Starting human body

Chapter 459 Gaussian Space-time


The virtual planet Kusia collapsed in flames, turning into countless data and dissipating in the blink of an eye.

In the center of the battlefield, Natsuki's breath dropped sharply after his ultimate explosion. The red light flashed at high speed. After one last look back at the solar system and the earth, his figure gradually faded away in the data flow.

He sensed that a Galatron MK had been teleported to Earth in advance.

But it shouldn't be a big problem.

Not only Geed is now on the earth, but Hongkai and Jagula are also there. I believe that Zero will also go to support in time.


Natsuki left here, and a space-time vortex expanded. Zero and the Ultimate Zero Guard rushed into Geed time and space.

"Gilbaris has been destroyed!"

"real or fake?"

"Who is so capable?"

It didn't take long from the time they discovered the traces of the virtual planet Kusia's materialization, which meant that the battle was almost one-sided and ended in a short period of time.


The Fire Warrior feels like he's living in a dream.

They had fought against Gilbaris many times over the years, and they knew how difficult the opponent was. They could virtualize and run away at any time. Later, they were also equipped with powerful armor that neutralized light attacks.

Besides, with so many Galatrons protecting them, it would take a lot of time just to clean up those robots, right?

"All the data has been dissipated, and there are not many traces found," Mirror Knight shook his head, "Could it be Gilbalis himself who had the problem?"

Zero remained silent for a while before speaking out: "No need to look for it, I know who it is."

"who is it?"

The Flame Warriors were surprised.

"Is it that old Mr. Ao Wang?"

"It's Gao Shu," Zero murmured thoughtfully, "That's his fighting style."


Mirror Knight said in surprise.

"Is it Lucifer, who is called the ultimate darkness? How could he take action against Gilbaris?"

The scene of Geed's final battle on Earth appeared in Zero's mind. He wanted to say something but suddenly received a message from his father Severn from the Universe of the Kingdom of Light.

"Sero, the earth is in crisis."

"Not good!" Zero also sensed the situation on Earth, "That guy Gao Shu actually left one for me!!"

Gaussian space-time.

It has been more than ten years since Natsuki first arrived, and the TV plot has also passed smoothly.

Haruno Musashi fulfilled his agreement with Ultraman Gauss, regained his childhood dream and became an excellent astronaut.

On this day, in order to help the monster find a new residence, Musashi took a spaceship to the planet Julan, which was once guarded by Ultraman Gauss.

at the same time.

Natsuki also appears on the planet Julan.

Unlike the imaginary green and living planet, the Zhulan planet that appeared in Xia Shu was completely barren, filled with red sand, and completely turned into a dead planet.

The visibility was very low, and there was a choking smell in the air, which made even Natsuki's cosmic physique feel extremely uncomfortable.

"What's going on with this planet?"

After Xia Shu walked for a while, his expression suddenly changed, and he returned to the light space, covering his chest and abdomen.


Natsuki's body, surrounded by light particles, was different from before. Strum's organs reacted strongly, and there was constant tearing and stinging pain as the red and black light spread.

The battle with Gilbaris is not as easy as it seems.

He won't hold anything back when facing powerful enemies. This is his fighting style.

Either kill him or run away immediately.

This time I won.

But the consequences were that the body was overloaded, the capsule sublimator was destroyed, and Strum's organs were also damaged.

Even the monster planet in the Divine Light Mirror is affected.


Natsuki's palms emitted healing light to calm his injuries, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

In the final analysis, he is not strong enough and can only rely on the powerful dark power with side effects.

The more you rely on darkness, the more powerful it becomes.

He urgently needs to strengthen his power of light so that he will not be swayed by the darkness, and the Strum organ does not seem to be able to help.

It may be a problem with the cultivation process. The ability of the Strum organ to convert dark into light is far weaker than the ability to convert light into dark. It is not easy to maintain balance.

When darkness is converted into light, the power of light is also being eroded by darkness.

Originally, according to his idea, he planned to go to the planet Julan to collect some monsters and continue to improve the consciousness of the monster planet, but the timing of his appearance seemed wrong.

No sooner or later, it happened to happen when Zhu Lan suffered a devastating blow.

Judging from the time point, it should be the period of "Blue Planet", the second theatrical film after Goss TV.

All life forms on the planet Julan were destroyed by the boss-level monster Destroyer Super Beast Sandros.

To be precise, the actual action should be the mass-produced biological weapon Skpis under Sandros. Just now Natsuki felt the presence of a Skpis in Julan.

According to the updated information of "Taiping Fengtu Ji", Sandros is the collective evolution of all life forms of a civilization, similar to Gransfia in the past Dyna space.

Many civilizations in the universe will choose to abandon individual consciousness in the end when they evolve, believing that unified consciousness is more suitable for the survival and evolution of the universe.

Because there will be no disputes within the race, no involution, but all-round outward movement.

But in fact, such civilizations often deviate from their original intentions.

While the consciousness is unified, it also loses various possibilities. The final result is mostly to become a destroyer of the universe and be liquidated, and it will be completely destroyed as soon as it is destroyed, not even a trace of civilization will be left.

This is the case with Sandros in Gaussian time and space. In comparison, Sphia is better. After all, there are still some small Sphias left after Dyna.

In this universe where Dracion exists, Saint Dros is undoubtedly destroying himself.

Xia Shu closed "Taiping Fengtu Ji".

Regarding Dracion's records, there are very few records in "Taiping Fengtu Ji". They only say that he is an omniscient and omnipotent prophet of the Gaussian space-time universe and a defender of the order of the universe.

The information is sparse and vague.

It also means danger.

The level of danger is no less than that of the Lord of the Kingdom of Light, and even higher for him.

Natsuki didn't like this unknown feeling.

If it weren't for the rare opportunity, he wouldn't have intervened in Gaussian space-time at this time.


Ellie reminded.

"There is a spacecraft preparing to enter the planet Julan. Do you want to send a warning?"


Natsuki looked at the projection light screen and sensed the power that was left in the young child's body.

It's Haruno Musashi, the human form of Ultraman Gauss.

During this period, he should have been separated from Gauss and was just an ordinary astronaut.


"Enter the orbit of the planet Julan and enter the atmosphere in 60 seconds..."

The spacecraft's beep sounded in the cabin, but Musashi's attention was completely attracted by the red planet in front of him.

From the perspective of the universe, it seems as if there is a layer of red mist surrounding the entire planet.

"What's going on? Why did Planet Julan become like this?"

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