Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 168 Hasty retreat

Her little hands stained with stains from nowhere kept rubbing her moist eyes. When her mother held her in her arms, Irina, who was only 6 years old, raised her head again because she felt a warm hand on her head. When he started, what appeared in front of him was a face that was engraved with war experience but still maintained a soft and warm smile.

"Don't be afraid, little girl. The soldiers of the Red Army are taking back our homeland. It won't be long before the evil invaders are completely driven out of this city that belongs to us."

Tall, warm, and like the greatest promise in the world, it is full of power that can make a young heart deeply convinced by it.

He stretched out his little hand that was soaked in stains and tears and had become like a small cat. From the broad and slightly rough palm, he took a few high-grade candy bars that only officers above the Red Army's school level were qualified to supply and stopped sobbing.

Even Malashenko, who said this, did not expect that his words, which were as warm as the dawn sunshine breaking through the endless night, would actually be reflected in this young and pure white heart like a piece of letter paper. What an indelible mark it leaves behind.

After comforting the little girl, Malashenko then continued to squat at level with the mother and daughter, turned his head, and spoke quietly again to the young mother who had not yet had time to fully come to her senses.

"The fight to retake our homeland continues. Madam, do you know anything about those Fascist invaders?"

Facing Malashenko's question, with tears in his eyes and in a daze, he was able to recognize the Soviet military uniforms belonging to his homeland on the soldiers in front of him. This man had been shrouded in shadow all day long since the German army entered the city. The panicked young mother cried with joy on the spot.

"Thanks to Mother Motherland and thanks to leader Stalin, our Red Army has finally returned to this land!"

The ups and downs of mood changes like riding a roller coaster are indeed a bit unbearable for an ordinary young woman. Malashenko, who is well aware of this fact, is not in a hurry to continue questioning, but continues to turn off the insurance in his hand. The Somi submachine gun squatted beside him and quietly waited for the answer.

"Those fascist invaders implemented strict military control after they occupied the city. Anyone who walked on the street without their permission would be arrested directly. They arrested almost all the young and middle-aged males in the city. They dug soil and built some projects, and the orders were mandatory. Anyone who didn't follow them might even be killed by them. Even my husband was forcibly recruited. "

After hearing this, Malashenko immediately looked at Captain Kali Nimbov behind him with an unsurprised expression. Those Germans could arm the city of Yelnya in such a short period of time. This is probably the reason why it exists like a fortress city.

"Calm down a little bit, madam. Think about it carefully. Is it possible that there are still those fascist lackeys hiding in your home, or other surrounding buildings and neighbors' homes on the street near your home?"

Malashenko's calm words calmed down a lot. The young mother who was still holding her daughter thought for a moment and then continued to speak.

"About an hour ago, a group of German soldiers suddenly broke into my house. They kept banging on the door. I was worried that something might happen and was scared, so I took my daughter and hid in the closet."

"Not long after hiding in the closet, these German soldiers broke open the door and broke in. They were shouting things that I couldn't understand. I saw through the gaps in the closet that they looked very panicked, and some of them were wearing The wounds were bleeding and they looked very painful. They were almost completely different from the neatly dressed German soldiers patrolling the streets on weekdays. "

"They kept rummaging through my house, as if they were looking for something they wanted and were interested in. Some German soldiers put their weapons on the windowsill on the first floor and kept looking out. Not only It’s the look and expression, and even the breathing is very tight.”

"The whole process lasted about ten minutes. The German soldiers seemed to have found nothing and left. However, when they left, the injured one among them was missing an arm, and the entire sleeve and arm disappeared. He was carried away by his companions."

"I don't know what happened in the middle, but there are only two people in my family, my daughter and I, and there is no possibility that anyone will hurt them in the process."

From the rough description of the young mother's language skills, Malashenko roughly deduced that the people visiting this place were probably a group of German soldiers who had just come off the front line and been repulsed, and they also brought the wounded with them.

As for what they were looking for when they broke into the house, Malashenko already had a rough idea in his mind.

"Thank you for your help, madam. A large force of the Red Army will pass by your door soon. For the safety of you and your daughter, I suggest that you should withdraw from the city as soon as possible to avoid the war and wait until those fascist lackeys It doesn’t matter if you are completely driven out of our city and come back.”

Before Malashenko could finish his words, the Red Army infantry squad leader who was responsible for the search on the second floor quickly ran to the stairs and shouted loudly to the two officers on the first floor.

"Comrade Battalion Commander, Major Malashenko. We have made some very important discoveries here. You have to come and see for yourself!"

After hearing the squad leader's loud shout, Malashenko immediately looked at Captain Kali Nimpov next to him and walked up the stairs to the second floor of the small building. They saw a dining table near the back room on the second floor. Lying flat on the ground was a dead body of a German soldier.

After seeing this scene, Malashenko said nothing, picked up the weapon in his hand and walked forward. His left hand stretched forward and touched the neck of the German soldier's corpse, which still had a trace of warmth. It had been folded in half. The identity tag was cut in half and the lower half of the identification tag was taken away, which undoubtedly shows that the German soldier was at least accompanied by his comrades when he died.

"There was a penetrating wound on the chest, and the entire lung was punctured. He probably died of excessive bleeding."

"There is still half a basin of blood and half an arm in the basin under the table. The arm has been burned to pieces. It seems that these German guys received emergency treatment here, but one of them did not survive."

Sliding in his right hand was a short woodworking saw that should have been used by the German army for emergency amputations. He mentioned it at the corner of his mouth. The German army retreated in such a hurry and panic that even field medical rescue was so hasty. This was very difficult for Marashen, who was the attacker. This is undoubtedly excellent news for science.

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