"What's her specialty? How can she only talk for half a day"? ' asked Angus.

"No, it's nothing, let's quickly enter Haiyan City." Annie shook her head vigorously.

At this time, it's useless to worry, and I can't help the other party, so I can only help the other party keep the secret first.

Another thing is to silently pray in my heart that the other party will be safe and sound, but it may be a bit difficult to follow the intensity of the cross-examination.


After Annie left, it was Agnes and Peterson's turn, but they were very nervous at this moment.

Not for anything else, because there is one more person, that is Adrienne, without her, I wouldn't be so worried.

"What's your name? How old are you? Where do you come from?" The soldier asked seriously.

"My name is Agnes, I am sixteen years old, and I am from Magao City of the Torola Orc Empire." Agnes said seriously.

"What's your specialty?" The soldier continued to ask.

"Special skills?" Agnes was stunned, wondering, "You're asking what I know, right?"

"Well, what do you know?" The soldier nodded.

"I can sing too." Agnes said a little embarrassedly.

Annie taught her this, otherwise what would be her specialty when asked? That really won't.

The soldier raised his eyebrows slightly, unexpectedly there was another person who could sing,

"Then you can act."

"Okay," Agnes sang, clearing her throat, "the morning mists are white, dilly dit_...  

The song she sang was the same song Annie sang, only in different passages.

Since she had just started learning, probably only a little over a month, she had a tone deafness from the beginning, and her singing gradually became better.

Although it's not as good as Annie's, it's not bad, at least it sounds comfortable.

The soldier nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Okay, you have passed the specialty, who are these two of you?"

"One is my father and the other is my sister." When Agnes said the latter, she obviously lacked confidence.

The soldier looked up at Peterson, told him to come forward, and asked, "What's your name? How old are you?"

"Hi sir, my name is Peterson, I am fifty-six years old, and my specialty is healing." Peterson said without thinking.

He could only tell about his work as a witch doctor in the Torola Orc Empire. Of course, he only said that he could heal diseases.

He can't tell the other party that he is a witch doctor, otherwise he will be kicked out.

"Oh? You can cure diseases?" The soldier was a little surprised.

This is the first time he has said that he will treat illnesses since he registered for such a long time today.

*"That's right, when I was in Marche City, I often treated people." Peterson said without thinking.

"Okay." The soldier nodded, lowered his head and continued to register, and continued to ask, "What about you? What's your name?"

Adriana was stunned, and then she recovered and answered immediately, saying her name and age.

She also told them where they lived according to the method taught by the Shovel Girl. In order not to panic herself, she kept practicing while queuing.

The soldier frowned, looked at the mermaid girl all the time, and asked seriously, "You are really a family with them."

He found that something was wrong, and found that the man and the girl looked like humans from head to toe.

But the other two looked like orcs. If they were both orcs, how could they give birth to a human girl?

"They and I are indeed a family." Adriana suppressed her panic. "Then why aren't you an orc? Wait a moment." The soldier asked the mermaid girl to stand a little farther away.

After making sure that the other party was far away, the soldier questioned Agnes and Peterson again.

After the soldiers finished asking, they asked the mermaid girl to come forward and ask, "What's your mother's name? Where is she from? What is her race?" This is also one of the ways they ask. If there are two All three of them faltered and faltered.

Then let the middle person leave first, ask the question clearly, then let the other person come back, and then ask the same question.

If the answers of both people are correct, it proves that they are not lying.

Adriana was stunned, she didn't expect the other party to ask this question, and her forehead began to sweat.

Agnes also looked nervous, because they hadn't confronted the mermaid girl about the question the soldiers asked just now.

"Second update, factory v7). Please customize, please support."

Chapter 219: Locked in the Dungeon

"Why do you have to think about your mother's name for so long?" The soldier frowned and looked at the mermaid girl, and continued to ask, "Even if the name is temporarily forgotten, shouldn't even the race be forgotten?"

The soldier's expression was very serious, he kept looking at the mermaid girl seriously, and called his teammates around by the way.

Obviously, there is something wrong with this person, and it is the first time that such a person has appeared since the people of the Kassad fleet disembarked and registered.

"Adriana couldn't speak at all, she couldn't even make it up.

At this time, it is better to choose to be silent than to make up random things, otherwise things will be more serious by then.

But at this moment, she is very scared and can't do anything else, because I will be exposed soon.

That's fine, the most important thing is that she got involved with Yangjiaoniang, and the two of them might also be punished.

"What? Are you speechless? You don't remember, or you are not related to them at all." The soldier said sharply.

"That's right, I'm not related to them, I'm by myself." Adrienne said seriously.

At this time, she was still not direct. To tell the truth, it was good, otherwise the consequences would be more serious.

"Your name, age, and where did you come from?" the soldier continued to ask seriously.

However, he already had an arrangement for the mermaid girl in his heart. It is impossible for such a person who lied from the beginning to enter Chang'an City.

"Where did you come from? I can't tell you, I've already told you the truth about my age and name." Adriana was very serious.

Even if she couldn't be allowed to land at this moment, she didn't think it was a problem. Anyway, the most important thing was to keep the secret of the seabed.

This is the secret of the mermaid clan under the sea, and the secret of the entire clan cannot be exposed just because of her self-willedness.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't let you land?" The soldier was very angry.

It was the first time he saw this kind of person, who had been exposed for lying, but still acted confidently.

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