Starting human body

Chapter 446: Will you become bald if you become stronger?

Shopping Street.

A few months later, the place has returned to prosperity, and there are no traces of the original attack by the monsters.

There are many shops, and there are various mobile vendors selling goods on the street corners.

There have been a few moments of chaos and desertion in the past few days. After Keyeron Starmon was completely eliminated by AIB, its popularity reached its peak again.

During lunch time, many office workers in a hurry buy lunch boxes on the roadside.

"Two servings."

"Thank you for your patronage."

Natsuki passed by and also took a bite of the box lunch.

It's not delicious, but it's not terrible either.

If you don’t want to eat instant noodles, lunch boxes are undoubtedly the best choice for office workers.

The most important thing is that the portions are sufficient, unlike those high-end restaurants that deliberately cut corners under the guise of sophistication.

It seems that the smaller the portion, the more premium it is.

Natsuki walked among the many office workers, her breath calm and not obtrusive at all, as if she was also a member of the office workers, and by the way, she listened to these people chatting in a hurry.

Apart from monsters, there are only trivial matters between colleagues.

Most of the people who come out to buy lunch boxes are newcomers to the workplace. They are not yet married, so they do not have lunch boxes prepared by their lovers.

There was also a bald man who looked unattractive to women and looked like he was oppressed by life.

Such people are either really single all their lives, or they have a mid-life crisis and get divorced.

"Does my brother also work in this building?"

The uncle who was eating without hesitation glanced at Xia Shu and asked.

"You haven't found a girlfriend yet?"

"No," Natsuki smiled peacefully, "Now is not the time."

"Listen to me," said the man who came over. "It's better to start a family early while you're young. Don't be like me. I was quite handsome before I lost my hair."


Natsuki didn't know how to reply.

He is no longer a young man, nor is he a rookie who has just entered society.

Freelance journalist, consultant, teacher, pastry chef... to my current boss, I have rich social experience, but this is the first time I am choked like this.

Although he has been getting stronger, his mode is different from Saitama, so he shouldn't lose his hair, right?


He is a living being of light, why should he worry about his hair?


There was a sudden commotion ahead.

Many newcomers in the workplace either had fiery eyes or were too embarrassed to look away. Even the bald man was stunned.

Natsuki followed everyone's gaze.

Arui Ishigari, who was wearing a small suit, walked straight towards this side. She couldn't be said to be earth-shatteringly beautiful, but she was somewhat stunning among a group of big men.

It's like stepping out of a movie or TV show, and its unique temperament makes people want to watch it more.

"Hello," Ishigari Arii walked up to Natsuki, handed over her business card, and bowed slightly, "I am Ishigari Arii, a freelance documentary writer..."

Natsuki took the business card with twitching eyelids.

He didn't control Ishigari Ariyi, and he didn't expect that this woman would actually come to him.

"I heard that you were an eyewitness to the monster incident, so I wanted to interview you," Ari Ishigari followed closely beside Natsuki and said, "Your experience is really incredible..."

"It's just good luck."

Natsuki just wanted to control Ishigari Arii, but after thinking about it, he still didn't take action.

That's fine.

The more this happens, the less likely Fushii Dek will doubt Ishigari Arii.

Just bear with it.

"Boss Gaoshu?"

When crossing the road, Igauri and his family happened to bump into Natsuki, and their attention was immediately attracted to Ari Ishigari next to Natsuki.

"Who is this……"

Igali was stunned for a while, and then suddenly came back to his senses.

"Boss, this is a date!"


Natsuki was in a subtle mood.

How can anyone date a doppelganger?

"Mr. Renren, are you going fishing?"

Natsuki noticed that Igauri and his family were all dressed up for going outdoors.

I brought a fishing rod and a box specially.

The family is very loving when they walk together.

This is supposed to be a family activity, right?

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I went out with Xiaoyu and Rumina."

Igali held her daughter happily and enjoyed the rare family time.

"We are going fishing on the Huopu coast today. Boss Gaoshu, do you want to come with us?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested in fishing."

Natsuki quietly watched the Igari family leave, suddenly losing interest in experiencing the life of ordinary people. After waving away Arui Ishigari, he returned to the cake shop alone.

He would ask Ishigari Arii to reveal some information to Fushii Dek, such as the fact that he was the AIB manager, including the previous information about the Ampera aliens and the Dark Lukiel capsule.

The purpose is nothing more than to guide him out of the well step by step.

In order to obtain more powerful power, Fushii Dek will not miss the opportunity to strengthen Strum's organs.

And his presence is that "thrust".

If he hadn't taken the initiative to expose him, Izuku Fusui might not even have thought of his identity.

He doesn't need to do much, and hatred will naturally make Izuku Fushii embark on the path of strengthening.


Natsuki monitors Fushii Izuku's every move through Ari Ishigari.

Perhaps because he didn't feel that Ari Ishigari was a threat, Izuku Fushii didn't hide any of his actions, his face was full of confidence, and he looked like he had a chance to win.

He probably thought that getting the Ampera Star and the Dark Luchiel Capsules would give him the ability to turn the tide of the war.

It's almost time to take action...

Natsuki looked at the call from Zena, hung up silently, and replied with a busy message.

As a management officer, he should cooperate and put the water down.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Izuku Fushii to get those two capsules.


Light space.

Suddenly, an explosion interrupted Xia Shu's thoughts.

There seemed to be something wrong with the equipment in the test area. The device originally used to study capsule technology exploded violently, and even the main computer carrying Ellie was almost affected.

Xia Shu rushed to the experimental area immediately and found that there was something wrong with the laptop supercomputer hardware.

Ellie's murky voice sounded: "Consultant... Zizi..."

"It's okay. I'll fix it right away. Help me bring up the computer structure diagram."

Natsuki looked serious.

Although he mainly masters soft technologies, he is also no stranger to hardware.

The virtual technology equipment was built by others.

It's just a computer, repair it according to the structural diagram...


Natsuki followed the repair instructions and dealt with the problematic parts. However, after reassembling the computer, there were still many small screws left outside.

"It's just a few screws. It shouldn't have much impact if you don't install them."

After thinking about it like this, Xia Shu restarted the computer directly.


"Can't you?"

Natsuki stared blankly at the computer screen.

The boot failed at the first step.

The problem seems to be getting worse.

Xia Shu turned around to check the small screws, only to find that there was another component somewhere.

It looks like a capacitor.

"It's okay, just reassemble it."

"Consultant," Ellie said very hesitantly, "Why don't we find other people to help us? AIB definitely has no shortage of scientists..."

"AIB doesn't work."

Natsuki frowned as he looked at the computer that failed to boot again.

AIB will definitely not work. He is not afraid of losing face, but the virtual technology inside cannot be leaked.

Those alien scientists may not be reliable.

The Godhra rebellion is in the past, but who knows if there are other aliens with hidden ambitions.

Virtual technology is no weaker than capsule technology and can easily cause trouble.

Images flashed rapidly in Xia Shu's mind.

I remember that Pejia, who was next to Asakura Lu, was also a repair expert, so I wondered if she could help.

You can try it.

The people on Asakura Riku's side are trustworthy, and Peijia, unlike those scientists, may not necessarily be able to understand the virtual technology associated with this computer.

I decided to fix my teeth.

I haven't done much in the past two months except running to the hospital.

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