Starting Marvel with a Zanpakuto Chapter 90

Mission Hospital.

"Would you mind waiting for me?"

Constantine pushed open the car door and said to Lorde, "I guess after I get in, there's probably not much time, so I think I'll do it last. Have a cigarette."

"I don't mind."

Lorde stared at the white exterior of the hospital and said in a flat tone.


Constantine leaned against the door, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to Lorde, said with a smile: "Do you want one? ?My favorite Sika, tastes pretty good."

"I don't smoke." Lorde shook his head and rejected him.

"It's a good habit, at least you don't have to worry about lung cancer." Constantine laughed as if laughed at herself, picked up a cigarette, took out the zipo from the pocket of her windbreaker, and lit the cigarette with a forceful toss.


Constantine took the cigarette between her slender fingers, and took a big gulp in her mouth.

A cigarette disappeared one third!

Constantine enjoyed the short-lived pleasure brought by nicotine, and slowly exhaled the remaining smoke after filtering, turning it into a plume of white smoke rising.

"You said... can we come out alive?" Constantine's eyes were a little deep, as if she was thinking about something.

Lorde shook his head and said, "I don't know."


Constantine tutted lightly and said with a displeased expression, "What a disappointment. , shouldn't it be time to say something to improve morale? For example, we will definitely win or something?"

Lorde glanced at him and said seriously: "Reality is not a fairy tale, and warriors are not always It can defeat dragons."

"That's right."

Constantine grinned, threw the butt of the cigarette on the ground, and crushed it with leather shoes: "If We can survive this time, and when we go back, I must engrave these words on the wall."

With this, he took out a suitcase and an exaggerated gold shotgun from the car!

Holy shotgun!

Welded on the barrel is a cross engraved with Bible prayers and blessed by bishop. The magazine below is a huge roulette, and even the inside of the loaded bullet is filled with high The pure holy water is also engraved with a cross logo on the projectile!

This peculiarly shaped weapon was made by an Italian craftsman in the 15th century with gold produced by the Catholicism Church. It was the weapon used by the Roman Catholic Court to destroy demons at that time.

Although the holy shotgun has a range of only a few meters, it can cause huge damage to those demons!

Firearms + Faith = Physical Exorcism!

My lord, times have changed!

Constantine believes that no half-blood demon can stop a single bullet from the holy shotgun.

If there is, then give it another shot!

apart from this.

Constantine brought his suitcase with a lot of Items in it.

Examples: Screaming Beetle, Elixir Bomb, Moses' Cloth, [Lilith's Womb], Debris from Demon Horn, Lamashtu Divine Idol, etc.

The former is used to deal with the demons who gathered in the church hospital, waiting for Mammon's birth; the latter are the little 'surprises' specially prepared by him to deal with Gabriel!

"Let's go!"

Constantine took the lead, holding a holy shotgun in his right hand, Moses' cloth wrapped around his left hand, seven or eight holy water bombs in his pocket, images and those Al Qaeda members, basically only one white turban missing.

The two of them, one after the other, walked into the church hospital from the main entrance, and found that the whole hospital was empty, as silent as Death.

"It seems that these bastards should be on the top floor." Constantine thought about it and said, because water is an indispensable medium, presumably Mammon should have chosen the top floor as the place of arrival.

Don't ask why it's a pool,

ask it's the Demon King!

The dignified Hell Demon King can't get out of the toilet sink, can it?

"Let's go up the stairs."

Constantine turned to Lorde and said, after all, taking the elevator is a bit risky now.

In case something goes wrong, when the time comes, what you have to face is not a demon, but a serious physical problem. I think Newton probably didn't know Constantine, so it's still obediently and honestly Climb the stairs.


Lorde eyebrows slightly frowned, and then cast his eyes deep into the corridor: "It seems that they are already prepared, I am afraid they want to go. It's not that simple."

slash slash!

The hospital's overhead lights flickered on and off, and from the depths of the hallway came a terrifying sound of teeth grinding.

Immediately afterwards, a humanoid demonic creature that looked like it was peeled off its skin, crawled over from the ceiling deep in the corridor, and kept making a terrifying cry similar to the crying of a baby!

"This is...Abnormal Baby Demon?"

Constantine stared wide-eyed, looking in disbelief, "This is pure-eyed from Hell. A blooded demon, how could it possibly appear in the human world?"

Abnormal Baby Demon was born in the time of Noah. It was the legendary evil wizard who broke and twisted the limbs of the six-year-old baby and gave huge pain to torture. After that, make a horror demon!

Unlike these half-blood demons, the Abnormal Baby Demon is a lineage pure Hell demon!

Lorde said calmly: "It seems that the Sorcerer Supreme can't see everything." He quickly recited a paragraph of incantation:

“Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.”

“Ut tuam secura tibi facias”

“libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.”

“Ut sanctae humiliare digneris,”

“te rogamus, audi nos.”

This is in Latin Chanting the Catholicism exorcism spell can make all the traps in the world appear in his eyes!

"That's true!"

Constantine's eyes were glowing with golden rays of light, and he said with a very solemn expression: "All the walls of the entire hospital are engraved with drawings by Gabriel himself. The incantation formed a huge magic formation that can completely isolate external prying eyes!"


Lorde sneered.

Constantine corner of mouth twitching, thinking of Haikou that he had boasted to others before, he couldn't help but say a little embarrassedly: "It's actually normal, after all, Sorcerer Supreme is not omnipotent, there will always be times when she can't see it. ."

"There's a lot of nonsense."

Lorde stepped forward and said without looking back: "You go to the top floor first, I'll hold this Abnormal Baby Demon."

"It's over to you, Lorde!"

Constantine knew what Lorde was capable of, so she turned away without the slightest hesitation.

Now is not the time to tangle, everything must be focused on destroying the Mammon coming plan, even if it is sacrificing teammates and myself, it must not make people into purgatory!

"Now... we can have fun."

Lorde's eyes flashed with cold light, and he walked step by step towards the Abnormal Baby Demon.



Running all the way to the top floor, Constantine took a short rest and kicked the door in front of him with a kick, and saw close and numerous people crowded together.

And these people, men, women and children, all looked like pilgrims, staring at a door at the end.

There is no doubt about that.

Dozens of humans in the entire church hospital were occupied by this group of goddamn half-blood demons!

The sound of the door being kicked open awakened the group of demons. They turned their heads one after another. In their blood-red eyes, there was ferocity and blood-thirsty breath!


In the eyes of these demons, Blink was emitting cruel rays of light, as if to devour him alive.

But who is Constantine?

He has never seen any big scenes, trivial dozens of half-blood demons that's all, completely ignored!

"The carnival is on!"

Constantine grinned, took out all the holy water bombs and threw them at it: "This is the blessing of the Lord, enjoy it, bastards!"

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