Stay away from Conan

Chapter 143 Follow my arrangements

Chapter 143 Listen to my arrangements

"Takeshi Sakurai", who was about to stab, looked surprised when he saw Kanae Mizushima suddenly appeared. He was stunned for a moment, and the movement of his hand about to stab also stopped.

"Kondo" on the side heard Mizushima Kanae calling "Mr. Sakurai" and subconsciously responded.


Mizushima Kanae was also surprised when she realized that Mr. Kondo had responded to her.

However, Gao Yuan, who had just gotten out of the car, showed a look of understanding when he discovered this. Just as he was about to step forward to explain, he suddenly noticed vehicles approaching in front of and behind him.

"Sakurai Takeshi" who also discovered this suddenly changed his expression. He pulled Mizushima Kanae and Takato and pushed them into the back seat of the Chrysler.

"Let's get out of here first."

"Takeshi Sakurai" said, and got into the passenger seat, while "Kondo" immediately got into the driver's seat, started the vehicle, reversed and hit a car coming from behind, forcing it to get out of the way, and then immediately got out of the way. On the open road, speeding away.

"What's going on? Mr. Sakurai? Mr. Kondo?"

Mizushima Kanae asked in confusion.

"Miss Mizushima, you are mistaken."

At this time, Gao Yuan said, "The person driving now is Mr. Sakurai, and the Mr. Takeshi Sakurai you have been in contact with is Mr. Kondo."


With a shocked look on her face, Mizushima Kanae looked at the two people in the front row and wanted to ask for proof.

"He's right."

The real "Kondo" sitting in the passenger seat with a solemn expression replied, and then asked: "How did you find this place?"

"Mr. Akechi found your residence first."

Mizushima Kanae said timidly.

"And followed you from my house?"

Kondo asked.

In response, Mizushima Kanae nodded.

"Look, even you are being followed!"

Sakurai Takeshi who was driving the vehicle couldn't help but said.

"Stop talking!"

"Kondo" yelled at Takeshi Sakurai, then looked at Takato and asked, "Mr. Akechi?"

"Wise and lofty, he is a detective."

Gao Yuan introduced himself, "First meeting - the legendary Mr. Kondo."


In response, Mizushima Kanae looked at Takato even more puzzled.


Kondo said doubtfully.

"Mihua City Bank, I was fortunate enough to participate in the cases that occurred, so I know some details of the disappearance of President Iwaki."

Gao Yuan began to explain, "So I have a preliminary understanding of you, but I didn't expect that we would meet in this situation. However, the current situation is not suitable for talking more. Let's find a safe place first."

"safe place?"

After thinking for a moment, Sakurai Takeshi drove the vehicle and arrived near an apartment.

“Hopefully no one has moved in yet.”

Sakurai Takeshi took out the key, said a prayer, opened the door, and then found that there was indeed no one inside, so everyone entered the house.

This was a rough room with no decoration. Everyone temporarily settled in this room and began to explain the current situation.

"Done bro?"

After listening to Takato's explanation, as well as the explanations of Sakurai Takeshi and Kondo, Mizushima Kanae probably understood who the "Sakurai Takeshi" she met before was, and asked a little disappointed.


"Kondo" responded.

"Since this person is the real Takeshi Sakurai, then who are you?"

Somewhat uneasy, Mizushima Kanae glanced at Sakurai Takeshi who was smoking by the window and asked "Kondo".

"My name is Yamazaki."

"Kondo" said, "Yamazaki Shinichiro, my real name."

"Then, Mr. Yamazaki, are you a criminal?"

Mizushima Kanae asked.

"I didn't really commit a crime..."

Yamazaki Shinichiro said, paused, "At least I won't do anything immoral."

"Are you married?"

Mizushima Kanae continued to ask.


Shinichiro Yamazaki said with certainty, "I'm divorced."

"Don't discuss that yet!"

Sakurai Takeshi suddenly put out the cigarette in his hand and said anxiously, "What should we do now!"

"Thief, shut up!"

A little irritated, but her tone was quite gentle, Mizushima Kanae said, "Since you have written a suicide note, why don't you really commit suicide! Why did you go to the bathhouse?"

"Because... I... am covered in stinky sweat..."

Takeshi Sakurai wanted to explain, but Shinichiro Yamazaki stood up and said seriously: "I will take care of it. Your car is still at the scene. If they pursue it, they may implicate you."

"What are you going to do?"

Takeshi Sakurai asked.

"They just want money. As long as they get the money, they will get out of the way."

Yamazaki Shinichiro said, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Gao Yuan.

"Don't worry. I haven't made it clear about you being hunted, haven't you? And I also want to ask you for advice about President Iwaki."

Gao Yuan said.

Stopping, Yamazaki Shinichiro asked: "Then how much do you know about President Iwaki?"

"President Iwaki embezzled a huge amount of money from the bank before he disappeared. It is said that he has a relationship with the Yakuza and also has a secret lover."

Gao Yuan said, "As for his disappearance, it should be you."

Hearing this, Yamazaki Shinichiro nodded.

"The people who are chasing us are Kudo and his men. The huge amount of money you mentioned that President Iwaki embezzled was done by Kudo and President Iwaki together. But President Iwaki took the money alone and worked with him. His engaged lover, Ayako, was originally Kudo's woman. Someone stole his money and took her away from him. Kudo, who was born in the Yakuza, lost all his dignity, so he hired me to take down Iwaki before the news leaked out. "

After briefly describing the matter, Yamazaki Shinichiro looked at Gao Yuan.

"How about it, Mr. Detective, what can you do?"

With that said, he planned to leave and find a way to solve it alone, but he was still held back by Gao Yuan.

"According to your statement, this Kudo is a waste of money and money. I don't think money alone can solve the problem."

Gao Yuan said, "Besides, President Iwaki embezzled at least 200 million yuan. Do you have that much money to deal with Kudo?"

As he said this, Gao Yuan was a little speechless - there was nothing wrong with calling this yakuza boss, but he insisted on calling him Kudo, which really made people laugh.

"Also, did you originally plan to stage another scene of 'Kondo' being killed in the alley? Why did you do this?"

Gao Yuan continued to ask.

"You have to ask this idiot!"

When this was mentioned, Yamazaki felt angry and pointed at Takeshi Sakurai.

"He moved into my house as me, and then received a request from Kudo to help kill President Iwaki's lover. And he was overflowing with compassion and extended a helping hand to the woman, but Kudo found out and he put the matter to bed. It has to be so complicated!”

"Huh? Why do you do this? Aren't you planning to commit suicide?"

Mizushima Kanae listened to all this and asked in confusion.

"It doesn't matter if it's only once, I hope I can be thanked by others at least once."

Takeshi Sakurai said in despair, "I live to be thirty-five and have no official life..."

"Okay, I probably understand."

Seeing Sakurai Takeshi starting to complain, Takato immediately interrupted.

"Now that the matter has come to this, if you want to solve this matter perfectly, just listen to my arrangements!"

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