Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 217 Purgatory Pursuit

Watching the colonel, who was born in the staff department and had just flown to the front line from Berlin, the heart of the empire, to lead the front-line troops in combat last month, left in a hurry, the chief of staff, who was doubting whether something was wrong in his heart, immediately stepped forward and said: Major General Fritz, whose face was still as cold as ice, spoke.

"General, this is the first time I have witnessed such a violent shelling in the nearly three months of fighting in the direction of Leningrad. According to common sense, the artillery of the Soviet Leningrad Front surrounded by us has already run out of ammunition and food. , It is impossible to still have such a powerful artillery counterattack force, I am worried.”

With the corner of his eye, he squinted at his subordinate partner who was hesitating to speak. He seemed to be ignoring Major General Fritz, who was still roaring with the explosion of artillery shells next to him. He simply said what he was hesitant to say in his partner's mouth. blurted out.

"I know what you are guessing. At this time, the only ones who can launch such a level of bombardment are the Baltic Fleet, which still has the main force in Ivan's hands."

"This damn little city of Leningrad is called the Russian Venice for no reason. The Neva River, Lake Ladoga, and the Baltic Sea pass through the city. This holy city in the hearts of the Bolsheviks is a city surrounded by the water of life. Blessed city, only by pulling out the sting of the Baltic Fleet can we truly conquer this city, otherwise everything will be just a delusion!”

Major General Fritz shook off all the heavy soil on his hat and uniform that had accumulated on his shoulders, and his ears, nostrils, and even mouth were full of earthy smells. He continued to follow the words.

"The 2nd Ground Attack Air Wing is planning an air strike against the main force of the Baltic Fleet. The primary target is all large Soviet surface ships above destroyers. If everything goes well, it will be deployed within a week. Before that, we There is no other way but to passively deal with the Russian fleet bombardment."

The thunderous bombardment that continued to roar outside the field headquarters has begun to gradually decrease and is likely to stop. Although this is undoubtedly good news for the German soldiers who are struggling under the hellish artillery fire. But this also means that the overall counterattack of the Soviet ground forces after the shelling ceases is imminent.

"General, after the shelling stops, should we order the front-line troops to retreat temporarily to avoid the edge? The troops that have just experienced such a violent shelling will not be able to withstand the charge of those Ivans anyway."

Although it doesn't sound good when it comes out of your mouth, it is still good words that offend the ears, but the words are rough and unreasonable.

Knowing full well how terrifying the opponent's Soviet army would be once it launched an organized group charge, Major General Fritz, who had fully experienced the powerful fighting power of the fighting nation from the Tsarist Russian army as early as World War I, immediately nodded slightly.

"After the bombardment is over, the troops on the first line of defense are allowed to retreat to the second line of defense to regroup and prepare for defense. However, this is limited to this. Any retreat beyond the scope of this order is prohibited from being carried out in any way."

"A limited retreat is just to be able to better win victory. Our ultimate goal in coming to this land that once defeated the French is to be a conqueror rather than to retreat all the way. There is no courage and determination to win. It is impossible to defeat these crazy Russians. This is a valuable experience that has been summed up with the blood and lives of countless people in the last war.”

As predicted by the German Chief of Staff, the bombardment of the Red Navy fleet, which lasted for nearly an hour, finally suspended the thunder after plowing the ground of the entire German position.

Surviving this shelling that was far more violent than the Soviet ground field artillery group, the swaying German soldiers held the weapons in their hands and walked away like drunken street drunks holding on to the earthen wall. They supported each other and struggled to get out of the shell-proof cave.

Even with the name of Germany on its head, it is difficult for an army in such a state of disarray to believe that it can withstand and defeat the Soviet Red Army that is gearing up on the opposite side.

As the violent shelling that shook the earth finally stopped, Malashenko, who was in his commander's position, had been waiting for a long time with the commander's periscope in his hand tightly.

He looked at the young faces around him who were holding their own weapons tightly in their arms, and whose faces were dark and had some fear and timidity depending on the person. Far better than those in later Western black and Soviet films and TV dramas, he knew how to inspire people. The battalion-level political commissar who led the team immediately took the lead and jumped out of the trench with the pistol in his hand raised high.

"Defend the Motherland! Defend the Soviets! Attack for Comrade Stalin's sake!"

Holding the Tokarev pistol tightly, he shouted and shouted like wildfire, which instantly spread throughout the Soviet positions. Comrade political commissars who were much higher than him in terms of status and position were already the first. Jumping out of the trench, this momentary action completely shattered the timidity and fear in the hearts of these young Red Army soldiers in the blink of an eye.



Wherever one person's courage leads, thousands of sharp knives will point to him.

The Ula's roar that echoed loudly over the battlefield overshadowed the roar of the diesel engine and the sound of footsteps and echoed into the sky. At the same time, the independent 1st Heavy Tank Battalion, like a beast emerging from a cage, stepped on the accelerator and accompanied the infantry in a full-scale attack. It only took less than half a minute to surpass all the surrounding friendly infantry and rush to the front of the entire group.

The roar of the Ula coming from behind was mixed with the unique roar of the diesel engine of the Soviet tank, which was heart-shaking. The German troops on the front line who had just barely recovered from the aftermath of the shelling hurriedly retreated to the second line. position.

These German soldiers, who had just experienced a failed attack and been baptized by a wave of naval guns, had now reached the final critical point of their will collapse. They were just holding on to the last bit of strength and driving their severely exhausted bodies to move towards that point. Tao symbolizes the position of life and hope.

Some German soldiers who were severely injured and missing arms and legs but who were too late to undergo field surgery voluntarily stayed to block the enemy and buy time for their comrades to retreat and regroup.

However, the only light weapons in the hands of these wounded German soldiers who were lingering on the broken positions could not stop the heavy tanks rushing at the front of the group.

Looking at the man who had his leg broken in the shelling and was barely bandaged with a broken uniform, he was half-sitting on the ground with his body upright, but he was still gritting his teeth and raising the Mauser 98K rifle in his hand, and he was pointing towards his car. German soldiers who fought in vain.

Malashenko, who inevitably felt a feeling of sympathy and awe in his heart, then slowly nodded towards Iushkin, who was looking at him beside him.

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