Steel Chambers of War

Chapter 92: Forcibly evenly matched

   This first round-robin match is a map of offensive and defensive opposition. Not only is it equipped with heavy defensive and offensive weapons for both sides, but also virtual soldiers assisted by different equipment! It's just that the defender has fewer virtual soldiers because of its geographical advantage, while the attacker has more. However, the power ratio of the two sides should be equal without counting the two participating teams.

   The so-called equal, that is, the AIs of both sides fight automatically, and the probability of winning and losing is equal to 50%. Only in this case, the defensive side is undoubtedly more at a loss. In ancient battles, the defensive side had the advantage because the geographical advantage was too obvious. However, in this interstellar war, the defensive party always suffers, because it can only wait for the opponent to make a move before being able to see the move. If a mistake is dealt with, an irreversible situation will often occur.

   Therefore, the round-robin game will not be a set of wins, but the two sides will switch sides and each will fight one game. If each wins once, the remaining strength of the two games is calculated to calculate the net winning points. If the net winning points are the same, then another game... The two teams each have five players to catch each other, five Three wins to determine the final winner.

Of course, in fact, the point difference algorithm of the first two games is enough to ensure that the two sides win and lose. If the point difference is really flat, it can only mean that the two teams are really the same in terms of team combat. . The subsequent heads-up is purely to select the winner.

Obviously Xueluo knew about these competition systems a long time ago, so when he decided that his first game belonged to the defensive side, he immediately pointed to a towering watchtower beside the defensive camp and said: "There is Your position, stay in the past, you can't come down without an order!"

   This is Chi Guoguo's revenge, without the slightest doubt.

   Rong Xiang looked at the tiger-faced Xueluo's scalp a little numb... Does this girl seem really angry?

"Okay." He was decisive, and when the protection time passed, he immediately climbed up the very eye-catching watchtower...Although this watchtower has an excellent view, it is too eye-catching. This is not to Let him stand up as a target!

   But after he had the view from the watchtower, he unexpectedly discovered that this might not be a bad decision. Because this watchtower happens to be able to bring his eagle-eye effect to the extreme... Let alone whether he will become an eye-catching target, anyway, he can make sure to spot the enemy before they appear!

  The Rong Xiang who entered the state quickly forgot the little conflicts with Xueluo. A pair of eagle eyes patrolled the surroundings intently, taking all the surrounding details into their eyes...

   is surrounded by a bushy terrain, and further afield is a dense alien forest that is seriously obstructed. So Rong Xiang can basically be sure that if the enemy really exists, it must be in the woods... The only question is, when will the opponent launch an attack?

   Just as he was thinking, his eyes condensed suddenly, and then he said in the team channel: "Attention everyone, the opponent's stalker has come over!"

   Xueluo felt that the opponent shouldn’t attack in such a rush, so he was still discussing defensive strategies with everyone. Hearing the news, he immediately raised his head and looked at Rong Xiang from a distance: “How are you sure?”

   Rong Xiang did not answer, but sent two distant photos that looked the same...

   Everyone stared at it for a long time and didn't feel that there was anything wrong. In the end, they felt that they had the best relationship with Qiang Gang and asked, "Brother, just tell me, I'm too lazy to bother."

   Rong Xiang was helpless, and sent an enlarged photo again and said: "In the middle of this big picture, a withered grass has fallen, and the grass was still standing three minutes ago."

   Everyone suddenly looked at each other and Qi Qi was speechless. At such a distance, even with the aid of the most advanced target analysis system, ordinary people could not find such details, right? ! But Rong Xiang was able to find out, and this kind of detail was completely invisible under his precise capture characteristics.

   Among the people who were shocked, Chung, who was also a stalker, was the most shocked, because if Rong Xiang could find the stalker through such details, then it means that he could also find her traces!

"Well, it's natural that the opponent has a stalker who will conduct investigations before the war begins. We can't behave abnormally. Only Rong Xiang, you continue to pay attention to the stalker's dynamics. If you can find his traces in advance, you can attack immediately without hesitation! "Xue Luo gave the order. It's better to avenge private revenge. It seems that other people don't care, only Rong Xiang has to concentrate on dealing with it.

But Rong Xiang didn’t feel that he was at a disadvantage, because he understood that every concentrated gaze scan now can be an exercise of his precise capture characteristics...maybe the next time his mental strength exceeds the peak or zero Can it be upgraded when the element evolves?

   His eyes soon noticed an unusual place...a stone on the ground shifted by about two centimeters. This is not because of the wind blowing, it is probably caused by the opponent's stalker walking here!

Then he almost found the direction of the stalker, roughly heading to the weak side of the defensive camp to the west His eyes followed that direction, and he found more details. Quickly narrow down your search...

   Thirty seconds later, his sharp eagle eyes just caught the moment when a weed was shaking slightly...


That is to say, at this moment, the longbow sharp arrow fired a fierce laser bomb, and then an explosive fireball appeared in the open area... The stalker must close the shield when stealing, otherwise the energy response of the shield will be Expose them directly! So once the trail of the stalker is exposed, then basically what awaits them is the fate of being blown up by a shot.

   "Good job!" Even if Xue Luo was habitually conflicting with Rong Xiang, she was full of praise for this shot. Having such a gunner in the team is indeed able to raise the strength of the entire team to a notch.

   "They came out of the woods, they should be desperate after knowing that the stalker was killed." Rong Xiang said flatly to the crowd, as if they had done a trivial thing.

   But this expression is enough to pretend, anyway, Qiang Gang was stimulated: "I waited for them for a long time, and finally came out, I am going to kill them!"

   Brother Qiang is on...

   set the fire opposite.

   Then strong brother...

   The remaining people covered their faces speechlessly for a long time and didn't want to speak... What about the two hundred attackers? Isn't he a target for people to rush up like this? In the original good form, this is forcibly increasing the difficulty for one's own people!

   Rong Xiang always felt that Qiang Gang was probably the most difficult teammate he encountered to play with.

   "Why aren't you on it?" Qiang Gang was very depressed and uncomfortable, especially Rong Xiang, who was regarded as his ‘best teammate’, watched him being beaten into a sieve...

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