Starting human body

Chapter 481 The Defeated Rob Brothers


Concrete fragments fell from time to time on the crowded and chaotic streets. Occasionally, an unlucky person was hit on the head and never got up. He was soon submerged in the crowd of refugees.

No one dared to stop, even shouting became a luxury, or they could hold a child or be alone and immerse themselves in the sound of sirens to stay away from the monster.

After experiencing the blood and tears of several monster attacks, the cries and screams behind them will only speed up people's steps.

There were only a few people left to watch the Ultra Warriors fight, and many of them were reporters, basically staying in safe areas.


Xia Shu helped a child who had been left behind by his family to prevent the child from being trampled by the crowd, and then looked up at the center of the battlefield.

The shock waves of the battle between the Rob brothers and Holopoloz came again and again, and the scope of destruction continued to increase.

Unlike the other monsters that the Rob brothers had fought before, Horopoloz's combat power was much greater than that of the two brothers. After only holding on for a while, the red lights came on one after another.

Ordinary light skills, even if the two brothers cooperated and tried their best, could not cause harm to Holopolozi. On the contrary, they further aggravated Holopolozi's bestiality.

Brother Rob transformed into a countdown, and became more and more anxious in the face of the accelerating flashing red light. However, not only did this fail to solve Holopoloz, but it put himself at an absolute disadvantage.

After a wave of attacks, the two brothers were thrown to the ground at the same time by Horopoloz, and then their necks were choked by sharp claws on the left and right sides.

"elder brother!"


"Hold on!!"

"hold head high!"

Horopoloz roared and pressed hard on the giant bodies of Brother Rob. After a burst of high-speed claw-blade attacks, he jumped up and did not give the two brothers any time to react. He stretched out his sharp claws and stretched out several purple scythes to strike out. .


"Ultra Warrior!"

Minato Chaoyang screamed and rushed to the edge of the battlefield amid the violent explosions and fire, and watched helplessly as Brother Rob was hit by the slashing wave and landed with a bang.

The giant's body in the dust and fog of the storm disintegrated and turned into spots of light all over the sky, leaving only the seriously injured and unconscious brothers Coohuhai lying in the ruins with unknown life or death.

"Brother Huohai...Brother Yonghai..."

Minato Chaoyang stared blankly at his brothers who were revealed in the dust and fire smoke.

"How could this happen? Brother and the others are actually Ultra Warriors!"


Minato, who followed the crowd of refugees outside, also returned to the scene. He hurriedly squeezed out the spectators and ran towards the ruins following his daughter's screams. After a while, he saw Minato Chaoyang, who was crying beside his brothers.

"Wake up! Brother Huohai! Brother Yonghai! What should I do..."

"Chaoyang! Living sea! Yonghai!"

Minato rushed forward in shock, and looked slightly relieved when he found that the two brothers were still breathing.

"Don't be afraid, Chaoyang, dad will send my brothers to the hospital right now!"

"hold head high!"

In the ruins of the battlefield, Horopoloz continued to destroy. After manically pulling up a tall building, his animalistic eyes looked down directly at the bottom. Minato, the sea brothers, and Minato Chaoyang, who helped Minato and Minato Chaoyang, raised the building high and smashed it to the ground while the earth and rocks exploded in the sky. .


Minato Chaoyang's face suddenly turned pale, and he looked absently at the high-rise buildings approaching and the tables, chairs and debris scattered on the windows and walls of the building.

outside the battlefield.

Natsuki walked past the burning ruins, stopped in front of a broken neon sign, and looked quietly at the mutilated body buried in rubble.

Perhaps it was because of his nature, or perhaps because he was affected by the dark power. The more experiences he had, the longer he lived, and the more he became indifferent to the tragedy of monster attacks.

I don't know since when, Xia Shu's mood has always been calm to the point of being almost cold-blooded.

This is a manifestation of evolution. After all, the level gap is too big, and even the Kingdom of Light cannot avoid the indifference of higher life forms towards lower life forms.

But it seems a bit sad for him who evolved from humans.

Of course, he would not go out of his way to change this state.

His rich experiences gave him a deeper and deeper understanding of reality.

Compared with monster attacks, over-protection is equally disastrous for humans.

Just like the earth's ecosystem, if you eliminate the natural enemies of a certain species in order to protect it, it will eventually lead to the species' self-destruction.

This will only get worse for humans.

As a human in the past, he knew better than the Kingdom of Light, so he did not reject his indifference.

If he really hates death like the Virgin, he will either die of exhaustion in the end, or he will kill all mankind, becoming a Virgin bitch who seems to do good things, but is actually the source of destruction.


Natsuki looked away from the corpses that were still covered by the wind and sand.

Passers-by must have the awareness of passers-by, the savior of this world is not him...

"Let's go!"


The cry of despair suddenly echoed in my heart.

Natsuki narrowed her eyes slightly and turned around to look with gleaming eyes.

Through the smoke and dust, one could clearly see the Minato family, shrouded in the shadows of Holopolos and the building.


The light from the Divine Light Mirror burst out, briefly circulated, then converged back, and was replaced by the Orb Ring NEO, which appeared in Natsuki's hand.

After pressing the switch for the first time without any response, Natsuki frowned and pressed it a second time.

The transformation in the virtual battlefield was obviously very smooth.

Do we have to shout slogans outside?

What is it?


Before Natsuki struggled to speak, the Orb circle finally returned to normal after a short delay. The red and black beams enveloped Natsuki, and then a towering black giant figure instantly condensed above the heads of the Minato family.



Across the layers of space, Natsuki's eyes moved slightly. At this moment, he actually established some kind of inductive connection with Hong Kai on the other side. However, after the dark Uub and Red Kai Uub looked at each other simultaneously, they quickly lost contact. It was so fast that Hong Kai didn't seem to react.

Consciousness returns to Rob Earth.

In the life-and-death crisis of Minato and his team, Natsuki hurriedly hugged and supported the fallen high-rise building. The giant's body sank slightly, and then he threw the high-rise building violently, interrupting Horopoloz's next attack.



Minato Chaoyang was protected behind him by Minato Shio, holding his head and closing his eyes. His scream was released slowly after he was thrown away from the tall building.

Giant shouts, crashes, heavy footsteps, ground shaking, wind...

After the chaotic noise, Minato Chaoyang opened his eyes in a daze, and he and his father Minato looked up at the giant body blocking the monster.

"It's a black giant!"


Because he was acting under the identity of Dark Orb, Natsuki also fought against Horopoloz according to the Dark Orb battle mode. After being the first to slash the Holy Sword Light Blade to repel the violent monster, Natsuki's Earth Sword ability was activated. control.

The invisible gravity caused Holopoloz's body to drop suddenly, and his legs were completely submerged into the ground.

"hold head high!"


Natsuki then activated the Water Sword. The giant body seemed to be in the waves of the ocean, and the sword attack was directed forward.

However, Horopoloz, whose movement was restricted, became even more violent. Before the water sword hit, he suddenly spread out his arms and sharp claws to violently break the constraints of the gravity of the rock and earth. Then he returned to the four-legged beast mode from a bipedal standing, turning into a savage beast. Kage jumped and attacked Natsuki.

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