Steel Chambers of War

Chapter 188: Unexpected occupants

For Xueyan Ling, her work is endless, but for Rong Xiang, after he has solved his weapon and equipment problems, he has to continue the previously interrupted adventure. The 52e planet located in the east courtyard of the Gemini galaxy, a planet with anomalous life and ancient relics, may be able to answer the reason why most of the planets in the north and east courtyards of the Gemini galaxy have been destroyed by man.

   Saying goodbye to his busy wife, Rong Xiang once again embarked on the journey alone. The Robin expedition spacecraft is also ready, and it carries enough materials to build another ground fortress. Then in the spatial fluctuation of the transition, the Robin disappeared under the bridge observation of the Steel Barrier...


  Eastern 52 galaxy, also known as the Glory Disk, is a special galaxy that is also very eye-catching in the starry sky. Of course, its 52e planet also has its own unique features. An outpost had been established when the elephant left last time.

   "It's almost half a month, I don't know if the rainstorm has passed?" Rong Xiang guessed on the Robin, and at the same time opened the observation device to scan the specific situation of the outpost.

   What disappointed him was that the heavy rain still did not go, and there was still a scene of countless water scorpions dancing around. But because the area where thunderstorms are concentrated has passed, the detection device on the Robin can barely see some of the pictures below under the weakened interference... But when he saw the detection picture, the original slightly leisurely mentality was all No more!

  Because he saw it, on the tarmac of the outpost he built, an old and patchy spaceship was docked!

   This spacecraft is half the size of the Robin, but it looks a bit bloated and clumsy... This is a thick star thief-style spacecraft. So, a star thief discovered and occupied this place during this time?

   Rong Elephant was a little wary, but did not rush the Robin to land directly. Instead, he suddenly turned the bow of the spacecraft to dock it on an asteroid orbiting 52e and set it to standby mode. He himself was wearing the Avalon Phantom and disappeared in the cockpit like a ghost...

   Almost at the same time, a circle of spatial ripples appeared somewhere outside the 52e outpost, and the Avalon Phantom quietly appeared. But just for an instant, it flashed like an old TV with skipped frames and disappeared again...That's because the Rong Elephant turned on the stealth mode, like a stalker, closed the shield and sneaked forward to the outpost base.

Speaking of Blood Smoke Ling's support for the Rong Xiang to replace the shield-type equipment, the original intention is to let him shoot the gun in the back and stop going to the front line to take risks, but she will obviously be disappointed...Because Rong Xiang found out that it seems that he now has a phoenix. After the Wing Phoenix Beak, it was more suitable to be an assassin-type gunner who sneaked into the hinterland of the place to shoot. The biggest disadvantage of the stalker is that he can't open the shield while sneaking, and he can easily be caught to death once he is found, but now he has the Phoenix Beak, what else does he need to do with the shield?

   When he got close to the edge of the outer wall of the outpost, the auxiliary system was able to connect to the surveillance system in the base...just kidding, he built this base, and of course he can easily control all its functions!

   However, after seeing the images inside the outpost under surveillance, he inevitably got a little angry. Because the inside of the outpost had obviously suffered a round of search and looting, many of his reserved materials were searched out and the ground was messed up. What made him even more speechless was that there were actually two creatures of unknown races dozing on the ground... It seemed that the wind and rain outside made them very reluctant to go out. But how can their hearts be so big? This outpost knew at a glance that someone set it up here deliberately. How could they lie down and sleep so loosely?

Rong Xiang was speechless, but he didn't plan to pack these two aliens, who were about 1.5 meters tall, but had fat, round bodies and jagged crocodile-like mouths. Instead, they flew up to the outpost. Go to the top of the base to see the Star Pirate ship docked on the outer tarmac.

   There are still a few water scorpions on the tarmac, it seems that they also want to try to enter the Star Pirate spacecraft. When Rong Xiang saw this, he suddenly had an idea... He looked at the splicing and repairing traces of the spacecraft everywhere, and then found a joint of the shell guard plate that was obviously welded later and activated his own weak current control...

Now his weak current control is +6. Although he can't control the metal materials in a large area around him in a coordinated attack like Ajali, but it is still very easy to use the effect of a magnetic field to tear a hole silently at this splicing place. of.

   Then he deliberately made a little movement here to cause the idea of ​​the surrounding water scorpions... As expected, these water scorpions all got in through the torn crack in the next moment!

   He stood beside him quietly and waited for a while, and then he felt a violent sound from the Star Pirate spacecraft and a scream that he could not understand. Therefore, he turned on the recording function to record these languages ​​and automatically analyze them with the language module of the personal terminal... After he collected enough syllables of this language, the language system will soon be able to record them Translate it in real time.

   "Boom! Bang!"

   The star thief in the spaceship should have fired, and the energy weapon hit the spaceship bulkhead with a muffled noise. But then some important equipment was probably broken, and a hole was suddenly exploded in the abdomen of the entire spacecraft.

The two crocodile-mouthed aliens who were resting in the outpost below were immediately awakened, and rushed up quickly, but they happened to see two water scorpions in the hole that the spacecraft exploded to tear apart a human-like intelligence. The body of life... that person was not dead yet, but a hole was poked in his stomach and a leg was torn off.

   Rong Elephant was also accidental. He determined that the three invading creatures here quickly started scanning to check the genetic status of this humanoid life regardless of the risk of exposure... Then he found that if he was not mistaken, it was definitely a human!

   But what surprised him was that this human being obviously did not live in the star field he knew... Speaking in a language that Rong Xiang didn't understand and being company with alien races he didn't know, the origin of this human being was very suspicious.

   So Rong Xiang chose to continue to watch with cold eyes. He was sure that there were more than three star thief who had descended on this planet, and the rest of them should have gone to explore the ruins. He wants to be sure, who is also making the idea here? You must know that when he looked at the star map on the Gemini and numbered this galaxy, it belonged to the Imperial Court of the Stars Empire, the Iron Curtain and the Iron Curtain...

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