat."

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