Starting human body

Chapter 472 Rob Time and Space


The two giant figures teleported continuously, both of them attacking each other tentatively. Occasionally, Tregear's special attack light burst out, but Natsuki dodged it.

Meteorite explodes.

The space-time storm has also become more intense.

Although Natsuki is more powerful in terms of combat ability, Tregear is not weak with the power of Grimdor as his backing.

The original Titan of Light was still only S+, and the huge gap between him and SS- could not be easily bridged by relying on combat skills.

Moreover, as a former genius researcher from the Kingdom of Light, Tregear was not a combat idiot.

After eschewing close combat, Tregchia put his genius into full use in light techniques.

With the support of sufficient strength, the light technique developed by Tregear concealed the weakness in combat to the greatest extent.



Another wave of light erupted. The giant figure of Xia Shu was the first to be unable to withstand the impact and burst out from the center of the storm. It penetrated several floating islands and hit the top of a Death Star.


Tregear chuckled with satisfaction.

This is powerful.

If it weren't for the fact that the Blue Clan was too weak, he wouldn't have been selected for the Space Guard and would have had to join the Science Bureau like most of the Blue Clan.

He may not be very good at fighting, but he doesn't think he will lose to anyone in terms of lighting skills.


Tregear looked at Natsuki's fallen Death Star in confusion.

There was a terrifying dark wave at the moment of the battle, which seemed to be much stronger than the power of Grimdor he currently controlled.

Is it an illusion?

Because King Ao was present in Geed Time and Space before, he did not cause trouble. He only paid a little attention and learned the detailed information afterwards.

Of course he was very interested in the "Dark Lucifer". After all, he was the villain who could defeat Belial. However, before he knew much about it, he heard that "Dark Lucifer" was directly killed by Geed, and he immediately lost interest.

The Kingdom of Light seems to be intentionally hiding the news about "Dark Lucifer". There is no direct evidence as to whether "Dark Lucifer" solved Beria, and Tregear doesn't care about it.

In his opinion, the senior Beria was probably killed by King Ao.

Under the influence of various factors, Tregear was only afraid of King Ou and Geed. He knew very little about the "Dark Lucifer" who received the lunch without showing up much, and he did not associate it with Natsuki.

Now his impression of Natsuki still remains in the Uub period.

Even though he is much stronger now, he is still far behind him.


Tregear teleported to the sky above the Death Star with his arms folded, and re-examined Natsuki who seemed to be restraining something in the crater below.

"Isn't it interesting, rejecting your own dark power?"

As if he had discovered something interesting, Tregear spread his arms and continued to attack Natsuki with light.

"Haha, darkness and light are the same, why should you suppress yourself? Maybe darkness is the real you?"

"Bang bang bang!"


Natsuki avoided the frontal impact, condensed the light blade of the Divine Light Sword in her arm, and jumped towards Tregear amidst the impact of the explosion of the crater.

He really couldn't kill Tregear with his light form alone, especially when Tregear tried his best to avoid melee combat. The head-on battle between S+Light Technique and SS-Light Technique was very disadvantageous for him.

But that's not all he has.

He has accumulated a lot of fighting methods along the way, and after receiving the Gauss inheritance from Musashi, he has made up for the last shortcomings in experience.


Taking advantage of Tregear's suppression of fire, Natsuki suddenly activated his telekinesis amidst the explosive flames.

The space solidified briefly, and Tregear's body paused for a moment. Although it only lasted less than 1 second, it was enough for Natsuki to launch an attack.


The sword light expanded hundreds of meters, traveling through space and slashing at Tregear at almost the same moment. Tregear, who was standing calmly in the air a second ago, screamed and was swallowed by the destructive lightning, and the giant body fell uncontrollably. Death Star surface.



As a rumble spread, a large number of cracks began to appear on the Death Star's surface, volcanoes became active, magma spewed, and it officially entered the brink of destruction.

After a while, Tregear rushed out of the volcanic lava angrily. While recovering from the exaggerated blade wound on his abdomen, he searched for Natsuki's aura.

But this time, Natsuki ran away completely, leaving no traces behind, and there was no way to catch him up.

"Hoo ho!"


Tregear clenched his fist angrily, and the fatal beam skill in his hand exploded, completely penetrating and destroying the Death Star beneath his feet.

He had never suffered such a big loss since getting Grimdor.

The reason for doing things secretly is just to be afraid of the unknown Ultra King, and it also takes time for him to absorb Grimdor's power.

After all, he is much smarter than his senior Beria, who has already finished playing.

"You can't escape."

After venting his anger, Tregear regained his composure.

"How could I miss such good material?"


Natsuki released the transformation and landed in a different dimensional space connected between time and space. She vaguely sensed Tregear's message, but didn't pay much attention to it.

Tregear will die sooner or later, so there is no point in getting entangled with such a guy.

As for the material...

The Chaos Demon God in Tregear's body is indeed the strongest material he has ever seen, but he doesn't have the ability and doesn't want to absorb new materials now.

It is said that it is a chaotic life with no distinction between light and darkness, but after the power materializes, it is biased towards darkness no matter how you look at it.

It's probably also dark material for him.

"Darkness and light are the same, why should you suppress yourself? Maybe darkness is the real you?"

Tregear's somewhat bewitching words echoed in Xia Shu's mind again, causing Xia Shu to groan, her face turned slightly pale, and black and red energy flashed in her eyes several times before she regained her composure.

He is not suppressing himself, he just doesn't dare to mobilize the dark power.

To be precise, I am afraid of the dark giant that will control the universe in hyperspace in the future.

As long as the dark power is mobilized, the figure cannot be dispelled...

"Who are you?"

A female researcher with a fresh and energetic appearance in a white coat tentatively walked towards Natsuki.

"One of the giants we just fought?"

The darkness in Xia Shu's eyes converged, and he looked up in confusion at the female researcher with curious and probing eyes: "Human? Why are you here?"

He is probably around 30 or 40 years old, but he looks very lively, mature and has a special vitality.

Just older version of Moe Aizaki?

Natsuki looked away from the female researcher and turned to the bubbles floating around.

There are a large number of time and space image fragments in the bubble. The present, past, future... you can see countless timelines of human life.

The bubble closest to the female researcher shows the life scenes of the two brothers, and next to it there are scenes of two Ultramen fighting.

It seems to be the "Ultraman Rob" after "Ged".

This seems to be connected to Rob's time and space.

"This is the first time we meet, my name is Minato Mio." The woman's eyes were hot and she stretched out her hand towards Natsuki, as if she wanted to thoroughly dissect and study Natsuki. "You are also a legendary Ultra Warrior, right?"

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