Liao Yiling walked to the back of the crowd, grabbed a guy with a swollen nose and swollen nose, and asked, “What are you doing?”

I didn’t expect that guy turned to see Liao Yiling. With his eyes wide open, he seemed to see treasures: “The kid said, if anyone can beat him, he can spend a spring night with his little girl, who is the famous female bodyguard of the military, called Liao Yiling. !” The officer didn’t recognize Liao Yiling, but felt that this incident was a great excitement for such a beautiful woman in front of him, so he was confused and excited. Next moment, the poor guy who didn’t have long eyes flew to the corner screaming.

Liao Yiling exploded in a snap.

However, I looked up to the boxing ring and glanced at the two men who were immersed in the fight, but their anger was extinguished again, and a heart fell into the dantian. Kuiyin was at ease, looking at Liu Ting with a smile hehe while playing, while Liu Ting got two punches in his face, while stroking the wound, cautiously circling Kuiyin in a circle. It seems that Kuiyin’s conditions are basically no one can meet. Liu Ting’s strength Liao Yiling understood that this group of people couldn’t beat Kui Yin and then lifted him out.

But these guys, seeing that Liu Ting was injured, they started to roar, and started yelling, “Submit him”, and turned into a cheer for Kuiyin. This situation…somewhat complex.

Going back to the question just now, when did Kuiyin become so able to play? Liao Yiling felt a little happy but also a little disappointed.

It began to snow in the mountains. Although the snow was not too big, it fell on the ground and the mountain road became very muddy. A lonely figure slowly walked through the mountain road. The figure stopped and looked at the mountain road with no end in sight, grasped the metal box in his hand, and then continued to walk forward. Snow has stained his shoulders and shoulders, but his movements don’t seem to be too strenuous, which is comparable to the speed of travel a few hours ago.

Anping fiercely scolded fiercely: “This ghostly weather!”

There was a wolf howling in the distance, but this wolf howling was a bit strange, not like a wild wolf swearing The howl of the territory is a bit springy. Human beings disappeared from here, and there were more wolves. The estrus period of wolves is in winter, which is usually deep winter. In terms of time, this wolf seems to have misplaced the season, and it is a little earlier.

Anping smiled secretly, shook the head, and continued to walk up the hill at a moderate pace.

These mountain roads are not mountain roads that people step on, but water channels washed out by rain in summer. In the winter, the paraquat turns yellow, and the waterway becomes a path that can pass through the mountains.

There were two wolf calls again, but some seem right but actually isn’t. After appearing on the cliff not far in front of him, Anping ignored it at all and moved on. At this moment, the three black shadows spread their wings and jumped down from the cliff, gliding from the sky to the mountain road. The place where they meet with the mountain road is where Anping is.

The black shadow’s wingspan is more than two meters wide, gliding in the air silently, like three huge black eagles, revealing the long blades hidden under the wingspan during the taxiing process. .

Said it is too late and then soon, Anping held the metal box in his left hand, flicked his right hand outward, and a long handle with a unique style slipped out of his sleeve. The long handle is about seventy-eighty centimeters in length, similar in thickness to a bamboo pole, covered with blue texture similar to the streamline on Strog’s body, and shining blue rays of light in the snow. At the tip of the long handle, a faintly discernable blue flame flashed, and a blue Death God’s Scythe blade with no thickness at all condensed on the long handle in an incredible way, as if it were blue flames frozen in this cold weather. After staying, it is condensed into general.

The shadow rushed down, and the moment he fell behind Anping, Anping did not look back, and swung Death God’s Scythe with his hands on his back behind him.

Ding ding dong dong made a few crisp noises, and the long knives in Sombra’s hands were swept by the blade of Death God’s Scythe, and they were instantly cut into two pieces.

The visitor didn’t give up, waved the hilt of the knife to Anping, replaced six pistols in his hand, and fired at Anping in unison. This distance is too close. It is impossible for anyone to dodge the bullets fired by six pistols in such a short distance!

But then, what they saw was not that Anping was rushing to deal with the residual knife, nor was he looking at the bullet in despair, but rather dizzy in front of them, and Anping’s figure disappeared from them strangely. . The three of them looked around nervously, but suddenly felt a tingling in their chests. When they looked down, they only saw the afterimage of Death God’s Scythe passing over their chests. Anping appeared behind them, coldly said with a sneer: “It’s a pity, this is not a Level 2 virtual world, otherwise, I can send you to Elena to have a new baby.” Anping’s voice fell, and the three of them broke up. The number is scattered on the ground.

As soon as Anping finished speaking, there was movement above the hills. A dozen black dots appeared on the top of the hills far and near.

Anping frowned: “It’s really troublesome. Is there a Second Layer attack?”

As he thought, there were intensive or single shots or bursts of gunshots from far and near. The hills all around are not far away, and the bullets arrive almost instantly. The place where all the bullets converge is where Anping is located. Among them, it seems that unless Anping has the Divine Immortal method, he will not be able to jump out of the range of the bullet. With so many guns, he can’t even open the bullet even if he wants to change the position to avoid the bullet. In this way, there is only one result, and that is Anping quilt. The bullet smashed into a human sieve.

However, Anping is indeed not an ordinary person.

He supported Death God’s Scythe on the ground, and an uneasy blue wave appeared on the surface of Death God’s Scythe. Then Death God’s Scythe extended four different metal rings to the front, back, left, and right. The ring is ready to rotate around Anping like a wind wheel. The blue energy is transferred from the handle of the sickle to the ring, and the ring is actually stained with a layer of blue rays of light.

No matter how fast the bullet is, it takes time to surpass a distance of several hundred meters. However, the movement of Death God’s Scythe is shorter than the travel time of the bullet, and when the circle speed reaches the extreme, the bullet It is more than ten meters away from Anping.

The ultimate speed is not only possessed by bullets, but also possessed by the ring. The extreme speed produces not only the ability to directly hit the bullet, but also the magnetic field circulating on the ring! Because there is electricity on the ring! in an instant, where Anping stood, even the wind and clouds were rolling, and the bullets were in a strange area. They bypassed Anping one after another, or flew into the air or hit the ground, more chaotic. Fly, it was like hitting an invisible sleek shell, none of which penetrated Anping’s protective cover.

The gunmen in ambush were all stunned. what is this? Is this what human technology can do? Just one electromagnetic ring, can withstand a dozen machine guns? What is this?

“You have all shot, now it’s time for me to fight back!” Anping pressed the metal box and said a little impatiently. He didn’t have that many time for these killers to study his weapons carefully.

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