"Okay!" An Li took the document, and she had to follow the progress. The more she helped the young master with government affairs, the more she realized how big the young master's layout was.

"There are still too few people!" Liu Feng turned around, looked out of the window, and sighed, "It would be great if you gave me tens of thousands of people now!"

With tens of thousands of people, he can fully bloom, and the output of some goods can be doubled several times. It is not a dream to make money every day. The most important thing is that the surrounding cities will be affected by him, or they will be attached to his city and embark on a rapid development. roads; or rest on our laurels and become barren landowners.

At that time, Liu Feng will not need a single soldier, and the surrounding cities will regard him as the master. This is an economic war.

Thinking about it, there should be some city owners who can't sit still. Liu Feng's city has nearly 10,000 people. In this era, it can be regarded as a large city with a population of about 100,000.

"I know there are a lot of people in one place." After Avery hit a pair of aces, she suddenly turned her head and said, "However, they are all slaves, and many people should freeze to death now."

A gleam of sadness flashed in Avery's eyes. She thought of the struggling slaves outside the city of Blade's Edge. In the past three days of heavy snow, many people must have been frozen to death.

But she knew that this was impossible. No city would take in slaves so generously. No, it should be that no noble would take in a large number of slaves in winter. of wheat porridge.

If it's spring and summer, I'm afraid that the more slaves the better, it means free labor and can help with a lot of work, as long as you pay for a bite of food, this is the most cost-effective deal.

"Oh? Slave? Does it have an owner?" Liu Feng raised his eyebrows and asked with interest, "What's the price?"

If it is cheap, he can buy some slaves back, and then come up with a reward and punishment system, such as working for him for a few years, and he can restore the free people.

"It's a master, but it doesn't cost money, as long as you can take them away." Avery said in a deep voice, and threw out a big trump card, ending the fight against the landlord.

"What do you mean?" Liu Feng frowned, it sounded like the slave owner didn't care about the slaves.

"Blade's Edge City is a city of slavery. Some worthless civilians and orc slaves will be driven out of the city, and they will be left to fend for themselves. At most, they will distribute a little wheat porridge." Avery briefly introduced The situation in Blade City.

"How many people are there?" Liu Feng's black eyes flickered.

"Probably about a thousand people, some of them should have died in the past few days." Avery pursed her lips and said.

"Thousand people?" Liu Feng nodded, frowning and thinking, the number of one thousand people is quite a lot, and he was calculating the amount of wheat stored.

"..." Avery looked at Liu Feng with a bit of disappointment. Sure enough, no one would take in slaves for free? Don't these nobles know? As long as they survive the winter, can slaves help with work?

But she is not qualified to say anything to blame, because the tragedy of slaves outside Blade City was caused by Diss, who is also an orc.

Chapter 0252 population is the greatest resource.

The study was very quiet. Everyone looked at Liu Feng who was frowning and thinking. They all knew what Liu Feng was planning now.

"An Li, if there are 1,000 more people in the territory, will they be able to support them when the grain is harvested next year?" Liu Feng suddenly turned to An Li and asked, before making a decision, some specific values ​​still need to be referred to.

"Oh, let me check." An Li nodded, and quickly flipped through the notepad.

The daily food consumption in Xiyang City will be recorded, and then submitted once every three days. This is a special request from Liu Feng, so that we can monitor the changes in the food in Xiyang City, which can often detect what is happening in Xiyang City at the first time. Variety.

Avery's orange eyes widened, she looked at Liu Feng, what's going on now? Are you going to take over slaves from Blade City?

"Master, there are still seventeen full granaries." An Li flipped through the notepad and described the data, "The wheat sold in the big market these days is very little, only about one-twentieth of what it used to be. Now the calculation of the population consumption of Xiyang City..."

An Li took out a pen, quickly calculated on the notepad, and said after a while, "By the time of next year's grain harvest, another 5,000 people can support it."

"Five thousand people?" Liu Feng frowned. He was dissatisfied with the number, and said in a deep voice, "Did you remove the wine making part?"

"It has already been removed, and I have budgeted 10% of the emergency food." An Li said crisply, the emergency food was taught to her by Liu Feng in preparation for the war.

"Very good!" Liu Feng praised, and fell into deep thought again. Originally, he had prepared wheat grains for 15,000 people, but some more people joined Xiyang City in the middle. What was used was the rations of about 12,000 people.

Of course, the wheat harvested and stored by the commoners is not counted in it, that is to say, Enli is calculated based on the consumption of the commoners in the city.

This is also a safe calculation method. If civilians eat up all the wheat stored at home, they will go to the big market to buy wheat. This variable must be calculated because they don’t know how much wheat each household has stored.

"Avery, what's the situation in Blade's Edge City?"

Liu Feng looked at Lang Erniang with black eyes, he had decided on the population, next year one thousand more people would open up wasteland, and the food grown could at least feed tens of thousands of people.

In this era, population is the greatest resource. Of course, this is for Liu Feng. Too much population is a burden for other nobles, because the production of food crops cannot increase...plus the usual greed and extravagance of nobles Most of the lowly civilians will starve to death.

No matter where it is, the people below are the most miserable. They are either starved to death, or forced to work for others, or involved in wars.

But Liu Feng doesn't have this worry now. The current food in his territory is enough to feed 10,000 to 20,000 people.

If 1,000 new slaves are added, by the beginning of next spring, the value created for him will be several times more than investing in some wheat porridge in winter.

Moreover, as long as he insists on planting the rice, improved wheat seeds, and potatoes he brought from the earth next year, then Liu Feng can fully afford another 100,000 people.

This era is really sparsely populated, and people stay around the city, like a place farther away, completely deserted, even if that area is full of fertile land, but no one has the spirit of pioneering.

Of course, it also has a lot to do with the fact that there are more wild animals in this era. For example, the places a little further away from Xiyang City are all wasteland. Liu Feng will open up wasteland next year, and all of this will require a lot of people.

"You, you want those slaves?" Avery's orange eyes lit up a little.

"Why not?" Liu Feng said with a slight smile, with the corners of his mouth raised, "Many wastelands outside Xiyang City are short of people to grow wheat."

"This..." Avery turned her head to look at Enli, and after getting a nod of agreement, she immediately began to talk about what she had seen and heard about Blade's Edge City, especially about Diss, the former prince of the Karutu orc kingdom.

"Oh?" Liu Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at An Li, and asked in doubt, "That Diss has a bad relationship with you?"

"Not good, it can be said to be very bad." An Li spread her hands and said helplessly, "That disgusting guy, Diss, has been peeping at my father's throne. Some of the things that have caused him to go to the gallows long ago."

"That's good!" There was a sneer on the corner of Liu Feng's mouth. According to Avery, he guessed that Diss had also been operating in Blade City for at least two years, and now he has even controlled the Lord of Blade City.

In Liu Feng's view, devil fruit is some kind of addictive drug, similar to opium. He didn't expect that in this era, people would already be infected with this "demon of desire".

Liu Feng took out a roll of maps from the drawer, spread it out, waved to Avery, and said, "Tell me the location of Blade's Edge City."

"Yes!" Avery immediately got up and went to the desk to watch carefully.

The moment she saw the map, Avery was stunned. This map is too detailed. The mountains, rivers and roads in the area around Xiyang City are all marked, just like the small hill where she hid, you can also see it on the map arrive.

This map, but Liu Feng asked Niu Da's patrolling soldiers to record it, and the approximate distances are marked. Liu Feng plans to make a sand table model in the future.

"Here, roughly this area." Avery gestured on the map.

"Okay!" Liu Feng nodded. The place Avery pointed to was a general direction, and it hadn't been carefully marked on the map, which also showed that Xiyang City and Blade's Edge City hadn't been in contact yet.

"The geographical location of Blade's Edge City is quite a distance from the Youshui River." Liu Feng propped his chin and said slowly, "The first half of the journey can be done by boat, but the second half has to be walked."

"This journey will take about one day." Avery said, "Including the time by boat, it will take two days."

"The question now is how to deal with Diss' pursuers."

Liu Feng tilted his head and thought about it. Blade's Edge City would definitely not let him take slaves for nothing. If the movement of a thousand slaves was not an idiot, Blade's Edge City would definitely find out.

Chapter 0253 Come play a play.

Take away the slaves. If Blade's Edge City came out to pursue them, there would be no other way but to send soldiers to stop them.

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