Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 172 Thunder Storm

When the thick smoke barrier that shrouded the entire square finally dissipated, the German commander holding binoculars on the fifth floor finally managed to see clearly the true appearance after the smoke dissipated.

"What the hell is that?"

Before the surprised German commander could finish his words, he had already raised the entire rocket launch rail on the upper part of the tank chassis and aimed it at the target. In just the blink of an eye, the 12 BM8 rocket assault tanks burst out with extremely hot and powerful fire. Dazzling firelight.

Boo hoo hoo hoo——

The scene in which a total of 288 82mm high-explosive rockets were launched in less than five seconds can only be described as majestic.

The tsunami-like barrage of 288 rockets was comparable to the total of all airborne rockets of 36 IL-2 attack aircraft. Even a well-constructed field defense position could not withstand such terrifying power. Look, it is natural to imagine how terrifying the power of all the fire concentrated on the same building is.

Exterior walls crumbled and floors collapsed.

Although the exterior wall, which was specially reinforced with military-standard concrete by German engineers, was extremely strong and reliable, it could not withstand this devastating destructive force.

The first wave of 82mm rockets that hit the outer wall of the building shattered the entire wall into pieces in just a few rounds. Other rockets that followed in a burst of fire immediately penetrated the wall. in the room after that.

This kind of ground-attack rocket, which is enough to break through the outer walls of buildings and penetrate the fragile domes of tanks, is obviously not something that the fragile human body can withstand. The German troops stationed on various floors of the building are like scarecrows floating in a tornado. Left to be slaughtered, the violent fire storm carried shrapnel and tore these fragile bodies into pieces in just the blink of an eye.

When the violent wave of flames that roared like a tsunami finally died out after all the loaded rockets were poured out in just half a minute, the scene that dissipated with the explosion flames and thick smoke shocked everyone present. Everybody was shocked.

The tall five-story building that stood intact on the square just a moment ago has now been blown into a demolished building.

The side of the building that faced the direction of the rocket attack and was hit by fierce fire was completely blown down. The broken stones and various wooden board fragments collapsed directly like a landslide, exposing the interior of the building.

The five-story conference room, which was originally used by the German army to deploy anti-tank firepower forward, was the most tragic. After the load-bearing structure of the lower building was severely damaged, it was unable to support these 88 guns, which weighed more than 5 tons each, not to mention more than one. Door.

The collapse of the lower floor directly led to the complete collapse of the fifth-floor conference room where the German anti-tank guns were deployed. The German army's first thought of being condescending in exchange for a better shooting view and angle has now become the culprit, being overtaken by the heavy load. Most of the fifth floor, which was completely crushed, collapsed directly in place and overlapped with the entire fourth floor.

The German troops on the fourth floor, who had already suffered heavy casualties, were instantly smashed by masonry and 88-gun wreckage falling from the sky. The 88-guns, which the German defenders in the building had high hopes for, also fell directly downstairs or were directly destroyed by Soviet rocket launchers. More than half of the German defenders of a fully equipped infantry battalion in the building were killed or wounded after being covered by a rocket barrage.

"I swear to the great leader Comrade Stalin, this thing is really more powerful than a salvo fired by an artillery battalion! Yes, I mean the division's 122nd and 152nd heavy howitzer battalions!"

"These Germans have probably been blown to pieces. We might still be able to pick up a pair of warm thighs when we go up there."

"Incredible power, this is simply amazing!"

They were different from the Red Army soldiers around them who saw the rocket barrage for the first time and were all amazed by its terrifying power.

Malashenko, who traveled through time from later generations, clearly knows the power of weapons like rocket launchers.

The firing of a rocket launcher can be equivalent to the firepower of an artillery battery in the traditional sense. This emerging artillery equipment that comes and goes faster is purely a slant of "half an hour to load, half a minute for men". weapon.

However, its powerful advantages in the ability to concentrate firepower and the total amount of ammunition projected in a short period of time are still irreplaceable even in the modern warfare of the 21st century. The military including China, the United States and Russia, the three major army giants in the world, All powerful countries are equipped with powerful new-age artillery such as self-propelled rocket launchers.

He was not surprised by the astonishing damage left behind by 288 82mm high-explosive rockets. He stared at the remaining half of the ruined building that had completely withered like a frost-beaten eggplant through his commander's periscope. Malashenko, holding the car radio communicator in his hand, immediately gave the order.

"All vehicle crews advance forward at a constant speed! Pay attention to cover the infantry behind you! The special tanks can fire immediately as soon as they see something happening in the ruins, unless those Germans really raise the white flag."

The siege column led by Malashenko, roaring with the engine and relaunching the offensive, was progressing smoothly this time. A moment ago, it destroyed the 88 gun of a KV1 heavy tank with a condescending shot from a low angle. Now it was a bunch of twisted and deformed weapons. The steel twists were completely scrapped, and the German troops in the entire building were like a wheat field sprinkled with powerful pesticides, unable to hear even a trace of movement.

The Red Army soldier, who was holding a Mosin-Nagant rifle with a bayonet in his hand, was protected by his comrades and then cautiously and slowly stepped forward and was the first to step onto the ruins of the half-collapsed floor.

The Red Army soldier, who always believed that the German army could not be completely wiped out and was just ambushed, was about to move forward when a soft object he accidentally stepped on made him lower his head.

"Is this the body of a Kraut?"

After retracting his right foot, he looked at the corpse in front of him with a frightened expression on his eyes and blood on his facial features. This corpse of a German soldier with no obvious external injuries was obviously a high-explosive weapon that had been exposed to a near-explosion. The rocket directly shattered his organs and caused internal bleeding, causing him to die. Even this Red Army veteran who had seen life and death was unwilling to take another look at the horrified expression on his cold face.

After moving their feet over the German corpse, the Red Army infantry immediately began to pass through the collapsed half of the building and enter the remaining half of the intact building to clear out the remaining German troops.

As the Red Army infantry continued to advance, some sporadic and sparse German standard small arms gunfire began to ring out in panic and unorganized one after another in the building. In contrast, the more dense Red Army small arms gunfire quickly overshadowed it. .

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