Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 151 Exam Paper from Zhukov

Malashenko, who has tried his best in dozens of battles, big and small, naturally does not need to worry about such questions. It is what Malashenko must do now to show his determination and ability in front of the Red Army God of War as much as possible. It is imperative to do it.

"Comrade Commander, we have only one simple purpose here, and that is to kill those German ghosts who invaded our motherland, and use their blood to add glory to my own honor!"

"In my opinion, only dead Germans and Germans who surrendered are good Germans. We must be merciless in dealing with these fascist lackeys! My troops and I have done our best In order to be prepared for any battle, even if we die in battle, our steel chariots will serve as our graves. This is our final destination! We will never fall on the road of escape with our backs to the enemy!"

Even in the eyes of future generations, Zhukov, who commanded the Soviet Red Army to slaughter almost all the German troops on the Eastern Front and defeated a large number of famous German generals one by one, was definitely an iron-blooded man full of violent genes. General, this can be seen just from his hard-core style of commanding troops and his devastating attacks on any German troops.

When such a famous iron-blooded general who is full of violent genes in his bones heard Malashenko's perseverance words mixed with the bloody smell of German corpses, he was deeply moved by the words of Malashenko and his appetite. Zhukov couldn't help but smile calmly again.

"If those group army commanders can have determination and ideas like yours, the upcoming offensive operation should be much easier."

Zhukov was in a good mood at the moment because he learned that the 2nd Armored Group led by Guderian had moved southward, which would facilitate the deployment of the next offensive operation. This man has extensive research on the combat command of large corps groups and the use of armored forces. The Red Army God of War, who was also very accomplished, immediately changed the subject.

"Talk to me about your current views and future possibilities for the tanks and armored forces of the enemy and ours, Major Malashenko. It doesn't matter if you speak freely. This is just a private discussion. I have your unique views on tanks. Very interested in the insights.”

From the first time he met Zhukov, he had never thought that the Red Army God of War might ask him such a similar question. Malashenko, who had traveled from later generations, thought about it for a moment and then organized a language slowdown. Speak slowly.

"Comrade Commander, I believe that after the German army encounters this unexpected armor crisis that just launched the invasion in 1941, it will definitely step up the development of new tanks in an attempt to reverse the disadvantage of armored confrontation on the front line. From a long-term perspective, I think our Red Army should be ready to face the German army's introduction of new tanks as soon as possible. "

After hearing what Malashenko said, Zhukov, who was not surprised, immediately spoke with a calm expression.

"I had already discussed this with senior commanders and fighters at the General Staff Headquarters in Moscow before coming to the front line."

"Objectively speaking, the Germans are far ahead of our Soviet Union in terms of industrial manufacturing capabilities and the development of war technology. This is an objective fact that is indisputable and must be recognized."

"Before the war broke out, I had studied some specific war situations of the Germans in their early war in Europe. In fact, the Germans have not achieved any qualitative advantage in armored combat since the beginning of the war in Poland. They just Simply advanced tactics made up for the lack of quality and defeated the conservative British and French forces. "

“The Germans’ heavily equipped main Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks not only have no advantage over our Red Army’s main tanks, they are also at a disadvantage even against the French Soma S35 medium tank, B1 heavy tank and the British Matilda. obvious."

"It's just that those ridiculously stupid Gallic Roosters and John Bulls are no match for the Germans in the art of war. Their superior equipment value is completely overwhelmed by their sheer stupidity in tactical command. Although even I don't want to admit it. A little, but so far our Red Army has made many mistakes that the British and French coalition forces have made before.”

"In dealing with the Germans' advanced blitzkrieg tactics, our Red Army's combat concepts and tactical systems must be completely improved. Traditional infantry offenses have begun to be gradually replaced by armored warfare. Only by timely and comprehensive improvement of our Red Army's strategies and tactics Only then can the current overall strategic disadvantage against the German army be completely reversed.”

He originally thought that the set of World War II summary and analysis theories he had brought from later generations could be displayed casually in front of Zhukov, but Malashenko, who was extremely shocked at the moment, did not expect that Zhukov in 1941 could already make such a judgment on the situation of the war. Accurate and almost completely correct judgment and analysis.

Surprised by Zhukov's outstanding macro-strategic analysis and judgment ability, Malashenko realized that he should make some more accurate predictions, and then spoke again after careful thought.

"It has not been too long since the German army launched its invasion at the end of June. Even after the Germans discovered and realized the absolute quality advantage of our army's T34 tanks and KV series heavy tanks, they should have done so in a short period of time. There is no way to immediately put into production new tanks to deal with it.”

"A new tank goes from military bidding to design demonstration to prototype trial production to final large-scale finalization and production. This is definitely not an easy process for Germany, which is currently at war."

His interest was aroused by Malashenko's well-founded and detailed analysis and reasoning. Zhukov, who realized that the young tank major in front of him might have more oil in his stomach than he thought, immediately looked at him with a look of affirmation. Yu nodded and spoke.

"Keep going, Major Malashenko, your reasoning is very original."

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

"I personally infer that the Germans would not have been able to put into battle new tanks that could cope with the quality superiority of our tanks in 1941. On this basis, for the Germans, the best solution to the inferiority of frontline equipment should be to The best choice for the Germans is to improve the equipment of some old models, and to combine mature technology with existing production lines that can be put into mass production quickly.”

"Therefore, I think that the Germans should have begun the improvement and design work on existing tanks. The core focus of the improvement should be to strengthen the firepower of the tanks to ensure that they can attack our army's T34 tanks and KV series heavy tanks at conventional combat distances. Effective penetration within the tank, followed by increasing the tank’s protective performance to ensure its battlefield survivability, and lastly its mobility.”

"As for the specific tank platforms for improvement work, the old Panzer 1 and 2 tanks and 35T and 38T tanks are obviously outdated and overwhelmed. The Germans' improvement focus should be based on their most cutting-edge Panzer 3 and 4 tanks. Based on the design, we have made a trade-off and compromise between the three elements of firepower, mobility, and protection, with firepower output as the priority principle, and put the improved new tank into the front-line battlefield as quickly as possible to try to reverse the equipment disadvantage. "

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