Steel Chambers of War

Chapter 76: Strength in the humble

   Rong Xiang quit the virtual battlefield, but unexpectedly, the live broadcast prompted by the system before brought him 3765 Iron Curtain coins income. But now he really doesn't like these "small money", converted to zero, even less than 4 units, of course, ignoring the crazy messages of the spectators and simply shut down the interface.

   From the lively virtual battlefield back to reality, he suddenly felt like a world away. I didn't think so, but I was a little too lonely in this empty room by myself. In addition, there is a deep and hollow darkness outside the large French windows, even if the will is firm as an elephant, it will inevitably give birth to some feeling of loneliness.


   Suddenly, his +8 hearing heard a footstep on his head! And the top floor of his apartment, as well as the entire roof area, should theoretically belong to his private property, that is to say, there is an uninvited guy on his head?

   He immediately walked to the elevator platform, and at the same time the black rock three-shaped battle suit spread out to cover the whole body...

   "Maybe I should revise it. Just remove the elevator platform to the top of the building and replace it with an upward passage." He was still thinking about the ‘decoration’ plan.

And when he came to the top of the building, the longbow pressed by his left hand immediately ejected two silver-white bow wings, a laser bowstring pierced up and down and then he was pinched in his hand... Then an arrow composed of energy beams was placed on it. On the bow, aiming at the man who broke into his territory.

"Hey buddy, this is private territory." He warned with a bow, and didn't release the bow immediately. That was because he found that the man in front of him with a shabby attire was obviously just a civilian living in this broken area, or rather It's the poor... the tattered old-fashioned exoskeleton armor can almost guarantee that its body is completely covered to avoid damage from the energy radiation that leaks from time to time.

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't know... I just want to find a place to rest... I'm sorry, I will leave right away." The voice of a young girl in the exoskeleton armor made Rong Xiangna carry something with him. The anger converged, and at the same time some pity was inevitably born in his heart... He would never admit that it was his softheartedness, it must be the soul of the predecessor of the second generation ancestor.

   But he still didn't say anything, because he didn't think there should be any intersection between himself and the embarrassed little girl.

He just watched the little girl activate the exoskeleton’s flight jet and lift off slowly... This exoskeleton and Avalon are completely two concepts, at best they can play a protective role, but not like Ava. Long can even conduct space operations!

However, at this moment, the little girl who had just lifted more than three meters into the air suddenly turned around in a panic. A jet on her back suddenly failed. After turning the whole person in the air for two times, she fell back severely. The roof of Rongxiang.



   There was a noisy and trivial sound, but the exoskeleton on the little girl fell apart.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't mean it! Please give me some time, I promise to fix it in half an hour and then leave." A girl with pretty facial features but a lot of freckles on her face hugs her arms from the ground Sitting up, while continuously apologizing to Rong Xiang, his eyes kept crying from the surrounding parts.

   "It looks like you won't be able to go for a while." Rong elephant put away his long bow and walked back to the elevator platform. Halfway through, he raised his head and looked to the sky... His sharp eagle eyes penetrated the darkness instantly and saw that there was continuous light from above. He knew that it was the construction site for sealing the crack in the battle court... But he I don't know, this kind of work will allow such a small girl to participate. This girl, she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, even younger than him, but she lives so humble and strong.

   "Thank you sir, I will definitely clean up and leave soon." The girl still said nervously, although her eyes were streaming with tears, she did not dare to cry.

   It wasn't until Rong Xiang got down from the elevator platform that she released her arm that had been pressed, revealing a wound six or seven centimeters long. The blood gurgled... She was terrified, for fear that her blood would stain the floor here and make the gentleman angry, she quickly tore off a piece of her trousers to pad it on the ground, and then tore another piece to bandage herself. ... She doesn't feel sad anymore, because she doesn't have that time.

   "Use this." Suddenly, a cold voice rang, and the girl's eyes rounded in surprise. She looked up, but she didn't expect Rong Xiang to go and return.


   "Hurry up, otherwise I don't believe you can fulfill your promise within half an hour." Rong Xiang waved his hand and threw the'healing spray' in front of the girl, then turned around again and left.

   But, even the Rong Elephant who turned his back and left, still couldn't let go. He didn't know why he couldn't let go of that freckled girl... That kind of strong expression that couldn't help crying but could endure the pain really hit his heart all at once.

   He wants to refrain from such inexplicable attention, but as soon as he goes downstairs, he can't help but think about what is going on with that girl? Her injury should be healed, right? Maybe she needs some help?

   He has never been so concerned and eager to help a weak person like he is now. He always feels that he is cold-blooded enough. But ah, the ice in his heart has already been not because of this strong girl, but because of the history he saw in the "Hongshiguan".

   When he once again broke through his spiritual peak through the rich history and the rich emotions contained in it, he naturally inherited or unblocked the emotions that he had originally frozen because of various experiences. And... perhaps he himself didn't realize that the reason why he moved his heart for this poor girl was because of how similar her strength was to what he had dreamed of!

Rong Xiang, who has never counted seconds like a year like today, came to the top of the building almost in half an hour... But to his surprise, he happened to see a young and clumsy figure facing away. Climbing the edge of the roof with a lot of bloated parts, trying to lie down from the outside of the building!

   This girl, did she ‘leave’ like this?

   "Ah!" The girl apparently also noticed his arrival, and almost fell off when she loosened her hand. But now it is also extremely embarrassing, she can only wince and look at Rong Xiang awkwardly, trying to get the young gentleman's forgiveness again...

   "Come on, I don't want to wait and have to go downstairs to deal with your corpse...just fix your equipment as soon as possible." But when I saw it, Rong Xiang still spoke very coldly.

   "Sorry sir, I won't mess up again." The girl was relieved and smiled sincerely and gratefully to Rong Xiang. She really wants her to climb down from such a high place, she really doesn't have the slightest confidence...

Luckily, this is a kind gentleman... She thought so, but the gaze looking at Rong Xiang was still in natural awe. In any case, she only dared to look at the part below the other party’s knee, but did not dare to really look up at her. What is the person in front of me?

   So humble, but strong.

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