"I see, I know how to do it ~ Xi." Princess Sophie nodded repeatedly.

Half an hour later, under the arrangement of the soldiers, the people of the Torola Orc Empire fleet had disembarked.

Everyone started to line up, ready to be inspected and registered by the soldiers in Haiyan City. "Tap Tat Tat...

Everyone walked in unison on the port of Haiyan City, and their weapons were all removed.

All that was left to them was the armor on their bodies, but with the lesson from last time, everyone was queuing obediently this time, and no one dared to mess around.

"Second brother, what are they doing? Why are they all queuing up?" Sophie looked puzzled.

It was the first time for the orc princess to see this kind of scene, so many people gathered at the port and didn't know what to do.

"Accept the inspection, and you need to accept the inspection when you enter the Han Dynasty." Second Prince Nemo said.

"Why do you need to check? Our empire doesn't need to do this." Princess Sophie asked puzzled.

"The Han Dynasty is different. They are special, so they need to be checked." Prince Nemo said.

In fact, he was embarrassed to say that it was because the Han Dynasty was very powerful, and then they had to be inspected.

"Why? Can't we not check? We are princesses and princes, so why not just go in?" Princess Sophie wondered.

What the orc princess didn't understand was that she was clearly a princess, why couldn't she go in, but instead had to queue up here for inspection, isn't that unreasonable?

What's more, it is their greatest honor that the princess is willing to come, and it is really unreasonable to ask them to line up now.

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. This is someone else's kingdom. Since we are here, we must respect other people's rules." Prince Nemo said embarrassingly.

In fact, he was embarrassed to tell the truth, because the truth was really embarrassing, and he was really embarrassed to tell it.

No one wants to admit that he is a coward, especially a boy, and he is also a prince.

They have failed once before, and it is really embarrassing to say it, so he will not say it at this time. "Okay, I see." Princess Sophie--with a puzzled face.

Although the orc princess pretended to understand it on the surface, in fact she still didn't understand it.

Which princess is willing to travel thousands of miles to someone else's kingdom, and then instead of being received by a grand banquet, she will be reduced to the point where she has to wait in line, even if the line is so long.

"Don't think too much, line up obediently, and then accept the inspection." Second Prince Nemo said seriously.

He knew that no matter what he said, his sister still didn't understand, but there was nothing he could do.

"Then how long do we have to queue? Don't all the people in front have to queue up one by one." Princess Sophie asked puzzled.

She has already taken ten thousand steps back to understand, even if she has to queue up for inspection, but she and her brother definitely don't need to queue up for inspection, why do they even have to?

"."I told you not to talk nonsense, just keep queuing up, don't ask so many questions. "Second Prince Nemo is already a little angry.

He felt that if his sister continued to ask questions, he would lose face.

"Well, did the second elder brother do the same thing when he came here?" Princess Sophie asked curiously.

"Not before,...forget it,...didn't I say not to ask so many questions?" Second Prince Nemo was really a little angry.

He recalled that time before, and the painful lessons seemed to be still in front of him.

Now being asked such a question, and then remembering everything, I couldn't help feeling annoyed for no reason.

"Okay, I see. Princess Sophia said bitterly. She knew that she couldn't ask any more questions. If she kept asking, the other party would definitely be angry.

"Hmph." Second Prince Nemo snorted coldly.

More than half an hour later, the queue gradually shortened, and it was Princess Sophie's turn.

Like the Kassad fleet before them, they were asked a few important questions and then registered. Since they had already been here once, the check-in questions were shorter this time.

Of course, they all got pass cards, which meant they could go to Chang'an City.

But not the whole team can go, only a few more than 100 people can follow.

"It's so troublesome to go to their capital and have to register. If I had known, I wouldn't have come." Princess Sophie murmured.

Princess Lu really doesn't understand this, and she doesn't know why Chang'an City is written so well.

Then it's so troublesome to come here, if I knew it was like this, I might as well just stay in the palace obediently.

"I told you not to follow, but you still follow." Second Prince Nemo said angrily.

"Second update, factory v). Please customize, please support."

Chapter 249: The secret is exposed.

At noon, five or six mermaids were advancing rapidly under the vast seabed.


They are the mermaid prince Jerome and the great knight Dikas. They have been looking for the mermaid princess on land for a while.

Originally, there was no news, but they suddenly received the news in the morning, and they decided to go back.

"Your Highness, do you think that news is true?"-The celebrity fish knight asked with gestures.

When he heard the news in the morning, he had doubts in his heart, but it was not easy to say it face to face.

"I trust them." Prince Jerome nodded.

It's nothing else, it's because they have been looking for it for a long time, more than two months, and there is no news of their sister. In the morning, I suddenly received a word from a person who claimed to be from the Han Dynasty, saying that her sister was in the Han Dynasty, so he didn't have to continue looking.

And the other party told the appearance of the mermaid princess, and some other things that can be proved.

The mermaid prince also had to believe it, because it was so real, didn't her sister know about it?

It would be impossible for someone who hadn't seen her sister to know these things, and what the other party said told her not to worry.

He didn't ask for any gold coins, just said that he would send his sister back.

He didn't say a word about the reward or asked them to hand over the mermaid in exchange, which he had to believe.

You know, the mermaid world under the sea is a big secret, and the other party didn't tell the news that he had his sister, but he didn't use it as a threat.

He didn't want to do anything by himself, just let them not worry, just wait for the mermaid princess to go back.

This sounded too incredible, and the mermaid prince had to believe it, otherwise they would have nothing to do. Anyway, they had searched all three empires on land, and there was no news of their sister. In addition, they also inquired, and there was indeed a place called the Han Dynasty, and the other party was indeed a good kingdom, and it was indeed in another continent, so he chose to believe it.

"But is Her Royal Highness really safe with the other party?" Another mermaid knight gestured.

More than two months have passed since now, and there has been no news of the mermaid princess for more than two months.

Suddenly news of the mermaid princess appeared, who knew

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