Not far from them, in another grove, Niu held up his binoculars, observed No. 7 and No. 8, and then looked towards the direction of Blade's Edge City. He had arrived three hours earlier.

"Now we have to wait for the implementation of the plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain." Niu Da put down his binoculars and turned his head to look at the soldiers squatting in the woods. They will be the main force to escort the slaves.


In Blade's Edge City at this time, Diss listened to Qiao Mu's narration with a gloomy face, and Jackal orcs occasionally interrupted to add a few words.

"You mean? Avery was killed by that Galewind Bandit? They took the treasure map?" Diss stood up abruptly, his golden eyes full of violence.

"Yes, but the members of the Gale Wind Thieves have already chased them outside Blade's Edge City in order to silence them." Qiao Mu shouted quickly, and if he didn't say anything else, he would be executed.

"Silence? How many people are on the other side?" Diss said expressionlessly.

"More than a hundred people!" Qiao Mu said immediately.

"Hundreds of people? Hmph! How courageous."

Diss glanced at the arrow branches on the arms of the two of Qiao Mu, and said coldly, "Go down and treat the wound! Then bring 250 orc knights to snatch the treasure map back for me."

"Yes!" Qiao Mu, the jackal orcs breathed a sigh of relief, they passed the test.

Chapter 0275 special little girl.

In the woods!

The eight of Sink were sitting together, and they looked at the simple version of the map in Sink's hands, which were some of the landforms they recorded on the road.

"Everyone look at this mountain." Sink pointed to a mountain with a steep slope, and said seriously, "We have passed by there before, starting from here, it takes six hours to get there, and it is the only place we got rid of. Orc Rider's Chance."

"Yes, it's really easy to escape after climbing this mountain and using skis." Number Two said affirmatively.

"Do you all remember where the skis are hidden there?" Sink asked seriously.

"I know!" Everyone responded immediately.

"Very well, those who get separated, go to the second gathering point to meet up, this time everyone must go back alive." Xin Ke clenched his fists and said.

"Hee hee hee...Captain, don't worry, we have something from the city lord, nothing will happen at all." Number five said with a smile.

"Don't be careless, if someone dies, I will tell his embarrassing things in front of those recruits." Sink warned.

"Uh..." Everyone else was stunned.

"Don't! I will definitely go back alive." No. 4 shouted quickly, he had the most embarrassing things.

"Hahahaha..." Everyone else laughed, and the tense atmosphere eased.

"Come on! Let's all move, some camouflage still needs to be done." Sink got up and said.


The eight people acted immediately, walking back and forth in the snow, pretending that many people came to this place, and made footprints to go far away...

In half an hour!

The eight members of Sink prepared their equipment and were ready for battle. Each of them had a recurve bow, which was used to attract hatred at the beginning.


Sink retracted the binoculars, and the gate of Blade's Edge City opened, and more than 200 orc knights poured out. They were fully armed and had knight armor, but they had no horses.

"Remember, don't pester them at close range, just hang them from a distance." Xin Ke urged, pointing the bow and arrow at the direction of the grove.

"Understood!" The others did the same.

"Shoot two rounds and go," Sink said.


Five minutes later, it was Qiao Mu and the jackal orcs who appeared in front of Sink and the others. They also saw Sink and the others.

"Let the arrow!"

Sink gave an order, and the arrows were shot out quickly. Eight arrows all hit the orcs, and two or three hit the vital parts and died. The rest were blocked by the armor for most of their power.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The second round was also shot very quickly, but the distance was still a bit far, and the two or three orcs who could be shot to death were still the same.

"Retreat! It's the orc knight, retreat quickly!" Xin Ke shouted at the top of his voice, this was deliberately called to Qiao Mu and the others.

After shouting, the eight of Xin Ke turned their heads and ran away, bluffing Qiao Mu and the others. Isn't this going to be a fight? Why did you run away?

"Damn humans, they are more cunning than the stinky fox girl, chase them, I want them dead." Qiao Mu roared angrily.


In this way, the eight of Sink were like sticks with fleshy bones, luring the orc knights to go deep into the mountains and forests, and they only chose places with thick snow.

Half an hour after the orc knight left the city, Niu Da felt that the other party would not turn around, so he immediately arranged for people to cook porridge. The group of slaves were too hungry to walk, and it was difficult to persist until the ship stopped without giving them something to eat. The place.

"Send people to the grove over there to intercept the orc who sent the message, and send 30 people to block the gate of Blade's Edge City. I don't want any orcs to harass you." Niu Da ordered.

"Yes!" Those veterans set off with their crossbows.

Niu Da knew that there must be orc knights in Blade's Edge City, but after their main force left, the other party would not dare to come out, and would only stick to the city and wait for the main force to return.

This is their opportunity. When the other party is afraid, they will immediately transfer the slaves away. When the orc knights return, at least twelve hours later, when they come to track them down again, they will already be on the ship at that time.

"Start to act, tell those slaves that there is wheat porridge to drink here, and if you don't want to die, let them come here." Niu Da said in a deep voice, at this time, there is no need to promise anything to the slaves, as long as there is wheat porridge to drink, they will definitely follow .


The recruits set off immediately and walked towards the dilapidated houses. They were responsible for persuading or luring the slaves.

Now the slaves are hiding in the house, lighting a fire to keep warm, not daring to light a big fire, otherwise the house made of wood and soil may be ignited soon. Such tragedies have happened many times in the past few days.

"Bang bang bang..."

The recruits knocked on the wooden door of the dilapidated house, or the door made of piled branches, and slowly opened their mouths under the astonished, numb, and frightened eyes of the slaves.

"Everyone, there is wheat porridge in the woods over there to drink. If you believe it, you can go there to eat wheat porridge."

"Don't worry about us lying to you, because you have nothing to lie to."

"Do you want to live? Go to the grove over there and eat wheat porridge. Someone will accept you there."


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