Starting human body

Chapter 704 Rescue Team


Kingdom Mother Star.

The dimensional door opened, and a beam of light violently penetrated Absolute's protection. Although it only returned to its original state for a moment, the red light ball still rushed in.

After resisting a wave of dimensional impact, the red light ball fell directly into the golden streets of the kingdom, and the light converged, revealing the figures of the rescue team.

"The intruder was found to be a warrior from the Kingdom of Light!"

"7 people!"


Inside the palace, Tartarus was waiting for news about the Titan Absolut, and he made a sound of surprise after receiving the report from the soldiers.

"It's interesting that I can find him here."


The royal palace manages the entire Absolute planet, and the intruding rescue team is almost completely exposed in the monitoring light curtain, and every move falls into Tartarus's eyes.

"Six elite warriors dared to break in. It's quite courageous... Huh? Didn't you say there were 7 people? Is there another one?"

"There were indeed 7 people just now..."

"Don't worry about so much," Diavolo hummed and walked to Tartarus, "Whether it's 6 or 7, I think they are impatient, just deal with them all, right? Leave it to them. I!"

"Well, don't let anyone go."

Tartarus nodded slightly.

His belief is "absolute", and he keeps planning and testing for the absolute chance of victory and absolute certainty, but this does not mean that he can tolerate intruders.

If the enemy broke into the home planet, if that adult knew about it, it would be a serious dereliction of duty on his part.

Thinking of this, Tartarus turned to Beria and Tregear, who had been watching the show.

"If you two are interested, practice your skills in advance. The day of the decisive battle is not far away."

"Humph, it's just what I want," Beria twisted his neck and smiled, "It's not bad to take this opportunity to enjoy this power in advance. First, collect some interest from these juniors in the Kingdom of Light in the future."


Tregear followed slowly.

Kingdom streets.

Astra and the others are going to split up to look for Princess Julian, and finally meet at the Absolute Energy Tower.

"With such a strong output, no wonder they call themselves the ultimate life form."

"But because of this, it's out of control, and this world can't last long," Hikali explained. "It seems that this should be the reason why they are eyeing the Kingdom of Light."

"Strange," Astra suddenly looked around and said, "Where is Diga? Didn't Diga come over?"

"No, I was still here just now..."

Hikari then noticed Natsuki disappeared and said in a deep voice with a headache.

"There's no time. Let's take action first. We'll wait until we meet up to discuss the rest!"


Absolut Energy Tower.

Natsuki Quantum moved through the golden corridor and discovered the Tartarus Narak space mounted in it before reaching the core.

"Is this the place where the Abo people said they would hold Julian?"

Natsuki stopped at the golden halo entrance.

He didn't have time to fully collect the data on Tartarus, and his understanding of it was limited to the two skills of "absolute destruction" and "travel through time and space".

This Narak space seemed to be an extension of the realm, giving him a very uncomfortable feeling.

After a pause, Xia Shu stepped into the golden space.

Although I don't like entering other people's fields, if I want to go to the energy core, I have to go through this space.

And he was also very curious.

His field was developed by himself and then integrated with the characteristics of the Meta field. Its attributes are "control", "blocking" and "weakening".

Now we are trying to study the rules of the universe.

Any enemy who enters will quickly lose energy and weaken their combat effectiveness, and may even lose their abilities directly due to the rule changes.

I don’t know what the properties of Narak space are.

Or does the ability to travel through time and space come from this field?

There are many life forms in the Ultra Universe that can travel through time and space, but there are very few beings who can travel through time and space to create time-space sympathies like Tartarus.


Inside Narak space.

Ultraman Legros, the heir to the Space Phantom Beast Fist, is bound by several light chains, and the red light on his chest is always flashing. He can only rely on the Narak Space to maintain his basic survival state.

This pattern has been studied since his capture, but it has recently changed.

After the Princess of the Kingdom of Light was imprisoned, she tried to input energy to help him find his own light.

"That's enough," Regulus shook his head at Julian. "If this continues, your energy will be exhausted. Let's stop here."



Regros suddenly raised his head and pulled Julian aside. He couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Natsuki entering Narak's space.

He was brought here from the past time and space. Although Tiga is well known, it is a matter of the new generation, so he is not known at all.

"It's Ultraman Tiga!"

Julian said in surprise.

"Why are you here?"

"The rescue team from the Kingdom of Light has arrived and will be here to rescue you soon."

Natsuki reminded him, his eyes inadvertently glanced at Atman Legros next to Julian, and his eyes paused slightly after seeing the beast-shaped totem on this Ultra warrior.

Although no one on that fighting planet possesses the Space Fantasy Beast Fist, legends about the Space Fantasy Beast Fist have been circulating, including the characteristics of this martial art.

Once you learn the Cosmic Beast Fist, special animal patterns representing the moves will appear on the surface of your body.


Without waiting for Julian to ask questions, Natsuki's giant figure flashed directly across Nalak and entered the core of Absolut Tower.

"Ultraman Tiga..."

Regros tensed his body and waited until Natsuki disappeared before turning to Julian and asking.

"Is he your companion?"

"It doesn't seem to be the case," Julian shook his head. "Ultraman Tiga does not belong to the Kingdom of Light. He is a giant of light from other time and space. Is there any problem?"

She saw that Regros was nervous, and his reaction was even greater than when he faced the Absolut clan, as if he had encountered some terrifying existence.

"have no idea."

Regros' eyes were blank.

"Maybe it's my misunderstanding? Master once said that there is actually another legendary martial art in the universe. It does not use fantasy beasts. It relies on its own development of physical strength to reach the limit or even exceed the limit. There are no tricks, just one punch and one kick. Must-kill... He looks like the kind of warrior Master said, very strong!"

Julian didn't quite understand these things, and was more concerned about the Kingdom of Light rescue team that Natsuki mentioned. She nodded in confusion and responded: "Ultraman Tiga is indeed very powerful."


The core of the Kingdom of Absolut is very similar to the core of the Kingdom of Light. Even the structure of the core tower is almost the same, except that the former is golden light and the latter is white light, and the energy intensity of the former is still increasing.


Stepping through an air passage, Natsuki's giant figure stopped in front of the extremely unstable golden core. It was surrounded by layers of circular arches used to limit the core. Razor snakes composed of countless energies spread everywhere.

"Ellie, can you analyze it?"

Natsuki reached out and grabbed the golden light particles floating in the tower.

The Absolut clan is so unique. They don't need to become stronger through various practices like the Kingdom of Light, and they don't need to worry about "spiritual power". There is no distinction between light and darkness, and they can directly possess ultimate power.

But the universe seems to be fair. This energy core is far less stable than the Kingdom of Light.

"This seems to be the core of the transformed universe dimension," Ellie said distressedly, "There is not enough technology to analyze it yet."

God knows what the consultant thought.

She is just an ordinary product of the earth in ordinary time and space. The purpose of her initial development was just base management. Even if she has evolved a lot now, she can't be used to analyze dimensions, right?

"Just record the data first."

Natsuki focused on the Divine Light Mirror and his own "time and space controller" ability.

Even if it doesn't work now, it will be possible to study it thoroughly in the future.

Technology cannot be accumulated, but there are not many opportunities to collect data.

It just so happens that he also has the Divine Light Mirror Universe as an experimental site.


Natsuki moved closer to the core, and the entire giant body was dyed golden, and even himself was lifted up a little.


At the moment when he was about to touch the core, Xia Shu stopped abruptly. A strong sense of crisis suddenly exploded in his heart, and a faint figure of a sleeping giant flashed across his field of vision.

"Now is not the time."

Natsuki took a step back under the thunderstorm bombardment of the energy core, his eyes thoughtful.

As expected, there is a king in the Kingdom of Absolut, who seems to be in a deep sleep, but not completely asleep.

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