Stay away from Conan

Chapter 285 One billion yen floating in the air

Chapter 285 One billion yen floating in the air

The sky is clear and clear, with no clouds in sight.

On the streets of Didan City, Noguchi Miki panted and ran desperately towards her destination. Takagi Wataru was driving his "Nissan Skyline" and was following her from a distance.

"Takagi, keep your distance and don't follow too close."


Takagi Wataru listened to the instructions of Officer Megure sitting in the passenger seat and nodded nervously.

A little behind them, in a red "RX-7", the driver was Sato Miwako.

"There are less than ten minutes left. Miss Miki, you have to hurry up!"

Miwako held the steering wheel tightly, glanced at the time and said anxiously.

"She is holding 500 diamonds. A woman cannot run very fast with such a heavy thing."

Conan, who was sitting next to Miwako, looked at the heavy steps of the aluminum alloy box held by Noguchi Miki and said.


Facing Conan's statement, Miwako also expressed her affirmation, "She is going to turn a corner. It seems that we are going to speed up."

Miwako saw Noguchi Miki turning a corner at a ten-story building and stepped on the accelerator. The car carrying Officer Megure Wataru Takagi also accelerated to catch up with Noguchi Miki.


At the corner of the building, because the space between the phone booth and the fire hydrant was too narrow, Noguchi Miki accidentally brushed her knee and fell to the ground. The aluminum alloy box she had been holding tightly also fell out of her hands and fell to the ground. In front of the flower bed.


Seeing this, Conan shouted nervously.

A patrolman on a bicycle who was patrolling saw Noguchi Miki who had fallen down. He quickly stopped his bicycle and walked towards Noguchi Miki who fell to the ground.

This sudden situation made Miwako and others who witnessed this scene hold their breath. Takagi Sheba's car stopped, and everyone was waiting with fear for the development of the situation.

"It's hard to handle."

Officer Megure had cold sweat on his face, "If the patrol officer opens the box and finds diamonds, he will definitely question Miss Miki, but it will be too late!"

Fortunately, the current situation is not developing in the worst direction.

The patrolman just picked up the box, then lifted Miki Noguchi up from the ground, and handed the box back to her with a smile. Noguchi Miki stood up holding the wound and endured the pain, and took the box.

"So... great!"

Everyone was relieved and chased Noguchi Miki again, who continued to run forward, and resumed surveillance.

After Miki Noguchi entered the Noguchi Building, Miwako parked the car near the back door and let Conan and Kamoshida get out of the car——

"Then, Conan, it's up to you."

"Conan, you must be careful!"

Xiaolan, who was still in the car, said still a little worried.

"Don't worry! Sister Xiaolan!"

Conan comforted, and then followed Kamoshida into the building.

Afterwards, Officer Megure led the police officers and lurked on the roof of the Kaido Building managed by Noguchi Real Estate Department. This building has a total of 20 floors. From the top of the building, the Noguchi Building only has 15 floors. The view is very good, and the distance between the two buildings is not too far. If something happens, it is very convenient to rush there. .

"But what is the kidnapper's plan to hang the box on the advertising balloon?"

Kogoro looked at the situation on the top of the Noguchi Building with a telescope and asked.

"Will a helicopter be sent to take away the ransom?"

Xiaolan asked anxiously to Officer Memu who was also observing with a telescope.

"Well, just in case, I have contacted the aviation team of the Regional Department of the Metropolitan Police and asked them to be on standby at any time."

Officer Megure said with a serious expression, and then the voice of Takagi Wataru came from the intercom:

"I'm at the front entrance of the small steel ball store, nothing unusual."

Then came Miwako’s voice:

"There is nothing unusual about the exit at the back."

"Okay, arrangements have been made within a radius of five thousand meters. You continue to monitor!"


Following Officer Megure's order, the two of them answered neatly.

"Speaking of which, where is Mr. Akechi?"

At this time, Xiaolan suddenly realized that Gao Yuan and the little girl who followed Gao Yuan were not here.

"Huh? That's strange. Didn't Brother Mingzhi drive the car himself and take the first step? Why didn't he see anyone?"

Officer Megure was also slightly curious.

"Look, it's that little brat Conan!"

Just as he was wondering, Kogoro looked at the roof of the Noguchi Building and saw Conan's figure:

"Huh? Is that the clerk of the small steel ball shop too?"

While seeing Conan's figure, Kogoro noticed that there was a man in uniform on the roof of the building, who looked very young.


Upon hearing this, Officer Megure picked up the binoculars to confirm, and then immediately notified the police officer through the walkie-talkie to contact Mr. Kamoshida to confirm the identity of the man.

Soon, Kamoshida responded. He was a student who worked in a small steel ball shop and was responsible for guarding advertising balloons.

Officer Memu was greatly surprised by this sudden information, but at this point, he could only take one step at a time.

"Huh? Miss Miki appeared on the roof holding a box!"

Kogoro observed the situation sharply again, and suddenly shouted out.

"It's really her!"

Officer Megure also confirmed——

In the telescope lens, you can see Miki Noguchi walking step by step towards the advertising balloon tied with a rope on the roof. Then she seemed to say something to the staff guarding the balloon, and the person slowly untied the rope. Open and pull down the balloon.

However, because they were still too far apart, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious when I saw Noguchi Miki and the staff coming into close contact and couldn't see their movements clearly for a while.

Fortunately, Conan, who was also observing from the top of the building, observed all this at close range and found nothing unusual in the whole process.

After the two separated, the staff walked away. Noguchi Miki hung the box on the advertising balloon alone. After checking whether the tie was strong, the advertising balloon with the box tied to it flew into the sky again. .

"Ah! One billion yen is floating in the air!"

Kogoro looked at the rising aluminum alloy box and couldn't help but sigh.

"Then the helicopter to collect the ransom should be here!"

Xiaolan looked at the time, looked up at the sky and said.

"It's time to come. It's already the agreed three o'clock."

Kogoro stared at his watch and said nervously.

However, on the roof of the Noguchi Building, except for the balloons floating in the air, only Noguchi Miki, the staff, and Conan stood there alone.

"The wind on the roof is so strong, both Conan and Miss Miki must be cold."

Xiaolan, who was also on the roof of a high-rise building, rubbed her hands and said worriedly.

The rest of the people said nothing, observing silently...

However, at the same time, in a light blue "MINI" car parked on the roadside parking space, Haihara Ai opened the door and came in, sat in the passenger seat, and said with a calm expression:

"Everything is as you expected."

With that said, he handed the photo taken on his mobile phone to Gao Yuan to look at.

Thanks for the reward Kashimusi

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